package redis

import (




func init() {
	monitors.Register(&monitorMetadata, func() interface{} {
		return &Monitor{
				MonitorCore: subproc.New(),
	}, &Config{})

// ListLength defines a database index and key pattern for sending list lengths
type ListLength struct {
	// The database index.
	DBIndex uint16 `yaml:"databaseIndex" validate:"required"`
	// Can be a globbed pattern (only * is supported), in which case all keys
	// matching that glob will be processed.  The pattern should be placed in
	// single quotes (').  Ex. `'mylist*'`
	KeyPattern string `yaml:"keyPattern" validate:"required"`

// Config is the monitor-specific config with the generic config embedded
type Config struct {
	config.MonitorConfig `yaml:",inline" acceptsEndpoints:"true"`
	python.CommonConfig  `yaml:",inline"`
	pyConf               *python.Config
	Host                 string `yaml:"host" validate:"required"`
	Port                 uint16 `yaml:"port" validate:"required"`
	// The name for the node is a canonical identifier which is used as plugin
	// instance. It is limited to 64 characters in length.  (**default**: "{host}:{port}")
	Name string `yaml:"name"`
	// Password to use for authentication.
	Auth string `yaml:"auth" neverLog:"true"`
	// Specify a pattern of keys to lists for which to send their length as a
	// metric. See below for more details.
	SendListLengths []ListLength `yaml:"sendListLengths"`
	// If `true`, verbose logging from the plugin will be enabled.
	Verbose bool `yaml:"verbose"`

// PythonConfig returns the embedded python.Config struct from the interface
func (c *Config) PythonConfig() *python.Config {
	c.pyConf.CommonConfig = c.CommonConfig
	return c.pyConf

func (c *Config) GetExtraMetrics() []string {
	if len(c.SendListLengths) > 0 {
		return []string{gaugeKeyLlen}
	return nil

func (c *Config) sendListLengthsTuples() [][]interface{} {
	var out [][]interface{}
	for _, ll := range c.SendListLengths {
		out = append(out, []interface{}{ll.DBIndex, ll.KeyPattern})
	return out

// Monitor is the main type that represents the monitor
type Monitor struct {

// Configure configures and runs the plugin in collectd
func (rm *Monitor) Configure(conf *Config) error {

	instanceID := conf.Name
	if conf.Name == "" {
		instanceID = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", conf.Host, conf.Port)

	conf.pyConf = &python.Config{
		MonitorConfig: conf.MonitorConfig,
		Host:          conf.Host,
		Port:          conf.Port,
		ModuleName:    "redis_info",
		ModulePaths:   []string{collectd.MakePythonPluginPath("redis")},
		TypesDBPaths:  []string{collectd.DefaultTypesDBPath()},
		PluginConfig: map[string]interface{}{
			"Host":     conf.Host,
			"Port":     conf.Port,
			"Instance": instanceID,
			"Auth":     conf.Auth,
			"SendListLength": map[string]interface{}{
				"#flatten": true,
				"values":   conf.sendListLengthsTuples(),
			"Verbose":                              conf.Verbose,
			"Redis_uptime_in_seconds":              "gauge",
			"Redis_used_cpu_sys":                   "counter",
			"Redis_used_cpu_user":                  "counter",
			"Redis_used_cpu_sys_children":          "counter",
			"Redis_used_cpu_user_children":         "counter",
			"Redis_uptime_in_days":                 "gauge",
			"Redis_lru_clock":                      "counter",
			"Redis_connected_clients":              "gauge",
			"Redis_client_longest_output_list":     "gauge",
			"Redis_client_biggest_input_buf":       "gauge",
			"Redis_blocked_clients":                "gauge",
			"Redis_expired_keys":                   "counter",
			"Redis_evicted_keys":                   "counter",
			"Redis_rejected_connections":           "counter",
			"Redis_used_memory":                    "bytes",
			"Redis_used_memory_rss":                "bytes",
			"Redis_used_memory_peak":               "bytes",
			"Redis_used_memory_lua":                "bytes",
			"Redis_total_system_memory":            "bytes",
			"Redis_maxmemory":                      "bytes",
			"Redis_mem_fragmentation_ratio":        "gauge",
			"Redis_changes_since_last_save":        "gauge",
			"Redis_instantaneous_ops_per_sec":      "gauge",
			"Redis_rdb_bgsave_in_progress":         "gauge",
			"Redis_total_connections_received":     "counter",
			"Redis_total_commands_processed":       "counter",
			"Redis_total_net_input_bytes":          "counter",
			"Redis_total_net_output_bytes":         "counter",
			"Redis_keyspace_hits":                  "derive",
			"Redis_keyspace_misses":                "derive",
			"Redis_latest_fork_usec":               "gauge",
			"Redis_connected_slaves":               "gauge",
			"Redis_repl_backlog_first_byte_offset": "gauge",
			"Redis_master_repl_offset":             "gauge",
			"Redis_slave_repl_offset":              "gauge",
			"Redis_db0_avg_ttl":                    "gauge",
			"Redis_db0_expires":                    "gauge",
			"Redis_db0_keys":                       "gauge",
			"Redis_rdb_last_save_time":             "gauge",
			"Redis_master_link_down_since_seconds": "gauge",
			"Redis_master_link_status":             "gauge",

	return rm.PyMonitor.Configure(conf)