Unit tests on Gameboard, Scorekeeper, Scoreboard, Timer, ConsoleRenderer, &c.
Use events transcript to replay?
Easter eggs: "hinting" for mine locations on key combo
Autosize squares based on browser display:
// (0.95 * $(window).height() + 66) / this.dimensions // $('.square').css({ height: newDim, width: newDim });
emergency escape and restore - close tab w/o ending game first, saved to LocalStorage, rehydrates on return
replace bespoke mocks with Sinon equivs in tests for Countdown and TranscribingEmitter.
complete serialization/deserialization process
consider use of Fisher-Yates shuffler to distribute mines
'killer mine' flare effect.
separate grunt
tasks, game code from test code (taking too long to bundle!) -
create grunt :dist task to includes minification (but not normal
) -
add visible instructions: click/tap => open, right-click/tap-hold => flag/unflag
^^ display appropriate instructions based on the
- move private methods out of prototype objects -- take advantage of modules' privacy!
- fix broken unit tests on Scoreboard and Countdown