This is an OpenVPN client management system implemented with python2.7, flask and sqlite.
# virtualenv haoliVPNEnv
# source haoliVPNEnv/bin/activate
yum -y install expect
pip2.7 install uwsgi
pip2.7 install flask
pip2.7 install flask-bootstrap flask-script flask-moment pyminizip flask_wtf flask_sqlalchemy sqlalchemy-migrate flask-mail flask-login flask-ldap-login python-ldap
./ //Create Database
./ //Update Database
Put the uwsgi-vpn-admin file into /etc/init.d directory(Linux boot script directory).
And start uwsgi with command '/etc/init.d/uwsgi-vpn-admin start'
/etc/init.d/uwsgi-vpn-admin start|stop|status|restart
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_param UWSGI_PYHOME /path/to/dir/haoliVPNEnv;
uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /path/to/dir;
uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT run:app;
uwsgi_pass unix:/path/to/dir/haoliVPN.sock;
2. LDAP = {........}, Configure URL, BIND_DN/BIND_PASSORD, MAP, etc.
./ start //Generate client key, revoke, synchronization between index.txt and database.
./ stop //stop
The ovpn files contain windows and MacOS platforms, and is placed in the installation/ovpn directory.
chmod +x ./
chmod +x ./
chmod +x ./
Add the following configuration at the end of OpenVPN Server config file:
client-connect /path/to/dir/haoliVPN/
client-disconnect /path/to/dir/haoliVPN/
Intall Fabric
Run the following scripts under the project root directory:
- development env: fab development deploy_to_remote
- production env: fab production deploy_to_remote:tag=vx.x.x
1. Please check the host configuration of the file before running the fab scripts. 2. produnction/development: specifies which environment to deploy tag=vx.x.x: specifies the git tag, the version to deploy
OpenVPN Server Log configuration must be manually configured