diff --git a/.dev_scripts/github/update_model_index.py b/.dev_scripts/github/update_model_index.py
index 9fc1deccca..f287eb6489 100755
--- a/.dev_scripts/github/update_model_index.py
+++ b/.dev_scripts/github/update_model_index.py
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ def parse_config_path(path):
'2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img': '2D Keypoint',
'2d_kpt_sview_rgb_vid': '2D Keypoint',
'3d_kpt_sview_rgb_img': '3D Keypoint',
+ '3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img': '3D Keypoint',
'3d_kpt_sview_rgb_vid': '3D Keypoint',
'3d_mesh_sview_rgb_img': '3D Mesh',
None: None
diff --git a/configs/_base_/datasets/panoptic_body3d.py b/configs/_base_/datasets/panoptic_body3d.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3b19ac462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/_base_/datasets/panoptic_body3d.py
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+dataset_info = dict(
+ dataset_name='panoptic_pose_3d',
+ paper_info=dict(
+ author='Joo, Hanbyul and Simon, Tomas and Li, Xulong'
+ 'and Liu, Hao and Tan, Lei and Gui, Lin and Banerjee, Sean'
+ 'and Godisart, Timothy and Nabbe, Bart and Matthews, Iain'
+ 'and Kanade, Takeo and Nobuhara, Shohei and Sheikh, Yaser',
+ title='Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System '
+ 'for Interaction Motion Capture',
+ container='IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis'
+ ' and Machine Intelligence',
+ year='2017',
+ homepage='http://domedb.perception.cs.cmu.edu',
+ ),
+ keypoint_info={
+ 0:
+ dict(name='neck', id=0, color=[51, 153, 255], type='upper', swap=''),
+ 1:
+ dict(name='nose', id=1, color=[51, 153, 255], type='upper', swap=''),
+ 2:
+ dict(name='mid_hip', id=2, color=[0, 255, 0], type='lower', swap=''),
+ 3:
+ dict(
+ name='left_shoulder',
+ id=3,
+ color=[0, 255, 0],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='right_shoulder'),
+ 4:
+ dict(
+ name='left_elbow',
+ id=4,
+ color=[0, 255, 0],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='right_elbow'),
+ 5:
+ dict(
+ name='left_wrist',
+ id=5,
+ color=[0, 255, 0],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='right_wrist'),
+ 6:
+ dict(
+ name='left_hip',
+ id=6,
+ color=[0, 255, 0],
+ type='lower',
+ swap='right_hip'),
+ 7:
+ dict(
+ name='left_knee',
+ id=7,
+ color=[0, 255, 0],
+ type='lower',
+ swap='right_knee'),
+ 8:
+ dict(
+ name='left_ankle',
+ id=8,
+ color=[0, 255, 0],
+ type='lower',
+ swap='right_ankle'),
+ 9:
+ dict(
+ name='right_shoulder',
+ id=9,
+ color=[255, 128, 0],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='left_shoulder'),
+ 10:
+ dict(
+ name='right_elbow',
+ id=10,
+ color=[255, 128, 0],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='left_elbow'),
+ 11:
+ dict(
+ name='right_wrist',
+ id=11,
+ color=[255, 128, 0],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='left_wrist'),
+ 12:
+ dict(
+ name='right_hip',
+ id=12,
+ color=[255, 128, 0],
+ type='lower',
+ swap='left_hip'),
+ 13:
+ dict(
+ name='right_knee',
+ id=13,
+ color=[255, 128, 0],
+ type='lower',
+ swap='left_knee'),
+ 14:
+ dict(
+ name='right_ankle',
+ id=14,
+ color=[255, 128, 0],
+ type='lower',
+ swap='left_ankle'),
+ 15:
+ dict(
+ name='left_eye',
+ id=15,
+ color=[51, 153, 255],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='right_eye'),
+ 16:
+ dict(
+ name='left_ear',
+ id=16,
+ color=[51, 153, 255],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='right_ear'),
+ 17:
+ dict(
+ name='right_eye',
+ id=17,
+ color=[51, 153, 255],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='left_eye'),
+ 18:
+ dict(
+ name='right_ear',
+ id=18,
+ color=[51, 153, 255],
+ type='upper',
+ swap='left_ear')
+ },
+ skeleton_info={
+ 0: dict(link=('nose', 'neck'), id=0, color=[51, 153, 255]),
+ 1: dict(link=('neck', 'left_shoulder'), id=1, color=[0, 255, 0]),
+ 2: dict(link=('neck', 'right_shoulder'), id=2, color=[255, 128, 0]),
+ 3: dict(link=('left_shoulder', 'left_elbow'), id=3, color=[0, 255, 0]),
+ 4: dict(
+ link=('right_shoulder', 'right_elbow'), id=4, color=[255, 128, 0]),
+ 5: dict(link=('left_elbow', 'left_wrist'), id=5, color=[0, 255, 0]),
+ 6:
+ dict(link=('right_elbow', 'right_wrist'), id=6, color=[255, 128, 0]),
+ 7: dict(link=('left_ankle', 'left_knee'), id=7, color=[0, 255, 0]),
+ 8: dict(link=('left_knee', 'left_hip'), id=8, color=[0, 255, 0]),
+ 9: dict(link=('right_ankle', 'right_knee'), id=9, color=[255, 128, 0]),
+ 10: dict(link=('right_knee', 'right_hip'), id=10, color=[255, 128, 0]),
+ 11: dict(link=('mid_hip', 'left_hip'), id=11, color=[0, 255, 0]),
+ 12: dict(link=('mid_hip', 'right_hip'), id=12, color=[255, 128, 0]),
+ 13: dict(link=('mid_hip', 'neck'), id=13, color=[51, 153, 255]),
+ },
+ joint_weights=[
+ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.0, 1.2,
+ 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
+ ],
+ sigmas=[
+ 0.026, 0.026, 0.107, 0.079, 0.072, 0.062, 0.107, 0.087, 0.089, 0.079,
+ 0.072, 0.062, 0.107, 0.087, 0.089, 0.025, 0.035, 0.025, 0.035
+ ])
diff --git a/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/README.md b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..706a780fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Multi-view 3D Human Body Pose Estimation
+Multi-view 3D human body pose estimation targets at predicting the X, Y, Z coordinates of human body joints from multi-view RGB images.
+For this task, we currently support [VoxelPose](configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose).
+## Data preparation
+Please follow [DATA Preparation](/docs/tasks/3d_body_keypoint.md) to prepare data.
diff --git a/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/README.md b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3160f5b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment
+VoxelPose (ECCV'2020)
+ title={VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment},
+ author={Tu, Hanyue and Wang, Chunyu and Zeng, Wenjun},
+ booktitle={ECCV},
+ year={2020}
+VoxelPose proposes to break down the task of 3d human pose estimation into 2 stages: (1) Human center detection by Cuboid Proposal Network
+(2) Human pose regression by Pose Regression Network.
+The networks in the two stages are all based on 3D convolution. And the input feature volumes are generated by projecting each voxel to
+multi-view images and sampling at the projected location on the 2D heatmaps.
diff --git a/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.md b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a71ad8e6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+VoxelPose (ECCV'2020)
+ title={VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment},
+ author={Tu, Hanyue and Wang, Chunyu and Zeng, Wenjun},
+ booktitle={ECCV},
+ year={2020}
+CMU Panoptic (ICCV'2015)
+@Article = {joo_iccv_2015,
+author = {Hanbyul Joo, Hao Liu, Lei Tan, Lin Gui, Bart Nabbe, Iain Matthews, Takeo Kanade, Shohei Nobuhara, and Yaser Sheikh},
+title = {Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Motion Capture},
+booktitle = {ICCV},
+year = {2015}
+Results on CMU Panoptic dataset.
+| Arch | mAP | mAR | MPJPE | Recall@500mm| ckpt | log |
+| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| [prn64_cpn80_res50](/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.py) | 97.31 | 97.99 | 17.57| 99.85| [ckpt](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/body3d/voxelpose/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5-545c150e_20211103.pth) | [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/body3d/voxelpose/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5_20211103.log.json) |
diff --git a/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.py b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a444a0da1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.py
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+_base_ = ['../../../../_base_/datasets/panoptic_body3d.py']
+log_level = 'INFO'
+load_from = None
+resume_from = None
+dist_params = dict(backend='nccl')
+workflow = [('train', 1)]
+checkpoint_config = dict(interval=1)
+evaluation = dict(interval=1, metric='mAP', save_best='mAP')
+optimizer = dict(
+ type='Adam',
+ lr=0.0001,
+optimizer_config = dict(grad_clip=None)
+# learning policy
+lr_config = dict(
+ policy='step',
+ warmup='linear',
+ warmup_iters=500,
+ warmup_ratio=0.001,
+ step=[8, 9])
+total_epochs = 15
+log_config = dict(
+ interval=50, hooks=[
+ dict(type='TextLoggerHook'),
+ ])
+space_size = [8000, 8000, 2000]
+space_center = [0, -500, 800]
+cube_size = [80, 80, 20]
+sub_space_size = [2000, 2000, 2000]
+sub_cube_size = [64, 64, 64]
+image_size = [960, 512]
+heatmap_size = [240, 128]
+num_joints = 15
+train_data_cfg = dict(
+ image_size=image_size,
+ heatmap_size=[heatmap_size],
+ num_joints=num_joints,
+ seq_list=[
+ '160422_ultimatum1', '160224_haggling1', '160226_haggling1',
+ '161202_haggling1', '160906_ian1', '160906_ian2', '160906_ian3',
+ '160906_band1', '160906_band2'
+ ],
+ cam_list=[(0, 12), (0, 6), (0, 23), (0, 13), (0, 3)],
+ num_cameras=5,
+ seq_frame_interval=3,
+ subset='train',
+ root_id=2,
+ max_num=10,
+ space_size=space_size,
+ space_center=space_center,
+ cube_size=cube_size,
+test_data_cfg = train_data_cfg.copy()
+ dict(
+ seq_list=[
+ '160906_pizza1',
+ '160422_haggling1',
+ '160906_ian5',
+ '160906_band4',
+ ],
+ seq_frame_interval=12,
+ subset='validation'))
+# model settings
+detector_2d = dict(
+ type='AssociativeEmbedding',
+ pretrained=None,
+ backbone=dict(type='ResNet', depth=50),
+ keypoint_head=dict(
+ type='DeconvHead',
+ in_channels=2048,
+ out_channels=num_joints,
+ num_deconv_layers=3,
+ num_deconv_filters=(256, 256, 256),
+ num_deconv_kernels=(4, 4, 4),
+ loss_keypoint=dict(
+ type='MultiLossFactory',
+ num_joints=15,
+ num_stages=1,
+ ae_loss_type='exp',
+ with_ae_loss=[False],
+ push_loss_factor=[0.001],
+ pull_loss_factor=[0.001],
+ with_heatmaps_loss=[True],
+ heatmaps_loss_factor=[1.0],
+ )),
+ train_cfg=dict(),
+ test_cfg=dict(
+ num_joints=num_joints,
+ nms_kernel=None,
+ nms_padding=None,
+ tag_per_joint=None,
+ max_num_people=None,
+ detection_threshold=None,
+ tag_threshold=None,
+ use_detection_val=None,
+ ignore_too_much=None,
+ ))
+model = dict(
+ type='VoxelPose',
+ detector_2d=detector_2d,
+ pretrained='checkpoints/resnet_50_deconv.pth.tar',
+ space_3d=dict(
+ space_size=space_size,
+ space_center=space_center,
+ cube_size=cube_size,
+ sub_space_size=sub_space_size,
+ sub_cube_size=sub_cube_size),
+ project_layer=dict(image_size=image_size, heatmap_size=heatmap_size),
+ center_net=dict(
+ type='V2VNet', input_channels=num_joints, output_channels=1),
+ center_head=dict(
+ type='CuboidCenterHead',
+ cfg=dict(
+ space_size=space_size,
+ space_center=space_center,
+ cube_size=cube_size,
+ max_num=10,
+ max_pool_kernel=3)),
+ pose_net=dict(
+ type='V2VNet', input_channels=num_joints, output_channels=num_joints),
+ pose_head=dict(type='CuboidPoseHead', beta=100.0),
+ train_cfg=dict(dist_threshold=500.0),
+ test_cfg=dict(center_threshold=0.3))
+train_pipeline = [
+ dict(
+ type='MultiItemProcess',
+ pipeline=[
+ dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'),
+ dict(
+ type='BottomUpRandomAffine',
+ rot_factor=0,
+ scale_factor=[1.0, 1.0],
+ scale_type='long',
+ trans_factor=0),
+ dict(type='ToTensor'),
+ dict(
+ type='NormalizeTensor',
+ mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
+ std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
+ ]),
+ dict(
+ type='DiscardDuplicatedItems',
+ keys_list=[
+ 'joints_3d', 'joints_3d_visible', 'ann_info', 'roots_3d',
+ 'num_persons', 'sample_id'
+ ]),
+ dict(type='GenerateVoxel3DHeatmapTarget', sigma=200.0, joint_indices=[2]),
+ dict(
+ type='Collect',
+ keys=['img', 'targets_3d'],
+ meta_keys=[
+ 'num_persons', 'joints_3d', 'camera', 'center', 'scale',
+ 'joints_3d_visible', 'roots_3d'
+ ]),
+val_pipeline = [
+ dict(
+ type='MultiItemProcess',
+ pipeline=[
+ dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'),
+ dict(
+ type='BottomUpRandomAffine',
+ rot_factor=0,
+ scale_factor=[1.0, 1.0],
+ scale_type='long',
+ trans_factor=0),
+ dict(type='ToTensor'),
+ dict(
+ type='NormalizeTensor',
+ mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
+ std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
+ ]),
+ dict(
+ type='DiscardDuplicatedItems',
+ keys_list=[
+ 'joints_3d', 'joints_3d_visible', 'ann_info', 'roots_3d',
+ 'num_persons', 'sample_id'
+ ]),
+ dict(
+ type='Collect',
+ keys=['img'],
+ meta_keys=['sample_id', 'camera', 'center', 'scale']),
+test_pipeline = val_pipeline
+data_root = 'data/panoptic/'
+data = dict(
+ samples_per_gpu=1,
+ workers_per_gpu=4,
+ val_dataloader=dict(samples_per_gpu=2),
+ test_dataloader=dict(samples_per_gpu=2),
+ train=dict(
+ type='Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset',
+ ann_file=None,
+ img_prefix=data_root,
+ data_cfg=train_data_cfg,
+ pipeline=train_pipeline,
+ dataset_info={{_base_.dataset_info}}),
+ val=dict(
+ type='Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset',
+ ann_file=None,
+ img_prefix=data_root,
+ data_cfg=test_data_cfg,
+ pipeline=val_pipeline,
+ dataset_info={{_base_.dataset_info}}),
+ test=dict(
+ type='Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset',
+ ann_file=None,
+ img_prefix=data_root,
+ data_cfg=test_data_cfg,
+ pipeline=test_pipeline,
+ dataset_info={{_base_.dataset_info}}),
diff --git a/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.yml b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..078ffa1edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+- Name: VoxelPose
+ Paper:
+ Title: 'VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment'
+ URL: https://www.ecva.net/papers/eccv_2020/papers_ECCV/papers/123460188.pdf
+- Config: configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.py
+ In Collection: VoxelPose
+ Metadata:
+ Architecture:
+ - VoxelPose
+ Training Data: CMU Panoptic
+ Name: voxelpose_voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5
+ README: configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.md
+ Results:
+ - Dataset: CMU Panoptic
+ Metrics:
+ MPJPE: 17.57
+ mAP: 97.31
+ mAR: 97.99
+ Task: Body 3D Keypoint
+ Weights: https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/body3d/voxelpose/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5-545c150e_20211103.pth
diff --git a/docs/en/tasks/3d_body_keypoint.md b/docs/en/tasks/3d_body_keypoint.md
index 4c9b2dd012..c5ca2a1dba 100644
--- a/docs/en/tasks/3d_body_keypoint.md
+++ b/docs/en/tasks/3d_body_keypoint.md
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ If your folder structure is different, you may need to change the corresponding
MMPose supported datasets:
- [Human3.6M](#human36m) \[ [Homepage](http://vision.imar.ro/human3.6m/description.php) \]
+- [CMU Panoptic](#cmu-panoptic) \[ [Homepage](http://domedb.perception.cs.cmu.edu/) \]
## Human3.6M
@@ -73,3 +74,47 @@ mmpose
Please note that Human3.6M dataset is also used in the [3D_body_mesh](/docs/en/tasks/3d_body_mesh.md) task, where different schemes for data preprocessing and organizing are adopted.
+## CMU Panoptic
+CMU Panoptic (ICCV'2015)
+@Article = {joo_iccv_2015,
+author = {Hanbyul Joo, Hao Liu, Lei Tan, Lin Gui, Bart Nabbe, Iain Matthews, Takeo Kanade, Shohei Nobuhara, and Yaser Sheikh},
+title = {Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Motion Capture},
+booktitle = {ICCV},
+year = {2015}
+Please follow [voxelpose-pytorch](https://github.com/microsoft/voxelpose-pytorch) to prepare this dataset.
+1. Download the dataset by following the instructions in [panoptic-toolbox](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/panoptic-toolbox) and extract them under `$MMPOSE/data/panoptic`.
+2. Only download those sequences that are needed. You can also just download a subset of camera views by specifying the number of views (HD_Video_Number) and changing the camera order in `./scripts/getData.sh`. The used sequences and camera views can be found in [VoxelPose](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.06239). Note that the sequence "160906_band3" might not be available due to errors on the server of CMU Panoptic.
+3. Note that we only use HD videos, calibration data, and 3D Body Keypoint in the codes. You can comment out other irrelevant codes such as downloading 3D Face data in `./scripts/getData.sh`.
+The directory tree should be like this:
+├── mmpose
+├── docs
+├── tests
+├── tools
+├── configs
+`── data
+ ├── panoptic
+ ├── 16060224_haggling1
+ | | ├── hdImgs
+ | | ├── hdvideos
+ | | ├── hdPose3d_stage1_coco19
+ | | ├── calibration_160224_haggling1.json
+ ├── 160226_haggling1
+ ├── ...
diff --git a/docs/papers/algorithms/voxelpose.md b/docs/papers/algorithms/voxelpose.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffec692867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/papers/algorithms/voxelpose.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment
+VoxelPose (ECCV'2020)
+ title={VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment},
+ author={Tu, Hanyue and Wang, Chunyu and Zeng, Wenjun},
+ booktitle={ECCV},
+ year={2020}
diff --git a/docs/papers/datasets/panoptic_body3d.md b/docs/papers/datasets/panoptic_body3d.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7f45c8beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/papers/datasets/panoptic_body3d.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Motion Capture
+CMU Panoptic (ICCV'2015)
+@Article = {joo_iccv_2015,
+author = {Hanbyul Joo, Hao Liu, Lei Tan, Lin Gui, Bart Nabbe, Iain Matthews, Takeo Kanade, Shohei Nobuhara, and Yaser Sheikh},
+title = {Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Motion Capture},
+booktitle = {ICCV},
+year = {2015}
diff --git a/mmpose/core/camera/__init__.py b/mmpose/core/camera/__init__.py
index 05d05bbb6b..a4a3c55265 100644
--- a/mmpose/core/camera/__init__.py
+++ b/mmpose/core/camera/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from .camera_base import CAMERAS
from .single_camera import SimpleCamera
+from .single_camera_torch import SimpleCameraTorch
-__all__ = ['CAMERAS', 'SimpleCamera']
+__all__ = ['CAMERAS', 'SimpleCamera', 'SimpleCameraTorch']
diff --git a/mmpose/core/camera/single_camera_torch.py b/mmpose/core/camera/single_camera_torch.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22eb72f23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mmpose/core/camera/single_camera_torch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
+import torch
+from .camera_base import CAMERAS, SingleCameraBase
+class SimpleCameraTorch(SingleCameraBase):
+ """Camera model to calculate coordinate transformation with given
+ intrinsic/extrinsic camera parameters.
+ Notes:
+ The keypoint coordinate should be an np.ndarray with a shape of
+ [...,J, C] where J is the keypoint number of an instance, and C is
+ the coordinate dimension. For example:
+ [J, C]: shape of joint coordinates of a person with J joints.
+ [N, J, C]: shape of a batch of person joint coordinates.
+ [N, T, J, C]: shape of a batch of pose sequences.
+ Args:
+ param (dict): camera parameters including:
+ - R: 3x3, camera rotation matrix (camera-to-world)
+ - T: 3x1, camera translation (camera-to-world)
+ - K: (optional) 2x3, camera intrinsic matrix
+ - k: (optional) nx1, camera radial distortion coefficients
+ - p: (optional) mx1, camera tangential distortion coefficients
+ - f: (optional) 2x1, camera focal length
+ - c: (optional) 2x1, camera center
+ if K is not provided, it will be calculated from f and c.
+ Methods:
+ world_to_camera: Project points from world coordinates to camera
+ coordinates
+ camera_to_pixel: Project points from camera coordinates to pixel
+ coordinates
+ world_to_pixel: Project points from world coordinates to pixel
+ coordinates
+ """
+ def __init__(self, param, device):
+ self.param = {}
+ # extrinsic param
+ R = torch.tensor(param['R'], device=device)
+ T = torch.tensor(param['T'], device=device)
+ assert R.shape == (3, 3)
+ assert T.shape == (3, 1)
+ # The camera matrices are transposed in advance because the joint
+ # coordinates are stored as row vectors.
+ self.param['R_c2w'] = R.T
+ self.param['T_c2w'] = T.T
+ self.param['R_w2c'] = R
+ self.param['T_w2c'] = -self.param['T_c2w'] @ self.param['R_w2c']
+ # intrinsic param
+ if 'K' in param:
+ K = torch.tensor(param['K'], device=device)
+ assert K.shape == (2, 3)
+ self.param['K'] = K.T
+ self.param['f'] = torch.tensor([[K[0, 0]], [K[1, 1]]],
+ device=device)
+ self.param['c'] = torch.tensor([[K[0, 2]], [K[1, 2]]],
+ device=device)
+ elif 'f' in param and 'c' in param:
+ f = torch.tensor(param['f'], device=device)
+ c = torch.tensor(param['c'], device=device)
+ assert f.shape == (2, 1)
+ assert c.shape == (2, 1)
+ self.param['K'] = torch.cat([torch.diagflat(f), c], dim=-1).T
+ self.param['f'] = f
+ self.param['c'] = c
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Camera intrinsic parameters are missing. '
+ 'Either "K" or "f"&"c" should be provided.')
+ # distortion param
+ if 'k' in param and 'p' in param:
+ self.undistortion = True
+ self.param['k'] = torch.tensor(param['k'], device=device).view(-1)
+ self.param['p'] = torch.tensor(param['p'], device=device).view(-1)
+ assert len(self.param['k']) in {3, 6}
+ assert len(self.param['p']) == 2
+ else:
+ self.undistortion = False
+ def world_to_camera(self, X):
+ assert isinstance(X, torch.Tensor)
+ assert X.ndim >= 2 and X.shape[-1] == 3
+ return X @ self.param['R_w2c'] + self.param['T_w2c']
+ def camera_to_world(self, X):
+ assert isinstance(X, torch.Tensor)
+ assert X.ndim >= 2 and X.shape[-1] == 3
+ return X @ self.param['R_c2w'] + self.param['T_c2w']
+ def camera_to_pixel(self, X):
+ assert isinstance(X, torch.Tensor)
+ assert X.ndim >= 2 and X.shape[-1] == 3
+ _X = X / X[..., 2:]
+ if self.undistortion:
+ k = self.param['k']
+ p = self.param['p']
+ _X_2d = _X[..., :2]
+ r2 = (_X_2d**2).sum(-1)
+ radial = 1 + sum(ki * r2**(i + 1) for i, ki in enumerate(k[:3]))
+ if k.size == 6:
+ radial /= 1 + sum(
+ (ki * r2**(i + 1) for i, ki in enumerate(k[3:])))
+ tangential = 2 * (p[1] * _X[..., 0] + p[0] * _X[..., 1])
+ _X[..., :2] = _X_2d * (radial + tangential)[..., None] + torch.ger(
+ r2, p.flip([0])).reshape(_X_2d.shape)
+ return _X @ self.param['K']
diff --git a/mmpose/core/post_processing/post_transforms.py b/mmpose/core/post_processing/post_transforms.py
index ad1cff9106..3d3243fc08 100644
--- a/mmpose/core/post_processing/post_transforms.py
+++ b/mmpose/core/post_processing/post_transforms.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import cv2
import numpy as np
+import torch
def fliplr_joints(joints_3d, joints_3d_visible, img_width, flip_pairs):
@@ -355,3 +356,10 @@ def warp_affine_joints(joints, mat):
return np.dot(
np.concatenate((joints, joints[:, 0:1] * 0 + 1), axis=1),
+def affine_transform_torch(pts, t):
+ npts = pts.shape[0]
+ pts_homo = torch.cat([pts, torch.ones(npts, 1, device=pts.device)], dim=1)
+ out = torch.mm(t, torch.t(pts_homo))
+ return torch.t(out[:2, :])
diff --git a/mmpose/datasets/datasets/__init__.py b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/__init__.py
index 151c72a994..f3839e5eaa 100644
--- a/mmpose/datasets/datasets/__init__.py
+++ b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/__init__.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from .animal import (AnimalATRWDataset, AnimalFlyDataset, AnimalHorse10Dataset,
AnimalLocustDataset, AnimalMacaqueDataset,
AnimalPoseDataset, AnimalZebraDataset)
-from .body3d import Body3DH36MDataset
+from .body3d import Body3DH36MDataset, Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset
from .bottom_up import (BottomUpAicDataset, BottomUpCocoDataset,
BottomUpCocoWholeBodyDataset, BottomUpCrowdPoseDataset,
@@ -40,5 +40,6 @@
'Body3DH36MDataset', 'AnimalHorse10Dataset', 'AnimalMacaqueDataset',
'AnimalFlyDataset', 'AnimalLocustDataset', 'AnimalZebraDataset',
'AnimalATRWDataset', 'AnimalPoseDataset', 'TopDownH36MDataset',
- 'TopDownHalpeDataset', 'TopDownPoseTrack18VideoDataset'
+ 'TopDownHalpeDataset', 'TopDownPoseTrack18VideoDataset',
+ 'Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset'
diff --git a/mmpose/datasets/datasets/base/__init__.py b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/base/__init__.py
index 9bce08aa8a..e5f9a0899c 100644
--- a/mmpose/datasets/datasets/base/__init__.py
+++ b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/base/__init__.py
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
from .kpt_2d_sview_rgb_vid_top_down_dataset import \
+from .kpt_3d_mview_rgb_img_direct_dataset import Kpt3dMviewRgbImgDirectDataset
from .kpt_3d_sview_kpt_2d_dataset import Kpt3dSviewKpt2dDataset
from .kpt_3d_sview_rgb_img_top_down_dataset import \
__all__ = [
- 'Kpt2dSviewRgbImgTopDownDataset', 'Kpt3dSviewRgbImgTopDownDataset',
- 'Kpt2dSviewRgbImgBottomUpDataset', 'Kpt3dSviewKpt2dDataset',
- 'Kpt2dSviewRgbVidTopDownDataset'
+ 'Kpt3dMviewRgbImgDirectDataset', 'Kpt2dSviewRgbImgTopDownDataset',
+ 'Kpt3dSviewRgbImgTopDownDataset', 'Kpt2dSviewRgbImgBottomUpDataset',
+ 'Kpt3dSviewKpt2dDataset', 'Kpt2dSviewRgbVidTopDownDataset'
diff --git a/mmpose/datasets/datasets/base/kpt_3d_mview_rgb_img_direct_dataset.py b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/base/kpt_3d_mview_rgb_img_direct_dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42ac84be0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/base/kpt_3d_mview_rgb_img_direct_dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
+import copy
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+import json_tricks as json
+import numpy as np
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+from mmpose.datasets import DatasetInfo
+from mmpose.datasets.pipelines import Compose
+class Kpt3dMviewRgbImgDirectDataset(Dataset, metaclass=ABCMeta):
+ """Base class for keypoint 3D top-down pose estimation with multi-view RGB
+ images as the input.
+ All subclasses should overwrite:
+ Methods:`_get_db`, 'evaluate'
+ Args:
+ ann_file (str): Path to the annotation file.
+ img_prefix (str): Path to a directory where images are held.
+ Default: None.
+ data_cfg (dict): config
+ pipeline (list[dict | callable]): A sequence of data transforms.
+ dataset_info (DatasetInfo): A class containing all dataset info.
+ test_mode (bool): Store True when building test or
+ validation dataset. Default: False.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ ann_file,
+ img_prefix,
+ data_cfg,
+ pipeline,
+ dataset_info=None,
+ test_mode=False):
+ self.image_info = {}
+ self.ann_info = {}
+ self.ann_file = ann_file
+ self.img_prefix = img_prefix
+ self.pipeline = pipeline
+ self.test_mode = test_mode
+ self.ann_info['image_size'] = np.array(data_cfg['image_size'])
+ self.ann_info['heatmap_size'] = np.array(data_cfg['heatmap_size'])
+ self.ann_info['num_joints'] = data_cfg['num_joints']
+ self.ann_info['space_size'] = data_cfg['space_size']
+ self.ann_info['space_center'] = data_cfg['space_center']
+ self.ann_info['cube_size'] = data_cfg['cube_size']
+ self.ann_info['scale_aware_sigma'] = data_cfg.get(
+ 'scale_aware_sigma', False)
+ if dataset_info is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Check https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose/pull/663 '
+ 'for details.')
+ dataset_info = DatasetInfo(dataset_info)
+ assert self.ann_info['num_joints'] <= dataset_info.keypoint_num
+ self.ann_info['flip_pairs'] = dataset_info.flip_pairs
+ self.ann_info['num_scales'] = 1
+ self.ann_info['flip_index'] = dataset_info.flip_index
+ self.ann_info['upper_body_ids'] = dataset_info.upper_body_ids
+ self.ann_info['lower_body_ids'] = dataset_info.lower_body_ids
+ self.ann_info['joint_weights'] = dataset_info.joint_weights
+ self.ann_info['skeleton'] = dataset_info.skeleton
+ self.sigmas = dataset_info.sigmas
+ self.dataset_name = dataset_info.dataset_name
+ self.load_config(data_cfg)
+ self.db = []
+ self.pipeline = Compose(self.pipeline)
+ def load_config(self, data_cfg):
+ """Initialize dataset attributes according to the config.
+ Override this method to set dataset specific attributes.
+ """
+ self.num_joints = data_cfg['num_joints']
+ self.num_cameras = data_cfg['num_cameras']
+ self.seq_frame_interval = data_cfg.get('seq_frame_interval', 1)
+ self.subset = data_cfg.get('subset', 'train')
+ self.need_2d_label = data_cfg.get('need_2d_label', False)
+ self.need_camera_param = True
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_mapping_id_name(imgs):
+ """
+ Args:
+ imgs (dict): dict of image info.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: Image name & id mapping dicts.
+ - id2name (dict): Mapping image id to name.
+ - name2id (dict): Mapping image name to id.
+ """
+ id2name = {}
+ name2id = {}
+ for image_id, image in imgs.items():
+ file_name = image['file_name']
+ id2name[image_id] = file_name
+ name2id[file_name] = image_id
+ return id2name, name2id
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _get_db(self):
+ """Load dataset."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @abstractmethod
+ def evaluate(self, cfg, outputs, res_folder, metric, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Evaluate keypoint results."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @staticmethod
+ def _write_keypoint_results(keypoints, res_file):
+ """Write results into a json file."""
+ with open(res_file, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(keypoints, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+ def __len__(self):
+ """Get the size of the dataset."""
+ return len(self.db) // self.num_cameras
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ """Get the sample given index."""
+ results = {}
+ # return self.pipeline(results)
+ for c in range(self.num_cameras):
+ result = copy.deepcopy(self.db[self.num_cameras * idx + c])
+ result['ann_info'] = self.ann_info
+ results[c] = result
+ return self.pipeline(results)
diff --git a/mmpose/datasets/datasets/body3d/__init__.py b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/body3d/__init__.py
index cdb74ae4e4..5bc25a9ebb 100644
--- a/mmpose/datasets/datasets/body3d/__init__.py
+++ b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/body3d/__init__.py
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from .body3d_h36m_dataset import Body3DH36MDataset
from .body3d_mpi_inf_3dhp_dataset import Body3DMpiInf3dhpDataset
+from .body3d_mview_direct_panoptic_dataset import \
+ Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset
from .body3d_semi_supervision_dataset import Body3DSemiSupervisionDataset
__all__ = [
'Body3DH36MDataset', 'Body3DSemiSupervisionDataset',
- 'Body3DMpiInf3dhpDataset'
+ 'Body3DMpiInf3dhpDataset', 'Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset'
diff --git a/mmpose/datasets/datasets/body3d/body3d_mview_direct_panoptic_dataset.py b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/body3d/body3d_mview_direct_panoptic_dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dcca6169d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mmpose/datasets/datasets/body3d/body3d_mview_direct_panoptic_dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
+import copy
+import glob
+import json
+import os
+import os.path as osp
+import pickle
+import warnings
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import mmcv
+import numpy as np
+from mmcv import Config
+from mmpose.core.camera import SimpleCamera
+from mmpose.datasets.builder import DATASETS
+from mmpose.datasets.datasets.base import Kpt3dMviewRgbImgDirectDataset
+class Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset(Kpt3dMviewRgbImgDirectDataset):
+ """Panoptic dataset for direct multi-view human pose estimation.
+ `Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Motion
+ Capture' ICCV'2015
+ More details can be found in the `paper
+ `__ .
+ The dataset loads both 2D and 3D annotations as well as camera parameters.
+ Panoptic keypoint indexes::
+ 'neck': 0,
+ 'nose': 1,
+ 'mid-hip': 2,
+ 'l-shoulder': 3,
+ 'l-elbow': 4,
+ 'l-wrist': 5,
+ 'l-hip': 6,
+ 'l-knee': 7,
+ 'l-ankle': 8,
+ 'r-shoulder': 9,
+ 'r-elbow': 10,
+ 'r-wrist': 11,
+ 'r-hip': 12,
+ 'r-knee': 13,
+ 'r-ankle': 14,
+ 'l-eye': 15,
+ 'l-ear': 16,
+ 'r-eye': 17,
+ 'r-ear': 18,
+ Args:
+ ann_file (str): Path to the annotation file.
+ img_prefix (str): Path to a directory where images are held.
+ Default: None.
+ data_cfg (dict): config
+ pipeline (list[dict | callable]): A sequence of data transforms.
+ dataset_info (DatasetInfo): A class containing all dataset info.
+ test_mode (bool): Store True when building test or
+ validation dataset. Default: False.
+ """
+ ALLOWED_METRICS = {'mpjpe', 'mAP'}
+ def __init__(self,
+ ann_file,
+ img_prefix,
+ data_cfg,
+ pipeline,
+ dataset_info=None,
+ test_mode=False):
+ if dataset_info is None:
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'dataset_info is missing. '
+ 'Check https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose/pull/663 '
+ 'for details.', DeprecationWarning)
+ cfg = Config.fromfile('configs/_base_/datasets/panoptic_body3d.py')
+ dataset_info = cfg._cfg_dict['dataset_info']
+ super().__init__(
+ ann_file,
+ img_prefix,
+ data_cfg,
+ pipeline,
+ dataset_info=dataset_info,
+ test_mode=test_mode)
+ self.load_config(data_cfg)
+ self.ann_info['use_different_joint_weights'] = False
+ if ann_file is None:
+ self.db_file = os.path.join(
+ img_prefix, f'group_{self.subset}_cam{self.num_cameras}.pkl')
+ else:
+ self.db_file = ann_file
+ if osp.exists(self.db_file):
+ with open(self.db_file, 'rb') as f:
+ info = pickle.load(f)
+ assert info['sequence_list'] == self.seq_list
+ assert info['interval'] == self.seq_frame_interval
+ assert info['cam_list'] == self.cam_list
+ self.db = info['db']
+ else:
+ self.db = self._get_db()
+ info = {
+ 'sequence_list': self.seq_list,
+ 'interval': self.seq_frame_interval,
+ 'cam_list': self.cam_list,
+ 'db': self.db
+ }
+ with open(self.db_file, 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(info, f)
+ self.db_size = len(self.db)
+ print(f'=> load {len(self.db)} samples')
+ def load_config(self, data_cfg):
+ """Initialize dataset attributes according to the config.
+ Override this method to set dataset specific attributes.
+ """
+ self.num_joints = data_cfg['num_joints']
+ assert self.num_joints <= 19
+ self.seq_list = data_cfg['seq_list']
+ self.cam_list = data_cfg['cam_list']
+ self.num_cameras = data_cfg['num_cameras']
+ assert self.num_cameras == len(self.cam_list)
+ self.seq_frame_interval = data_cfg.get('seq_frame_interval', 1)
+ self.subset = data_cfg.get('subset', 'train')
+ self.need_camera_param = True
+ self.root_id = data_cfg.get('root_id', 0)
+ self.max_persons = data_cfg.get('max_num', 10)
+ def _get_scale(self, raw_image_size):
+ heatmap_size = self.ann_info['heatmap_size']
+ image_size = self.ann_info['image_size']
+ assert heatmap_size[0][0] / heatmap_size[0][1] \
+ == image_size[0] / image_size[1]
+ w, h = raw_image_size
+ w_resized, h_resized = image_size
+ if w / w_resized < h / h_resized:
+ w_pad = h / h_resized * w_resized
+ h_pad = h
+ else:
+ w_pad = w
+ h_pad = w / w_resized * h_resized
+ scale = np.array([w_pad, h_pad], dtype=np.float32)
+ return scale
+ def _get_cam(self, seq):
+ """Get camera parameters.
+ Args:
+ seq (str): Sequence name.
+ Returns: Camera parameters.
+ """
+ cam_file = osp.join(self.img_prefix, seq,
+ 'calibration_{:s}.json'.format(seq))
+ with open(cam_file) as cfile:
+ calib = json.load(cfile)
+ M = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
+ cameras = {}
+ for cam in calib['cameras']:
+ if (cam['panel'], cam['node']) in self.cam_list:
+ sel_cam = {}
+ R_w2c = np.array(cam['R']).dot(M)
+ T_w2c = np.array(cam['t']).reshape((3, 1)) * 10.0 # cm to mm
+ R_c2w = R_w2c.T
+ T_c2w = -R_w2c.T @ T_w2c
+ sel_cam['R'] = R_c2w.tolist()
+ sel_cam['T'] = T_c2w.tolist()
+ sel_cam['K'] = cam['K'][:2]
+ distCoef = cam['distCoef']
+ sel_cam['k'] = [distCoef[0], distCoef[1], distCoef[4]]
+ sel_cam['p'] = [distCoef[2], distCoef[3]]
+ cameras[(cam['panel'], cam['node'])] = sel_cam
+ return cameras
+ def _get_db(self):
+ """Get dataset base.
+ Returns:
+ dict: the dataset base (2D and 3D information)
+ """
+ width = 1920
+ height = 1080
+ db = []
+ sample_id = 0
+ for seq in self.seq_list:
+ cameras = self._get_cam(seq)
+ curr_anno = osp.join(self.img_prefix, seq,
+ 'hdPose3d_stage1_coco19')
+ anno_files = sorted(glob.iglob('{:s}/*.json'.format(curr_anno)))
+ print(f'load sequence: {seq}', flush=True)
+ for i, file in enumerate(anno_files):
+ if i % self.seq_frame_interval == 0:
+ with open(file) as dfile:
+ bodies = json.load(dfile)['bodies']
+ if len(bodies) == 0:
+ continue
+ for k, cam_param in cameras.items():
+ single_view_camera = SimpleCamera(cam_param)
+ postfix = osp.basename(file).replace('body3DScene', '')
+ prefix = '{:02d}_{:02d}'.format(k[0], k[1])
+ image_file = osp.join(seq, 'hdImgs', prefix,
+ prefix + postfix)
+ image_file = image_file.replace('json', 'jpg')
+ all_poses_3d = np.zeros(
+ (self.max_persons, self.num_joints, 3),
+ dtype=np.float32)
+ all_poses_vis_3d = np.zeros(
+ (self.max_persons, self.num_joints, 3),
+ dtype=np.float32)
+ all_roots_3d = np.zeros((self.max_persons, 3),
+ dtype=np.float32)
+ all_poses = np.zeros(
+ (self.max_persons, self.num_joints, 3),
+ dtype=np.float32)
+ cnt = 0
+ person_ids = -np.ones(self.max_persons, dtype=np.int)
+ for body in bodies:
+ if cnt >= self.max_persons:
+ break
+ pose3d = np.array(body['joints19']).reshape(
+ (-1, 4))
+ pose3d = pose3d[:self.num_joints]
+ joints_vis = pose3d[:, -1] > 0.1
+ if not joints_vis[self.root_id]:
+ continue
+ # Coordinate transformation
+ M = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0],
+ [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
+ pose3d[:, 0:3] = pose3d[:, 0:3].dot(M) * 10.0
+ all_poses_3d[cnt] = pose3d[:, :3]
+ all_roots_3d[cnt] = pose3d[self.root_id, :3]
+ all_poses_vis_3d[cnt] = np.repeat(
+ np.reshape(joints_vis, (-1, 1)), 3, axis=1)
+ pose2d = np.zeros((pose3d.shape[0], 3))
+ # get pose_2d from pose_3d
+ pose2d[:, :2] = single_view_camera.world_to_pixel(
+ pose3d[:, :3])
+ x_check = np.bitwise_and(pose2d[:, 0] >= 0,
+ pose2d[:, 0] <= width - 1)
+ y_check = np.bitwise_and(
+ pose2d[:, 1] >= 0, pose2d[:, 1] <= height - 1)
+ check = np.bitwise_and(x_check, y_check)
+ joints_vis[np.logical_not(check)] = 0
+ pose2d[:, -1] = joints_vis
+ all_poses[cnt] = pose2d
+ person_ids[cnt] = body['id']
+ cnt += 1
+ if cnt > 0:
+ db.append({
+ 'image_file':
+ osp.join(self.img_prefix, image_file),
+ 'joints_3d':
+ all_poses_3d,
+ 'person_ids':
+ person_ids,
+ 'joints_3d_visible':
+ all_poses_vis_3d,
+ 'joints': [all_poses],
+ 'roots_3d':
+ all_roots_3d,
+ 'camera':
+ cam_param,
+ 'num_persons':
+ cnt,
+ 'sample_id':
+ sample_id,
+ 'center':
+ np.array((width / 2, height / 2),
+ dtype=np.float32),
+ 'scale':
+ self._get_scale((width, height))
+ })
+ sample_id += 1
+ return db
+ def evaluate(self, outputs, res_folder, metric='mpjpe', **kwargs):
+ """
+ Args:
+ outputs list(dict(pose_3d, sample_id)):
+ pose_3d (np.ndarray): predicted 3D human pose
+ sample_id (np.ndarray): sample id of a frame.
+ res_folder (str): Path of directory to save the results.
+ metric (str | list[str]): Metric to be performed.
+ Defaults: 'mpjpe'.
+ **kwargs:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ pose_3ds = np.concatenate([output['pose_3d'] for output in outputs],
+ axis=0)
+ sample_ids = []
+ for output in outputs:
+ sample_ids.extend(output['sample_id'])
+ _outputs = [
+ dict(sample_id=sample_id, pose_3d=pose_3d)
+ for (sample_id, pose_3d) in zip(sample_ids, pose_3ds)
+ ]
+ _outputs = self._sort_and_unique_outputs(_outputs, key='sample_id')
+ metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric]
+ for _metric in metrics:
+ if _metric not in self.ALLOWED_METRICS:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Unsupported metric "{_metric}"'
+ f'Supported metrics are {self.ALLOWED_METRICS}')
+ res_file = osp.join(res_folder, 'result_keypoints.json')
+ mmcv.dump(_outputs, res_file)
+ eval_list = []
+ gt_num = self.db_size // self.num_cameras
+ assert len(
+ _outputs) == gt_num, f'number mismatch: {len(_outputs)}, {gt_num}'
+ total_gt = 0
+ for i in range(gt_num):
+ index = self.num_cameras * i
+ db_rec = copy.deepcopy(self.db[index])
+ joints_3d = db_rec['joints_3d']
+ joints_3d_vis = db_rec['joints_3d_visible']
+ if joints_3d_vis.sum() < 1:
+ continue
+ pred = _outputs[i]['pose_3d'].copy()
+ pred = pred[pred[:, 0, 3] >= 0]
+ for pose in pred:
+ mpjpes = []
+ for (gt, gt_vis) in zip(joints_3d, joints_3d_vis):
+ vis = gt_vis[:, 0] > 0
+ if vis.sum() < 1:
+ break
+ mpjpe = np.mean(
+ np.sqrt(
+ np.sum((pose[vis, 0:3] - gt[vis])**2, axis=-1)))
+ mpjpes.append(mpjpe)
+ min_gt = np.argmin(mpjpes)
+ min_mpjpe = np.min(mpjpes)
+ score = pose[0, 4]
+ eval_list.append({
+ 'mpjpe': float(min_mpjpe),
+ 'score': float(score),
+ 'gt_id': int(total_gt + min_gt)
+ })
+ total_gt += (joints_3d_vis[:, :, 0].sum(-1) >= 1).sum()
+ mpjpe_threshold = np.arange(25, 155, 25)
+ aps = []
+ ars = []
+ for t in mpjpe_threshold:
+ ap, ar = self._eval_list_to_ap(eval_list, total_gt, t)
+ aps.append(ap)
+ ars.append(ar)
+ name_value_tuples = []
+ for _metric in metrics:
+ if _metric == 'mpjpe':
+ stats_names = ['RECALL 500mm', 'MPJPE 500mm']
+ info_str = list(
+ zip(stats_names, [
+ self._eval_list_to_recall(eval_list, total_gt),
+ self._eval_list_to_mpjpe(eval_list)
+ ]))
+ elif _metric == 'mAP':
+ stats_names = [
+ 'AP 25', 'AP 50', 'AP 75', 'AP 100', 'AP 125', 'AP 150',
+ 'mAP', 'AR 25', 'AR 50', 'AR 75', 'AR 100', 'AR 125',
+ 'AR 150', 'mAR'
+ ]
+ mAP = np.array(aps).mean()
+ mAR = np.array(ars).mean()
+ info_str = list(zip(stats_names, aps + [mAP] + ars + [mAR]))
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ name_value_tuples.extend(info_str)
+ return OrderedDict(name_value_tuples)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _eval_list_to_ap(eval_list, total_gt, threshold):
+ """Get Average Precision (AP) and Average Recall at a certain
+ threshold."""
+ eval_list.sort(key=lambda k: k['score'], reverse=True)
+ total_num = len(eval_list)
+ tp = np.zeros(total_num)
+ fp = np.zeros(total_num)
+ gt_det = []
+ for i, item in enumerate(eval_list):
+ if item['mpjpe'] < threshold and item['gt_id'] not in gt_det:
+ tp[i] = 1
+ gt_det.append(item['gt_id'])
+ else:
+ fp[i] = 1
+ tp = np.cumsum(tp)
+ fp = np.cumsum(fp)
+ recall = tp / (total_gt + 1e-5)
+ precise = tp / (tp + fp + 1e-5)
+ for n in range(total_num - 2, -1, -1):
+ precise[n] = max(precise[n], precise[n + 1])
+ precise = np.concatenate(([0], precise, [0]))
+ recall = np.concatenate(([0], recall, [1]))
+ index = np.where(recall[1:] != recall[:-1])[0]
+ ap = np.sum((recall[index + 1] - recall[index]) * precise[index + 1])
+ return ap, recall[-2]
+ @staticmethod
+ def _eval_list_to_mpjpe(eval_list, threshold=500):
+ """Get MPJPE within a certain threshold."""
+ eval_list.sort(key=lambda k: k['score'], reverse=True)
+ gt_det = []
+ mpjpes = []
+ for i, item in enumerate(eval_list):
+ if item['mpjpe'] < threshold and item['gt_id'] not in gt_det:
+ mpjpes.append(item['mpjpe'])
+ gt_det.append(item['gt_id'])
+ return np.mean(mpjpes) if len(mpjpes) > 0 else np.inf
+ @staticmethod
+ def _eval_list_to_recall(eval_list, total_gt, threshold=500):
+ """Get Recall at a certain threshold."""
+ gt_ids = [e['gt_id'] for e in eval_list if e['mpjpe'] < threshold]
+ return len(np.unique(gt_ids)) / total_gt
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ """Get the sample given index."""
+ results = {}
+ for c in range(self.num_cameras):
+ result = copy.deepcopy(self.db[self.num_cameras * idx + c])
+ result['ann_info'] = self.ann_info
+ width = 1920
+ height = 1080
+ result['mask'] = [np.ones((height, width), dtype=np.float32)]
+ results[c] = result
+ return self.pipeline(results)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _sort_and_unique_outputs(outputs, key='sample_id'):
+ """sort outputs and remove the repeated ones."""
+ outputs = sorted(outputs, key=lambda x: x[key])
+ num_outputs = len(outputs)
+ for i in range(num_outputs - 1, 0, -1):
+ if outputs[i][key] == outputs[i - 1][key]:
+ del outputs[i]
+ return outputs
diff --git a/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/bottom_up_transform.py b/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/bottom_up_transform.py
index adc6f8226d..c21db9114a 100644
--- a/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/bottom_up_transform.py
+++ b/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/bottom_up_transform.py
@@ -565,8 +565,6 @@ def __call__(self, results):
results['img'], results['mask'], results[
'joints'] = image, mask, joints
- results['center'], results['scale'] = center, scale
return results
@@ -645,8 +643,7 @@ def __call__(self, results):
target_list = list()
- img, mask_list, joints_list = results['img'], results['mask'], results[
- 'joints']
+ mask_list, joints_list = results['mask'], results['joints']
for scale_id in range(results['ann_info']['num_scales']):
target_t = heatmap_generator[scale_id](joints_list[scale_id])
@@ -656,8 +653,7 @@ def __call__(self, results):
mask_list[scale_id] = mask_list[scale_id].astype(np.float32)
joints_list[scale_id] = joints_t.astype(np.int32)
- results['img'], results['masks'], results[
- 'joints'] = img, mask_list, joints_list
+ results['masks'], results['joints'] = mask_list, joints_list
results['targets'] = target_list
return results
diff --git a/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/pose3d_transform.py b/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/pose3d_transform.py
index c85556d907..63c9f3b198 100644
--- a/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/pose3d_transform.py
+++ b/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/pose3d_transform.py
@@ -540,3 +540,91 @@ def __call__(self, results):
results['target'] = target
results['target_weight'] = target_weight
return results
+class GenerateVoxel3DHeatmapTarget:
+ """Generate the target 3d heatmap.
+ Required keys: 'joints_3d', 'joints_3d_visible', 'ann_info_3d'.
+ Modified keys: 'target', and 'target_weight'.
+ Args:
+ sigma: Sigma of heatmap gaussian (mm).
+ joint_indices (list): Indices of joints used for heatmap generation.
+ If None (default) is given, all joints will be used.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sigma=200.0, joint_indices=None):
+ self.sigma = sigma # mm
+ self.joint_indices = joint_indices
+ def __call__(self, results):
+ """Generate the target heatmap."""
+ joints_3d = results['joints_3d']
+ joints_3d_visible = results['joints_3d_visible']
+ cfg = results['ann_info']
+ num_people = len(joints_3d)
+ num_joints = joints_3d[0].shape[0]
+ if self.joint_indices is not None:
+ num_joints = len(self.joint_indices)
+ joint_indices = self.joint_indices
+ else:
+ joint_indices = list(range(num_joints))
+ space_size = cfg['space_size']
+ space_center = cfg['space_center']
+ cube_size = cfg['cube_size']
+ grids_x = np.linspace(-space_size[0] / 2, space_size[0] / 2,
+ cube_size[0]) + space_center[0]
+ grids_y = np.linspace(-space_size[1] / 2, space_size[1] / 2,
+ cube_size[1]) + space_center[1]
+ grids_z = np.linspace(-space_size[2] / 2, space_size[2] / 2,
+ cube_size[2]) + space_center[2]
+ target = np.zeros(
+ (num_joints, cube_size[0], cube_size[1], cube_size[2]),
+ dtype=np.float32)
+ for n in range(num_people):
+ for idx, joint_id in enumerate(joint_indices):
+ mu_x = joints_3d[n][joint_id][0]
+ mu_y = joints_3d[n][joint_id][1]
+ mu_z = joints_3d[n][joint_id][2]
+ vis = joints_3d_visible[n][joint_id][0]
+ if vis < 1:
+ continue
+ i_x = [
+ np.searchsorted(grids_x, mu_x - 3 * self.sigma),
+ np.searchsorted(grids_x, mu_x + 3 * self.sigma, 'right')
+ ]
+ i_y = [
+ np.searchsorted(grids_y, mu_y - 3 * self.sigma),
+ np.searchsorted(grids_y, mu_y + 3 * self.sigma, 'right')
+ ]
+ i_z = [
+ np.searchsorted(grids_z, mu_z - 3 * self.sigma),
+ np.searchsorted(grids_z, mu_z + 3 * self.sigma, 'right')
+ ]
+ if i_x[0] >= i_x[1] or i_y[0] >= i_y[1] or i_z[0] >= i_z[1]:
+ continue
+ kernel_xs, kernel_ys, kernel_zs = np.meshgrid(
+ grids_x[i_x[0]:i_x[1]],
+ grids_y[i_y[0]:i_y[1]],
+ grids_z[i_z[0]:i_z[1]],
+ indexing='ij')
+ g = np.exp(-((kernel_xs - mu_x)**2 + (kernel_ys - mu_y)**2 +
+ (kernel_zs - mu_z)**2) / (2 * self.sigma**2))
+ target[idx, i_x[0]:i_x[1], i_y[0]:i_y[1], i_z[0]:i_z[1]] \
+ = np.maximum(target[idx, i_x[0]:i_x[1],
+ i_y[0]:i_y[1], i_z[0]:i_z[1]], g)
+ target = np.clip(target, 0, 1)
+ if target.shape[0] == 1:
+ target = target[0]
+ results['targets_3d'] = target
+ return results
diff --git a/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/shared_transform.py b/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/shared_transform.py
index 4e6e202355..2f833cd1c1 100644
--- a/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/shared_transform.py
+++ b/mmpose/datasets/pipelines/shared_transform.py
@@ -417,6 +417,50 @@ def __repr__(self):
return repr_str
+class MultiItemProcess:
+ """Process each item and merge multi-item results to lists.
+ Args:
+ pipeline (dict): Dictionary to construct pipeline for a single item.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pipeline):
+ self.pipeline = Compose(pipeline)
+ def __call__(self, results):
+ results_ = {}
+ for idx, result in results.items():
+ single_result = self.pipeline(result)
+ for k, v in single_result.items():
+ if k in results_:
+ results_[k].append(v)
+ else:
+ results_[k] = [v]
+ return results_
+class DiscardDuplicatedItems:
+ def __init__(self, keys_list):
+ """Discard duplicated single-item results.
+ Args:
+ keys_list (list): List of keys that need to be deduplicate.
+ """
+ self.keys_list = keys_list
+ def __call__(self, results):
+ for k, v in results.items():
+ if k in self.keys_list:
+ assert isinstance(v, Sequence)
+ results[k] = v[0]
+ return results
class MultitaskGatherTarget:
"""Gather the targets for multitask heads.
diff --git a/mmpose/models/backbones/__init__.py b/mmpose/models/backbones/__init__.py
index fb3bf1d01d..543a6148ce 100644
--- a/mmpose/models/backbones/__init__.py
+++ b/mmpose/models/backbones/__init__.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
from .shufflenet_v1 import ShuffleNetV1
from .shufflenet_v2 import ShuffleNetV2
from .tcn import TCN
+from .v2v_net import V2VNet
from .vgg import VGG
from .vipnas_mbv3 import ViPNAS_MobileNetV3
from .vipnas_resnet import ViPNAS_ResNet
@@ -28,5 +29,5 @@
'MobileNetV3', 'RegNet', 'ResNet', 'ResNetV1d', 'ResNeXt', 'SCNet',
'SEResNet', 'SEResNeXt', 'ShuffleNetV1', 'ShuffleNetV2', 'CPM', 'RSN',
'MSPN', 'ResNeSt', 'VGG', 'TCN', 'ViPNAS_ResNet', 'ViPNAS_MobileNetV3',
- 'LiteHRNet'
+ 'LiteHRNet', 'V2VNet'
diff --git a/mmpose/models/backbones/v2v_net.py b/mmpose/models/backbones/v2v_net.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a432d3ea0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mmpose/models/backbones/v2v_net.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Adapted from
+# https://github.com/microsoft/voxelpose-pytorch/blob/main/lib/models/v2v_net.py
+# Original licence: MIT License.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule
+from ..builder import BACKBONES
+from .base_backbone import BaseBackbone
+class Basic3DBlock(nn.Module):
+ """A basic 3D convolutional block.
+ Args:
+ in_channels (int): Input channels of this block.
+ out_channels (int): Output channels of this block.
+ kernel_size (int): Kernel size of the convolution operation
+ conv_cfg (dict): Dictionary to construct and config conv layer.
+ Default: dict(type='Conv3d')
+ norm_cfg (dict): Dictionary to construct and config norm layer.
+ Default: dict(type='BN3d')
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv3d'),
+ norm_cfg=dict(type='BN3d')):
+ super(Basic3DBlock, self).__init__()
+ self.block = ConvModule(
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=((kernel_size - 1) // 2),
+ conv_cfg=conv_cfg,
+ norm_cfg=norm_cfg,
+ bias=True)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward function."""
+ return self.block(x)
+class Res3DBlock(nn.Module):
+ """A residual 3D convolutional block.
+ Args:
+ in_channels (int): Input channels of this block.
+ out_channels (int): Output channels of this block.
+ kernel_size (int): Kernel size of the convolution operation
+ Default: 3
+ conv_cfg (dict): Dictionary to construct and config conv layer.
+ Default: dict(type='Conv3d')
+ norm_cfg (dict): Dictionary to construct and config norm layer.
+ Default: dict(type='BN3d')
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv3d'),
+ norm_cfg=dict(type='BN3d')):
+ super(Res3DBlock, self).__init__()
+ self.res_branch = nn.Sequential(
+ ConvModule(
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=((kernel_size - 1) // 2),
+ conv_cfg=conv_cfg,
+ norm_cfg=norm_cfg,
+ bias=True),
+ ConvModule(
+ out_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=((kernel_size - 1) // 2),
+ conv_cfg=conv_cfg,
+ norm_cfg=norm_cfg,
+ act_cfg=None,
+ bias=True))
+ if in_channels == out_channels:
+ self.skip_con = nn.Sequential()
+ else:
+ self.skip_con = ConvModule(
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ 1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ conv_cfg=conv_cfg,
+ norm_cfg=norm_cfg,
+ act_cfg=None,
+ bias=True)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward function."""
+ res = self.res_branch(x)
+ skip = self.skip_con(x)
+ return F.relu(res + skip, True)
+class Pool3DBlock(nn.Module):
+ """A 3D max-pool block.
+ Args:
+ pool_size (int): Pool size of the 3D max-pool layer
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pool_size):
+ super(Pool3DBlock, self).__init__()
+ self.pool_size = pool_size
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward function."""
+ return F.max_pool3d(
+ x, kernel_size=self.pool_size, stride=self.pool_size)
+class Upsample3DBlock(nn.Module):
+ """A 3D upsample block.
+ Args:
+ in_channels (int): Input channels of this block.
+ out_channels (int): Output channels of this block.
+ kernel_size (int): Kernel size of the transposed convolution operation.
+ Default: 2
+ stride (int): Kernel size of the transposed convolution operation.
+ Default: 2
+ """
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=2, stride=2):
+ super(Upsample3DBlock, self).__init__()
+ assert kernel_size == 2
+ assert stride == 2
+ self.block = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ stride=stride,
+ padding=0,
+ output_padding=0), nn.BatchNorm3d(out_channels), nn.ReLU(True))
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward function."""
+ return self.block(x)
+class EncoderDecorder(nn.Module):
+ """An encoder-decoder block.
+ Args:
+ in_channels (int): Input channels of this block
+ """
+ def __init__(self, in_channels=32):
+ super(EncoderDecorder, self).__init__()
+ self.encoder_pool1 = Pool3DBlock(2)
+ self.encoder_res1 = Res3DBlock(in_channels, in_channels * 2)
+ self.encoder_pool2 = Pool3DBlock(2)
+ self.encoder_res2 = Res3DBlock(in_channels * 2, in_channels * 4)
+ self.mid_res = Res3DBlock(in_channels * 4, in_channels * 4)
+ self.decoder_res2 = Res3DBlock(in_channels * 4, in_channels * 4)
+ self.decoder_upsample2 = Upsample3DBlock(in_channels * 4,
+ in_channels * 2, 2, 2)
+ self.decoder_res1 = Res3DBlock(in_channels * 2, in_channels * 2)
+ self.decoder_upsample1 = Upsample3DBlock(in_channels * 2, in_channels,
+ 2, 2)
+ self.skip_res1 = Res3DBlock(in_channels, in_channels)
+ self.skip_res2 = Res3DBlock(in_channels * 2, in_channels * 2)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward function."""
+ skip_x1 = self.skip_res1(x)
+ x = self.encoder_pool1(x)
+ x = self.encoder_res1(x)
+ skip_x2 = self.skip_res2(x)
+ x = self.encoder_pool2(x)
+ x = self.encoder_res2(x)
+ x = self.mid_res(x)
+ x = self.decoder_res2(x)
+ x = self.decoder_upsample2(x)
+ x = x + skip_x2
+ x = self.decoder_res1(x)
+ x = self.decoder_upsample1(x)
+ x = x + skip_x1
+ return x
+class V2VNet(BaseBackbone):
+ """V2VNet.
+ Please refer to the `paper `
+ for details.
+ Args:
+ input_channels (int):
+ Number of channels of the input feature volume.
+ output_channels (int):
+ Number of channels of the output volume.
+ mid_channels (int):
+ Input and output channels of the encoder-decoder block.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input_channels, output_channels, mid_channels=32):
+ super(V2VNet, self).__init__()
+ self.front_layers = nn.Sequential(
+ Basic3DBlock(input_channels, mid_channels // 2, 7),
+ Res3DBlock(mid_channels // 2, mid_channels),
+ )
+ self.encoder_decoder = EncoderDecorder(in_channels=mid_channels)
+ self.output_layer = nn.Conv3d(
+ mid_channels, output_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0)
+ self._initialize_weights()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward function."""
+ x = self.front_layers(x)
+ x = self.encoder_decoder(x)
+ x = self.output_layer(x)
+ return x
+ def _initialize_weights(self):
+ for m in self.modules():
+ if isinstance(m, nn.Conv3d):
+ nn.init.normal_(m.weight, 0, 0.001)
+ nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
+ elif isinstance(m, nn.ConvTranspose3d):
+ nn.init.normal_(m.weight, 0, 0.001)
+ nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
diff --git a/mmpose/models/detectors/__init__.py b/mmpose/models/detectors/__init__.py
index 07a1dfdb1a..e0b769fe02 100644
--- a/mmpose/models/detectors/__init__.py
+++ b/mmpose/models/detectors/__init__.py
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
from .pose_lifter import PoseLifter
from .posewarper import PoseWarper
from .top_down import TopDown
+from .voxelpose import VoxelPose
__all__ = [
'TopDown', 'AssociativeEmbedding', 'ParametricMesh', 'MultiTask',
- 'PoseLifter', 'Interhand3D', 'PoseWarper'
+ 'PoseLifter', 'Interhand3D', 'PoseWarper', 'VoxelPose'
diff --git a/mmpose/models/detectors/voxelpose.py b/mmpose/models/detectors/voxelpose.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35eec1b1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mmpose/models/detectors/voxelpose.py
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from mmcv.runner import load_checkpoint
+from mmpose.core.camera import SimpleCameraTorch
+from mmpose.core.post_processing.post_transforms import (
+ affine_transform_torch, get_affine_transform)
+from .. import builder
+from ..builder import POSENETS
+from .base import BasePose
+class CuboidProposalNet(nn.Module):
+ """Cuboid proposal net in the paper "VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D
+ Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment".
+ Args:
+ v2v_net (ConfigDict): dictionary to construct
+ the 3D convolutional layers.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, v2v_net):
+ super(CuboidProposalNet, self).__init__()
+ self.v2v_net = builder.build_backbone(v2v_net)
+ def forward(self, initial_cubes):
+ return self.v2v_net(initial_cubes)
+class PoseRegressionNet(nn.Module):
+ """Pose regression net in the paper "VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D
+ Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment".
+ Args:
+ v2v_net (ConfigDict): dictionary to construct
+ the 3D convolutional layers.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, v2v_net):
+ super(PoseRegressionNet, self).__init__()
+ self.v2v_net = builder.build_backbone(v2v_net)
+ def forward(self, cubes):
+ return self.v2v_net(cubes)
+class ProjectLayer(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, cfg):
+ """Project layer to get voxel feature. Adapted from
+ https://github.com/microsoft/voxelpose-
+ pytorch/blob/main/lib/models/project_layer.py.
+ Args:
+ cfg (dict):
+ image_size: input size of the 2D model
+ heatmap_size: output size of the 2D model
+ """
+ super(ProjectLayer, self).__init__()
+ self.image_size = cfg['image_size']
+ self.heatmap_size = cfg['heatmap_size']
+ if isinstance(self.image_size, int):
+ self.image_size = [self.image_size, self.image_size]
+ if isinstance(self.heatmap_size, int):
+ self.heatmap_size = [self.heatmap_size, self.heatmap_size]
+ def compute_grid(self, box_size, box_center, num_bins, device=None):
+ if isinstance(box_size, int) or isinstance(box_size, float):
+ box_size = [box_size, box_size, box_size]
+ if isinstance(num_bins, int):
+ num_bins = [num_bins, num_bins, num_bins]
+ grid_1D_x = torch.linspace(
+ -box_size[0] / 2, box_size[0] / 2, num_bins[0], device=device)
+ grid_1D_y = torch.linspace(
+ -box_size[1] / 2, box_size[1] / 2, num_bins[1], device=device)
+ grid_1D_z = torch.linspace(
+ -box_size[2] / 2, box_size[2] / 2, num_bins[2], device=device)
+ grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = torch.meshgrid(
+ grid_1D_x + box_center[0],
+ grid_1D_y + box_center[1],
+ grid_1D_z + box_center[2],
+ )
+ grid_x = grid_x.contiguous().view(-1, 1)
+ grid_y = grid_y.contiguous().view(-1, 1)
+ grid_z = grid_z.contiguous().view(-1, 1)
+ grid = torch.cat([grid_x, grid_y, grid_z], dim=1)
+ return grid
+ def get_voxel(self, heatmaps, meta, grid_size, grid_center, cube_size):
+ device = heatmaps[0].device
+ batch_size = heatmaps[0].shape[0]
+ num_joints = heatmaps[0].shape[1]
+ num_bins = cube_size[0] * cube_size[1] * cube_size[2]
+ n = len(heatmaps)
+ cubes = torch.zeros(
+ batch_size, num_joints, 1, num_bins, n, device=device)
+ w, h = self.heatmap_size
+ grids = torch.zeros(batch_size, num_bins, 3, device=device)
+ bounding = torch.zeros(batch_size, 1, 1, num_bins, n, device=device)
+ for i in range(batch_size):
+ if len(grid_center[0]) == 3 or grid_center[i][3] >= 0:
+ if len(grid_center) == 1:
+ grid = self.compute_grid(
+ grid_size, grid_center[0], cube_size, device=device)
+ else:
+ grid = self.compute_grid(
+ grid_size, grid_center[i], cube_size, device=device)
+ grids[i:i + 1] = grid
+ for c in range(n):
+ center = meta[i]['center'][c]
+ scale = meta[i]['scale'][c]
+ width, height = center * 2
+ trans = torch.as_tensor(
+ get_affine_transform(center, scale / 200.0, 0,
+ self.image_size),
+ dtype=torch.float,
+ device=device)
+ cam_param = meta[i]['camera'][c].copy()
+ single_view_camera = SimpleCameraTorch(
+ param=cam_param, device=device)
+ xy = single_view_camera.world_to_pixel(grid)
+ bounding[i, 0, 0, :, c] = (xy[:, 0] >= 0) & (
+ xy[:, 1] >= 0) & (xy[:, 0] < width) & (
+ xy[:, 1] < height)
+ xy = torch.clamp(xy, -1.0, max(width, height))
+ xy = affine_transform_torch(xy, trans)
+ xy = xy * torch.tensor(
+ [w, h], dtype=torch.float,
+ device=device) / torch.tensor(
+ self.image_size, dtype=torch.float, device=device)
+ sample_grid = xy / torch.tensor([w - 1, h - 1],
+ dtype=torch.float,
+ device=device) * 2.0 - 1.0
+ sample_grid = torch.clamp(
+ sample_grid.view(1, 1, num_bins, 2), -1.1, 1.1)
+ cubes[i:i + 1, :, :, :, c] += F.grid_sample(
+ heatmaps[c][i:i + 1, :, :, :],
+ sample_grid,
+ align_corners=True)
+ cubes = torch.sum(
+ torch.mul(cubes, bounding), dim=-1) / (
+ torch.sum(bounding, dim=-1) + 1e-6)
+ cubes[cubes != cubes] = 0.0
+ cubes = cubes.clamp(0.0, 1.0)
+ cubes = cubes.view(batch_size, num_joints, cube_size[0], cube_size[1],
+ cube_size[2])
+ return cubes, grids
+ def forward(self, heatmaps, meta, grid_size, grid_center, cube_size):
+ cubes, grids = self.get_voxel(heatmaps, meta, grid_size, grid_center,
+ cube_size)
+ return cubes, grids
+class VoxelPose(BasePose):
+ """VoxelPose Please refer to the `paper `
+ for details.
+ Args:
+ detector_2d (ConfigDict): Dictionary to construct the 2D pose detector
+ space_3d (ConfigDict): Dictionary that contains 3D space information
+ space_size (list): Size of the 3D space
+ cube_size (list): Size of the input volume to the center net.
+ space_center (list): Coordinate of the center of the 3D space
+ sub_space_size (list): Size of the cuboid human proposal.
+ sub_cube_size (list): Size of the input volume to the pose net.
+ project_layer (ConfigDict): Dictionary to construct the project layer.
+ center_net (ConfigDict): Dictionary to construct the center net.
+ center_head (ConfigDict): Dictionary to construct the center head.
+ pose_net (ConfigDict): Dictionary to construct the pose net.
+ pose_head (ConfigDict): Dictionary to construct the pose head.
+ train_cfg (ConfigDict): Config for training. Default: None.
+ test_cfg (ConfigDict): Config for testing. Default: None.
+ pretrained (str): Path to the pretrained 2D model. Default: None.
+ freeze_2d (bool): Whether to freeze the 2D model in training.
+ Default: True.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ detector_2d,
+ space_3d,
+ project_layer,
+ center_net,
+ center_head,
+ pose_net,
+ pose_head,
+ train_cfg=None,
+ test_cfg=None,
+ pretrained=None,
+ freeze_2d=True):
+ super(VoxelPose, self).__init__()
+ self.backbone = builder.build_posenet(detector_2d)
+ if self.training and pretrained is not None:
+ load_checkpoint(self.backbone, pretrained)
+ self.freeze_2d = freeze_2d
+ self.project_layer = ProjectLayer(project_layer)
+ self.root_net = CuboidProposalNet(center_net)
+ self.center_head = builder.build_head(center_head)
+ self.pose_net = PoseRegressionNet(pose_net)
+ self.pose_head = builder.build_head(pose_head)
+ self.space_size = space_3d['space_size']
+ self.cube_size = space_3d['cube_size']
+ self.space_center = space_3d['space_center']
+ self.sub_space_size = space_3d['sub_space_size']
+ self.sub_cube_size = space_3d['sub_cube_size']
+ self.num_joints = pose_net['output_channels']
+ self.train_cfg = train_cfg
+ self.test_cfg = test_cfg
+ @staticmethod
+ def _freeze(model):
+ """Freeze parameters."""
+ model.eval()
+ for param in model.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ def train(self, mode=True):
+ """Sets the module in training mode.
+ Args:
+ mode (bool): whether to set training mode (``True``)
+ or evaluation mode (``False``). Default: ``True``.
+ Returns:
+ Module: self
+ """
+ super().train(mode)
+ if mode and self.freeze_2d:
+ self._freeze(self.backbone)
+ return self
+ def forward(self,
+ img,
+ img_metas,
+ return_loss=True,
+ targets=None,
+ masks=None,
+ targets_3d=None,
+ input_heatmaps=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """
+ Note:
+ batch_size: N
+ num_keypoints: K
+ num_img_channel: C
+ img_width: imgW
+ img_height: imgH
+ heatmaps width: W
+ heatmaps height: H
+ volume_length: cubeL
+ volume_width: cubeW
+ volume_height: cubeH
+ Args:
+ img (list(torch.Tensor[NxCximgHximgW])):
+ Multi-camera input images to the 2D model.
+ img_metas (list(dict)):
+ Information about image, 3D groundtruth and camera parameters.
+ return_loss: Option to `return loss`. `return loss=True`
+ for training, `return loss=False` for validation & test.
+ targets (list(torch.Tensor[NxKxHxW])):
+ Multi-camera target heatmaps of the 2D model.
+ masks (list(torch.Tensor[NxHxW])):
+ Multi-camera masks of the input to the 2D model.
+ targets_3d (torch.Tensor[NxcubeLxcubeWxcubeH]):
+ Ground-truth 3D heatmap of human centers.
+ input_heatmaps (list(torch.Tensor[NxKxHxW])):
+ Multi-camera heatmaps when the 2D model is not available.
+ Default: None.
+ **kwargs:
+ Returns:
+ dict: if 'return_loss' is true, then return losses.
+ Otherwise, return predicted poses, human centers and sample_id
+ """
+ if return_loss:
+ return self.forward_train(img, img_metas, targets, masks,
+ targets_3d, input_heatmaps)
+ else:
+ return self.forward_test(img, img_metas, input_heatmaps)
+ def train_step(self, data_batch, optimizer, **kwargs):
+ """The iteration step during training.
+ This method defines an iteration step during training, except for the
+ back propagation and optimizer updating, which are done in an optimizer
+ hook. Note that in some complicated cases or models, the whole process
+ including back propagation and optimizer updating is also defined in
+ this method, such as GAN.
+ Args:
+ data_batch (dict): The output of dataloader.
+ optimizer (:obj:`torch.optim.Optimizer` | dict): The optimizer of
+ runner is passed to ``train_step()``. This argument is unused
+ and reserved.
+ Returns:
+ dict: It should contain at least 3 keys: ``loss``, ``log_vars``,
+ ``num_samples``.
+ ``loss`` is a tensor for back propagation, which can be a
+ weighted sum of multiple losses.
+ ``log_vars`` contains all the variables to be sent to the
+ logger.
+ ``num_samples`` indicates the batch size (when the model is
+ DDP, it means the batch size on each GPU), which is used for
+ averaging the logs.
+ """
+ losses = self.forward(**data_batch)
+ loss, log_vars = self._parse_losses(losses)
+ batch_size = data_batch['img'][0].shape[0]
+ outputs = dict(loss=loss, log_vars=log_vars, num_samples=batch_size)
+ return outputs
+ def assign2gt(self, center_candidates, gt_centers, gt_num_persons):
+ """"Assign gt id to each valid human center candidate."""
+ det_centers = center_candidates[..., :3]
+ batch_size = center_candidates.shape[0]
+ cand_num = center_candidates.shape[1]
+ cand2gt = torch.zeros(batch_size, cand_num)
+ for i in range(batch_size):
+ cand = det_centers[i].view(cand_num, 1, -1)
+ gt = gt_centers[None, i, :gt_num_persons[i]]
+ dist = torch.sqrt(torch.sum((cand - gt)**2, dim=-1))
+ min_dist, min_gt = torch.min(dist, dim=-1)
+ cand2gt[i] = min_gt
+ cand2gt[i][min_dist > self.train_cfg['dist_threshold']] = -1.0
+ center_candidates[:, :, 3] = cand2gt
+ return center_candidates
+ def forward_train(self,
+ img,
+ img_metas,
+ targets=None,
+ masks=None,
+ targets_3d=None,
+ input_heatmaps=None):
+ """
+ Note:
+ batch_size: N
+ num_keypoints: K
+ num_img_channel: C
+ img_width: imgW
+ img_height: imgH
+ heatmaps width: W
+ heatmaps height: H
+ volume_length: cubeL
+ volume_width: cubeW
+ volume_height: cubeH
+ Args:
+ img (list(torch.Tensor[NxCximgHximgW])):
+ Multi-camera input images to the 2D model.
+ img_metas (list(dict)):
+ Information about image, 3D groundtruth and camera parameters.
+ targets (list(torch.Tensor[NxKxHxW])):
+ Multi-camera target heatmaps of the 2D model.
+ masks (list(torch.Tensor[NxHxW])):
+ Multi-camera masks of the input to the 2D model.
+ targets_3d (torch.Tensor[NxcubeLxcubeWxcubeH]):
+ Ground-truth 3D heatmap of human centers.
+ input_heatmaps (list(torch.Tensor[NxKxHxW])):
+ Multi-camera heatmaps when the 2D model is not available.
+ Default: None.
+ Returns:
+ dict: losses.
+ """
+ if self.backbone is None:
+ assert input_heatmaps is not None
+ heatmaps = []
+ for input_heatmap in input_heatmaps:
+ heatmaps.append(input_heatmap[0])
+ else:
+ heatmaps = []
+ assert isinstance(img, list)
+ for img_ in img:
+ heatmaps.append(self.backbone.forward_dummy(img_)[0])
+ initial_cubes, _ = self.project_layer(heatmaps, img_metas,
+ self.space_size,
+ [self.space_center],
+ self.cube_size)
+ center_heatmaps_3d = self.root_net(initial_cubes)
+ num_joints = initial_cubes.shape[1]
+ center_heatmaps_3d = center_heatmaps_3d.squeeze(1)
+ center_candidates = self.center_head(center_heatmaps_3d)
+ device = center_candidates.device
+ gt_centers = torch.stack([
+ torch.tensor(img_meta['roots_3d'], device=device)
+ for img_meta in img_metas
+ ])
+ gt_num_persons = torch.stack([
+ torch.tensor(img_meta['num_persons'], device=device)
+ for img_meta in img_metas
+ ])
+ center_candidates = self.assign2gt(center_candidates, gt_centers,
+ gt_num_persons)
+ gt_3d = torch.stack([
+ torch.tensor(img_meta['joints_3d'], device=device)
+ for img_meta in img_metas
+ ])
+ gt_3d_vis = torch.stack([
+ torch.tensor(img_meta['joints_3d_visible'], device=device)
+ for img_meta in img_metas
+ ])
+ valid_preds = []
+ valid_targets = []
+ valid_weights = []
+ batch_size, num_candidates, _ = center_candidates.shape
+ pred = center_candidates.new_zeros(batch_size, num_candidates,
+ self.num_joints, 5)
+ pred[:, :, :, 3:] = center_candidates[:, :, None, 3:]
+ for n in range(num_candidates):
+ index = pred[:, n, 0, 3] >= 0
+ num_valid = index.sum()
+ if num_valid > 0:
+ pose_input_cube, coordinates \
+ = self.project_layer(heatmaps,
+ img_metas,
+ self.sub_space_size,
+ center_candidates[:, n, :3],
+ self.sub_cube_size)
+ pose_heatmaps_3d = self.pose_net(pose_input_cube)
+ pose_3d = self.pose_head(pose_heatmaps_3d[index],
+ coordinates[index])
+ pred[index, n, :, 0:3] = pose_3d.detach()
+ valid_targets.append(gt_3d[index, pred[index, n, 0, 3].long()])
+ valid_weights.append(gt_3d_vis[index, pred[index, n, 0,
+ 3].long(), :,
+ 0:1].float())
+ valid_preds.append(pose_3d)
+ losses = dict()
+ losses.update(
+ self.center_head.get_loss(center_heatmaps_3d, targets_3d))
+ if len(valid_preds) > 0:
+ valid_targets = torch.cat(valid_targets, dim=0)
+ valid_weights = torch.cat(valid_weights, dim=0)
+ valid_preds = torch.cat(valid_preds, dim=0)
+ losses.update(
+ self.pose_head.get_loss(valid_preds, valid_targets,
+ valid_weights))
+ else:
+ pose_input_cube = initial_cubes.new_zeros(batch_size, num_joints,
+ *self.sub_cube_size)
+ coordinates = initial_cubes.new_zeros(batch_size,
+ *self.sub_cube_size,
+ 3).view(batch_size, -1, 3)
+ pseudo_targets = initial_cubes.new_zeros(batch_size, num_joints, 3)
+ pseudo_weights = initial_cubes.new_zeros(batch_size, num_joints, 1)
+ pose_heatmaps_3d = self.pose_net(pose_input_cube)
+ pose_3d = self.pose_head(pose_heatmaps_3d, coordinates)
+ losses.update(
+ self.pose_head.get_loss(pose_3d, pseudo_targets,
+ pseudo_weights))
+ if not self.freeze_2d:
+ losses_2d = {}
+ heatmaps_tensor = torch.cat(heatmaps, dim=0)
+ targets_tensor = torch.cat(targets, dim=0)
+ masks_tensor = torch.cat(masks, dim=0)
+ losses_2d_ = self.backbone.get_loss(heatmaps_tensor,
+ targets_tensor, masks_tensor)
+ for k, v in losses_2d_.items():
+ losses_2d[k + '_2d'] = v
+ losses.update(losses_2d)
+ return losses
+ def forward_test(
+ self,
+ img,
+ img_metas,
+ input_heatmaps=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Note:
+ batch_size: N
+ num_keypoints: K
+ num_img_channel: C
+ img_width: imgW
+ img_height: imgH
+ heatmaps width: W
+ heatmaps height: H
+ volume_length: cubeL
+ volume_width: cubeW
+ volume_height: cubeH
+ Args:
+ img (list(torch.Tensor[NxCximgHximgW])):
+ Multi-camera input images to the 2D model.
+ img_metas (list(dict)):
+ Information about image, 3D groundtruth and camera parameters.
+ input_heatmaps (list(torch.Tensor[NxKxHxW])):
+ Multi-camera heatmaps when the 2D model is not available.
+ Default: None.
+ Returns:
+ dict: predicted poses, human centers and sample_id
+ """
+ if self.backbone is None:
+ assert input_heatmaps is not None
+ heatmaps = []
+ for input_heatmap in input_heatmaps:
+ heatmaps.append(input_heatmap[0])
+ else:
+ heatmaps = []
+ assert isinstance(img, list)
+ for img_ in img:
+ heatmaps.append(self.backbone.forward_dummy(img_)[0])
+ initial_cubes, _ = self.project_layer(heatmaps, img_metas,
+ self.space_size,
+ [self.space_center],
+ self.cube_size)
+ center_heatmaps_3d = self.root_net(initial_cubes)
+ center_heatmaps_3d = center_heatmaps_3d.squeeze(1)
+ center_candidates = self.center_head(center_heatmaps_3d)
+ center_candidates[..., 3] = \
+ (center_candidates[..., 4] >
+ self.test_cfg['center_threshold']).float() - 1.0
+ batch_size, num_candidates, _ = center_candidates.shape
+ pred = center_candidates.new_zeros(batch_size, num_candidates,
+ self.num_joints, 5)
+ pred[:, :, :, 3:] = center_candidates[:, :, None, 3:]
+ for n in range(num_candidates):
+ index = pred[:, n, 0, 3] >= 0
+ num_valid = index.sum()
+ if num_valid > 0:
+ pose_input_cube, coordinates \
+ = self.project_layer(heatmaps,
+ img_metas,
+ self.sub_space_size,
+ center_candidates[:, n, :3],
+ self.sub_cube_size)
+ pose_heatmaps_3d = self.pose_net(pose_input_cube)
+ pose_3d = self.pose_head(pose_heatmaps_3d[index],
+ coordinates[index])
+ pred[index, n, :, 0:3] = pose_3d.detach()
+ result = {}
+ result['pose_3d'] = pred.cpu().numpy()
+ result['center_3d'] = center_candidates.cpu().numpy()
+ result['sample_id'] = [img_meta['sample_id'] for img_meta in img_metas]
+ return result
+ def show_result(self, **kwargs):
+ """Visualize the results."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def forward_dummy(self, img, input_heatmaps=None, num_candidates=5):
+ """Used for computing network FLOPs."""
+ if self.backbone is None:
+ assert input_heatmaps is not None
+ heatmaps = []
+ for input_heatmap in input_heatmaps:
+ heatmaps.append(input_heatmap[0])
+ else:
+ heatmaps = []
+ assert isinstance(img, list)
+ for img_ in img:
+ heatmaps.append(self.backbone.forward_dummy(img_)[0])
+ batch_size, num_channels, _, _ = heatmaps[0].shape
+ initial_cubes = heatmaps[0].new_zeros(batch_size, num_channels,
+ *self.cube_size)
+ _ = self.root_net(initial_cubes)
+ pose_input_cube = heatmaps[0].new_zeros(batch_size, num_channels,
+ *self.sub_cube_size)
+ for n in range(num_candidates):
+ _ = self.pose_net(pose_input_cube)
diff --git a/mmpose/models/heads/__init__.py b/mmpose/models/heads/__init__.py
index 9c448e94ac..a98e91140e 100644
--- a/mmpose/models/heads/__init__.py
+++ b/mmpose/models/heads/__init__.py
@@ -12,11 +12,13 @@
from .topdown_heatmap_simple_head import TopdownHeatmapSimpleHead
from .vipnas_heatmap_simple_head import ViPNASHeatmapSimpleHead
+from .voxelpose_head import CuboidCenterHead, CuboidPoseHead
__all__ = [
'TopdownHeatmapSimpleHead', 'TopdownHeatmapMultiStageHead',
'TopdownHeatmapMSMUHead', 'TopdownHeatmapBaseHead',
'AEHigherResolutionHead', 'AESimpleHead', 'AEMultiStageHead',
'DeepposeRegressionHead', 'TemporalRegressionHead', 'Interhand3DHead',
- 'HMRMeshHead', 'DeconvHead', 'ViPNASHeatmapSimpleHead'
+ 'HMRMeshHead', 'DeconvHead', 'ViPNASHeatmapSimpleHead', 'CuboidCenterHead',
+ 'CuboidPoseHead'
diff --git a/mmpose/models/heads/voxelpose_head.py b/mmpose/models/heads/voxelpose_head.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cd849fabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mmpose/models/heads/voxelpose_head.py
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Adapted from
+# https://github.com/microsoft/voxelpose-pytorch/blob/main/lib/models
+# Original licence: MIT License.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from ..builder import HEADS
+class CuboidCenterHead(nn.Module):
+ """Get results from the 3D human center heatmap. In this module, human 3D
+ centers are local maximums obtained from the 3D heatmap via NMS (max-
+ pooling).
+ Args:
+ cfg (dict):
+ space_size (list[3]): The size of the 3D space.
+ cube_size (list[3]): The size of the heatmap volume.
+ space_center (list[3]): The coordinate of space center.
+ max_num (int): Maximum of human center detections.
+ max_pool_kernel (int): Kernel size of the max-pool kernel in nms.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cfg):
+ super(CuboidCenterHead, self).__init__()
+ # use register_buffer
+ self.register_buffer('grid_size', torch.tensor(cfg['space_size']))
+ self.register_buffer('cube_size', torch.tensor(cfg['cube_size']))
+ self.register_buffer('grid_center', torch.tensor(cfg['space_center']))
+ self.num_candidates = cfg['max_num']
+ self.max_pool_kernel = cfg['max_pool_kernel']
+ self.loss = nn.MSELoss()
+ def _get_real_locations(self, indices):
+ """
+ Args:
+ indices (torch.Tensor(NXP)): Indices of points in the 3D tensor
+ Returns:
+ real_locations (torch.Tensor(NXPx3)): Locations of points
+ in the world coordinate system
+ """
+ real_locations = indices.float() / (
+ self.cube_size - 1) * self.grid_size + \
+ self.grid_center - self.grid_size / 2.0
+ return real_locations
+ def _nms_by_max_pool(self, heatmap_volumes):
+ max_num = self.num_candidates
+ batch_size = heatmap_volumes.shape[0]
+ root_cubes_nms = self._max_pool(heatmap_volumes)
+ root_cubes_nms_reshape = root_cubes_nms.reshape(batch_size, -1)
+ topk_values, topk_index = root_cubes_nms_reshape.topk(max_num)
+ topk_unravel_index = self._get_3d_indices(topk_index,
+ heatmap_volumes[0].shape)
+ return topk_values, topk_unravel_index
+ def _max_pool(self, inputs):
+ kernel = self.max_pool_kernel
+ padding = (kernel - 1) // 2
+ max = F.max_pool3d(
+ inputs, kernel_size=kernel, stride=1, padding=padding)
+ keep = (inputs == max).float()
+ return keep * inputs
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_3d_indices(indices, shape):
+ """Get indices in the 3-D tensor.
+ Args:
+ indices (torch.Tensor(NXp)): Indices of points in the 1D tensor
+ shape (torch.Size(3)): The shape of the original 3D tensor
+ Returns:
+ indices: Indices of points in the original 3D tensor
+ """
+ batch_size = indices.shape[0]
+ num_people = indices.shape[1]
+ indices_x = (indices //
+ (shape[1] * shape[2])).reshape(batch_size, num_people, -1)
+ indices_y = ((indices % (shape[1] * shape[2])) //
+ shape[2]).reshape(batch_size, num_people, -1)
+ indices_z = (indices % shape[2]).reshape(batch_size, num_people, -1)
+ indices = torch.cat([indices_x, indices_y, indices_z], dim=2)
+ return indices
+ def forward(self, heatmap_volumes):
+ """
+ Args:
+ heatmap_volumes (torch.Tensor(NXLXWXH)):
+ 3D human center heatmaps predicted by the network.
+ Returns:
+ human_centers (torch.Tensor(NXPX5)):
+ Coordinates of human centers.
+ """
+ batch_size = heatmap_volumes.shape[0]
+ topk_values, topk_unravel_index = self._nms_by_max_pool(
+ heatmap_volumes.detach())
+ topk_unravel_index = self._get_real_locations(topk_unravel_index)
+ human_centers = torch.zeros(
+ batch_size, self.num_candidates, 5, device=heatmap_volumes.device)
+ human_centers[:, :, 0:3] = topk_unravel_index
+ human_centers[:, :, 4] = topk_values
+ return human_centers
+ def get_loss(self, pred_cubes, gt):
+ return dict(loss_center=self.loss(pred_cubes, gt))
+class CuboidPoseHead(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, beta):
+ """Get results from the 3D human pose heatmap. Instead of obtaining
+ maximums on the heatmap, this module regresses the coordinates of
+ keypoints via integral pose regression. Refer to `paper.
+ ` for more details.
+ Args:
+ beta: Constant to adjust the magnification of soft-maxed heatmap.
+ """
+ super(CuboidPoseHead, self).__init__()
+ self.beta = beta
+ self.loss = nn.L1Loss()
+ def forward(self, heatmap_volumes, grid_coordinates):
+ """
+ Args:
+ heatmap_volumes (torch.Tensor(NxKxLxWxH)):
+ 3D human pose heatmaps predicted by the network.
+ grid_coordinates (torch.Tensor(Nx(LxWxH)x3)):
+ Coordinates of the grids in the heatmap volumes.
+ Returns:
+ human_poses (torch.Tensor(NxKx3)): Coordinates of human poses.
+ """
+ batch_size = heatmap_volumes.size(0)
+ channel = heatmap_volumes.size(1)
+ x = heatmap_volumes.reshape(batch_size, channel, -1, 1)
+ x = F.softmax(self.beta * x, dim=2)
+ grid_coordinates = grid_coordinates.unsqueeze(1)
+ x = torch.mul(x, grid_coordinates)
+ human_poses = torch.sum(x, dim=2)
+ return human_poses
+ def get_loss(self, preds, targets, weights):
+ return dict(loss_pose=self.loss(preds * weights, targets * weights))
diff --git a/model-index.yml b/model-index.yml
index e928776228..93fc32cba4 100644
--- a/model-index.yml
+++ b/model-index.yml
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ Import:
- configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/posetrack18/hrnet_posetrack18.yml
- configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/posetrack18/resnet_posetrack18.yml
- configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_vid/posewarper/posetrack18/hrnet_posetrack18_posewarper.yml
+- configs/body/3d_kpt_mview_rgb_img/voxelpose/panoptic/voxelpose_prn64x64x64_cpn80x80x20_panoptic_cam5.yml
- configs/body/3d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/pose_lift/h36m/simplebaseline3d_h36m.yml
- configs/body/3d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/pose_lift/mpi_inf_3dhp/simplebaseline3d_mpi-inf-3dhp.yml
- configs/body/3d_kpt_sview_rgb_vid/video_pose_lift/h36m/videopose3d_h36m.yml
diff --git a/tests/data/panoptic_body3d/160906_band1/calibration_160906_band1.json b/tests/data/panoptic_body3d/160906_band1/calibration_160906_band1.json
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..31c0429b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/panoptic_body3d/160906_band1/calibration_160906_band1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11965 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ffc3785993
--- /dev/null
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\ No newline at end of file
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+"bodies" :
+{ "id": 0,
+"joints19": [112.193, -105.597, -63.2943, 0.681274, 98.5895, -126.086, -55.7911, 0.631165, 109.902, -62.3343, -62.7694, 0.434326, 103.926, -106.634, -77.9832, 0.634766, 96.8314, -78.8763, -80.315, 0.630554, 81.2761, -65.6605, -63.3084, 0.521851, 104.519, -62.7352, -72.4198, 0.444824, 65.6156, -49.5546, -67.2074, 0.308655, 54.2865, -10.3131, -52.1117, 0.236267, 120.42, -105.112, -49.3556, 0.60022, 116.189, -76.1983, -41.2718, 0.653992, 92.821, -64.5032, -42.2247, 0.527283, 115.285, -61.9334, -53.119, 0.411194, 85.1507, -47.7375, -27.3165, 0.324036, 68.5293, -8.10239, -40.0008, 0.237915, 99.4248, -129.754, -59.6533, 0.558838, 105.207, -126.2, -67.7812, 0.423035, 102.014, -129.179, -53.6288, 0.597534, 112.005, -124.794, -53.0751, 0.523254]
+{ "id": 1,
+"joints19": [-75.6724, -98.3814, -40.586, 0.645996, -56.0144, -116.916, -44.6227, 0.601746, -74.2896, -55.1045, -36.5893, 0.251404, -83.9112, -98.0817, -25.7277, 0.517944, -88.2289, -74.2988, -14.0067, 0.396973, -68.2309, -74.1222, -1.47647, 0.329041, -79.1849, -55.0298, -28.0693, 0.249634, -51.5633, -47.6808, -7.04466, 0.285828, -74.7285, -17.5206, -29.2095, 0.225037, -67.3391, -99.4683, -53.6127, 0.477478, -47.0624, -92.1391, -77.8037, 0.564758, -44.4238, -79.2347, -57.8838, 0.42804, -69.3944, -55.1793, -45.1093, 0.227051, -34.6453, -49.6836, -25.2735, 0.309937, -40.5958, -7.8462, -31.1836, 0.256836, -56.8233, -120.322, -40.7627, 0.527283, -62.646, -116.933, -32.5876, 0.487427, -59.8079, -119.867, -46.6254, 0.471802, -69.67, -116.407, -47.7538, 0.328979]
+{ "id": 2,
+"joints19": [-2.94539, -95.1867, 36.3111, 0.628723, 2.07299, -104.457, 17.1551, 0.454163, -7.05924, -50.5435, 42.1746, 0.244141, 9.71628, -93.5102, 43.4675, 0.522705, 12.0947, -69.463, 41.455, 0.387512, 19.2916, -69.8677, 21.9048, 0.328552, 1.02674, -50.5267, 46.2205, 0.253113, 26.6747, -43.1457, 17.5558, 0.371948, 27.6632, -7.91068, 13.5889, 0.338867, -15.3606, -97.7204, 30.3576, 0.512207, -37.812, -87.1386, 18.9922, 0.449524, -22.3384, -73.7289, 12.8309, 0.288696, -15.1452, -50.5603, 38.1288, 0.238159, 5.46492, -46.765, 4.57304, 0.31604, 4.54105, -11.5529, 11.0104, 0.225098, 5.10417, -106.784, 19.1646, 0.338989, 8.38426, -105.863, 28.9746, 0.374878, -0.147999, -108.49, 17.901, 0.389282, -6.41806, -109.461, 25.684, 0.374512]
+] }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/panoptic_body3d/160906_band2/hdPose3d_stage1_coco19/body3DScene_00000140.json b/tests/data/panoptic_body3d/160906_band2/hdPose3d_stage1_coco19/body3DScene_00000140.json
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6ae18e79c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/panoptic_body3d/160906_band2/hdPose3d_stage1_coco19/body3DScene_00000140.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{ "version": 0.7,
+"univTime" :47917.574,
+"fpsType" :"hd_29_97",
+"bodies" :
+{ "id": 0,
+"joints19": [112.162, -105.636, -63.2601, 0.683655, 98.6079, -126.096, -55.7691, 0.633362, 109.895, -61.989, -62.8249, 0.434998, 103.92, -106.612, -77.9614, 0.633362, 96.8156, -78.8938, -80.3215, 0.628052, 81.2649, -65.6074, -63.3025, 0.5224, 104.579, -62.7546, -72.4201, 0.444275, 65.7338, -49.5044, -67.2157, 0.308167, 54.3536, -10.2596, -52.2195, 0.234131, 120.391, -105.108, -49.299, 0.603271, 116.181, -76.2786, -41.2666, 0.655334, 92.8451, -64.4865, -42.2389, 0.527039, 115.21, -61.2235, -53.2298, 0.411194, 85.1888, -47.835, -27.3393, 0.316833, 68.6198, -8.08162, -40.0417, 0.240723, 99.4313, -129.72, -59.6381, 0.558228, 105.205, -126.164, -67.7647, 0.423279, 102.011, -129.182, -53.6361, 0.597229, 111.982, -124.783, -53.0672, 0.522705]
+{ "id": 1,
+"joints19": [-75.6746, -98.3656, -40.5723, 0.641663, -56.0544, -116.939, -44.5928, 0.603577, -74.4415, -55.0317, -36.6536, 0.252808, -83.918, -98.0843, -25.7209, 0.519165, -88.2603, -74.1941, -13.9948, 0.396057, -68.2309, -74.0839, -1.42833, 0.328918, -79.5003, -55.0092, -28.0401, 0.25, -51.5172, -47.7041, -7.04263, 0.294495, -74.7647, -17.5892, -29.1887, 0.228638, -67.361, -99.4319, -53.7077, 0.481934, -47.0466, -92.2037, -77.7492, 0.570923, -44.4639, -79.2762, -57.8438, 0.434448, -69.3827, -55.0541, -45.2672, 0.228271, -34.7812, -49.6926, -25.257, 0.32843, -40.4408, -8.21801, -31.4407, 0.283936, -56.906, -120.336, -40.6846, 0.523743, -62.7131, -116.956, -32.5538, 0.486816, -59.8485, -119.899, -46.5796, 0.469604, -69.74, -116.42, -47.7167, 0.333618]
+{ "id": 2,
+"joints19": [-2.68829, -95.166, 36.4048, 0.630371, 2.45545, -104.642, 17.3385, 0.4422, -7.03441, -50.7646, 42.0224, 0.242737, 9.85479, -93.5391, 43.7496, 0.508667, 12.1837, -69.2865, 41.4611, 0.386414, 19.4591, -69.7157, 22.0246, 0.327209, 0.906971, -50.8216, 45.9673, 0.251282, 26.7278, -43.1852, 17.6063, 0.375671, 27.6219, -7.85445, 13.6172, 0.336487, -15.0965, -97.8212, 30.3863, 0.518982, -37.313, -87.4077, 18.8649, 0.450623, -22.0828, -73.86, 12.723, 0.291931, -14.9758, -50.7076, 38.0776, 0.235413, 5.50862, -46.8061, 4.64948, 0.321838, 4.38506, -11.3184, 11.4198, 0.237366, 5.50586, -106.921, 19.3049, 0.338745, 8.65006, -105.825, 29.1475, 0.375244, 0.254989, -108.642, 18.0692, 0.389526, -5.97449, -109.525, 25.9132, 0.369568]
+] }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_backbones/test_v2v_net.py b/tests/test_backbones/test_v2v_net.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33c467a112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_backbones/test_v2v_net.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
+import torch
+from mmpose.models import builder
+def test_v2v_net():
+ """Test V2VNet."""
+ cfg = dict(type='V2VNet', input_channels=17, output_channels=15),
+ model = builder.build_backbone(*cfg)
+ input = torch.randn(2, 17, 32, 32, 32)
+ output = model(input)
+ assert output.shape == (2, 15, 32, 32, 32)
diff --git a/tests/test_datasets/test_body3d_dataset.py b/tests/test_datasets/test_body3d_dataset.py
index 561133695c..022146a004 100644
--- a/tests/test_datasets/test_body3d_dataset.py
+++ b/tests/test_datasets/test_body3d_dataset.py
@@ -273,3 +273,85 @@ def test_body3d_mpi_inf_3dhp_dataset():
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(infos['P-3DPCK'], 100.)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(infos['3DAUC'], 30 / 31 * 100)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(infos['P-3DAUC'], 30 / 31 * 100)
+def test_body3dmview_direct_panoptic_dataset():
+ # Test Mview-Panoptic dataset
+ dataset = 'Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset'
+ dataset_class = DATASETS.get(dataset)
+ dataset_info = Config.fromfile(
+ 'configs/_base_/datasets/panoptic_body3d.py').dataset_info
+ space_size = [8000, 8000, 2000]
+ space_center = [0, -500, 800]
+ cube_size = [80, 80, 20]
+ train_data_cfg = dict(
+ image_size=[960, 512],
+ heatmap_size=[[240, 128]],
+ space_size=space_size,
+ space_center=space_center,
+ cube_size=cube_size,
+ num_joints=15,
+ seq_list=['160906_band1', '160906_band2'],
+ cam_list=[(0, 12), (0, 6)],
+ num_cameras=2,
+ seq_frame_interval=1,
+ subset='train',
+ need_2d_label=True,
+ need_camera_param=True,
+ root_id=2)
+ test_data_cfg = dict(
+ image_size=[960, 512],
+ heatmap_size=[[240, 128]],
+ num_joints=15,
+ space_size=space_size,
+ space_center=space_center,
+ cube_size=cube_size,
+ seq_list=['160906_band1', '160906_band2'],
+ cam_list=[(0, 12), (0, 6)],
+ num_cameras=2,
+ seq_frame_interval=1,
+ subset='validation',
+ need_2d_label=True,
+ need_camera_param=True,
+ root_id=2)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+ _ = dataset_class(
+ ann_file=tmpdir + '/tmp_train.pkl',
+ img_prefix='tests/data/panoptic_body3d/',
+ data_cfg=train_data_cfg,
+ pipeline=[],
+ dataset_info=dataset_info,
+ test_mode=False)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+ test_dataset = dataset_class(
+ ann_file=tmpdir + '/tmp_validation.pkl',
+ img_prefix='tests/data/panoptic_body3d',
+ data_cfg=test_data_cfg,
+ pipeline=[],
+ dataset_info=dataset_info,
+ test_mode=False)
+ import copy
+ gt_num = test_dataset.db_size // test_dataset.num_cameras
+ preds = []
+ for i in range(gt_num):
+ index = test_dataset.num_cameras * i
+ db_rec = copy.deepcopy(test_dataset.db[index])
+ joints_3d = db_rec['joints_3d']
+ joints_3d_vis = db_rec['joints_3d_visible']
+ num_gts = len(joints_3d)
+ gt_pose = -np.ones((1, 10, test_dataset.num_joints, 5))
+ if num_gts > 0:
+ gt_pose[0, :num_gts, :, :3] = np.array(joints_3d)
+ gt_pose[0, :num_gts, :, 3] = np.array(joints_3d_vis)[:, :, 0] - 1.0
+ gt_pose[0, :num_gts, :, 4] = 1.0
+ preds.append(dict(pose_3d=gt_pose, sample_id=[i]))
+ print('test evaluate')
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+ results = test_dataset.evaluate(
+ preds, res_folder=tmpdir, metric=['mAP', 'mpjpe'])
+ print(results)
diff --git a/tests/test_models/test_voxelpose.py b/tests/test_models/test_voxelpose.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1310ef4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_models/test_voxelpose.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
+import tempfile
+from mmcv import Config
+from mmpose.datasets import DATASETS, build_dataloader
+from mmpose.models import builder
+from mmpose.models.detectors.voxelpose import (CuboidProposalNet,
+ PoseRegressionNet, ProjectLayer)
+def test_voxelpose_forward():
+ dataset = 'Body3DMviewDirectPanopticDataset'
+ dataset_class = DATASETS.get(dataset)
+ dataset_info = Config.fromfile(
+ 'configs/_base_/datasets/panoptic_body3d.py').dataset_info
+ space_size = [8000, 8000, 2000]
+ space_center = [0, -500, 800]
+ cube_size = [20, 20, 8]
+ train_data_cfg = dict(
+ image_size=[960, 512],
+ heatmap_size=[[240, 128]],
+ space_size=space_size,
+ space_center=space_center,
+ cube_size=cube_size,
+ num_joints=15,
+ seq_list=['160906_band1'],
+ cam_list=[(0, 12), (0, 6)],
+ num_cameras=2,
+ seq_frame_interval=1,
+ subset='train',
+ need_2d_label=True,
+ need_camera_param=True,
+ root_id=2)
+ pipeline = [
+ dict(
+ type='MultiItemProcess',
+ pipeline=[
+ dict(
+ type='BottomUpGenerateTarget', sigma=3, max_num_people=30)
+ ]),
+ dict(
+ type='DiscardDuplicatedItems',
+ keys_list=[
+ 'joints_3d', 'joints_3d_visible', 'ann_info', 'roots_3d',
+ 'num_persons', 'sample_id'
+ ]),
+ dict(
+ type='GenerateVoxel3DHeatmapTarget',
+ sigma=200.0,
+ joint_indices=[2]),
+ dict(type='RenameKeys', key_pairs=[('targets', 'input_heatmaps')]),
+ dict(
+ type='Collect',
+ keys=['targets_3d', 'input_heatmaps'],
+ meta_keys=['camera', 'center', 'scale', 'joints_3d']),
+ ]
+ project_layer = ProjectLayer(
+ dict(image_size=[960, 512], heatmap_size=[240, 128]))
+ root_net = CuboidProposalNet(
+ dict(type='V2VNet', input_channels=15, output_channels=1))
+ center_head = builder.build_head(
+ dict(
+ type='CuboidCenterHead',
+ cfg=dict(
+ space_size=space_size,
+ space_center=space_center,
+ cube_size=cube_size,
+ max_num=10,
+ max_pool_kernel=3)))
+ pose_net = PoseRegressionNet(
+ dict(type='V2VNet', input_channels=15, output_channels=15))
+ pose_head = builder.build_head(dict(type='CuboidPoseHead', beta=100.0))
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+ dataset = dataset_class(
+ ann_file=tmpdir + '/tmp_train.pkl',
+ img_prefix='tests/data/panoptic_body3d/',
+ data_cfg=train_data_cfg,
+ pipeline=pipeline,
+ dataset_info=dataset_info,
+ test_mode=False)
+ data_loader = build_dataloader(
+ dataset,
+ seed=None,
+ dist=False,
+ shuffle=False,
+ drop_last=False,
+ workers_per_gpu=1,
+ samples_per_gpu=1)
+ for data in data_loader:
+ initial_cubes, _ = project_layer(
+ [htm[0] for htm in data['input_heatmaps']],
+ data['img_metas'].data[0], space_size, [space_center], cube_size)
+ _ = root_net(initial_cubes)
+ center_candidates = center_head(data['targets_3d'])
+ center_candidates[..., 3] = \
+ (center_candidates[..., 4] > 0.5).float() - 1.0
+ batch_size, num_candidates, _ = center_candidates.shape
+ for n in range(num_candidates):
+ index = center_candidates[:, n, 3] >= 0
+ num_valid = index.sum()
+ if num_valid > 0:
+ pose_input_cube, coordinates \
+ = project_layer([htm[0] for htm in data['input_heatmaps']],
+ data['img_metas'].data[0],
+ [800, 800, 800],
+ center_candidates[:, n, :3],
+ [8, 8, 8])
+ pose_heatmaps_3d = pose_net(pose_input_cube)
+ _ = pose_head(pose_heatmaps_3d[index], coordinates[index])