Display git
information in your tmux
status line
Install tmux plugin manager and add the following to the end of your .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin "shuber/tmux-git"
- display the currently checked out git branch#{git_sha}
- display the sha of the latest commit#{git_shortsha}
- display the short sha of the latest commit#{git_subject}
- display the last commit subject (short message)- [TODO]
- display number of uncommitted additions - [TODO]
- display number of commits ahead of master - [TODO]
- display number of commits behind master - [TODO]
- display number of uncommitted deletions - [TODO]
- display number of uncommitted dirty files if any
Add git
interpolation variables to your status-left
or status-right
options in .tmux.conf
set -g status-left "#{git_dirty}"
set -g status-right "#{git_ahead}/#{git_behind} | #{git_branch}"
Adjust the status-interval
refresh rate if necessary
set -g status-interval 15 # refresh status line every 15 seconds
Or manually refresh the status line instead
tmux refresh-client -S
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
MIT - Copyright © 2015 Sean Huber