- ./cell_based_program/CV.R
- Generates the 5-fold cross validation groups as .Rdata files
- Inputs: A file containing labels for each cell
- Outputs: An Rdata file containing cross validation groups
- Arguments
- Path to the genes x cells counts file
- Path to the folder in which to save the Rdata file
- Path to the folder containing the cell labels
- ./cell_based_program/CV_r2py.py
- Converts the Rdata files from CV.R to pkl files for the python methods
- Inputs: The Rdata file
- Outputs: The Pkl file, in the same directory as the Rdata file
- Arguments: Path to the folder containing the Rdata files
- ./cell_based_program/R_methods.R
- Runs all R based methods on a single dataset
- Inputs: A counts matrix, labels file, and Rdata CV file for the dataset
- Outputs: Predictions in ./cell_based_program/output/<dataset>
- Arguments:
- The name of the dataset
- The path to the folder containing the counts matrix, labels, and Rdata
- ./cell_based_program/Python_methods.py
- Runs all python based methods on a single dataset
- Lambda and scVI have their own scripts
- Inputs: A counts matrix, labels file, and pkl CV file for the dataset
- Outputs: Predictions in ./cell_based_program/output/<dataset>
- Arguments:
- The path to the folder containing the counts, labels, and pkl
- The name of the dataset
- DEPENDENCIES IN ./cell_based_program/OtherMethods_packages.txt
- Runs all python based methods on a single dataset
- ./cell_based_program/run_LAmbDA.py
- Runs LAmbDA on a single dataset
- Inputs: A counts matrix, labels file, and pkl CV file for the dataset
- Outputs: Predictions in ./cell_based_program/output/<dataset>
- Arguments:
- The path to the folder containing the counts, labels, and pkl
- The name of the dataset
- ./cell_based_program/run_scVItool.py
- Runs scVI on a single dataset
- Inputs: A counts matrix, labels file, and pkl CV file for the dataset
- Outputs: Predictions in ./cell_based_program/output/<dataset>
- Arguments:
- The path to the folder containing the counts, labels, and pkl
- The name of the dataset
- DEPENDENCIES IN ./cell_based_program/scANVI_packages.txt
- This requires a different version of tensorflow, it is recommended to use a virtual environment to manage it.
- ./cell_based_program/other_scripts/results_table.ipynb
- Gathers the predictions from all methods into a single file
- ./cell_based_program/other_scripts/time_sim.py
- Gathers the running times into a single file
- ./cell_based_program/other_scripts/time_bar_plot.ipynb
- Makes bar plots of the running time as seen in our supplemental figures
- ./cell_based_program/other_scripts/time_coefficient_plot.ipynb
- Makes the dataframe needed for the time coefficient plot generated in main_figures.ipynb
- ./cell_based_program/other_scripts/heatmap.ipynb
- Makes the dataframe needed for the running time heatmap generated in main_figures.ipynb