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A proof of concept for BusinessEvents continuous integration and delivery.

Build Flow


Setup Development Environment

Install below softwares on developers machines

  • TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.3.0
  • TIBCO BusinessEvents 5.5.0
  • Apache Maven
  • Docker

Post Installation

  • Add Maven to PATH and verify using mvn --version
  • Setup TIBCO BusinessEvents Maven Plug-in - This is a simple one time activity post . Open a shell and execute below command
  • Build a Base Docker Image for TIBCO BusinessEvents - To build a base image for TIBCO BusinessEvents. Open a shell and execute below command
BE_HOME/docker/frominstall/ -v 5.5.0 -i v01 -o true

This command will create a base image with local repository with tag

Maven Setup

  • Create or Import a BusinessEvents Studio project
  • Right click on project to Generate Maven POM file
  • Edit POM file and set values to below tag for be-maven-plugin
    • beProjectDetails
      • beHome - Path to BE installation directory. Use a property variable ${be.home} and use settings.xml to set local install path using a profile.
      • earLocation - Path to ear file location, could be related e.g. target
    • appImageConfig/
      • cddFileLocation - This location can be absolute of relative. Use Deployments/coverage.cdd
      • targetDir - This location can be absolute of relative. Use docker. This will create a docker directory under current project.
      • baseBEImage - Use the base image tag name. If you generated using above mentioned command use 5.5.0-v01
      • maintainer - Name of maintainer.
      • email - Email of maintainer.
      • labels - Any labels you may want to use e.g. ApplicationName=coverage,Version=5.5.0
      • appImage - Application image name with tag e.g. coverage:latest
      • overwriteDockerfile - Optional.
    • dockerRegistryConfig - Set value for each key/name, value
      • Repository - Name of your remote docker repository e.g. shivchelwa/coverage-app
      • Url - Remote docker repository url e.g., <account_id>
      • TagImage - Tag the image e.g. shivchelwa/coverage-app:latest

Maven Phases

The BusinessEvents EAR file be build, tested and pushed to local/remote repositories using Maven. Also you can build base and application docker image using Maven. You must setup Maven POM file. Either use BusinessStudio or command line to execute below maven phases

  • mvn compile - Build a ear file at earLocation mentioned in pom configuration
  • mvn test - Compile and execute junit test case suite
  • mvn install - Compile, test ear file and install it in Local Maven repository
  • mvn deploy - Compile, test ear file and install it in Remote Maven repository
  • mvn build-base-image - If you want to generate base image using Maven
  • mvn build-app-docker-file - Build a docker file for application
  • mvn docker-install - Build a application docker image in Local Docker repository
  • mvn docker-deploy - Build a application docker image in Remote Docker repository

Setup a local Jenkins server


  • VirtualBox
  • Vagrant
  • TIBCO ActiveSpace 2.3 and TIBCO BusinessEvents 5.5.0 linux ditributions

Setup a location Jenkins server using Vagrant. A Vagrantfile and are used to start a CentOS Virtualbox. Please note, you need to download ActiveSpace 2.3 BusinessEvents 5.5 linux distribution from TIBCO eDelivery and place it in the same directory as Vagrantfile.

Maven Profile

You need to add a maven profile using settings.xml to set environment variables such as BE installation directory any other target directories.

Jenkins Configurations

  • Unlock Jenkins using password at /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
  • Change admin password
  • Install Jenkins Plugins - Maven Integration, GitHub, Pipeline
  • Add Git, JDK and Maven under Global Tool Config

BusinessEvents Jenkins Job

  • Add a new item
  • Provide Git project url
  • Provide Maven Goals e.g. docker-deploy
  • Alternatively,
  • Git Webhooks can be used to trigger the build job on git push notifications.
  • Jenkins Pipeline can be used setup multi stage delivery flow.