This is phone-number tracking pyhton script. You can get some useful information about any phone-number(including international phone-numbers).
This script is using some pyhton modules like geocoder, phonenumbers, folium and opencage api to gather data.
This is script also show you location of the number on map.
Fork the project. Click on the icon on the top right to get started
Clone the project, you can use the following command on your local terminal:
git clone
Also don't forget to give star to codebase after using it ✨.
First make sure you have install python in your local system. click here to download pyhton
Go to your code folder and in terminal run -
For Phonenumbers Library -
pip install phonenumbers
For Geocoder Library -
pip install geocoder
For Opencage API -
pip install opencage
For Folium Library -
pip install folium
- Go to OpenCage Site.
- Signin and Get you api-key.
- Create a "" file .
- And paste your api-key there like this -
keys = "Enter-your-API-Key"
- Just execute the file.
- enter you no. with country code -
- And script will display the information in your terminal and also show you on the map.
- If map doesn't open automatically in browser, Just click the "mylocation.html" manually.