#A Julia interface to the plot.ly API
Forked from astrieanna/Plotly.jl
README quickly to get started. Alternately, checkout out the pretty Julia docs at http://plot.ly/api
Given that you have Julia v0.2,
julia> using Plotly
You'll need to create a plot.ly account and find out your API key before you'll be able to use this package.
julia> Plotly.signup("username","email")
Success! Check your email to activate account.
julia> Plotly.signin("username","your api key")
PlotlyAccount("username","your api key")
julia> Plotly.openurl(Plotly.plot(["z"=>rand(6,6)],["style"=>["type"=>"heatmap"]]))
START /bin/firefox "https://plot.ly/~astrieanna/0"
That last line is what the REPL prints out,
as a Firefox tab opens with the plot.
You can also just call plot
by itself, and you'll get a String that's the url of your chart.
julia> Plotly.style(["line"=>["color"=>"rgb(255,0,0)","width"=>10]])
julia> Plotly.layout(["layout"=>["title"=>"Time Wasted"]])