The following configurations are available for users to customise:
Name | Description | Required? | Default |
aws.library.s3_bucket | S3 Bucket to upload/download AEM OpenCloud libraries to/from | Mandatory | |
aws.library.s3_path | S3 Path to the location of the AEM OpenCloud library artifacts | Optional | library |
aws.region | AWS region name | Mandatory | |
aws.vpc_id | VPC for DNS records | Mandatory | |
aws.dns_records.author_dispatcher.author_dispatcher_hosted_zone_name | Hosted Zone for author dispatcher of a full-set environment | Mandatory | |
aws.dns_records.publish_dispatcher.publish_dispatcher_hosted_zone_name | Hosted Zone for publish dispatcher of a full-set environment | Mandatory | |
aws.dns_records.author_publish_dispatcher.author_publish_dispatcher_hosted_zone_name | Hosted Zone for a consolidated environment | Mandatory | |
aem_opencloud.version | AEM OpenCloud version value to be displayed on Jenkins folder with format aem-opencloud-<version> |
Optional | The current AEM OpenCloud version |
aem_opencloud.config.artifact_url | URL to the location of the AEM OpenCloud configuration artifact in tar.gz format. s3:// http:// or https:// Protocols can be used. | Mandatory | |
aem_opencloud.custom_manager_steps.artifact_url | URL to the location of the AEM OpenCloud Custom Manager Steps artifact in tar.gz format. s3:// http:// or https:// Protocols can be used. | Mandatory | |
aem_opencloud.custom_image_provisioner.artifact_url | URL to the location of the AEM OpenCloud Custom Image Provisioner artifact in tar.gz format. s3:// http:// or https:// Protocols can be used. | Mandatory | |
aem_opencloud.custom_stack_provisioner.artifact_url | URL to the location of the AEM OpenCloud Custom Stack Provisioner artifact in tar.gz format. s3:// http:// or https:// Protocols can be used. | Mandatory | |
aem_opencloud.descriptors.[consolidated|full-set].deployment_descriptor_url | URL to the location of Deployment Descriptor file | Optional | |
aem_opencloud.descriptors.[consolidated|full-set].export_descriptor_url | URL to the location of Package Backup Descriptor file | Optional | |
aem_opencloud.descriptors.[consolidated|full-set].content_healthcheck_descriptor_url | URL to the location of Content Health Check Descriptor file | Optional | |
aem_opencloud.enable_slack_notifications | Enable/disable sending SLACK notifications | Optional | false |
aem_opencloud.jenkins_sharedlibs.repo_url | URL to the Jenkins shared libraries repository. Overwrite this value if 1) you don't have access to GitHub and have to rely on an internal fork repo, or 2) you want to customise the shared libraries with additional functions. | Optional | |
aem_opencloud.jenkins_sharedlibs.repo_branch | Branch name of the Jenkins shared libraries to be used | Optional | master |
jenkins.protocol | Either http or https . |
Optional | The current version of AEM OpenCloud Manager. | | FQDN of the Jenkins server | Mandatory | overwrite-me |
jenkins.port | Port of the Jenkins server | Mandatory | 8080 |
jenkins.username | Jenkins username to create jobs. | Mandatory | |
jenkins.password | Jenkins user password. | Mandatory | |
jenkins.agent.docker_image | Jenkins Docker agent image to use | Optional | shinesolutions/aem-platform-buildenv:latest |
jenkins.agent.docker_args | Additional Jenkins Docker agent CLI launch arguments | Optional | |
jenkins.os.jenkins_home | Jenkins home directory. | Optional | |
jenkins.os.user | OS user which should own Jenkins plugin binaries | Optional | | | OS group of jenkins.os.user |
Optional |