This repo contains about(in process) 200 most asked/ popular questions (ranging from easy to hard) in coding test/ interviews.
Cluster 2: Height/Diameter/ print root to leaf path/print leaf to leaf path/ largest sum path(root to leaf path/leaf to leaf path)
- Find Maximum Sum path in a binary tree between leaf to leaf node.
- Print Maximum Sum path in a binary tree between leaf to leaf node.
- Find Maximum Sum path in a binary tree between root to leaf node.
- Print Maximum Sum path in a binary tree between root to leaf node.
- Find Height of binary tree.
- Find Diameter of binary tree.
- Find(no. of nodes) longest path in a binary tree from root to leaf
- Print Diameter path of binary tree/Print the longest path in a binary tree from leaf to leaf.
- Print the longest path in a binary tree from root to leaf.