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KingNFT - A significant 105,983 gas cost of processExecutionFee() execution is not accounted in the keeper's compensation #147

sherlock-admin4 opened this issue Jun 20, 2024 · 2 comments
Has Duplicates A valid issue with 1+ other issues describing the same vulnerability Medium A valid Medium severity issue Reward A payout will be made for this issue Sponsor Confirmed The sponsor acknowledged this issue is valid Will Fix The sponsor confirmed this issue will be fixed


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sherlock-admin4 commented Jun 20, 2024



A significant 105,983 gas cost of processExecutionFee() execution is not accounted in the keeper's compensation


At the end of executeOrder(), processExecutionFee() is called to process gas compensation for the keeper. The issue here is that the gas usage of processExecutionFee() itself is not taken into consideration. As the following test case shows, it's significant (105,983), can't be ignored.

Vulnerability Detail

At the beginning of executeOrder(), startGas is recorded (L67). At the end of executeOrder(), processExecutionFee() is called to process gas compensation for the keeper (L76~86). The issue arises in the processExecutionFee() function, the gas usage from L19 to L41 is not taken into account.

File: contracts\facets\OrderFacet.sol
66:     function executeOrder(uint256 orderId, OracleProcess.OracleParam[] calldata oracles) external override {
67:         uint256 startGas = gasleft();
76:         GasProcess.processExecutionFee(
77:             GasProcess.PayExecutionFeeParams(
78:                 order.isExecutionFeeFromTradeVault
79:                     ? IVault(address(this)).getTradeVaultAddress()
80:                     : IVault(address(this)).getPortfolioVaultAddress(),
81:                 order.executionFee,
82:                 startGas,
83:                 msg.sender,
84:                 order.account
85:             )
86:         );
87:     }

File: contracts\process\GasProcess.sol
17:     function processExecutionFee(PayExecutionFeeParams memory cache) external {
18:         uint256 usedGas = cache.startGas - gasleft();
19:         uint256 executionFee = usedGas * tx.gasprice; // @audit gas usage since this line is not accounted
20:         uint256 refundFee;
21:         uint256 lossFee;
22:         if (executionFee > cache.userExecutionFee) {
23:             executionFee = cache.userExecutionFee;
24:             lossFee = executionFee - cache.userExecutionFee;
25:         } else {
26:             refundFee = cache.userExecutionFee - executionFee;
27:         }
28:         VaultProcess.transferOut(
29:             cache.from,
30:             AppConfig.getChainConfig().wrapperToken,
31:             address(this),
32:             cache.userExecutionFee
33:         );
34:         VaultProcess.withdrawEther(cache.keeper, executionFee);
35:         if (refundFee > 0) {
36:             VaultProcess.withdrawEther(cache.account, refundFee);
37:         }
38:         if (lossFee > 0) {
39:             CommonData.addLossExecutionFee(lossFee);
40:         }
41:     }

To test the specific unaccounted gas usage of processExecutionFee(), we made a minor modifications as follows:

+   event GasUsageOfProcessExecutionFeeSelf(uint256);
    function processExecutionFee(PayExecutionFeeParams memory cache) external {
        uint256 usedGas = cache.startGas - gasleft();
+      uint256 selfGasStart = gasleft();
        uint256 executionFee = usedGas * tx.gasprice;
        uint256 refundFee;
        uint256 lossFee;
        if (executionFee > cache.userExecutionFee) {
            executionFee = cache.userExecutionFee;
            lossFee = executionFee - cache.userExecutionFee;
        } else {
            refundFee = cache.userExecutionFee - executionFee;
        VaultProcess.withdrawEther(cache.keeper, executionFee);
        if (refundFee > 0) {
            VaultProcess.withdrawEther(cache.account, refundFee);
        if (lossFee > 0) {
+       uint256 selfGasEnd = gasleft();
+      emit GasUsageOfProcessExecutionFeeSelf(selfGasStart - selfGasEnd);

Then, by the following test script, we get the missing portion is 105,983 gas. It's significant and should not be ignored.

import { expect } from 'chai'
import { Fixture, deployFixture } from '@test/deployFixture'
import { ORDER_ID_KEY, OrderSide, OrderType, PositionSide, StopType } from '@utils/constants'
import { precision } from '@utils/precision'
import {
} from 'types'
import { HardhatEthersSigner } from '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers'
import { ethers } from 'hardhat'
import { handleMint } from '@utils/mint'

describe('Test gas usage of processExecutionFee() itself', function () {
    let fixture: Fixture
    let marketFacet: MarketFacet, orderFacet: OrderFacet
    let user0: HardhatEthersSigner, user1: HardhatEthersSigner, user2: HardhatEthersSigner, user3: HardhatEthersSigner
    let diamondAddr: string,
        wbtcAddr: string,
        wethAddr: string,
        usdcAddr: string
    let btcUsd: string, xBtc: string, xUsd: string
    let wbtc: MockToken, weth: MockToken, usdc: MockToken

    beforeEach(async () => {
        fixture = await deployFixture()
            ; ({ marketFacet, orderFacet } =
            ; ({ user0, user1, user2, user3 } = fixture.accounts)
            ; ({ btcUsd } = fixture.symbols)
            ; ({ xBtc, xUsd } = fixture.pools)
            ; ({ wbtc, weth, usdc } = fixture.tokens)
            ; ({ diamondAddr } = fixture.addresses)
        wbtcAddr = await wbtc.getAddress()
        wethAddr = await weth.getAddress()
        usdcAddr = await usdc.getAddress()

        const btcTokenPrice = precision.price(25000)
        const btcOracle = [{ token: wbtcAddr, minPrice: btcTokenPrice, maxPrice: btcTokenPrice }]
        await handleMint(fixture, {
            stakeToken: xBtc,
            requestToken: wbtc,
            requestTokenAmount: precision.token(100),
            oracle: btcOracle,

        const ethTokenPrice = precision.price(1600)
        const ethOracle = [{ token: wethAddr, minPrice: ethTokenPrice, maxPrice: ethTokenPrice }]
        await handleMint(fixture, {
            requestTokenAmount: precision.token(500),
            oracle: ethOracle,

        const usdcTokenPrice = precision.price(101, 6)
        const usdOracle = [
            { token: usdcAddr, minPrice: usdcTokenPrice, maxPrice: usdcTokenPrice },

        await handleMint(fixture, {
            requestTokenAmount: precision.token(100000, 6),
            stakeToken: xUsd,
            requestToken: usdc,
            oracle: usdOracle,

    it('Case 1 ', async function () {
        const orderMargin = precision.token(1, 17) // 0.1BTC
        const executionFee = precision.token(2, 15)
        wbtc.connect(user0).approve(diamondAddr, orderMargin)
        let tx = await orderFacet.connect(user0).createOrderRequest(
                symbol: btcUsd,
                orderSide: OrderSide.LONG,
                posSide: PositionSide.INCREASE,
                orderType: OrderType.MARKET,
                stopType: StopType.NONE,
                isCrossMargin: false,
                marginToken: wbtcAddr,
                qty: 0,
                leverage: precision.rate(10),
                triggerPrice: 0,
                acceptablePrice: precision.price(26000),
                executionFee: executionFee,
                placeTime: 0,
                orderMargin: orderMargin,
                isNativeToken: false,
                value: executionFee,

        await tx.wait()

        const requestId = await marketFacet.getLastUuid(ORDER_ID_KEY)
        const tokenPrice = precision.price(25000)
        const oracle = [{ token: wbtcAddr, targetToken: ethers.ZeroAddress, minPrice: tokenPrice, maxPrice: tokenPrice }]
        tx = await orderFacet.connect(user3).executeOrder(requestId, oracle)
        const receipt = await tx.wait()
        const signature = ethers.keccak256(ethers.toUtf8Bytes("GasUsageOfProcessExecutionFeeSelf(uint256)"))
        const logs = receipt?.logs.filter(x => x.topics[0] === signature)
        const gas = BigInt(logs![0].data)
        console.log(`Gas usage in processExecutionFee() that isn't accounted for compensation: ${gas}`)

And the test log:

2024-05-elfi-protocol\elfi-perp-contracts> npx hardhat test .\test\single-cases\BugGasCompensation.test.ts    
  Test gas usage of processExecutionFee() itself
Gas usage in processExecutionFee() that isn't accounted for compensation: 105983
    ✔ Case 1  (771ms)

  1 passing (16s)


The keeper will suffer continuing 100K gas losses on each transaction due to the issue.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Adding this portion as a fixed compensation for the keeper.

File: contracts\process\GasProcess.sol
17:     function processExecutionFee(PayExecutionFeeParams memory cache) external {
-18:         uint256 usedGas = cache.startGas - gasleft();
+18:         uint256 usedGas = cache.startGas - gasleft() + 101_000;
41:     }
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The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

@sherlock-admin3 sherlock-admin3 added Sponsor Confirmed The sponsor acknowledged this issue is valid Will Fix The sponsor confirmed this issue will be fixed labels Jun 26, 2024
@github-actions github-actions bot added Medium A valid Medium severity issue Has Duplicates A valid issue with 1+ other issues describing the same vulnerability labels Jun 27, 2024
@sherlock-admin2 sherlock-admin2 changed the title Narrow Olive Kookaburra - A significant 105,983 gas cost of processExecutionFee() execution is not accounted in the keeper's compensation KingNFT - A significant 105,983 gas cost of processExecutionFee() execution is not accounted in the keeper's compensation Jul 3, 2024
@sherlock-admin2 sherlock-admin2 added the Reward A payout will be made for this issue label Jul 3, 2024
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The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.

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Has Duplicates A valid issue with 1+ other issues describing the same vulnerability Medium A valid Medium severity issue Reward A payout will be made for this issue Sponsor Confirmed The sponsor acknowledged this issue is valid Will Fix The sponsor confirmed this issue will be fixed
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3 participants