- Make a copy of ./constants_local-copy.sv and rename it as constants_local.sv
- Edit the definitions for INSTMEM_FILEPATH and DATAMEM_FILEPATH, giving the paths for .txt files containing the Instruction Memory binary and Data Memory hex content.
iverilog -o module1.vvp module1_tb.v
vvp module1.vvp
Or Single Line Command (Windows Powershell)
iverilog -o tb.vvp tb.v ; vvp tb.vvp
Displaying the Waveform - open the module1.vcd file using Scansion or GTKwave or any other VCD viewer
Open a new project and add the module files along with the necessary testbench If there is a hierachchy, arrange the files to that order Compile all the files
vsim -voptargs=""+acc"" <filename>
This creates a simulation with objects and the waveform of the shown
vsim -debugDB <filename>
This creates a schematic of the simulated file