You'll notice that adding and removing the attributes will change the length of the encoded message, at the cost of greater runtime overhead during conversion.
open Smoosh.Attributes
open Smoosh.Decoder
open Smoosh.Encoder
type Person =
Name : string
BirthDay : DateTime
Phone : string
Siblings : int
Spouse : bool
Money : float
let ace =
Name = "Ace The Place"
BirthDay = DateTime.Now
Phone = "+555-555-5555"
Siblings = 2
Spouse = false
Money = 55_555.55
let personEnc = mkEncoder<Person> ()
let personDec = mkDecoder<Person> ()
let eAce = personEnc ace |> Array.ofSeq
eAce |> BitConverter.ToString |> printfn "%s"
eAce |> personDec |> fun dAce -> printfn $"%i{eAce.Length}: %b{dAce = ace}"
You should expect to see:
47: true
Without the attributes, you would expect to see:
75: true
open Smoosh.Latency.Decoder
open Smoosh.Latency.Encoder
type Tree =
| Leaf
| Node of byte * Tree * Tree
let rec mkTree d =
if d = 0
then Leaf
else Node (0xF0uy, mkTree (d-1), mkTree (d-1))
let tree = mkTree 12
let treeEnc = mkMTUIgnoringEncoder<Tree> 5_200
let treeDec = mkDecoder<Tree> ()
let eTree = tree |> treeEnc |> Array.ofSeq
eTree |> BitConverter.ToString |> printfn "%s"
eTree |> treeDec |> fun dTree -> printfn $"%i{eTree.Length}: %b{dTree = tree}"
Using the normal Smoosh.Latency.mkEncoder
would result in a runtime exception for such a large tree, instead we get:
5119: true