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Module Name: Exads Bidder Adapter

Module Type: Bidder Adapter

Maintainer: [email protected]


Module that connects to EXADS' bidder for bids.


If you don't need to use the prebidJS video module, please remove the videojsVideoProvider module.

gulp build --modules=consentManagement,exadsBidAdapter,videojsVideoProvider 


Use setConfig to instruct Prebid.js to initilize the exadsBidAdapter, as specified below.

  • Set "debug" as true if you need to read logs;
  • Set "gdprApplies" as true if you need to pass gdpr consent string;
  • The tcString is the iabtcf consent string for gdpr;
  • Uncomment the cache instruction if you need to configure a cache server (e.g. for instream video)
    debug: false,
    //cache: { url: "" },
    consentManagement: {
        gdpr: {
            cmpApi: 'static',
            timeout: 1000000,
            defaultGdprScope: true,
            consentData: {
                getTCData: {
                    tcString: consentString,
                    gdprApplies: false // set to true to pass the gdpr consent string

Add the video config if you need to render videos using the video module. For more info navigate to

    video: {
        providers: [{
            divId: 'player', // the id related to the videojs tag in your body
            vendorCode: 2, // videojs, 
            playerConfig: {
                params: {
                    adPluginConfig: {
                        numRedirects: 10
                    vendorConfig: {
                        controls: true,
                        autoplay: true,
                        preload: "auto",

Test Parameters

Now you will find the different parameters to set, based on publisher website. They are optional unless otherwise specified.

RTB Banner 2.4

  • zoneId (required) - you can get it from the endpoint created after configuring the zones (integer)
  • fid (required) - you can get it from the endpoint created after configuring the zones (string)
  • partner (required) - currently we support rtb 2.4 ("ortb_2_4") only (string)
  • siteId (recommended) - unique Site ID (string)
  • siteName site name (string)
  • banner.sizes (required) - one integer array - [width, height]
  • userIp (required) - IP address of the user, ipv4 or ipv6 (string)
  • userId (*required) - unique user ID (string).*If you cannot generate a user ID, you can leave it empty (""). The request will get a response as long as "user" object is included in the request
  • country - country ISO3
  • impressionId (required) - unique impression ID within this bid request (string)
  • keywords - keywords can be used to ensure ad zones get the right type of advertising. Keywords should be a string of comma-separated words
  • bidfloor - minimum bid for this impression (CPM) / click (CPC) and account currency (float)
  • bidfloorcur - currency for minimum bid value specified using ISO-4217 alpha codes (string)
  • bcat - blocked advertiser categories using the IAB content categories (string array)
  • badv - block list of advertisers by their domains (string array)
  • mimes - list of supported mime types. We support: image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png, image/png, image/gif, image/webp, video/mp4 (string array)
  • dsa - DSA transparency information
    • dsarequired - flag to indicate if DSA information should be made available (integer) *0 - Not required * 1 - Supported, bid responses with or without DSA object will be accepted *2 - Required, bid responses without DSA object will not be accepted * 3 - Required, bid responses without DSA object will not be accepted, Publisher is an Online Platform
      • pubrender - flag to indicate if the publisher will render the DSA Transparency info (integer)
        • 0 - Publisher can't render
          • 1 - Publisher could render depending on adrender
          • 2 - Publisher will render
      • datatopub - independent of pubrender, the publisher may need the transparency data for audit purposes (integer)
        • 0 - do not send transparency data
          • 1 - optional to send transparency data
          • 2 - send transparency data
  • endpoint (required) - EXADS endpoint (URL)
RTB Banner 2.4 (Image)
adUnits = 
    [{  code: 'postbid_iframe', // the frame where to render the creative
        mediaTypes: {
            banner: {
                sizes: [300, 250]
        bids: [{
            bidder: 'exads',
            params: {
                    zoneId: 12345,
                    fid: '829a896f011475d50da0d82cfdd1af8d9cdb07ff',
                    partner: 'ortb_2_4',
                    siteId: '123',
                    siteName: '',
                    userIp: '',
                    userId: '1234',
                    country: 'IRL',
                    impressionId: impression_id.toString(),
                    keywords: 'lifestyle, humour',
                    bidfloor: 0.00000011,
                    bidfloorcur: 'EUR',
                    bcat: ['IAB25', 'IAB7-39','IAB8-18','IAB8-5','IAB9-9'],
                    badv: ['', ''],
                    mimes: ['image/jpg'],
                    dsa: {
                        dsarequired: 3, 
                        pubrender: 0,
                        datatopub: 2
                    endpoint: ''
RTB Banner 2.4 (Video)
adUnits = 
    [{  code: 'postbid_iframe', // the frame where to render the creative
        mediaTypes: {
            banner: {
                sizes: [900, 250]
        bids: [{
            bidder: 'exads',
            params: {
                    zoneId: 12345,
                    fid: '829a896f011475d50da0d82cfdd1af8d9cdb07ff',
                    partner: 'ortb_2_4',
                    siteId: '123',
                    siteName: '',
                    userIp: '',
                    userId: '1234',
                    country: 'IRL',
                    impressionId: '1234',
                    keywords: 'lifestyle, humour',
                    bidfloor: 0.00000011,
                    bidfloorcur: 'EUR',
                    bcat: ['IAB25', 'IAB7-39','IAB8-18','IAB8-5','IAB9-9'],
                    badv: ['', ''],                      
                    mimes: ['image/jpg'],
                    dsa: {
                        dsarequired: 3, 
                        pubrender: 0,
                        datatopub: 2
                    endpoint: ''

RTB 2.4 Video (Instream/OutStream/Video Slider) - VAST XML or VAST TAG (url)

  • zoneId (required) - you can get it from the endpoint created after configuring the zones (integer)
  • fid (required) - you can get it from the endpoint created after configuring the zones (string)
  • partner (required) - currently we support rtb 2.4 ("ortb_2_4") only (string)
  • siteId (recommended) - unique Site ID (string)
  • siteName site name (string)
  • userIp (required) - IP address of the user, ipv4 or ipv6 (string)
  • userId (required) - unique user ID (string). *If you cannot generate a user ID, you can leave it empty (""). The request will get a response as long as "user" object is included in the request
  • country - Country ISO3 (string)
  • impressionId (required) - unique impression ID within this bid request (string)
  • keywords - keywords can be used to ensure ad zones get the right type of advertising. Keywords should be a string of comma-separated words
  • bidfloor - minimum bid for this impression (CPM) / click (CPC) and account currency (float)
  • bidfloorcur - currency for minimum bid value specified using ISO-4217 alpha codes (string)
  • bcat - blocked advertiser categories using the IAB content categories (string array)
  • badv - block list of advertisers by their domains (string array)
  • (required)
    • mimes (required) - list of supported mime types (string array)
      • protocols (required) - list of supported video bid response protocols (integer array)
      • context - (recommended) - the video context, either 'instream', 'outstream'. Defaults to ‘instream’ (string)
  • dsa - DSA transparency information
    • dsarequired - flag to indicate if DSA information should be made available (integer) *0 - Not required * 1 - Supported, bid responses with or without DSA object will be accepted *2 - Required, bid responses without DSA object will not be accepted * 3 - Required, bid responses without DSA object will not be accepted, Publisher is an Online Platform
      • pubrender - flag to indicate if the publisher will render the DSA Transparency info (integer)
        • 0 - Publisher can't render
          • 1 - Publisher could render depending on adrender
          • 2 - Publisher will render
      • datatopub - independent of pubrender, the publisher may need the transparency data for audit purposes (integer)
        • 0 - do not send transparency data
          • 1 - optional to send transparency data
          • 2 - send transparency data
  • endpoint (required) - EXADS endpoint (URL)
adUnits = [{
    code: 'postbid_iframe',
    mediaTypes: {
        video: {
            mimes: ['video/mp4'],
            context: 'instream',
            protocols: [3, 6]
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'exads',
        params: {
            zoneId: 12345,
            fid: '829a896f011475d50da0d82cfdd1af8d9cdb07ff',
            partner: 'ortb_2_4',
            siteId: '123',
            siteName: '',
            userIp: '',
            userId: '1234',
            impressionId: '1234',
            imp: {
                ext: {
                    video_cta: 0
            dsa: {
                dsarequired: 3, 
                pubrender: 0,
                datatopub: 2
            country: 'IRL',
            keywords: 'lifestyle, humour',
            bidfloor: 0.00000011,
            bidfloorcur: 'EUR',
            bcat: ['IAB25', 'IAB7-39','IAB8-18','IAB8-5','IAB9-9'],
            badv: ['', ''],            
            endpoint: ''

RTB 2.4 Native

  • zoneId (required) - you can get it from the endpoint created after configuring the zones (integer)
  • fid (required) - you can get it from the endpoint created after configuring the zones (string)
  • partner (required) - currently we support rtb 2.4 ("ortb_2_4") only (string)
  • siteId (recommended) - unique Site ID (string)
  • siteName site name (string)
  • userIp (required) - IP address of the user, ipv4 or ipv6 (string)
  • userId (*required) - unique user ID (string).*If you cannot generate a user ID, you can leave it empty (""). The request will get a response as long as "user" object is included in the request
  • country - country ISO3 (string)
  • impressionId (required) - unique impression ID within this bid request (string)
  • keywords - keywords can be used to ensure ad zones get the right type of advertising. Keywords should be a string of comma-separated words
  • bidfloor - minimum bid for this impression (CPM) / click (CPC) and account currency (float)
  • bidfloorcur - currency for minimum bid value specified using ISO-4217 alpha codes (string)
  • bcat - blocked advertiser categories using the IAB content categories (string array)
  • badv - block list of advertisers by their domains (string array)
  • dsa - DSA transparency information
    • dsarequired - flag to indicate if DSA information should be made available (integer) *0 - Not required * 1 - Supported, bid responses with or without DSA object will be accepted *2 - Required, bid responses without DSA object will not be accepted * 3 - Required, bid responses without DSA object will not be accepted, Publisher is an Online Platform
      • pubrender - flag to indicate if the publisher will render the DSA Transparency info (integer)
        • 0 - Publisher can't render
          • 1 - Publisher could render depending on adrender
          • 2 - Publisher will render
      • datatopub - independent of pubrender, the publisher may need the transparency data for audit purposes (integer)
        • 0 - do not send transparency data
          • 1 - optional to send transparency data
          • 2 - send transparency data
  • native.plcmtcnt - the number of identical placements in this Layout (integer)
  • assets (title)
    • id - unique asset ID, assigned by exchange. Typically a counter for the array (integer): *1 - image asset ID * 2 - title asset ID * 3 - description asset ID
      • required - set to 1 if asset is required or 0 if asset is optional (integer)
      • title
        • len (required) - maximum length of the text in the title element (integer)
  • assets (data)
    • id - unique asset ID, assigned by exchange. Typically a counter for the array (integer): *1 - image asset ID * 2 - title asset ID * 3 - description asset ID
      • data
        • type - type ID of the element supported by the publisher (integer). We support: *1 - sponsored - sponsored By message where response should contain the brand name of the sponsor * 2 - desc - descriptive text associated with the product or service being advertised
          • len - maximum length of the text in the element’s response (integer)
  • assets (img)
    • id - unique asset ID, assigned by exchange. Typically a counter for the array (integer): *1 - image asset ID * 2 - title asset ID * 3 - description asset ID
      • required - set to 1 if asset is required or 0 if asset is optional (integer)
      • img
        • type - type ID of the image element supported by the publisher. We support: *1 - icon image (integer) * 3 - large image preview for the ad (integer)
          • w - width of the image in pixels, optional (integer)
          • h - height of the image in pixels, optional (integer)
  • endpoint (required) - EXADS endpoint (URL)
adUnits = [{
    code: 'postbid_iframe',
    mediaTypes: {
        native: {
            ortb: {
                assets: [{
                    id: 2,
                    required: 1,
                    title: {
                        len: 124
                    id: 3,
                    data: {
                        type: 1,
                        len: 50
                    id: 1,
                    required: 1,
                    img: {
                        type: 3,
                        w: 300,
                        h: 300
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'exads',
        params: {
                zoneId: 12345,
                fid: '829a896f011475d50da0d82cfdd1af8d9cdb07ff',
                partner: 'ortb_2_4',
                siteId: '123',
                siteName: '',
                userIp: '',
                userId: '1234',
                impressionId: '1234',
                native: {
                    plcmtcnt: 4
                dsa: {
                    dsarequired: 3, 
                    pubrender: 0,
                    datatopub: 2
                country: 'IRL',
                keywords: 'lifestyle, humour',
                bidfloor: 0.00000011,
                bidfloorcur: 'EUR',
                bcat: ['IAB25', 'IAB7-39','IAB8-18','IAB8-5','IAB9-9'],
                badv: ['', ''],                
                endpoint: ''

DSA Transparency

All DSA information, returned by the ad server, can be found into the meta tag of the response. As:

"meta": {
    "dsa": {
        "behalf": "...",
        "paid": "...",
        "transparency": [
                "params": [
        "adrender": ...

For more information navigate to

Tools and suggestions

This section contains some suggestions that allow to set some parameters automatically.

User Ip / Country

In order to detect the current user ip there are different approaches. An example is using public web services as

Example of usage (to add to the publisher websites):

    let userIp = '';
    let ip_script = document.createElement("script");
    ip_script.type = "text/javascript";
    ip_script.src = "";
    function userIpCallback(user_ip) {
        userIp = user_ip.ip;

The same service gives the possibility to detect the country as well. Check the official web page about possible limitations of the free licence.

Impression Id

Each advertising request has to be identified uniquely by an id. One possible approach is using a classical hash function.

    let impression_id = hashCode(new Date().getTime().toString());
    // MurmurHash3 hash function
    function hashCode(str, seed = 0) {
        let h1 = 0xdeadbeef ^ seed, h2 = 0x41c6ce57 ^ seed;
        for (let i = 0, ch; i < str.length; i++) {
            ch = str.charCodeAt(i);
            h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ ch, 2654435761);
            h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ ch, 1597334677);
        h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 13), 3266489909);
        h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 13), 3266489909);
        return 4294967296 * (2097151 & h2) + (h1 >>> 0);

User Id

The approach used for impression id could be used for generating a unique user id. Also, it is recommended to store the id locally, e.g. by the browser localStorage.

let userId = localStorage.getItem('prebidJS.user_id');

if(!userId) {
    localStorage.setItem('prebidJS.user_id', hashCode('user_id' + new Date().getTime().toString()));
    userId =  localStorage.getItem('prebidJS.user_id');