RKNotes is a note taking app. I built this for myself, but anyone can use it. This app is split into two parts.
- The app - https://app.rknotes.xyz
- And the landing page - https://rknotes.xyz
You're now in the repository that contains the landing page, as well as the logic for showing 'shared notes'. The actual app repository is here.
The reason it's divided into two parts is: the application part doesn't require any server side rendering. I used Svelte for creating an interactive UI. However, the landing page should have SSR. If someone generates a link for a note, that should also be server side rendered. That's why I decided to create another repository with SvelteKit this time, an awesome Svelte framework.
I could probably only use SvelteKit for this, since you can actually specify which pages should render on server. But this project was done in such a short amount of time so I went with whatever seemed easy to me.
Stuff used to make this happen:
Thanks for taking a look!