- |boolean addDataLoopWatch(String, Watcher, BreakHandler)|添加循环的临时数据监听器,该监听器将在触发后重新注册,直到接收到移除监听器事件注意,当同一节点的其他监听器被精准移除时,由于该监听器无法鉴别到底是不是移除自身,因此会选择放弃循环注册|
- |boolean addPersistentRecursiveWatches(String, Watcher)|添加持久递归的监听器,对子孙节点有效|
- |boolean removeDataWatches(String)|移除数据监听器|
- |boolean removeAllWatches(String)|移除节点下所有的监听器,含子孙节点|
- |void close()|关闭`ZooKeeper`客户端|
-## Kie实现
-对于`Kie`服务来说,所谓动态配置就是`Kie`配置的键值,`Kie`是基于标签去查询关联配置, 至于`Key`与`Group`则是关联配置的元素。`Key`即配置的键的名称,而`Group`则是关联`Key`的标签, 每一个`Key`都可配置一个或者多个标签,其格式往往如下:
- "key": "keyName", # 配置键
- "value": "value", # 配置值
- "labels": {
- "service": "serviceName" #标签,kv形式,支持一个或者多个
- },
- "status": "enabled"
-相对于`Zookeeper`, `Kie`更专注于`Group`, 其传值格式也有所不同,`Kie`的传值格式如下:
-> 其中`groupKey`为标签键, `groupValue`则为标签值,多个标签使用`&`拼接;`Group`可通过[LabelGroupUtils#createLabelGroup](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/utils/生成
-> **特别说明:**
-> 若传入的`Group`非以上格式,则会默认添加标签`GROUP=传入Group`
-`Kie`的实现见于包[kie](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie), 主要包含[KieDynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/、[LabelGroupUtils](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/utils/与[SubscriberManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/listener/三个类:
-- [KieDynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/是[DynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/的`Kie`实现类, 主要职责是封装[SubscriberManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/listener/的订阅API以及`Group`的`Key`管理
-- [LabelGroupUtils](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/utils/则是负责`Group`转换,主要包含以下API:
- | 方法 | 解析 |
- | --------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
- | createLabelGroup(Map) | 创建标签,多个标签使用KV形式传入 |
- | getLabelCondition(String) | 将Group转换为请求的条件 |
- | isLabelGroup(String) | 判断是否为Kie的标签 |
-- [SubscriberManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/listener/主要职责是管理`Group`的所有订阅者以及进行数据更新通知;其会根据订阅的Group,即标签组,与`Kie`建立连接请求任务,动态监听数据更新变化;该类主要包含以下API:
- | 方法 | 解析 |
- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | boolean addGroupListener(String, DynamicConfigListener, boolean) | 订阅标签监听,由[SubscriberManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/listener/管理,建立监听任务,并提供首次订阅通知能力 |
- | boolean removeGroupListener(String, DynamicConfigListener) | 移除标签监听 |
- | boolean publishConfig(String, String, String) | 发布Kie配置 |
-## 实现包装
-## 使用方式
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-# Dynamic Configuration Service
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document is about the [Dynamic Configuration Service](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig) in **sermant-agentcore**.
-- [Function Orientation](#Function-Orientation)
-- [API](#API)
-- [Implementation for ZooKeeper](#Implementation-for-ZooKeeper)
-- [Implementation for Kie](#Implementation-for-Kie)
-- [Wrapper](#Wrapper)
-- [How to Use](#How-to-Use)
-## Function Orientation
-**Dynamic Configuration Service** is a service that allows developers to dynamically pull configuration from servers, acting as a [Unified Configuration System](../user-guide/ Its core purpose is to solve the problem that the configuration provided by the latter can not be changed.
-## API
-The functionality `API` of **Dynamic Configuration Service** is provided by the abstract class [DynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/ , which implements three interfaces, as seen in [api](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api) directory, The concrete interface is as follows::
-|[KeyService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|String getConfig(String)|Get the configured value for a key (default group).|
-|[KeyService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean publishConfig(String, String)|Set value for a key (default group) .|
-|[KeyService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean removeConfig(String)|Remove a configured value for a key (default group).|
-|[KeyService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|List\ listKeys()|Get all keys (default group).|
-|[KeyService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean addConfigListener(String, [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/|Add a listener for a key (default group).|
-|[KeyService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean removeConfigListener(String)|Remove a listener for a key (default group).|
-|[KeyGroupService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|String getConfig(String, String)|Get the configured value for a key in the group.|
-|[KeyGroupService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean publishConfig(String, String, String)|Set value for a key in the group.|
-|[KeyGroupService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean removeConfig(String, String)|Remove the configured value for a key in the group.|
-|[KeyGroupService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean addConfigListener(String, String, [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/|Add a listener for a key in the group.|
-|[KeyGroupService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean removeConfigListener(String, String)|Remove a listener for a key in the group.|
-|[GroupService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|List\ listKeysFromGroup(String)|Get all keys in the group.|
-|[GroupService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean addGroupListener(String, [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/|Add listeners for all keys in the group.|
-|[GroupService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/|boolean removeGroupListener(String)|Remove listeners for all keys in the group.|
-|[DynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/|boolean addConfigListener(String, [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/, boolean)|Add a listener for a key(default group). Whether to trigger the initialization event depends on the input parameters|
-|[DynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/|boolean addConfigListener(String, String, [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/, boolean)|Add a listener for a key in the group. Whether to trigger the initialization event depends on the input parameters.|
-|[DynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/|boolean addGroupListener(String, [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/, boolean)|Add listeners for all keys in the group. Whether to trigger the initialization event depends on the input parameters.|
-Above all, two concepts need to be clear:
-- `Key`, a single reference to a dynamical configuration key
-- `Group`, a dynamical configuration set of groups, often used to distinguish between users
-As you can see, the above `API` is mainly divided into data adding, deleting, querying and modifying operations, and add/remove operations of the listener's [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/ The latter event callback is a crucial part of the functionality of the **Dynamic Configuration Service**, which is the main feature of the plugin using **Dynamic Configuration Service**.
-Also, in the [KeyService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/ interface, all the `API` defined are `API` without `Group`. They will actually use the default `Group` and be fixed to `API` of [KeyGroupService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/api/ in [DynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/ The default `Group` can be modified via `dynamic.config.default_group` in the **unified configuration file** ``.
-Finally, besides the above service interfaces, there are a few other interfaces, configurations, or entities that developers need to pay attention to:
-- Static configuration [DynamicConfig](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/config/ for **Dynamic Configuration Service**, which involves the following configuration:
- |Type|Property|Key in Unified Configuration File|Explanation|
- |:-|:-|:-|:-|
- |int|timeoutValue|dynamic.config.timeout_value|Timeout for server connection, unit: ms|
- |String|defaultGroup|dynamic.config.default_group|Default group|
- |String|serverAddress|dynamic.config.server_address|Server address, must be of the form: {@code host:port[(,host:port)...]}|
- |[DynamicConfigServiceType](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/|serviceType|dynamic.config.dynamic_config_type|Service implementation type, take NOP, ZOOKEEPER, KIE|
-- **Dynamic configuration service implementation type**[DynamicConfigServiceType](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/, contains:
- |Enum|Explanation|
- |:-|:-|
- |ZOOKEEPER|ZooKeeper|
- |KIE|ServiceComb Kie|
- |NOP|No implementation|
-- **Dynamic configuration listener** [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/, which contains the following interface methods:
- |Method|Explanation|
- |:-|:-|
- |void process([DynamicConfigEvent](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/|Callback interface for handling change events of configuration|
-- **Change events of dynamic configuration** [DynamicConfigEvent](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/, whose member properties are as follows:
- |Type|Property|Explanation|
- |:-|:-|:-|
- |String|key|Key of configuration|
- |String|group|Group of configuration|
- |String|content|Content of configuration|
- |[DynamicConfigEventType](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/|changeType|Type of configuration change event|
-- **Type of change events of dynamic configuration** [DynamicConfigEventType](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/, which contains following four kinds:
- |Enum|Explanation|
- |:-|:-|
- |INIT|Initial response when adding a listener|
- |CREATE|Event of adding new configuration|
- |MODIFY|Event of modifying configuration|
- |DELETE|Event of deleting configuration|
-## Implementation for ZooKeeper
-For `ZooKeeper` servers, the dynamic configuration is the value of the ZooKeeper node. The `Key` and `Group` should be used as elements to build the **node path**. Since `Group` contains user-specific information, it should be the prefix string for the **node path** so that the `Key` value exists as the second half:
-/${group}/${key} -> ${value}
-As for [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/, we convert it to a `Watcher` of `ZooKeeper`.
-The implementation of `Zookeeper` could be found in [zookeeper](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/zookeeper). It mainly contains [ZooKeeperDynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/zookeeper/ and [ZooKeeperBufferedClient](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/zookeeper/
-- [ZooKeeperDynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/zookeeper/ is an implementation of [DynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/ for `ZooKeeper`, whose main duty is to complete the following parameter conversions:
- - `Key` and `Group` -> `ZooKeeper` node path
- - [DynamicConfigListener](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/common/ -> `Watcher` of `ZooKeeper`。
- After they are parsed, [ZooKeeperBufferedClient](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/zookeeper/ will do the business operation.
-- [ZooKeeperBufferedClient](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/zookeeper/, its main function is to wrap the native `ZooKeeper` client to provide higher-level `API`:
- |Method|Explanation|
- |:-|:-|
- |boolean ifNodeExist(String)|Check whether the node exists.|
- |String getNode(String)|Query node information.|
- |boolean createParent(String)|Create the parent node of a node.|
- |boolean updateNode(String, String)|Update the content of a node. If the node does not exist, it will be automatically created.|
- |boolean removeNode(String)|Remove a node|
- |List\ listAllNodes(String)|Query the path set of all descendant nodes under a node|
- |boolean addDataLoopWatch(String, Watcher, BreakHandler)|Add a temporary data watcher for a loop. This watcher will be re-registered after triggering until it receives a watcher remove event Note that when other watchers on the same node are accurately removed, the watcher will choose to abandon the loop registration because it cannot identify whether it has been removed.|
- |boolean addPersistentRecursiveWatches(String, Watcher)|Add a watches for persistent recursion, valid for descendant nodes|
- |boolean removeDataWatches(String)|Remove data watchers|
- |boolean removeAllWatches(String)|Remove all watchers under a node, including descendant nodes|
- |void close()|Close `ZooKeeper` client|
-## Implementation for Kie
-For the `Kie` service, the so-called dynamic configuration is the value of the `Kie'` configuration. `Kie` queries the associated configuration based on the label. `Key` and `Group` are the elements of the associated configuration. `Key` is the name of the configured Key, and `Group` is the label of the associated Key. Each `Key` can be configured with one or more labels. The format is usually as follows:
- "key": "keyName", # key
- "value": "value", # value
- "labels": {
- "service": "serviceName" #label,support one or more
- },
- "status": "enabled"
-Compared with `Zookeeper`, `Kie` is more focused on `Group` and its value transfer format is different. The value transfer format of `Kie` is as follows:
-> `groupKey` is the key of label, `groupValue` is the value of label. Multiple labels are spliced by `&`. `Group` could be generated by [LabelGroupUtils#createLabelGroup](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/utils/
-> **NOTE:**
-> If the input `Group` is not in the above format, the label `Group=input Group` will be added by default.
-The implementation of `Kie` could be found in [kie](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie), which contains [KieDynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/, [LabelGroupUtils](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/utils/ and [SubscriberManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/listener/
-- [KieDynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/ is an implementation of [DynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/ for `Kie`. Its main duty is to wrap the subscription API of [SubscriberManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/listener/ and the `Key` management of `Group`.
-- [LabelGroupUtils](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/utils/ is used for conversion of `Group`, which contains following APIs:
- | Method | Explanation |
- | --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
- | createLabelGroup(Map) | Create labels and transfer multiple labels in KV |
- | getLabelCondition(String) | Converts the `Group` to the condition for a request |
- | isLabelGroup(String) | Check whether it is a label of `Kie` |
-- The main responsibility of [SubscriberManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/listener/ is to manage all the `Group` subscribers and to provide data update notifications. It will establish a connection request task with `Kie` according to the subscribed Group, namely the Label Group, and dynamically monitor data update changes. This class contains the following APIs:
- | Method | Explanation |
- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | boolean addGroupListener(String, DynamicConfigListener, boolean) | And a listener for a label group , which is managed by [SubscriberManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/kie/listener/ Listening task will be established and the ability to notify the first subscription is provided. |
- | boolean removeGroupListener(String, DynamicConfigListener) | Remove a label group listener. |
- | boolean publishConfig(String, String, String) | Publish configuration of Kie |
-## Wrapper
-You can learn from [Sermant-agentcore-core](../user-guide/ that **Plugin Service System** is based on `SPI`.
-The corresponding ` SPI ` implementation of [DynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/ is [BufferedDynamicConfigService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/ The latter is the wrapper of all the methods of the former. It reads [DynamicConfig](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/dynamicconfig/config/ configuration at startup, selects concrete service implementation and delegates all `API` to these concrete service implementations via `dynamic.config. dynamic_config_type`.
-## How to Use
-**Dynamic Configuration Service** is mainly used in plugin interceptors or plugin services. The specific way can be found [Plugin Code Development Guide]( The important thing is the construction of `Key` and `Group`. For details, see the requirements for these two values in the previous implementations.
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-# 心跳服务介绍
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 功能定位
-## 实现方式
-// 创建netty客户端
-NettyClient nettyClient = ClientManager.getNettyClientFactory().getNettyClient(
- AgentConfigManager.getNettyServerIp(),
- Integer.parseInt(AgentConfigManager.getNettyServerPort()));
-// 创建心跳数据包,其中包含一些默认数据,下面会介绍
-HeartbeatMessage message = new HeartbeatMessage();
-// 定制心跳数据包中的其他数据
-message.registerInformation("${key}", "${value}");
-// 构建心跳数据包信息
-String msg = message.generateCurrentMessage();
-// 序列化心跳数据包,并通过netty客户端发送,数据类型标注为心跳
-nettyClient.sendData(msg.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")), Message.ServiceData.DataType.SERVICE_HEARTBEAT);
-- `hostname`:发送客户端的主机名
-- `ip`:发送客户端的IP地址
-- `app`:应用名称,即启动参数中的`appName`
-- `appType`:应用类型,即启动参数中的`appType`
-- `heartbeatVersion`:上一次心跳发送时间
-- `lastHeartbeat`:上一次心跳发送时间
-- `version`:核心包的版本
-### 初始化插件心跳
-// 键为插件名称,值为插件版本
-Map pluginVersionMap = PluginManager.getPluginVersionMap();
-# 单位:ms
-- `pluginName`:插件名称
-- `pluginVersion`:插件版本号
-### 添加定制数据
-final HeartbeatService service = ServiceManager.getService(HeartbeatService.class);
-service.setExtInfo(new ExtInfoProvider() {
- @Override
- public Map getExtInfo() {
- // do something
- }
-## 使用方式
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-# Heartbeat Service
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document focuses on [Heartbeat Service](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/heartbeat) of the **sermant-agentcore-core**.
-## Function Orientation
-The **Heartbeat Service** is a service that periodically sends heartbeat messages from **sermant-agentcore-core** to the **Backend Module** to inform the current `Sermant` that the application is alive. The **Heartbeat Service** mainly targets all plugins. For each `main` of plugin, **Heartbeat Service** will customize a heartbeat message for it and send it regularly. These customized data will be used in the subsequent flow of the **Backend Module**.
-## Implementation
-**Heartbeat Service** is built based on the **sermant-agentcore-core** for `informing survival` and `customizing data`.
-Details of **Sermant-agentcore-core** could be found [introduction to sermant-agentcore-core](../user-guide/
-The common usage of heartbeat system is as follows:
-// create netty client
-NettyClient nettyClient = ClientManager.getNettyClientFactory().getNettyClient(
- AgentConfigManager.getNettyServerIp(),
- Integer.parseInt(AgentConfigManager.getNettyServerPort()));
-// create heartbeat message
-HeartbeatMessage message = new HeartbeatMessage();
-// customize additional data in heartbeat message
-message.registerInformation("${key}", "${value}");
-// build message
-String msg = message.generateCurrentMessage();
-// Serialization, and send through the Netty client with the data type annotated as heartbeat
-nettyClient.sendData(msg.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")), Message.ServiceData.DataType.SERVICE_HEARTBEAT);
-The `HeartbeatMessage` contains the following data by default:
-- `hostname`: hostname of the sending client
-- `ip`:ip of the sending client
-- `app`:application name (`appName` at startup)
-- `appType`:application type, (`appType` at startup)
-- `heartbeatVersion`:time of last heartbeat
-- `lastHeartbeat`:time of last heartbeat
-- `version`:version of sermant-agentcore-core
-### Initialize Heartbeat of Plugin
-The **Heartbeat Service** gets the name and version of the plugin from the **Plugin Manager** when it is initialized:
-// key is the name of plugin, value is the version of plugin
-Map pluginVersionMap = PluginManager.getPluginVersionMap();
-Every once in a while, a heartbeat message is built for each `main` of plugin module and sent using heartbeat system. The interval is configured in the core configuration file ``:
-# unit:ms
-Besides the information that heartbeat system sends regularly, two additional parameters will be added to the heartbeat message:
-- `pluginName`:the name of plugin
-- `pluginVersion`:the version of plugin
-### Custom Data
-The **Heartbeat Service** allows plugin developers to customize the plugin's heartbeat message with additional dynamic parameters:
-final HeartbeatService service = ServiceManager.getService(HeartbeatService.class);
-service.setExtInfo(new ExtInfoProvider() {
- @Override
- public Map getExtInfo() {
- // do something
- }
-When the `setExtInfo` method is executed, it will find the `jar` package of plugin or plugin service through the custom `ExtInfoProvider` implementation and get the value of `sermant-plugin-name ` of its `manifest` file. Once the plugin name is obtained, the **Heartbeat Service** can correctly bind dynamic parameters to the corresponding heartbeat message.
-The `ExtInfoProvider` interface defines `getExtInfo` method, through which the **Heartbeat Service** will dynamically fetch additional parameters each time a heartbeat message is built.
-## How to Use
-In general, the **Heartbeat Service** is a no-concern for plugin developers. Customizing data for heartbeat messages is only necessary if the plugin `backend` needs to fetch specific data from the Kafka heartbeat topic of the **Backend Module**. When plugins need to customize data for their heartbeat messages, usually you can develop a [custom plugin service]( by [adding custom data](#Custom-Data) in the `start` method.
-You can refer to [DemoHeartBeatService]( for your development.
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-# 统一数据发送
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-`GatewayClient`:统一数据发送服务,简称统一发送服务,用于把Agent数据发往sermant-backend,再由sermant-backend转发给Kafka。`GatewayClient` 是数据发送的客户端。
-用户通过调用服务提供的`send(byte[] data, int typeNum)`方法来发送数据。
-ServiceManager.getService(GatewayClient.class).send(data, typeNum);
-其中参数`data`为待发送数据的字节,参数`typeNum`为数据的类型编号,它是某特定类型数据在所对接的sermant-backend的唯一标识编号,即同一个类型编号在一个sermant-backend实例或集群内只能表示一种类型数据。sermant-backend通过该编号来定位到相应的Kafka topic,以正确地把数据转发到该数据类型对应的topic当中。数据类型以及编号定义在[Message.proto文件](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/proto/Message.proto)的`ServiceData`元素的`DataType`当中。格式为``DATA_TYPE = typeNum``,其中`DATA_TYPE`为数据类型,`typeNum`为类型编号。
-message ServiceData {
- enum DataType {
- DATA_TYPE_1 = 0,
- DATA_TYPE_2 = 1,
- ...
- DATA_TYPE_N = typeNumN;
- }
-数据类型与Kafka topic之间映射关系的配置在sermant-backend模块的配置文件[](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/的`datatype.topic.mapping`元素当中,配置规则为``datatype.topic.mapping.${typeNum} = kafka-topic``。
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-# Unified Data Sending
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document mainly introduces [Unified Data Sending Service](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/send) of **sermant-agentcore-core**.
-`GatewayClient`:The unified gateway data sending service, is used to send data of sermant-agent to the sermant-backend. And then the sermant-backend send these data to Kafka. `GatewayClient` is used to send data of sermant-agent.
-Developers can send data by invoking the `send(byte[] data, int typeNum)` method provided by `GatewayClient`.
-ServiceManager.getService(GatewayClient.class).send(data, typeNum);
-The parameter `data` is the byte of the data to be sent, and the parameter `typeNum` is the type number of the data, which is the unique identification number of a specific type of data in the connected sermant-backend. That is, the same type number can only represent one type of data in sermant-backend instance or cluster. The sermant-backend uses this number to locate the Kafka topic and sends the data to the appropriate topic for that data type. The data types and numbers are defined in the `DataType` of `ServiceData` in [Message.proto](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/proto/Message.proto). The format is `DATA_TYPE = typeNum`, where `DATA_TYPE` is the data type, `typeNum` is the type number.
-message ServiceData {
- enum DataType {
- DATA_TYPE_1 = 0,
- DATA_TYPE_2 = 1,
- ...
- DATA_TYPE_N = typeNumN;
- }
-Accordingly, the corresponding data type and number should be added in the [Message.proto](../../sermant-backend/src/main/proto/Message.proto), in which content and format is the same as above.
-The mapping between data types and Kafka topics is configured in the element `datatype.topic.mapping` of [](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/ of sermant-backend. The configuration rule is `datatype.topic.mapping.${typeNum} = kafka-topic`.
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-# service name
-[定位 是什么]: todo
-[功能 做什么]: todo
-[使用方式 怎么做]: todo
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-# 第三方版权说明手册
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 源码引用
-- **整体拷贝**:直接拷贝**第三方**源码中的文件,在其基础上进行修改。
-- **局部拷贝**:拷贝**第三方**源码中部分方法或内部类,将其用于自研代码中。
-- **设计参考**:开发者在进行架构设计时,若参考**第三方**的架构,且两种架构中存在定位相同的内容,也视为 **引用**。
-- 在`LICENSE`文件中添加对**第三方**源码的拷贝说明,形如:
- ```txt
- The following files contain a portion of ${THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME} project.
- ${RELATED FILE A} in this product is copied from ${THIRD PARTY FILE A} of ${THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME} project.
- ${RELATED FILE B} in this product is copied from ${THIRD PARTY FILE B} of ${THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME} project.
- ...
- ```
- 其中:
- - `THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME`表示**第三方**工程的名称。
- - `RELATED FILE`为本项目的**涉事文件**:为类时,键入全限定名路径;否则,键入项目相对路径。
- - `THIRD PARTY FILE`表示**第三方**的**被拷贝文件**:为类时,键入全限定名路径;否则,键入项目相对路径;如果**第三方**项目是单模块项目,也可键入source目录相对路径。
- - `THIRD PARTY PROJECT CODEBASES URL`表示**第三方**工程源码仓的地址;如果找不到源码仓地址,可以改为官方网站地址或源码下载地址,总之原则就是要做到可溯源。
- - `THIRD PARTY PROJECT LICENSE NAME`表示**第三方**工程的`LICENSE`名称,通常可以参考其`pom`文件中的`licenses`标签,如果存在多个`LICENSE`,则改为复数形式:
- ```txt
- ...
- and its licenses are ${LICENSE A}, ${LICENSE B}, ..., and ${LICENSE C}.
- ```
- - 如果已经存在目标**第三方**工程的条目,则掐头去尾将中间的拷贝信息填入即可。
-- 在**涉事文件**中键入**被拷贝文件**的头信息(如果有),并添加拷贝源信息,形如:
- ```txt
- Based on ${THIRD PARTY FILE} from the ${THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME} project.
- ```
-- 如果**第三方**工程中含有`NOTICE`文件,则将其追加到本工程的`NOTICE`文件结尾。如果已经包含,无需重复追加多次。
-## 带依赖jar包
-- 没有修改`resources`标签的内容
-- 开发的模块中`sermant.basedir`参数正确指向顶层目录
-- 不打带依赖`jar`包,或使用`shade`插件打带依赖`jar`包,且没有修改`transformers`标签
-## RELEASE产品包
-- `agent`目录: 核心增强逻辑
-- `server`目录: 增强逻辑配套的服务端
-- `licenses`目录: 与本工程`LICENSE`不同的**第三方开源依赖项目**`LICENSE`存放目录
-- `LICENSE`文件: 本工程`LICENSE`文件,附加拷贝**第三方开源**源码的LICENSE声明,以及`RELEASE`产品包中涉及的所有**第三方开源依赖项目**`jar`包的`LICENSE`说明
-- `NOTICE`文件: 本工程`NOTICE`文件,追加拷贝**第三方开源**源码的`NOTICE`文件。
-- 通过`license-maven-plugin`插件生成项目中所有涉及的第三方`jar`包的`LICENSE`信息:
- ```shell
- mvn license:aggregate-add-third-party
- ```
- 生成的文件`LICENSE-binary-suffix.txt`存放于`sermant-package`模块的`resources`目录。该过程初次执行时间较久,请耐心等待。
-- 工程各组件打包,输出到临时目录下。
-- 在`sermant-package`模块打包时:
- - 将工程源码的`LICENSE`文件、`NOTICE`文件和`licenses`目录拷贝到临时目录中。
- - 调用脚本将`LICENSE-binary-suffix.txt`文件追加到临时目录的`LICENSE`文件。
- - 将临时目录压缩为`RELEASE`产品包。
-mvn license:aggregate-add-third-party clean package -Dmaven.test.skip
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-# Third Party Copyright Guide
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document focus on the **copyright** of **third party** source code or binary packages involved in the development process.
-## Source Code Reference
-If the following situation exists in the code, it is considered as a **reference** to **third party** source code:
-- **Copy Overall**: Copy files directly from **third party** source code and make changes based on them.
-- **Partial Copy**: Copy some methods or inner classes in **third party** source code and use them in the self-developed code.
-- **Reference Design**: If developers refer to the architecture of a **third party** when designing the architecture, and there is the same content in the two architectures, it is also considered as **reference**.
-In all three cases, developers are required to complete the following work with the files involved:
-- Add instructions for copying **third party** source code to your `LICENSE` file, like this:
- ```txt
- The following files contain a portion of ${THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME} project.
- ${RELATED FILE A} in this product is copied from ${THIRD PARTY FILE A} of ${THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME} project.
- ${RELATED FILE B} in this product is copied from ${THIRD PARTY FILE B} of ${THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME} project.
- ...
- ```
- Note:
- - `THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME` represents the name of the **third party** project.
- - `RELATED FILE` is the **related file** for this project: if it is a class, type the path of full qualified class name; Otherwise, type the project relative path.
- - `THIRD PARTY FILE` represents the **copied file** of the **third party**: if it is a class, type the path of full qualified class name; Otherwise, type the project relative path. If the **third party** project is a single module project, you can also type the relative path to the source directory.
- - `THIRD PARTY PROJECT CODEBASES URL` represents the address of the **third party** project repository; If you can't find the address of source code, you can change it to the official website address or source code download address. In short, the principle is to be traceable.
- - `THIRD PARTY PROJECT LICENSE NAME` represents to the `LICENSE` name of the **third party** project, which is usually referred to the `licenses` label in the `pom` file, or pluralized if multiple `LICENSE` exist:
- ```txt
- ...
- and its licenses are ${LICENSE A}, ${LICENSE B}, ..., and ${LICENSE C}.
- ```
- - If there is already an entry for the target **third party** project, just cut back and fill in the copy information in the middle.
-- Type the header of the **copied file** (if exists) in the **file in question** and add the copy source information, like this:
- ```txt
- Based on ${THIRD PARTY FILE} from the ${THIRD PARTY PROJECT NAME} project.
- ```
-- If a **third party** project contains a `NOTICE` file, append it to the end of the `NOTICE` file of current project. If it is already included, there is no need to append it more than once.
-## Jar Package with Dependencies
-If developers:
-- have not modified the content of the `resources` label.
-- develop the module of where the `sermant.basedir` parameter correctly points to the top-level directory.
-- package the project without jar packages with dependencies or package the jar packages with dependencies via `shade` and have not modified `transformers` label.
-There is no need to make any adjustments to the output `jar` package, otherwise please read the instructions below and take it as it is.
-In the default packaging process, the current project's default `LICENSE` file and `NOTICE` file need to be inserted. These two files are stored in the `resources/META-INF` directory of the `sermant-package` module and are specifically pointed to by the `resources` label.
-In general, as long as the `sermant.basedir` parameter in the packaged module (the `packaging` label is not `pom`) points to the top-level directory of the project, these files will be added by default and don't need to be concerned.
-When using the `shade` `assembly` or `spring` package plugin to package a jar package with dependencies, if the `NOTICE` file is included in the **third-party ** `jar` package, it is best to merge it with the default `NOTICE ` file of current project. `ApacheNoticeResourceTransformer` of ` shade ` plugin just can do this. This is configured in the top-level project's `pom` file. And it is not recommended to override the top-level project's settings of `shade` plugin unless you need to modify the `Transformer`.
-Note: The default `LICENSE` file and `NOTICE` file mentioned in this section refer to files that only contain information about current project. The `LICENSE` file and `NOTICE` file stored in the top-level directory of the project are the files after sorting out the source code copy information, containing information related to current project and the copied **third party** project information.
-## RELEASE Package
-The `RELEASE` package needs to include the `LICENSE` file of the project source code and the `NOTICE` file. The former also needs to add the `LICENSE` information of all the **third party** `jar` packages included in the `RELEASE` package. The `RELEASE` package also requires **third party** `LICENSE`, which are different from the project's `LICENSE`, to be placed in the `licenses` directory. The directory is located in the `resources` directory of the `sermant-package` module.
-To summarize, the internal structure of the `RELEASE` package looks like this:
-- `agent` directory: core enhancement logic.
-- `server` directory: supporting server sides.
-- `licenses ` directory: where `LICENSE` of **third-party-open-source dependencies** that are different from the project's `LICENSE` locates in.
-- `LICENSE` file: the project's `LICENSE` file, which appends a copy of the LICENSE statement of source code of **third-party-open-source** project, and the `LICENSE` description of all `jar` packages of **third-party open-source dependencies** included in the `RELEASE` package.
-- `NOTICE` file: the `NOTICE` file of this project, appends the `NOTICE` file of source code of **third-party-open source** project.
-This project generates a `LICENSE` file, a `NOTICE` file, and a `licenses` directory for the `RELEASE`package as follows:
-- Generate the `LICENSE` information for all third-party `jar` packages involved in the project via the `license-maven-plugin`:
- ```shell
- mvn license:aggregate-add-third-party
- ```
- The resulting file, `LICENSE-binary-suffix.txt`, is stored in the `resources` directory of the `sermant-package` module. This process takes a long time to execute for the first time, so be patient.
-- Project components are packaged and exported to a temporary directory.
-- When`sermant-package`module is packaging, it will:
- - copy the `LICENSE` file, `NOTICE` file, and `licenses` directory of source code of current project into a temporary directory.
- - run a script to append the `LICENSE-binary-suffix.txt` file to the `LICENSE` file in the temporary directory.
- - compress the temporary directory to a 'RELEASE' package.
-To sum up, developers can compile and release the `RELEASE` package with the following command:
-mvn license:aggregate-add-third-party clean package -Dmaven.test.skip
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-# 版本管理手册
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-- 更新版本号为`${version}`:
- ```shell
- mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${version}
- ```
- 该命令默认保留原`pom`文件备份。
-- 回滚版本号:
- ```shell
- mvn versions:revert
- ```
-- 提交新版本号更新,即删除原`pom`文件备份:
- ```shell
- mvn versions:commit
- ```
-- 更新版本号为`${version}`并提交:
- ```shell
- mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${version} -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
- ```
- 该命令不会备份原`pom`文件,使用时要注意版本号别写错。
-mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${version} -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -pl ${module}
-关于设置版本命令`versions:set`的更多信息可以查看[Versions Maven Plugin versions:set](。
-更多`versions-maven-plugin`的命令可以查看[Versions Maven Plugin Introduction](。
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-# Version Management
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document is about **Version Management of Sermant**.
-**Sermant** manages versions via [versions-maven-plugin]( Common commands are as follows:
-- Update current version to `${version}`:
- ```shell
- mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${version}
- ```
- This command keeps the original `pom` file backup by default.
-- Rollback the version:
- ```shell
- mvn versions:revert
- ```
-- Commit the new version updated (delete the original `pom` file backup):
- ```shell
- mvn versions:commit
- ```
-- Update current version to `${version}` and commit:
- ```shell
- mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${version} -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
- ```
- This command will not back up the original `pom` file, be careful not to write the wrong version number when executing it.
-After executing the above update commands, only the modules with the same version as the top-level module in the project will be modified. If you need to update a module separately, you can specify it with `-pl`, for example:
-mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${version} -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -pl ${module}
-Where `${module}` can be `${groupId}:${artifactId}`. Or you can input relative path of the module. In the case of multiple modules, please use `','`.
-For more information on setting versions with the `versions:set` command, refer to [Versions Maven Plugin versions:set](
-Refer to [Versions Maven Plugin Introduction]( for more `versions-maven-plugin` commands.
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-# Sermant 框架功能
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 启动参数appName是什么参数?
-- `appName`表示宿主应用的名称,多个实例`appName`可以相同,`实例id`不同。
-## Sermant提供哪些方面的服务治理插件?
-- Sermant有着很强的扩展性,除了框架本身提供的服务治理插件([限流降级功能介绍](../user-guide/flowcontrol/,[服务注册功能介绍](../user-guide/registry/等)之外, 开发者可以根据业务需求去开发插件包括(数据收集,链路等)。
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-# FAQ About Sermant Framework
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## **What does the input parameter "appName" mean**
-- The `appName` represents the name of the host application. Multiple instances can have the same `appName` and different `instanceName`.
-## **What kind of service governance plugins does Sermant provide?**
-- Sermant is extensible. Besides the service governance plugin provided by the framework itself ([Introduction to FlowControl](../user-guide/flowcontrol/, [Introduction to Service Registration](../user-guide/registry/, developers can develop plugins including (data collection, link collection, etc.) according to business requirements.
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-# 核心模块介绍
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-- [核心包版本](#核心包版本)
-- [目录结构](#目录结构)
-- [字节码增强](#字节码增强)
-- [统一配置系统](#统一配置系统)
- - [统一配置管理类](#统一配置管理类)
- - [统一配置类](#统一配置类)
- - [properties策略详解](#properties策略详解)
- - [yaml策略详解](#yaml策略详解)
- - [插件设定配置](#插件设定配置)
-- [核心服务系统](#核心服务系统)
- - [核心服务管理类](#核心服务管理类)
- - [核心服务类](#核心服务类)
-- [插件管理系统](#插件管理系统)
- - [插件管理类](#插件管理类)
- - [插件类加载器](#插件类加载器)
- - [插件配置系统](#插件配置系统)
- - [插件服务系统](#插件服务系统)
-- [LubanAgent](#LubanAgent)
-- [相关文档](#相关文档)
-## 核心包版本
-String version = BootArgsIndexer.getCoreVersion();
-## 目录结构
-- `agent`目录,存放[字节码增强](#字节码增强)相关代码。
-- `common`目录,存放一些公共的代码。
-- `config`目录,存放[统一配置系统](#统一配置系统)相关代码。
-- `exception`目录,存放自定义异常。
-- `plugin`目录,存放[插件管理系统](#插件管理系统)相关代码。
-- `service`目录,存放[核心服务系统](#核心服务系统)相关代码。
-- `util`目录,存放公用工具类。
-- `AgentCoreEntrance`类,系[**Sermant核心模块**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core)的入口,调用`run`方法、传入**启动参数**和*Instrumentation*对象带起。
-- `META-INF/services`目录,*SPI*配置文件目录。
- - `com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.config.common.BaseConfig`文件,用于声明统一配置类。
- - `com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.config.strategy.LoadConfigStrategy`文件,用于声明配置的加载策略。
- - `com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.service.BaseService`文件,用于声明核心服务实现。
-## 字节码增强
-**Sermant**基于`byte-buddy`字节码增强框架做字节码增强,主要采用[**byte-buddy委派**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core//plugin/agent/transformer/的方式进行,对于原生类增强的场景,则使用[**Advice模板类**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/agent/template)配合[**byte-buddy advice**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/agent/transformer/技术进行增强。
-- `declarer`目录,存放**增强定义接口**,是插件开发者需要关注的内容。
-- `interceptor`目录,存放**拦截器接口**, 是插件开发者需要关注的内容。
-- `matcher`目录,存放**被增强类的匹配器**,是插件开发者需要关注的内容。
-- `template`目录,存放**Advice模板类**。
-- `transformer`目录,存放**字节码转换器**。
-- `ByteBuddyAgentBuilder`类,字节码增强的入口。
-### 增强定义
-### 拦截器
-## 统一配置系统
-- `common`目录,存放公用内容。
- - `BaseConfig`类,**统一配置类**通用接口。
- - `ConfigFieldKey`注解,用于为**统一配置类**的字段器别名。
- - `ConfigTypeKey`注解,用于为**统一配置类**起别名。
-- `strategy`目录,存放加载配置策略的相关内容。
- - `LoadConfigStrategy`接口,为配置加载策略接口,为加载不同格式的配置文件提供规范方法。
- - `LoadPropertiesStrategy`类,用于加载`properties`格式配置文件的策略,该策略主要用于加载统一配置文件``。
- - `LoadYamlStrategy`类,用于加载`yaml`格式配置文件的策略,该策略主要用于加载插件设置和插件配置,详见于[插件配置系统](#插件配置系统)。
-- `utils`目录,存放一些统一配置系统使用到的工具类。
-- `ConfigManager`类,统一配置管理类,提供加载和获取统一配置的方法。
-### 统一配置管理类
-ConfigExample config = ConfigManager.getConfig(ConfigExample.class);
-### 统一配置类
-**统一配置系统**是一个加载**静态配置**为**Java Pojo**的管理系统,因此,**统一配置类**必须是一个实现[BaseConfig](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/config/common/接口的**Java Pojo**。这些**统一配置类**的具体要求由`LoadPropertiesStrategy`而定,详见[properties策略详解](#properties策略详解)。至于插件相关的[插件配置](#插件配置系统),则与`LoadYamlStrategy`的要求有关,详见[yaml策略详解](#yaml策略详解)。
-**统一配置类**是一个**Java Pojo**,他的`getter`方法和`setter`方法可以直接使用`lombok`的`Data`注解、`Getter`注解和`Setter`注解生成。
-- 在资源目录`resources`下添加`META-INF/services`文件夹。
-- 在`META-INF/services`中添加`com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.config.common.BaseConfig`配置文件。
-- 在上述文件中,以换行为分隔,键入插件包中所有的**统一配置类**。
-### properties策略详解
-package com.huawei.example;
-public class ConfigExample implements BaseConfig {
- private String string;
- private int intField;
- // getter and setter
-# 全限定名.属性名=属性值
-#### 属性类型
-- 布尔、数值类的基础类型及包装类型
-- 字符串类型
-- 枚举类型
-- 上述类型构成的数组
-- 前三种类型构成的*List*
-- 前三种类型构成的*Map*
-# 数组配置
-# List列表配置
-# 数组配置
-# List列表配置
-# Map字典配置
-# Map字典配置
-#### 起别名
-public class ConfigExample implements BaseConfig {
- @ConfigFieldKey("stringField")
- private String string;
- private int intField;
- // getter and setter
-# 全限定名别名.属性名别名=属性值
-#### 值内省
-# appName映射启动参数,user.home映射系统变量,com.huawei.example.ConfigExample.intField映射当前配置内容
-com.huawei.example.ConfigExample.string=value, ${appName:test}, ${user.home}, ${com.huawei.example.ConfigExample.intField}
-- 启动参数(入参和启动配置)
-- 当前配置文件(即``)
-- 环境变量
-- 系统变量
-- 默认值(即`':'`后内容)
-#### 特殊键值对
-public class ConfigExample implements BaseConfig {
- private String tag;
- private String secret;
- // getter and setter
-### yaml策略详解
-**插件配置类**和**统一配置类**一样,是个**Java Pojo**,只不过后者实现`BaseConfig`接口,前者实现`PluginConfig`接口,详情可查阅[插件代码开发手册的插件配置一节](../dev-guide/插件配置),我们这里用`PluginConfig`接口举例。
-package com.huawei.example;
-public class ConfigExample implements PluginConfig {
- private String string;
- private int intField;
- // getter and setter
- string: value
- intField: 123456
-#### 属性类型
-- 布尔、数值类的基础类型及包装类型
-- 字符串类型
-- 枚举类型
-- 复杂对象类型
-- 上述类型构成的数组
-- 前四种类型构成的*List*
-- 前四种类型构成的*Map*
-#### 起别名
-public class ConfigExample implements PluginConfig {
- @ConfigFieldKey("stringField")
- private String string;
- private int intField;
- // getter and setter
- stringField: value
- intField: 123456
-#### 值内省
- string: value, ${appName:test}, ${user.home}, ${intField}
- intField: 123456
-- 启动参数(入参和启动配置)
-- 当前集合(如案例中的`ConfigExample`类)
-- 环境变量
-- 系统变量
-- 默认值(即`':'`后内容)
-public class ConfigExample implements PluginConfig {
- private String field1;
- @ConfigFieldKey("stringField")
- private String field2;
- private String field3;
- // getter and setter
- field1: value1, ${stringField}
- stringField: value2
- field3: value3, ${field2}
-#### 特殊键值对
-### 插件设定配置
-- [agent/plugins.yaml](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/plugins.yaml): 默认编译场景下的**插件设定配置**,不含示例工程。
-- [all/plugins.yaml](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/all/plugins.yaml): 执行-Pall参数打包时的**插件设定配置**,较`agent`多了示例工程
-- [example/plugins.yaml](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/example/plugins.yaml): 执行-Pexample参数打包时的**插件设定配置**,仅含示例工程
- - plugin1
- - plugin2
- - plugin3
- scene1:
- - plugin1
- - plugin2
- scene2:
- - plugin3
- - plugin4
- scene3:
- - plugin5
- - plugin6
-profile: scene1, scene2
-## 核心服务系统
-- [BaseService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/ [**核心服务类**](#核心服务类)
-- [ServiceManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/ [**核心服务管理类**](#核心服务类)
-- 核心服务实现目录
-### 核心服务管理类
-ServiceExample service = ServiceManager.getService(ServiceExample.class);
-### 核心服务类
-public interface ServiceExample extends BaseService {
- void foo();
-public class ServiceExampleImpl implements ServiceExample {
- @Override
- public void start() {
- // initialize
- }
- @Override
- public void stop() {
- // shut down
- }
- @Override
- public void foo() {
- // do something
- }
-- 在资源目录`resources`下添加`META-INF/services`文件夹。
-- 在`META-INF/services`中添加`com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.service.BaseService`配置文件。
-- 在上述文件中,以换行为分隔,键入插件包中所有的**核心服务类**实现(`ServiceExampleImpl`)。
-## 插件管理系统
-- [classloader/PluginClassLoader](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/classloader/类,即[插件类加载器](#插件类加载器)。
-- [config](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/config)目录,里面存放着[插件配置系统](#插件配置系统)相关代码。
-- [service](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/service)目录,里面存放着[插件服务系统](#插件服务系统)相关代码。
-- [PluginManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/类,即[插件管理类](#插件管理类)
-### 插件管理类
-- 加载其所有**插件包**至系统类加载器`AppClassLoader`。
-- 自定义[插件类加载器](#插件类加载器)加载所有**插件服务包**。
-- 加载所有相关的[插件配置](#插件配置系统)。
-- 加载所有相关的[插件服务](#插件服务系统)。
-### 插件类加载器
-- 尝试获取自身已加载过的*Class*。
-- 尝试加载自身持有*URL*的*Class*,并将其缓存。
-- 无法从自身获取*Class*时,再调用父类原生的加载方法。
-### 插件配置系统
-### 插件服务系统
-## 相关文档
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-# Sermant-agentcore-core
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document focuses on [**sermant-agentcore-core**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core), which provides important kernels for handling bytecode enhancements, unified configuration, core services, plugin management, etc.
-- [Version of Agentcore-core](#Version-of-Sermant-agentcore-core)
-- [Directory Structure](#Directory-Structure)
-- [Bytecode Enhancement](#Bytecode-Enhancement)
-- [Unified Configuration System](#Unified-Configuration-System)
- - [Unified Configuration Management Class](#Unified-Configuration-Management-Class)
- - [Unified Configuration Classes](#Unified-Configuration-Classes)
- - [Detailed Description for Properties Strategy](#Detailed-Description-for-Properties-Strategy)
- - [Detailed Description for Yaml Strategy](#Detailed-Description-for-Yaml-Strategy)
- - [Plugin Setup Configuration](#Plugin-Setup-Configuration)
-- [Core Service System](#Core-Service-System)
- - [Core Service Management Class](#Core-Service-Management-Class)
- - [Core Service Class](#Core-Service-Class)
-- [Plugin Management System](#Plugin-Management-System)
- - [Plugin Management Class](#Plugin-Management-Class)
- - [Plugin Classloader](#Plugin-Classloader)
- - [Plugin Configuration System](#Plugin-Configuration-System)
- - [Plugin Service System](#Plugin-Service-System)
-- [Related Documents](#Related-Documents)
-This article is just a brief introduction to [**sermant-agentcore-core**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core) in the meaning of each directory. If the developers want a more detailed understanding of the code's service logic, please move to the related directory or class.
-## Version of Sermant-agentcore-core
-The package version of sermant-agentcore-core (also called core package version) is an intrinsic property of the package, so we encapsulate the version definition in the `manifest` file as meta-information for the JAR package. Core package Version information is encapsulated in the `sermant-version` parameter of the`manifest` file, which defaults to `project.version`. In the code, you can get the core package version by:
-String version = BootArgsIndexer.getCoreVersion();
-If you need to change the core package version, you can change the value of `project.version` directly.
-## Directory Structure
-[**Sermant-agentcore-core**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core) contains the following directories:
-- `agent`, contains the deprecated code related to bytecode enhancement.
-- `common`, contains the common code.
-- `config`, contains the code related to [Unified Configuration System](#Unified-Configuration-System).
-- `exception`, contains custom exceptions.
-- `plugin`, contains the code related to [Plugin Management System](#Plugin-Management-System) and [Bytecode Enhancement](#Bytecode-Enhancement).
-- `service`, contains the code related to [Core Service System](#Core-Service-System).
-- `util`, contains the code of common utility classes.
-- `AgentCoreEntrance`, is the entrance of [**Sermant-agentcore-core**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core),which calls the `run` method and transfers **startup parameters** and *Instrumentation* object.
-The following resources are also included in [**Sermant-agentcore-core**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core):
-- `META-INF/services`, *SPI* configuration file directory.
- - `com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.config.common.BaseConfig`, declares unified configuration classes.
- - `com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.config.strategy.LoadConfigStrategy`, declares the configration loading policy.
- - `com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.service.BaseService`, declares implementations of core service.
-## Bytecode Enhancement
-The **Bytecode Enhancement** code for **Sermant** could be found in [agent](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/agent).
-**Sermant** implements bytecode enhancements based on the `Byte-Buddy` framework. It mainly utilizes [**byte-buddy delegate**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/agent/transformer/ to enhance classes. For the scene of native class enhancement, [**Advice template classes**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/agent/template) with [**byte-buddy advice**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/agent/transformer/ technology play a role.
-The main content of `plugin/agent` directory show as following items:
-- `declarer`, contains **enhancement definition interfaces** is something that plugin developers need to focus on.
-- `interceptor`, contains the **interceptor interfaces**, which plugin developers need to focus on.
-- `matcher`, contains the **matchers of enhanced classes**, which plugin developers need to focus on.
-- `template`, contains the **Advice template class**.
-- `transformer`, contains the **Bytecode Transformer**.
-- `BufferedAgentBuilder`, entrance of bytecode enhancement.
-### Enhancement Definition
-When coding **enhancement definitions**, plugin developers should implement `getClassMatcher` and `getInterceptDeclarers` of [PluginDeclarer](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/agent/declarer/ , as detailed in the [Plugin Code Development Guide](../dev-guide/ Definition).
- Don't forget to add the *SPI* configuration file for `PluginDeclarer`.
-### Interceptor
-When coding an **interceptor**, developers just need to implement `interceptor` of [interceptor](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/agent/interceptor) directory
-For details, refer to [Plugin Code Development Guide](../dev-guide/
-## Unified Configuration System
-The **Unified Configuration System** for **Sermant** can be found in [config](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/config) directory.
-`config` contains following contents:
-- `common`,contains common code.
- - `BaseConfig`, common interface of **Unified Configuration Classes** .
- - `ConfigFieldKey`,used for setting alias of fields for **Unified Configuration Classes**.
- - `ConfigTypeKey`, used for setting alias for **Unified Configuration Classes**.
-- `strategy`, contains the code of configuration loading strategy.
- - `LoadConfigStrategy`, interface of the configuration loading strategy.
- - `LoadPropertiesStrategy`, strategy that used to load the `properties` format configuration file, which is mainly applied to load the Unified configuration file ``.
- - `LoadYamlStrategy`,, strategy that used to load the `yaml` format configuration file, which is mainly applied to load the plugin setup configuration and plugin configuration, detailed in [Plugin Configuration System](#Plugin-Configuration-System).
-- `utils`,contains utility classes used by the Unified Configuration System.
-- `ConfigManager`,Unified Configuration Management Class, which provides methods for loading and fetching unified configuration.
-### Unified Configuration Management Class
-In `ConfigManager`, which is called Unified Configuration Management Class, developers can get the instance of **Unified Configuration Classes** via the `getConfig` method:
-ConfigExample config = ConfigManager.getConfig(ConfigExample.class);
-### Unified Configuration Classes
-**Unified Configuration System** is a management system that loads **static configuration** as **Java Pojo**. Therefore, an **Unified Configuration Class** must be a **Java Pojo** that implement [BaseConfig](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/config/common/ interface. The exact requirements for these **Unified Configuration Classes** are dictated by `LoadPropertiesStrategy`, as described in the [Detailed Description for Properties Strategy](#Detailed-Description-for-Properties-Strategy). As for plugin-related [plugin configuration](#Plugin-Configuration-System), this is related to the requirements of `LoadYamlStrategy`.See details in [Detailed Description for Yaml Strategy](#Detailed-Description-for-Yaml-Strategy).
-An **Unified Configuration Class** is a **Java Pojo**, whose `getter`and `setter` methods can be directly generated using Lombok's `Data`, `getter`, and `setter` annotations.
-Note that after coding the **Unified Configuration Class**, don't forget to add SPI configuration file of [BaseConfig](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/config/common/ interface:
-- Add `META-INF/services` folder under `resources`
-- add configuration file `com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.config.common.BaseConfig` under `META-INF/services`.
-- In the above file, type all the **Unified Configuration Classes** in the plugin package and split them with **LF**.
-### Detailed Description for Properties Strategy
-The `LoadPropertiesStrategy` is used to load configuration files in the *properties* format, which is now mainly used to load the unified configuration file ``.
-The idea of `LoadPropertiesStrategy` could be simply described as: take the full qualified class name or alias of the **Unified Configuration Class** as the prefix and the property name or alias of the **Unified Configuration Class** as the suffix, and concatenate into the key in the **properties** format, then convert to the type of the corresponding property and assign the value after getting the corresponding value.
-Suppose there is a following **Unified Configuration Class**:
-package com.huawei.example;
-public class ConfigExample implements BaseConfig {
- private String string;
- private int intField;
- // getter and setter
-The corresponding configuration might look like this:
-# formant: full-qualified-class-name.propertyName=propertyValue
-#### Property Type
-The property types that `LoadPropertiesStrategy`supports includes:
-- Primitive and wrapper types for Boolean and numeric classes
-- String
-- Enum
-- Array that consist of the above types
-- *List* that consist of the first three types
-- *Map* that consist of the first three types
-There are two ways to config `array` and `List`, one is to split the string with `,`:
-# Array
-# List
-Another way is to use index:
-# Array
-# List
-There are two ways to config `Map`, one is to split the key/value pairs with `,` and split the key and value with `':'` :
-# Map
-Another way is to add the key at the end of propertyName:
-# Map
-Note that `LoadPropertiesStrategy` does not support complex type properties.
-#### Alias
-`LoadPropertiesStrategy` supports setting alias for full qualified class name and property names using the `ConfigTypeKey` annotation and the `ConfigFieldKey` annotation. Assume the above `ConfigExample` class is modified as follows:
-public class ConfigExample implements BaseConfig {
- @ConfigFieldKey("stringField")
- private String string;
- private int intField;
- // getter and setter
-Then the configuration file should be like this:
-# alias for
-#### Value of Introspection
-The property values in `LoadPropertiesStrategy'`support introspection. `${}` can be used to map the current configuration, system variables, startup parameters and other elements. For example, the `ConfigExample` configuration can be set to:
-# appName linked to startup parameters ,user.home linked to system variable,com.huawei.example.ConfigExample.intField linked to current configuration
-com.huawei.example.ConfigExample.string=value, ${appName:test}, ${user.home}, ${com.huawei.example.ConfigExample.intField}
-Take `${appName:test}` for example ,`appName` is the index key for introspection and `test` is the default value. The retrieval priority for introspection is as follows:
-- Startup parameters
-- Current configuration file(``)
-- Environment variable
-- System variable
-- Default value(content at the right of `':'`)
-The contents contained in the startup parameters can be found in [Introduction to Entrance Module](
-#### Special Key/Value pairs
-`LoadPropertiesStrategy` allows you to use the key/value pairs in the startup parameter first. Otherwise it will use the config from the configuration file if the startup parameter does not exist.
-Suppose there is a configuration class like this:
-public class ConfigExample implements BaseConfig {
- private String tag;
- private String secret;
- // getter and setter
-The `tag` and `secret` properties take precedence over the `env.tag` and `env.secret` values in the `bootstrap.config`.
-### Detailed Description for Yaml Strategy
-The `LoadYamlStrategy` is used to load configuration files in the *YAML* format, which is currently mainly used to load plugin setup configuration `plugins.yaml` and plugin configuration `config.yaml`. Since plugin setup configuration is relatively simple, we will only cover the **Plugin Configuration Class**.
-The **Plugin Configuration Class** is a **Java Pojo** just like the **Unified Configuration Class**, except that the latter implements the `BaseConfig` interface, while the former implements the `PluginConfig` interface. Refer to [Plugin Code Development Guide](../dev-guide/ for more information. We will take the `PluginConfig` interface as an example.
-Suppose there is a following **Plugin Configuration Class** :
-package com.huawei.example;
-public class ConfigExample implements PluginConfig {
- private String string;
- private int intField;
- // getter and setter
-The corresponding configuration might look like this:
- string: value
- intField: 123456
-#### Property Type
-The property types that `LoadYamlStrategy`supports includes:
-- Primitive and wrapper types for Boolean and numeric classes
-- String
-- Enum
-- Complex Object
-- Array that consist of the above types
-- *List* that consist of the first four types
-- *Map* that consist of the first four types
-#### Alias
-`LoadYamlStrategy` supports setting alias for full qualified class name and property names using the `ConfigTypeKey` annotation and the `ConfigFieldKey` annotation. Assume the above `ConfigExample` class is modified as follows:
-public class ConfigExample implements PluginConfig {
- @ConfigFieldKey("stringField")
- private String string;
- private int intField;
- // getter and setter
-Then the configuration file should be like this::
- stringField: value
- intField: 123456
-Note that fixing property names by `ConfigFieldKey` is not supported for complex objects involved in arrays, lists, and maps. In other words, `ConfigFieldKey` only applies to properties of the **Plugin Configuration Class** and its complex object type properties.
-#### Value of Introspection
-The property values in `LoadYamlStrategy'`support introspection. `${}` can be used to map the current configuration, system variables, startup parameters and other elements. For example, the `ConfigExample` configuration can be set to:
- string: value, ${appName:test}, ${user.home}, ${intField}
- intField: 123456
-Take `${appName:test}` for example ,`appName` is the index key for introspection and `test` is the default value. The retrieval priority for introspection is as follows:
-- Startup parameters
-- Current configuration file
-- Environment variable
-- System variable
-- Default value(content at the right of `':'`)
-Note that `LoadPropertiesStrategy` can map to the entire configuration file, and `LoadYamlStrategy` can only map to the current `Map` or **complex object** due to the configuration format.
-while mapping the **public properties** of the current collection (**complex objects**) and the **public properties** are aliasing with `ConfigFieldKey`, the correct mapping will depend on the order in which the properties are defined, like **Plugin Configuration Classes** below:
-public class ConfigExample implements PluginConfig {
- private String field1;
- @ConfigFieldKey("stringField")
- private String field2;
- private String field3;
- // getter and setter
-If `field1` and `field3` need to use `field2`, the corresponding configuration would look like this:
- field1: value1, ${stringField}
- stringField: value2
- field3: value3, ${field2}
-Based on the above, it is recommended that developers do not set aliases for **public properties**. If you really need an alias, it is recommended to place these **public properties** at the beginning or end of the **Plugin Configuration Class**.
-The contents contained in the startup parameters can be found in [Introduction to Entrance Module](
-#### Special Key/Value pairs
-`LoadYamlStrategy` does not support assigning properties to the **Plugin Configuration Class** using key/value pairs in the startup parameter.
-### Plugin Setup Configuration
-**Plugin Setup Configuration** is `plugins.yaml`. There are three such files in [**sermant-agentcore-core**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core):
-- [plugins.yaml](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/plugins.yaml): **Plugin Setup Configuration** for the default build scenario, without the example project.
-- [all/plugins.yaml](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/all/plugins.yaml): **Plugin Setup Configuration ** when executing the -Pall to package, with extra example project than `agent`.
-- [example/plugins.yaml](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/example/plugins.yaml): **Plugin Setup Configuration** when executing the -Pexample to package, including only the example project.
-In `plugins.yaml`, the plugins is configured to be loaded when **Sermant** starts, like this:
- - plugin1
- - plugin2
- - plugin3
-These configured plugins correspond to the contents of the `pluginPackage` directory.
-In addition, developers can use `profile` to define the plugins that need to be loaded for different scenarios. Such as:
- scene1:
- - plugin1
- - plugin2
- scene2:
- - plugin3
- - plugin4
- scene3:
- - plugin5
- - plugin6
-profile: scene1, scene2
-In `Profiles` you can customize the plugin loading configuration for different scenarios, and in' profiles' you can configure which scenarios will take effect after the application launches.
-## Core Service System
-The **Core Service System** code for **Sermant** could be found in [service](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service).
-- [BaseService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/ [**Core Service Class**](#Core-Service-Class)
-- [ServiceManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/ [**Core Service Management Class**](#Core-Service-Management-Class)
-- Core service implementation directory
-### Core Service Management Class
-In the **Core Service Management Class** `ServiceManager`, developers can obtain the **core service class** instance via the `getService` method:
-ServiceExample service = ServiceManager.getService(ServiceExample.class);
-### Core Service Class
-The **Core Service System** is a system that loads and manages the services that implement the [BaseService](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/service/ **Core Service Class**. Its core is the implementation of **Core Service Class**.:
-Suppose there is a service called example and write an interface for this service:
-public interface ServiceExample extends BaseService {
- void foo();
-This defines the `Example` service interface with the `foo` method, which might be implemented as follows:
-public class ServiceExampleImpl implements ServiceExample {
- @Override
- public void start() {
- // initialize
- }
- @Override
- public void stop() {
- // shut down
- }
- @Override
- public void foo() {
- // do something
- }
-Next, add `ServiceExampleImpl` to the *SPI* configuration of `BaseService`:
-- Add `META-INF/services` folder under `resources`.
-- add configuration file `com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.service.BaseService` under `META-INF/services`.
-- In the above file, type all the **Core Service Classes**(`ServiceExampleImpl`) in the plugin package and split them with **LF**.
-In this way you can fetch the instances of **Core Service Classes** via the `getService` method of the `ServiceManager`.
-## Plugin Management System
-The **Plugin Management system** code for **Sermant** can be found in [plugin](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin).
-`plugin` includes:
-- [classloader/PluginClassLoader](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/classloader/, describes in [Plugin Classloader](#Plugin-Classloader).
-- [config](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/config), contains the code related to [Plugin Configuration System](#Plugin-Configuration-System).
-- [service](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/service), contains the code related to [Plugin Service System](#Plugin-Service-System).
-- [PluginManager](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/,describes in [Plugin Management Class](#Plugin-Management-Class).
-### Plugin Management Class
-In the **Plugin Management Class**, we mainly traverse the plugin directories configured in the plugin configuration file `plugins.yaml`. For each plugin directory:
-- Load all its **plugin packages** into the system class loader `AppClassLoader`.
-- Custom [Plugin Classloader](#Plugin-Classloader) loads all plugin packages.
-- Load all related [Plugin Configuration](#Plugin-Configuration-System).
-- Load all related [Plugin Service](#Plugin-Service-System).
-### Plugin Classloader
-**Plugin Classloader** is exactly `PluginClassLoader`. `PluginClassLoader` is a special `URLClassLoader`. It will hold all the *URL* of plugin service packages for a single feature. `PluginClassLoader` breaks the parent delegation mechanism. When loading a *Class*, it preferentially uses its own *Class*, and then calls the native loading method of its parent class if it can't find:
-- Try to get the *Class* that it has already loaded.
-- Try to load the *Class* that itself holds the *URL* and cache it.
-- When it can't get the *Class* from itself, it will call the native loading method of the parent class.
-### Plugin Configuration System
-**Plugin Configuration System** is a special case of [**Unified Configuration System**](#Unified-Configuration-System). It is mainly used to read the plugin configuration file `config.yaml`, so it follows the rules of the [YAML format loading strategy](#Detailed-Description-for-Yaml-Strategy).
-For more information on the **Plugin Configuration System**, refer to the [Plugin Code Development Guide](../dev-guide/
-### Plugin Service System
-**Plugin Service System** is a special case of [**Core Service System**](#Core-Service-System), which is mainly used to load the PluginService `PluginService`. So it follows the rules of **Core Service System**.
-For more information on the **Plugin Service System**, refer to the [Plugin Code Development Guide](../dev-guide/
-## Related Documents
-|[Introduction to Entrance Module](|
-|[Introduction to Backend Module](|
-[Back to README of **Sermant** ](../
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-# 后端模块介绍
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-- Sermant数据处理后端模块和前端信息展示模块
-- 接受框架和插件的数据写入kafka
-- 提供前端界面展示框架和插件的心跳信息
-- backend运行环境依赖kafka, 默认kafka的配置如下,若kafka环境配置不同,需要修改[kafka环境配置](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/
- ```properties
- spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers=
- ```
-- 框架运行依赖backend,backend的默认配置如下,若宿主应用和backend未运行在统一机器,需要修改[backend配置](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-premain/src/main/resources/config/
- ```properties
- backendIp=
- backendPort=6888
- ```
-- 运行backend模块之后,访问 ``查看框架和插件启动信息
- ![启动信息](../../docs/binary-docs/backend_sermant_info.png)
-- backend默认后端监听端口为8900,若出现端口被占用或需要设置为其他端口,请修改[backend端口](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/
- ```properties
- server.port=8900
- ```
-- backend前端采用vue框架开发,目前前端仅提供简单的展示框架运行状态信息,若前端不满足要求,请修改[backend前端](../../sermant-backend/src/main/webapp)
-- backend要求框架和插件产生的数据存入不同的topic,若以下现有的topic配置不满足要求,则需要按照同样的格式添加topic配置,添加topic请修改[topic配置](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/
- ```properties
- datatype.topic.mapping.0=topic-heartbeat
- datatype.topic.mapping.1=topic-log
- datatype.topic.mapping.2=topic-flowcontrol
- datatype.topic.mapping.3=topic-flowrecord
- datatype.topic.mapping.4=topic-server-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.5=topic-open-jdk-jvm-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.6=topic-ibm-jvm-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.7=topic-agent-registration
- datatype.topic.mapping.8=topic-agent-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.9=topic-agent-span-event
- datatype.topic.mapping.10=topic-druid-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.11=topic-flowcontrol-metric
- ```
-- backend不强依赖kafka服务,配置中默认心跳数据写入缓存中,如需要将数据写入kafka,则更改[backend配置文件](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/中以下配置为`false`即可。
- ```properties
- heartbeat.cache=true
- ```
-## 相关文档
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-# Sermant-backend Module
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document focuses on the [**Sermant-backend**](../../sermant-backend). Its main function is to send messages generated during the `core function` execution to Kafka, which plays the role of turning short connections into long connections.
-- Data processing backend module and frontend information display module for Sermant.
-- Receive data from framework and plugin and write to Kafka.
-- Provide frontend to display heartbeat information of framework and plugin.
-**How to Use**:
-- The runtime environment of backend requires Kafka. The default configuration of Kafka is as follows. If the environment configuration of Kafka is different, you need to modify the [kafka configuration](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/
- ```properties
- spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers=
- ```
-- The framework depends on backend to run. The default configuration of backend is as follows. If the host application and backend are not running on the same machine, you need to modify the [backend configuration](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/
- ```properties
- backendIp=
- backendPort=6888
- ```
-- After running the backend module, check startup information of framework and plugin at
- ![启动信息](../../docs/binary-docs/backend_sermant_info.png)
-- The default listening port of backend is 8900. If the port is occupied or needs to be set to another port, please modify [port of backend](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/
- ```properties
- server.port=8900
- ```
-- The frontend of Backend frontend is developed by Vue framework. At present, the frontend only provides simple information to show the running status of the framework. If the frontend does not meet your requirements, please modify the [frontend](../../sermant-backend/src/main/webapp).
-- Backend requires that the data generated by the framework and the plugin are stored in different topics of Kafka. If the following existing topic configuration does not meet the requirements, developers need to add topic configuration in the same format.To add topic, please modify [topic configuration](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/
- ```properties
- datatype.topic.mapping.0=topic-heartbeat
- datatype.topic.mapping.1=topic-log
- datatype.topic.mapping.2=topic-flowcontrol
- datatype.topic.mapping.3=topic-flowrecord
- datatype.topic.mapping.4=topic-server-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.5=topic-open-jdk-jvm-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.6=topic-ibm-jvm-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.7=topic-agent-registration
- datatype.topic.mapping.8=topic-agent-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.9=topic-agent-span-event
- datatype.topic.mapping.10=topic-druid-monitor
- datatype.topic.mapping.11=topic-flowcontrol-metric
- ```
-- Backend does not strongly rely on Kafka service, the default configuration of heartbeat data is to write to the cache, if you need to write data to Kafka, just change the following configuration of [backend configuration file](../../sermant-backend/src/main/resources/ to `false`.
- ```properties
- heartbeat.cache=true
- ```
-## Related Documents
-|[Introduction to Sermant-agentcore-core](|
-|[Introduction to Entrance Module](|
-[[Back to README of **Sermant** ](../]
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-## 动态配置插件介绍
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 功能
-当前插件插件支持[SpringCloud](应用,需配合注解`@Value, @ConfigurationProperties以及@RefreshScope`使用
-## 使用说明
-### 版本要求
-**SpringCloud:** `Edgware.SR2`及以上的版本
-### 环境准备
-### 配置插件
-修改配置文件`${javaagent路径}/config/`, 修改配置中心类型与地址,如下位置:
-# 配置中心地址, 根据配置中心地址配置
-# 配置中心类型, 支持KIE与ZOOKEEPER
-修改配置文件`${javaagent路径}/pluginPackage/dynamic-config/config/config.yaml`, 配置如下:
- enableCseAdapter: true # 是否开启适配CSE
- enableDynamicConfig: true # 是否开启动态配置插件
- enableOriginConfigCenter: false # 是否开启原配置中心, 默认关闭
- #sourceKeys: sourceKey #针对指定键生效
-| 配置项 | 配置说明 |
-| ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| enableCseAdapter | 当配置为true时, 会根据ServiceMeta指定的应用配置,服务配置以及自定义标签配置三种类型进行配置订阅;当为false时,只会根据服务名进行订阅,即对键为`service`, 值为"宿主服务名(即spring.application.name获取)" |
-| enableDynamicConfig | 动态配置开关,仅当配置为true时,动态配置才会生效 |
-| enableOriginConfigCenter | 是否开启原配置中心, 默认不开启。当前仅支持Zookeeper与Nacos配置中心(基于SpringCloud Config实现) |
-| sourceKeys | 当需要指定的配置键生效时,可配置该值,例如只是想读取application.yaml,否则默认会读取所有的配置;多个键使用`,`隔开。 |
-### 发布配置
-#### 通过Sermant后台服务发布配置
-2、调用`backend`接口`/publishConfig`发布配置, 该接口参数如下:
-| 配置参数 | 说明 |
-| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
-| key | 配置键 |
-| group | 配置的标签组 |
-| content | 配置内容,即具体的规则配置,配置插件仅支持**yaml**格式 |
-(1)若关闭适配,即`enableCseAdapter: false`
- 此时注册插件将根据宿主应用的服务名进行订阅, 即配置的``, 若此时配置的服务名为`DynamicConfigDemo`, 那么对应的`group`的值为`service=DynamicConfigDemo`, 其中键service是固定的, 值DynamicConfigDemo由宿主服务名决定
-(2)若开启适配, 即`enableCseAdapter: true`
- 此时将根据**应用配置**,**服务配置**以及**自定义配置**三项数据进行配置**同时**订阅, 而这三类配置可参考`${javaagent路径}/pluginPackage/`, 相关配置如下:
-# 服务app名称
-# 服务版本
-# serviceComb 命名空间
-# 环境
-# 自定义标签,按需配置,用于后续的配置订阅
-- 应用配置:由`service.meta.application`与`service.meta.environment`组成, 对应的`group`为`app=default&environment=development`
-- 服务配置:由`service.meta.application`、`service.meta.environment`以及服务名组成,此处服务即``, 对应的`group`为`app=default&environment=development&service=DynamicConfigDemo`
-- 自定义配置:由`service.meta.customLabel`与`service.meta.customLabelValue`组成, 对应的`group`为`public=default`
-**以上为`group`的配置介绍**,下面说明`content`配置,当前动态配置仅支持yaml格式, 例如配置如下内容:
- port: 8004
-sermant: sermant
- application:
- name: DynamicConfigDemo
- cloud:
- zookeeper:
- enabled: true
-#### 通过配置中心发布配置
-不同的配置中心配置方式都不同, 以下分别说明Zookeeper与Kie配置中心的配置方式
-##### Kie配置中心
-KIE发布配置需通过其自身API发布,其接口为`http://ip:30110/v1/default/kie/kv`, 配置内容如下:
- "key": "test",
- "value": "limitRefreshPeriod: \"1000\"\nname: hello\nrate: \"2\"\n",
- "labels": {
- "app": "discovery",
- "environment": "testing"
- },
- "status": "enabled"
-##### Zookeeper配置中心
-Zookeeper配置发布则需基于命令行配置,即`zkServer`, 其路径由[通过Sermant后台服务发布配置](#通过Sermant后台服务发布配置)的key与group组成, 即/group/key, 其值即为content。例如发布一个配置:
-当前服务名为`DynamicConfigDemo`,对应的**group**为`service=DynamicConfigDemo`, 指定的**key**为`test`, **content**为`sermant: sermant`, 那么发布的命令为
-# create /group/key content
-create /service=DynamicConfigDemo/test "sermant: sermant"
-### 部署应用
-准备好demo应用,例如xxx.jar, 参考如下启动命令如下:
-java -javaagent:${agent路径}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=DynamicConfigDemo -Ddynamic.config.plugin.enableDynamicConfig=true -Ddynamic.config.plugin.enableCseAdapter=false -jar xxx.jar
- * @Value配置示范
- * 需配合注解@RefreshScope
- */
-public class ValueConfig {
- @Value("${sermant}")
- private Object sermant;
- @Value("${server.port}")
- private int port;
- @Value("${}")
- private String name;
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return "ValueConfig{" +
- "test=" + test +
- ", dubbo=" + dubbo +
- ", sermant=" + sermant +
- ", port=" + port +
- ", name='" + name + '\'' +
- '}';
- }
- public Object getSermant() {
- return sermant;
- }
- public Object getDubbo() {
- return dubbo;
- }
- public Object getTest() {
- return test;
- }
-### 验证
-尝试发布更新配置,再次访问demo应用,观察配置是否刷新,控制台是否有输出`Refresh Keys`日志。
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-## Dynamic Configuration
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document is used to introduce the usage of [dynamic configuration plugin](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-dynamic-config)
-## Functions
-This plugin implements dynamic configuration based on the Sermant configuration center capability. During running, the configuration can be updated to the host application. The priority of the plugin is higher than that of the environment variable configuration.
-The current plugin supports SpringCloud applications and needs to be used together with the `@Value, @ConfigurationProperties, and @RefreshScope` annotations.
-## Usage
-### Version Required
-**SpringCloud:** `Edgware.SR2 `and later versions
-### Environment Preparation
-(1)Preparing the Configuration Center Environment (Zookeeper/Kie)
-(2)Compile the Sermant. For details, can referring [complie source code](../../
-### Configure Plugin
-**(1)Modify the config center(Optional)**
-Modify the `${javaagent path}/config/`, configuration file to change the configuration center type and address as follows:
-# IP address of the configuration center. Set this parameter based on the IP address of the configuration center.
-# Configuration center type. The options are KIE and ZOOKEEPER.
-**(2)Configure Dynamic Configuratin plugin**
-Modify the `${javaagent path}/pluginPackage/dynamic-config/config/config.yaml`, configuration file as follows:
- enableCseAdapter: true # Whether to enable CSE adaptation
- enableDynamicConfig: true # Whether to enable the dynamic configuration plugin
- enableOriginConfigCenter: false # Indicates whether to enable the original configuration center. By default, the configuration center is disabled.
- #sourceKeys: sourceKeys # related the keys that can effect, default is null
-Configuration description:
-| Configuration | Description |
-| ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| enableCseAdapter | If this parameter is set to true, subscription is performed based on the application configuration, service configuration, and customized tag configuration specified by ServiceMeta. If the value is false, subscription is performed only based on the service name. That is, the key is service and the value is "Host service name (obtained by". |
-| enableDynamicConfig | Indicates whether to enable dynamic configuration. The dynamic configuration takes effect only when this parameter is set to true. |
-| enableOriginConfigCenter | Indicates whether to enable the original configuration center. This parameter is disabled by default. Currently, only ZooKeeper and Nacos configuration center (implemented based on SpringCloud Config) are supported. |
-| sourceKeys | When the specified configuration key takes effect, you can set this parameter. For example, you only want to read the application.yaml file. Otherwise, all configurations are read by default. Use commas (,) to separate multiple keys. |
-### Publish Configuration
-You can publish configurations in either of the following ways:
-(1)Publish configurations through the Sermant Backend service
-(2)Release the configuration directly through the configuration center.
-The following describes the operation processes of the two publishing modes.
-#### Publish Configurations Through The Sermant Backend Service
-1、Compile and start the backend module.
-2、Invoke the backend interface `/publishConfig` to publish the configuration. The parameters of the interface are as follows:
-| Configuration | Description |
-| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| key | configuration key |
-| group | configuration group |
-| content | Configuration content, that is, specific rule configuration. The configuration plugin supports only YAML format. |
-Dynamic configuration is performed based on a group. The tag group consists of multiple key-value pairs. The value of group varies with the adaptation switch enableCseAdapter, as shown in the following figure.
-(1)If the adaptation function is disabled(`enableCseAdapter: false`)
- In this case, the registration plugin performs subscription according to the service name of the host application, that is, the configured ``. If the configured service name is `DynamicConfigDemo`, the value of the corresponding `group` is `service=DynamicConfigDemo`, where the key service is fixed. The value DynamicConfigDemo is determined by the host service name.
-(2)If the adaptation function is enabled(`enableCseAdapter: true`)
- In this case, subscription is performed based on the **application configuration, service configuration, and customized configuration**. For details about the three types of configurations, see `${javaagent path}/pluginPackage/`, The related configurations are as follows:
-# application name
-# service version
-# namespace just keep default
-# your environment, currently, development/testing/production are supported
-# Customized tags, which are configured as required for subsequent configuration subscription.
-- **Application configuration**: consists of `service.meta.application` and `service.meta.environment`. The corresponding group is `app=default&environment=development`.
-- **Service configuration**: consists of `service.meta.application`, `service.meta.environment`, and `service name. Here, the service is`, and the corresponding group is `app=default&environment=development&service=DynamicConfigDemo`.
-- **Customized configuration**: consists of `service.meta.customLabel` and `service.meta.customLabelValue`. The corresponding group is `public=default`.
-The preceding describes the group configuration. The following describes the content configuration. Currently, the dynamic configuration supports only the YAML format. For example, the following content is configured:
- port: 8004
-sermant: sermant
- application:
- name: DynamicConfigDemo
- cloud:
- zookeeper:
- enabled: true
-There is no special requirement for key configuration. Note that if you set the **sourceKeys** configuration item, the configuration item **takes effect only when the key matches the sourceKeys** configuration item.
-#### Publish Configurations by Config Center
-The configuration modes vary according to the config center. The following describes the configuration modes of the ZOOKEEPER and KIE config centers.
-##### KIE Config Center
-The KIE publish configuration needs to be released through its own API. The configuration content of the http://ip:30110/v1/default/kie/kv, interface is as follows:
- "key": "test",
- "value": "limitRefreshPeriod: \"1000\"\nname: hello\nrate: \"2\"\n",
- "labels": {
- "app": "discovery",
- "environment": "testing"
- },
- "status": "enabled"
-The preceding configuration keys and labels correspond to the keys and groups that are released [through the Sermant background service](#Publish-configurations-through-the-Sermant-Backend-service). If you are not familiar with KIE requests, see the [API document](
-##### ZOOKEEPER Config Center
-The ZOOKEEPER configuration publishment needs to be configured based on the command line, that is, zkServer. Its path consists of the key and group configured [through the Sermant background service](#Publish-configurations-through-the-Sermant-Backend-service) release, that is, /group/key, whose value is content.
-The following shows how to publish a configuration:
-If the current service name is **DynamicConfigDemo**, the corresponding **group is service=DynamicConfigDemo**, the specified **key is test**, and the content is **sermant: sermant**, the released command is as follows:
-# create /group/key content
-create /service=DynamicConfigDemo/test "sermant: sermant"
-### Deploy Application
-Prepare the demo application, for example, xxx.jar. Run the following command to start the application:
-#EnableCseAdapter based on the configuration
-java -javaagent:${agent path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=DynamicConfigDemo -Ddynamic.config.plugin.enableDynamicConfig=true -Ddynamic.config.plugin.enableCseAdapter=false -jar xxx.jar
-The @Value annotation is used as an example. The @ConfigurationProperties annotation is similar.
- * @Value example
- * need use with @RefreshScope
- */
-public class ValueConfig {
- @Value("${sermant}")
- private Object sermant;
- @Value("${server.port}")
- private int port;
- @Value("${}")
- private String name;
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return "ValueConfig{" +
- "test=" + test +
- ", dubbo=" + dubbo +
- ", sermant=" + sermant +
- ", port=" + port +
- ", name='" + name + '\'' +
- '}';
- }
- public Object getSermant() {
- return sermant;
- }
- public Object getDubbo() {
- return dubbo;
- }
- public Object getTest() {
- return test;
- }
-### Verification
-Release the updated configuration, access the demo application again, and check whether the configuration is refreshed and whether `Refresh Keys` logs are generated on the console.
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-# 入口模块介绍
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 组成部分
-- `common`目录,存放公共内容。
- - `BootArgsBuilder`类,用于加载启动配置。
- - `PathDeclarer`类,用于声明相关资源的路径。
-- `exception`目录,存放自定义异常。
-- `AgentPremain`类,为`JavaAgent`入口,详见[使用方式](#使用方式)。
-- `config/`文件,为启动配置文件,将被[BootArgsBuilder](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-premain/src/main/java/com/huawei/sermant/premain/common/类加载出来,连同启动入参共同构成启动参数*Map*。
-## 使用方式
-public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst);
-## 功能解析
-- 防止**Sermant**被宿主多次带起(*JavaAgent*命令中添加了复数的**Sermant**入口包)。
-- 加载**核心功能**包,这里使用系统类加载器加载。
-- 将`agentArgs`和启动配置[](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/封装为启动参数`Map`。
-- 调用**核心功能**入口[AgentCoreEntrance](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/带起**核心功能**。
-- 注意,带起**核心功能**时需要将**路径相关参数**传递进去,这里将这些**路径相关参数**封装到启动参数`Map`中。这也说明**Sermant AgentCore Premain**需要做到对目录、文件位置的把控。
-## 启动参数
-## 相关文档
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-# Entrance of Sermant
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document is about [**Entrance of Sermant**](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-premain).
-## Components
-`source` contains:
-- `common`, contains the common code.
- - `BootArgsBuilder`, is used to load the configuration at startup.
- - `PathDeclarer`, defines the locations of resources in the sermant-agentcore.
-- `exception`, contains custom exceptions.
-- `AgentPremain`,the entrance of `JavaAgent`. Refer to [How to Use](#How to Use).
-`resources` contains:
-- `config/`,the bootstrap configuration file, loaded by [BootArgsBuilder](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-premain/src/main/java/com/huawei/sermant/premain/common/, which forms the startup parameter *Map* together with the launch input parameter.
-## **How to Use**
-The **Entrance of Sermant** packages the *Java Agent* entrance package `sermant-agent.jar`. When you execute *Java* command, you can add the following parameters to bring up **Sermant** :
-Where `${options}` is the launch input parameter, which will be transferred as the parameter `agentArgs` to the `premain` method.
-public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst);
-The format of the `agentArgs` parameter should look like `key1=value1,key2=value2[(,keyN=valueN)...]`, which splits key/value pairs with `','`, and splits between key and value with `'='` 'to form a `Map` structure.
-Note that `agentArgs` must contain a key/value pair whose `key` is `appName`. So the *Java* command argument added at startup should look exactly like this:
-Where `${appName}` represents the appName and `${otherOptions}` represents other parameters.
-More *Java Agent* related content can be found in the official documentation for [java.lang.instrument](
-## Function Explanation
-The **Entrance of Sermant** serves as the entry point to the **Sermant**, which brings the application to the **core functionality**. The functions of entry class [AgentPremain](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-premain/src/main/java/com/huawei/sermant/premain/ include:
-- Prevent **Sermant** from being fetched more than once by the host application (*Java Agent* command is added more than one **Sermant** entrance package).
-- Load the packages of **core functionality**, using the system class loader.
-- Encapsulate `agentArgs` and the bootstrap configuration [](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/ startup parameter `Map`.
-- Invoke the entrance of **core functionality** [AgentCoreEntrance](../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/ to bring up the core functionality.
-- Note that **path-related parameters** are transferred to bring the **core functionality**. These **path-related parameters** are encapsulated in the startup parameters `Map`. This also means that **Sermant AgentCore Premain** needs to be able to control the directory and file location.
-## Startup Parameters
-**Startup Parameters** refer to the configuration `Map` encapsulated by the input parameter `agentArgs` and the bootstrap configuration ``, taking precedence to fetch the value from the former. The fixed contents of **startup parameters** are as follows:
-|Key in Input Parameters|Key in Bootstrap Configuration|Key in Startup Parameters|Explanation|Default Value|NotNull|Notes|
-|appName||appName|The name of host application|/|True|Must present in startup parameters|
-|instanceName||instanceName|The name of the specific instance|default|True|/|
-|appType|app.type|appType|The type of host application|0|True|/|
-|/|/|agentPath|The directory of Entrance package|The directory of Entrance package|True|No need to configure|
-|/|/|sermant.config.file|Unified Configuration File|Unified Configuration File|True|No need to configure|
-|/|/|sermant.plugin.setting.file|Plugin Setup Configuration|Plugin Setup Configuration|True|No need to configure|
-|/|/|sermant.plugin.package.dir|The directory of plugin package|The directory of plugin package|True|No need to configure|
-|/|/|sermant.log.setting.file|The directory of log configuration file|The directory of log configuration file|True|No need to configure|
-The `agentArgs` parameter allows you to configure more values for **startup parameters**, which may be used in the [Unified Configuration System](
-## Related Documents
-|[Introduction to Sermant-agentcore-core](|
-|[Introduction to Backend Module](|
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-# 当前功能列表
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-|[限流降级](flowcontrol/|实验|SpringBoot 1.2.x - 2.6.x
SpringWebMvc 4.1.3.RELEASE - 5.3.x
Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|servicecomb-kie
-|[服务注册](registry/|GA|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
SpringCloud Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0
Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|N/A|servicecomb-service-center|-|
-|[服务双注册迁移](registry/|实验|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
SpringCloud Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0
Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|N/A|**目标注册中心**支持:servicecomb-service-center
-|[负载均衡](loadbalancer/|开发中|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
SpringCloud Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0|servicecomb-kie
-|[标签路由](router/|实验|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
SpringCloud Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0
Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|servicecomb-kie|servicecomb-service-center|不支持异步调用
-|[区域路由](router/|实验|Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|servicecomb-kie
-|[优雅上下线](graceful/|实验|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
SpringCloud Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0|servicecomb-kie
-|[动态配置](dynamic-config/|开发中|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config 1.5.0.RELEASE+
spring-cloud-starter-zookeeper-config 1.2.0.RELEASE+|servicecomb-kie
-|[服务注册与发现(SpringBoot)](springboot-registry/|实验|SpringBoot 1.5.10.Release+|servicecomb-kie
ZooKeeper|Zookeeper 3.4.x+|-|
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-# Summary List of Current Plugin Features
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-|Feature|Status|Microservice Framework Supported|Configuration Center Supported|Registration Center Supported|Notice|
-|[FlowControl](flowcontrol/|Experimental Stage|SpringBoot 1.2.x - 2.6.x
SpringWebMvc 4.1.3.RELEASE - 5.3.x
Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|servicecomb-kie
-|[Service Registration](registry/|GA|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
SpringCloud Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0
Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|N/A|servicecomb-service-center|-|
-|[Service Dual Registration and Migration](registry/|Experimental Stage|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
SpringCloud Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0
Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|N/A|**Target Registration Center** supported:servicecomb-service-center
**Original Registration Center of SpringCloud** supported:Eureka、Nacos、Zookeeper、Consul
**Original Registration Center of Dubbo** supported:Nacos、Zookeeper|-|
-|[Loadbalancer](loadbalancer/|In Development|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
SpringCloud Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0|servicecomb-kie
ZooKeeper|N/A|Different versions support different load balancing policies. For details, refer to [Policies Supported in Loadbalance](loadbalancer/
Gateway applications are not supported at present.|
-|[Tag Router](router/|Experimental Stage|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
SpringCloud Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0
Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|servicecomb-kie|servicecomb-service-center|Asynchronous invocation is not supported.
Hybrid frameworks (SpringCloud or Dubbo) are not supported for routing|
-|[Zone Router](router/|Experimental Stage|Dubbo 2.6.x-2.7.x|servicecomb-kie
-|[Graceful Online/Offline](graceful/|Experimental Stage|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
-Edgware.SR2 - 2021.0.0|servicecomb-kie
ZooKeeper|N/A|This function is implemented based on the default loadbalance of SpringCloud. If user-defined loadbalance is implemented, this function won't work.|
-|[Dynamic Configuration](dynamic-config/|In Development|SpringBoot 1.5.x - 2.6.2
spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config 1.5.0.RELEASE+
spring-cloud-starter-zookeeper-config 1.2.0.RELEASE+|servicecomb-kie
-|[Server Monitor](server-monitor/|In Development|ALL|N/A|N/A|-|
-|[Service Registration and Discovery](springboot-registry/|Experimental Stage |SpringBoot 1.5.10.Release+|servicecomb-kie
ZooKeeper|Zookeeper 3.4.x+|-|
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-# 流控常见问题
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 关于业务场景的apiPath是如何定义的
-- `apiPath`指需要作用的接口,针对不同框架定义会有所不同,当前支持http与dubbo协议请求:
- - `http协议`: 指请求的路径,例如存在接口http://localhost:8080/test, 则其`apiPath`为`/test`;
- - `dubbo协议`:由`"请求接口:接口版本.方法"`组成,如果无接口版本或者版本为0.0.0,则`apiPath`为`"请求接口.方法"`。
-## 如何确定配置规则生效
-- 首先需在配置中心上正确配置相关业务场景与治理策略,配置后可观察agent日志,一般在jar包启动路径的logs文件夹下,查看sermant-x.log文件, 搜索`has been`或者配置的键名, 若搜索到的日志与当前时间匹配,则说明规则已生效。
-## 熔断策略未生效的可能原因
-- 熔断生效有一定的前提,通常熔断从两个指标来判定:
- - `异常比例`:即接口请求发生异常时所占比例,在规定时间内发生异常的比例大于配置的即会触发熔断;
- - `慢调用比例`:即接口请求发生慢调用所占比例,设置熔断策略时需设置慢调用的阈值,例如100ms,则必须接口调用耗时超出100ms且超过配置的慢调用比例才可触发;
-- 因此针对以上两项指标,首先排查应用接口是否满足以上其中一个条件,且规则时间内调用超过最小调用数(minimumNumberOfCalls配置)才可触发。
-## 隔离仓规则未生效的可能原因
-- 隔离仓规则需满足以下条件:
- - `调用满足并发数`(maxConcurrentCalls配置)要求,例如配置的阈值为2,则确保并发数需大于2;
- - `最大等待时间`(maxWaitDuration配置),即在达到最大并发数时,线程等待最大时间,超过该时间未拿到许可便会触发;
-- 因此在实际测试时,若模拟该规则,建议确保业务接口耗时大于最大等待时间,并且并发数大于配置值。
-## 重试规则未生效的可能原因
-- 确保下游应用抛出的异常或者状态码符合重试策略要求,例如默认dubbo会检测下游是否抛出RpcException,Spring应用则可配置指定状态码检测。
-## 启动报HttpHostConnectException异常的可能原因
-- 出现该异常的原因是未启动`Sermant`后台服务`sermant-backhend`, 找到启动类`com.huawei.apm.backend.NettyServerApplication`启动后台服务,并重启应用即可。
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-# Flow Control FAQs
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document describes the common problems encountered when the flow control plug-in is used.
-## How Is The APIPath Defined In The Service Scenario?
-- `apiPath` indicates the interface to be used. The definition varies according to the framework. Currently, HTTP and Dubbo requests are supported:
- - `http procotol`: Indicates the request path. For example, if the interface http://localhost:8080/test exists, the apiPath of the interface is `/test`.
- - `dubbo procotol`:Request interface: `interface:version. Method`. If there is no interface version or the version is 0.0.0, the value of apiPath is Request `interface.Method`.
-## How Do I Determine Whether a Configuration Rule Takes Effect?
-- Configure service scenarios and governance policies correctly in the configuration center. After the configuration, you can view the agent logs. Generally, in the logs folder in the startup path of the JAR package, view the sermant-x.log file and search for `has been` or the configured key name. If the found logs match the current time, the rule has taken effect.
-## Possible Causes For The Failure Of The Circuit Breaker Policy To Take Effect
-- A circuit breaker takes effect only after the following conditions are met:
- - `Error Rate`:The percentage of error interface requests. If the percentage of error interface requests within a specified period is greater than the configured value, the circuit breaker is triggered.
- - `Slow Invoking Ratio`:The percentage of slow invoking requests. When setting the circuit breaker policy, you need to set the slow invoking threshold. For example, if the time required for invoking the interface exceeds 100 ms and exceeds the configured slow invoking ratio, the circuit breaker can be triggered only when the time required for invoking the interface exceeds 100 ms.
-- Therefore, for the preceding two indicators, check whether the application interface meets either of the preceding conditions and whether the number of invoking requests within the rule period exceeds the minimum number specified by minimumNumberOfCalls.
-## Possible Reasons Why The Quarantine Rule Does Not Take Effect
-- The quarantine rules must meet the following conditions:
- - `The number of concurrent calls meets the requirement` (configured by maxConcurrentCalls). For example, if the threshold is set to 2, ensure that the number of concurrent calls is greater than 2.
- - `Maximum waiting time` (configured by maxWaitDuration), that is, the maximum waiting time of a thread when the number of concurrent connections reaches the maximum. If no permission is obtained after the maximum waiting time expires, the thread is triggered.
-- Therefore, you are advised to ensure that the service interface duration is greater than the maximum waiting time and the number of concurrent requests is greater than the configured value.
-## Possible Causes For The Retry Rule Does Not Take Effect
-- Ensure that exceptions or status codes thrown by downstream applications meet the retry policy requirements. For example, by default, dubbo checks whether the downstream applications throw RpcException, and a specified status code can be configured for Spring applications.
-## Possible Causes Of The HttpHostConnectException Error Reported During Startup
-- The cause is that the Sermant background service sermant-backhend is not started. Find the startup class com.huawei.apm.backend.NettyServerApplication to start the background service and restart the application.
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-# FlowControl
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 功能
-- **限流**:对指定接口限制1S秒内通过的QPS,当1S内流量超过指定阈值,将触发流控,限制请求流量。
-- **熔断**:对指定接口配置熔断策略,可从单位统计时间窗口内的错误率或者慢请求率进行统计,当请求错误率或者慢请求率达到指定比例阈值,即触发熔断,在时间窗口重置前,隔离所有请求。
-- **隔离仓**:针对大规模并发流量,对并发流量进行控制,避免瞬时并发流量过大导致服务崩溃。
-- **重试**:当服务遇到非致命的错误时,可以通过重试的方式避免服务的最终失败。
-- **错误注入:** 指在服务运行时,给指定服务配置错误注入策略,在客户端访问目标服务前,以指定策略模式返回。该策略多用于减少目标服务的访问负载,可作为降级的一种措施。
-## 使用说明
-### 环境准备
-**(2)打包编译Sermant Agent**
- 参考[Sermant源码编译](../../源码编译)
-### 配置agent
-找到`${javaagent path}/agent/config/`,修改如下配置
-# 服务app名称
-# 服务版本
-# serviceComb 命名空间
-# 环境
-# 自定义标签,按需配置,用于后续的配置订阅
-**提示**:以上配置均可通过环境变量指定,对应的键值即为环境变量键,例如服务app名称可由`-Dservice.meta.application=application`指定, 其他配置文件的所有键均可采用该方式配置。
-##### **(2)修改配置中心**
-修改配置文件`${javaagent路径}/config/`, 修改配置中心类型与地址,如下位置:
-# 配置中心地址, 根据配置中心地址配置
-# 配置中心类型, 支持KIE与ZOOKEEPER
- useCseRule: true # 是否开启ServiceComb适配
-> 此处若设置useCseRule为false,流控插件将基于当前实例的服务名进行配置订阅,例如:用户配置的, 则在实际订阅时会根据标签service=flowControlDemo接收配置。
-### 部署应用
-# 其中agent路径指打包后的路径
-# serviceName值应用名
-# applicationName即对应app名称
-# environment即对应环境名称
-# xxx.jar值打包后应用jar包
-java -javaagent:${agent路径}/sermant-agent.jar=appName=${serviceName} -Dservice.meta.application=${applicationName} -Dservice.meta.environment=${environment} -jar xxx.jar
-### 验证应用部署
-登录[Service Center](localhost:30103)后台, 查看应用是否正确注册
-### 流控规则介绍
-流量治理采用流量标记+流控规则的方式对指定的流量进行流控,所谓流量标记,通俗讲为请求信息,例如接口路径、接口方法类型、请求头以及下游服务名。流控规则的是否生效取决与流量标记,仅当流量标记与请求相匹配,流控规则才会实际生效。而如何将流量标记对应上具体规则,则取决于业务场景名,通常流量标记与流控规则配置均要配置指定前缀,例如流量标记的键需以`servicecomb.MatchGroup`为前缀, 而限流规则则以`servicecomb.rateLimiting`为前缀,以一个具体的例子:
-- **流量标记**
- ```yaml
- matches: # 匹配器集合,可配置多个
- - apiPath: # 匹配的api路径, 支持各种比较方式,相等(exact)、包含(contains)等
- exact: /degrade # 具体匹配路径
- headers: # 请求头
- key:
- exact: value # 请求头值,此处为key=value, 比较方式同apiPath
- method: # 支持方法类型
- - GET
- name: degrade # 可选,配置名
- ```
- **流量标记解释:**
- - 请求路径为`/degrade`且方法类型为`GET`, 同时满足要求请求头包含`key=value`即匹配成功
- 详细配置项可参考[ServiceComb开发文档](流量标记部分
- **流量标记请求路径(apiPath)配置说明**
- 流量标记的请求路径会因不同的请求协议配置而存在差异,当前主要为Http(Spring)与Rpc(Dubbo)协议,下面分别说明两种请求协议的配置方式:
- - Http协议
- 该协议依据请求路径进行匹配,例如请求路径为localhost:8080/test/flow, 则实际拿到的路径为`/test/flow`,因此若需设置匹配规则,需依据该路径进行配置。
- 值得注意的是,如果用户配置的contextPath, 则需要加上contextPath前缀才可生效。
- - Rpc协议(Dubbo)
- 该协议调用需要基于接口+方法,例如请求的接口为com.demo.test, 其方法为flow, 则对应的请求路径为`com.demo.test.flow`, 特别的,如果用户有配置接口的版本,例如指定的version为1.0.0, 则请求路径为`com.demo.test:1.0.0.flow`。同时需要配置请求方法为`POST`, RPC协议仅支持POST类型。
-- **限流**
- | 配置项 | 说明 |
- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | limitRefreshPeriod | 单位统计时间,单位毫秒, 若需配置秒则可增加单位`S`, 例如`10S` |
- | rate | 单位统计时间所能通过的**请求个数** |
-- **熔断**
- | 配置项 | 说明 |
- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | failureRateThreshold | 熔断所需达到的错误率 |
- | minimumNumberOfCalls | 滑动窗口内的最小请求数, 超过最小请求数才开始判断熔断条件 |
- | name | 配置项名称,可选参数 |
- | slidingWindowSize | 滑动统计窗口大小,支持毫秒与秒,例如`1000`为1000毫秒, `10S`代表10秒 |
- | slidingWindowType | 滑动窗口类型,目前支持`time`与`count`两种类型,前者基于时间窗口统计,后者基于请求次数 |
- | slowCallDurationThreshold | 慢请求阈值,单位同滑动窗口配置 |
- | slowCallRateThreshold | 慢请求占比,当慢调用请求数达到该比例触发通断 |
- | waitDurationInOpenState | 熔断后恢复时间,默认`60S` |
-- **隔离**
- | 配置项 | 说明 |
- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | maxConcurrentCalls | 最大并发数 |
- | maxWaitDuration | 最大等待时间,若线程超过`maxConcurrentCalls`,会尝试等待,若超出等待时间还未获取资源,则抛出隔离仓异常 |
- | name | 可选,配置名称 |
-- **重试**
- | 配置项 | 说明 |
- | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | waitDuration | 重试等待时间,默认毫秒;支持秒单位,例如2S |
- | retryStrategy | 重试策略,当前支持两种重试策略:固定时间间隔(FixedInterval), 指数增长间隔(RandomBackoff) |
- | maxAttempts | 最大重试次数 |
- | retryOnResponseStatus | HTTP状态码,当前仅支持HTTP请求;针对dubbo请求,可通过配置异常类型确定是否需要重试,默认为RpcException |
-- **错误注入**
- | 配置项 | 说明 |
- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | type | 错误注入类型, 目前支持abort(请求直接返回)与delay(请求延时) |
- | percentage | 错误注入触发概率 |
- | fallbackType | 请求调用返回类型,仅`type=abort`生效。当前支持两种`ReturnNull`:直接返回空内容,状态码200;`ThrowException`: 按照指定错误码返回,关联配置`errorCode` |
- | errorCode | 指定错误码返回, 默认500, 仅在`type=abort`且`fallbackType=ThrowException`生效 |
- | forceClosed | 是否强制关闭错误注入能力, 当为true时,错误注入将不会生效。默认false |
-### 配置流控规则
-#### 基于配置文件配置流控规则
-如果您的应用**非**SpringBoot应用, 该方式将不适用。
-流控插件在应用启动时,会尝试的从SpringBoot加载的配置源读取流控规则以及对应的流量标记,用户需要在启动之前进行配置。如下为配置示例, 示例配置直接基于`application.yml`进行配置
- matchGroup:
- demo-fault-null: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- exact: "/flow"
- demo-retry: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- prefix: "/retry"
- serviceName: rest-provider
- method:
- - GET
- demo-rateLimiting: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- exact: "/flow"
- demo-circuitBreaker-exception: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- exact: "/exceptionBreaker"
- demo-bulkhead: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- exact: "/flowcontrol/bulkhead"
- rateLimiting:
- demo-rateLimiting: |
- rate: 1
- retry:
- demo-retry: |
- maxAttempts: 3
- retryOnResponseStatus:
- - 500
- circuitBreaker:
- demo-circuitBreaker-exception: |
- failureRateThreshold: 44
- minimumNumberOfCalls: 2
- name: 熔断
- slidingWindowSize: 10000
- slidingWindowType: time
- waitDurationInOpenState: 5s
- bulkhead:
- demo-bulkhead: |
- maxConcurrentCalls: 1
- maxWaitDuration: 10
- faultInjection:
- demo-fault-null: |
- type: abort
- percentage: 100
- fallbackType: ReturnNull
- forceClosed: false
-#### 基于sermant-backend统一配置接口发布规则
-[backend]()服务提供配置发布功能, 通过请求接口`/publishConfig`发布配置,请求参数如下:
-| 配置参数 | 说明 |
-| -------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
-| key | 配置键 |
-| group | 配置的标签组 |
-| content | 配置内容,即具体的规则配置,其格式均为`YAML`格式 |
-> 其中**group**的配置格式为k1=v1, 多个值使用"&"分隔,例如k1=v1&k2=v2, 代表该key绑定的标签组
-**以下配置以`app=region-A`,` serviceName=flowControlDemo`, `environment=testing`举例**
-- #### 流量标记配置示例
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.matchGroup.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"alias: scene\nmatches:\n- apiPath:\n exact: /flow\n headers: {}\n method:\n - POST\n name: rule1\n"
- }
- ```
-- 请求路径为`/flow`且方法类型为`GET`即匹配成功
-- 针对app为region-A,服务名为flowControlDemo且环境为testing的服务实例生效
-> **注意事项:**
-> - 流控配置首先需配置业务场景,再配置与业务场景绑定的流控规则
-> - `key`必须以`servicecomb.matchGroup.`为前置,`scene`则为业务名称
-- #### **流控规则配置示例**
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.rateLimiting.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"limitRefreshPeriod: \"1000\"\nname: flow\nrate: \"2\"\n"
- }
- ```
- **规则解释:**
- - 针对app为region-A,服务名为flowControlDemo且环境为testing的服务实例生效
- - 1秒内超过2个请求,即触发流控效果
- > **注意事项:**
- >
- > `key`必须以`servicecomb.rateLimiting.`为前置,`scene`则为业务名称,确保与流量标记的业务场景名称一致
-- #### **熔断规则配置示例**
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.circuitBreaker.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"failureRateThreshold: 90\nminimumNumberOfCalls: 3\nname: degrade\nslidingWindowSize: 10S\nslidingWindowType: time\nslowCallDurationThreshold: \"1\"\nslowCallRateThreshold: 80\nwaitDurationInOpenState: 10s"
- }
- ```
- **规则解释:**
- - 针对app为region-A,服务名为flowControlDemo且环境为testing的服务实例生效
- - 10秒内,若请求接口`/flow`次数超过3次,且错误率超过90%或者慢请求占比超过80%则触发熔断
- > **注意事项:**
- >
- > `key`必须以`servicecomb.circuitBreaker.`为前置,`scene`则为业务名称,确保与流量标记的业务场景名称一致
-- #### 隔离仓规则配置示例
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.bulkhead.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"maxConcurrentCalls: \"5\"\nmaxWaitDuration: \"10S\"\nname: \"隔离仓\"\n"
- }
- ```
- **规则解释:**
- - 针对app为region-A,服务名为flowControlDemo且环境为testing的服务实例生效
- - 针对接口`/flow`, 若最大并发数超过5,且新的请求等待10S,还未获取资源,则触发隔离仓异常
- > **注意事项:**
- >
- > `key`必须以`servicecomb.bulkhead.`为前置,`scene`则为业务名称,确保与流量标记的业务场景名称一致
-- #### 重试规则配置示例
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.retry.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"waitDuration: \"2000\"\nretryStrategy: FixedInterval\nmaxAttempts: 2\nretryOnResponseStatus:\n- 500"
- }
- ```
- **规则解释:**
- - 针对app为region-A,服务名为flowControlDemo且环境为testing的服务实例生效
- - 针对接口`/flow`, 当请求抛出500异常时进行重试,直到重试成功或者达到最大重试次数
- > **注意事项:**
- >
- > `key`必须以`servicecomb.retry.`为前置,`scene`则为业务名称,确保与流量标记的业务场景名称一致
- **特别说明**:对于Dubbo重试, 流控插件采用替代原生的ClusterInvoker方式实现, 请求逻辑将采用流控插件自身实现的ClusterInvoker进行调用,而原宿主选择的将会失效(例如:dubbo默认的FailoverClusterInvoker)。如果此处仍需使用原来的ClusterInvoker,可通过添加环境变量`-Dflow.control.plugin.useOriginInvoker=true`实现, 但该方式可能存在少量的性能损失。
-- #### 错误注入规则示例
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.faultInjection.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"type: abort\npercentage: 100\nfallbackType: ReturnNull\nforceClosed: false\nerrorCode: 503"
- }
- ```
- **规则解释:**
- - 针对app为region-A,服务名为flowControlDemo且环境为testing的服务实例生效
- - 当请求接口`/flow`时,100%将返回空
- > **注意事项:**
- >
- > `key`必须以`servicecomb.faultInjection.`为前置,`scene`则为业务名称,确保与流量标记的业务场景名称一致
-## 快速开始
-### 1、编译打包
-通过[此处](下载sermant软件包, 并下载[Demo源码](
-mvn clean package
-### 2、启动应用
-java -javaagent:${agent路径}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=spring-flow-provider -Dservice.meta.application=region-A -Dservice.meta.environment=testing -jar spring-provider.jar
-### 3、配置规则
- "key": "servicecomb.matchGroup.sceneFlow",
- "group": "app=sc&service=spring-flow-provider&environment=testing",
- "content": "alias: scene\nmatches:\n- apiPath:\n exact: /flow\n headers: {}\n method:\n - POST\n name: flow\n"
- "key": "servicecomb.rateLimiting.scene",
- "group": "app=region-A&service=spring-flow-provider&environment=testing",
- "content": "limitRefreshPeriod: \"2S\"\nname: flow\nrate: \"4\"\n"
-### 4、验证结果
-多次请求`localhost:8003/flow`, 若在2秒内请求数超过4个时返回`rate limited`,则触发流控成功
-## 其他
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-# FlowControl
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document is used to introduce the usage of [Flow Control Plugin](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-flowcontrol)
-## Functions
-The flow control plugin is based on the [resilience4j](( framework and implements non-intrusive flow control based on the "traffic" entry point. Currently, **Traffic Limiting, Circuit Breaker, Bulkhead, Error Injection, and Retry** are supported. In addition, rules can be dynamically configured in the configuration center and take effect in real time.
-- **Traffic Limiting**:The number of QPS that pass through a specified interface within 1s is limited. When the traffic within 1s exceeds the specified threshold, flow control is triggered to limit the requested traffic.
-- **Circuit Breaker**:Configure a circuit breaker policy for a specified interface to collect statistics on the error rate or slow request rate in a specified time window. When the error rate or slow request rate reaches a specified threshold, the circuit breaker is triggered. Before the time window is reset, all requests are isolated.
-- **Bulkhead**:Controls concurrent traffic for a large number of concurrent traffic to prevent service breakdown caused by excessive instantaneous concurrent traffic.
-- **Retry**:If a service encounters a non-fatal error, you can retry the service to prevent the service failure.
-- **Error Injection:** An error injection policy is configured for a specified service when the service is running. Before the client accesses the target service, the error injection policy is used. This policy is mainly used to reduce the access load of the target service and can be used as a measure of downgrading the target service.
-## Usage
-### Environment Preparation
-**(1)Deploying the ServiceCenter and Kie environments**
-**(2)Package and compile Sermant Agent**
-The way that compile Sermant Agent referring [this article](../../
-Compile by referring to the Sermant source code.
-### Configure Agent
-**(1)Modify Service Registration Information**
-Find the `${javaagent path}/agent/config/` and modify the content comply following configuration:
-# application name, you can keep default
-# service version
-# serviceComb namespace, keep default
-# environment, it only support development/testing/production
-# custom label, it use to subscribe the config of config center
-**Notice**:The preceding configurations can be specified using environment variables. The corresponding key value is the environment variable key. For example, the service app name can be specified by `-Dservice.meta.application=application`. All keys in other configuration files can be configured using this method.
-##### **(2)Modify the Configuration Center**
-Modify the configuration file ${javaagent path}/config/ and modify the configuration center type and address as follows:
-# IP address of the configuration center. Set this parameter based on the IP address of the configuration center.
-# Configuration center type. The options are KIE and ZOOKEEPER.
-**(3)Configure the Flow Control Plugin**
-Modify the Configuration File`${javaagent path}/pluginPackage/flowcontrol/config/config.yaml`
- useCseRule: true
-If adaptation is enabled, the plugin subscribes to the configuration center based on the application configuration, service configuration, and customized tag configuration.
-> If useCseRule is set to false, the flow control plugin configures subscription based on the service name of the current instance. For example, if is set to flowControlDemo, the flow control plugin receives configuration based on the service=flowControlDemo tag during actual subscription.
-### Deploying Applications
-Run the following command to start the application:
-# agent path indicates the package path.
-# serviceName indicates the name of your service
-# applicationName indicates the app name
-# environment indicates the environment of your service, support testing/producation/developing
-# xxx.jar indicates the application packages of your service
-java -javaagent:${agent path}/sermant-agent.jar=appName=${serviceName} -Dservice.meta.application=${applicationName} -Dservice.meta.environment=${environment} -jar xxx.jar
-### Verify Application Deployment
-Login to the [Service Center](localhost:30103) background and check whether the application is correctly registered.
-### Flow Control Rules Specification
-Traffic governance uses traffic marking and flow control rules to control specified traffic. Traffic marking refers to request information, such as the interface path, interface method type, request header, and downstream service name. Whether a flow control rule takes effect depends on the traffic flag. A flow control rule takes effect only when the traffic flag matches the request. The mapping between traffic marks and specific rules depends on the service scenario name. Generally, a specified prefix must be configured for traffic marks and traffic control rules. For example, the key of traffic marks must be prefixed with `servicecomb.MatchGroup`. The traffic limiting rule is prefixed with `servicecomb.rateLimiting`. The following is an example:
-The traffic marking configuration key:`servicecomb.MatchGroup.flow`
-The key for configuring the traffic limiting rule:`servicecomb.rateLimiting.flow`
-In the preceding information, `flow `is the service scenario name. The traffic limiting rule takes effect only when the two service scenario names are the same and the request matches a traffic flag.
-The following describes the related configurations:
-- **Traffic Marking**
- ```yaml
- matches: # Matcher set. Multiple matchers can be configured.
- - apiPath: # Matched API path. Various comparison modes are supported, such as exact and contain.
- exact: /degrade # Specific Matching Path
- headers: # Request header
- key:
- exact: value # Request header value. The value is key=value. The comparison method is the same as that of apiPath.
- method: # Supported Method Types
- - GET
- name: degrade # Configuration name, which is optional.
- ```
- **what traffic marking above can match :**
- - If the request path is `/degrade`, the method type is `GET`, and the request header contains `key=value`, the matching is successful.
- > For details about the configuration items, see the traffic marking section in the [ServiceComb development document](
- **Traffic marking request path (apiPath) configuration description**
- The request path for traffic marking varies according to the request protocol configuration. Currently, HTTP (Spring) and RPC (Dubbo) protocols are used. The following describes how to configure the two request protocols:
- - **Http protocol**
- This protocol performs matching based on the request path. For example, if the request path is `localhost:8080/test/flow`, the actual path is `/test/flow`. Therefore, if you need to set a matching rule, you need to configure the matching rule based on the path.
- It should be noted that if the contextPath configured by the user is valid only after the contextPath prefix is added.
- - **Rpc protocol(Dubbo)**
- The protocol invoking needs to be based on an interface+method. For example, if the requested interface is `com.demo.test`, and the method is `flow`, a corresponding request path is `com.demo.test.flow`. Specially, if a user configures an interface version, for example, a specified version is `1.0.0`, The request path is `com.demo.test:1.0.0.flow`. In addition, set the request method to `POST`. The RPC protocol supports only POST.
-- **Traffic Limiting**
- | Configuration | Description |
- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | limitRefreshPeriod | Unit of statistics time, in milliseconds. If you need to set this parameter, the unit can be set to `S`, for example, `10s`. |
- | rate | Number of requests that can be processed in the unit of statistical time. |
-- **Circuit Breaker**
- | Configuration | Description |
- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | failureRateThreshold | Error rate required for fuse |
- | minimumNumberOfCalls | Minimum number of requests in the sliding window. The fuse condition is determined only when the minimum number of requests is exceeded. |
- | name | Specifies the name of a configuration item. This parameter is optional. |
- | slidingWindowSize | Size of the sliding statistics window. The value can be milliseconds or seconds. For example, 1000 indicates 1000 milliseconds, and 10s indicates 10 seconds. |
- | slidingWindowType | Sliding window type. Currently, `time` and `count` are supported. The former is based on the time window and the latter is based on the number of requests. |
- | slowCallDurationThreshold | Slow request threshold. The unit is the same as that of the sliding window. |
- | slowCallRateThreshold | Percentage of slow invoking requests. When the number of slow invoking requests reaches this percentage, connectivity is triggered. |
- | waitDurationInOpenState | Recovery time after a circuit breaker. The default value is `60s`. |
-- **Bulkhead**
- | Configuration | Description |
- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | maxConcurrentCalls | Maximum number of concurrent calls |
- | maxWaitDuration | Maximum waiting time. If the thread exceeds maxConcurrentCalls, the thread attempts to wait. If the thread does not obtain resources after the waiting time expires, an isolation warehouse exception is thrown. |
- | name | name of configuration, which is optional. |
-- **Retry**
- | Configuration | Description |
- | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | waitDuration | Retry wait time. The default value is milliseconds. The unit is second, for example, 2s. |
- | retryStrategy | Retry policy. Currently, two retry policies are supported: fixed interval (FixedInterval) and exponential increase interval (RandomBackoff). |
- | maxAttempts | Maximum number of retries |
- | retryOnResponseStatus | HTTP status code. Currently, only HTTP requests are supported. For dubbo requests, you can configure the exception type to determine whether to retry. The default value is RpcException. |
-- **Error Injection**
- | Configuration | Description |
- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | type | Error injection type. Currently, `abort (request response)` and `delay (request delay)` are supported. |
- | percentage | Error Injection triggering probability |
- | fallbackType | Return type of the request invoking. This parameter is valid only when `type is set to abort`. Currently, two types are supported, `ReturnNull`: empty content is directly returned and the status code is 200. `ThrowException`: The error code is returned based on the specified error code.` |
- | errorCode | Specifies the returned error code. The default value is 500. This parameter is valid only `when type is abort and fallbackType is ThrowException`. |
- | forceClosed | Indicates whether to forcibly disable the error injection capability. If this parameter is set to true, error injection does not take effect. The default value is false. |
-### Configuring Flow Control Rule
-#### Configuring Flow Control Rules Based On The Configuration File
-If your application is not a SpringBoot application, this method is not applicable.
-When an application is started, the flow control plugin attempts to read the flow control rules and corresponding traffic flags from the configuration source loaded by SpringBoot. You need to configure the flow control rules before starting the application. The following is a configuration example. The example configuration is based on the `application.yml` file.
- matchGroup:
- demo-fault-null: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- exact: "/flow"
- demo-retry: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- prefix: "/retry"
- serviceName: rest-provider
- method:
- - GET
- demo-rateLimiting: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- exact: "/flow"
- demo-circuitBreaker-exception: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- exact: "/exceptionBreaker"
- demo-bulkhead: |
- matches:
- - apiPath:
- exact: "/flowcontrol/bulkhead"
- rateLimiting:
- demo-rateLimiting: |
- rate: 1
- retry:
- demo-retry: |
- maxAttempts: 3
- retryOnResponseStatus:
- - 500
- circuitBreaker:
- demo-circuitBreaker-exception: |
- failureRateThreshold: 44
- minimumNumberOfCalls: 2
- name: circuit breaker
- slidingWindowSize: 10000
- slidingWindowType: time
- waitDurationInOpenState: 5s
- bulkhead:
- demo-bulkhead: |
- maxConcurrentCalls: 1
- maxWaitDuration: 10
- faultInjection:
- demo-fault-null: |
- type: abort
- percentage: 100
- fallbackType: ReturnNull
- forceClosed: false
-The preceding configurations are used to configure the supported flow control rules. Change the configuration items based on the site requirements.。
-#### Configuring Interface Advertisement Rules Based on Sermant Backend
-The backend service provides the function of publishing configurations through the /publishConfig request interface. The request parameters are as follows:
-| Configuration | Description |
-| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| key | Configuration key |
-| group | Configured tag group |
-| content | Configuration content, that is, specific rule configuration, is in YAML format. |
-> The format of group is k1=v1, and multiple values are separated by ampersands (&). For example, k1=v1&k2=v2, indicating the label group bound to the key.
-**The following uses `app=region-A,serviceName=flowControlDemo, environment=testing` as an example.**
-- #### The Example Configuration For Traffic Marking Rule
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.matchGroup.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"alias: scene\nmatches:\n- apiPath:\n exact: /flow\n headers: {}\n method:\n - POST\n name: rule1\n"
- }
- ```
-**Rule Interpretation:**
-- If the request path is `/flow` and the method type is `GET`, the matching is successful.
-- This parameter takes effect for the service instance whose app is `region-A`, service name is `flowControlDemo`, and environment is `testing`.
-> **Notices:**
-> - To configure flow control, you need to configure the service scenario and then configure the flow control rule bound to the service scenario.
-> - The `key` must be preceded by `servicecomb.matchGroup`. and the scene indicates the service name.
-- #### The Example Configuration For Traffic Limiting Rule
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.rateLimiting.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"limitRefreshPeriod: \"1000\"\nname: flow\nrate: \"2\"\n"
- }
- ```
- **Rule Interpretation:**
- - This parameter takes effect for the service instance whose app is region-A, service name is flowControlDemo, and environment is testing.
- - If more than two requests are received within one second, flow control is triggered.
- > **Notices:**
- >
- > The `key` must be preceded by `servicecomb.rateLimiting`. and scene indicates the service name. Ensure that the value is the same as the service scenario name of the traffic tag.
-- #### The Example Configuration For Circuit Breaker Rule
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.circuitBreaker.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"failureRateThreshold: 90\nminimumNumberOfCalls: 3\nname: degrade\nslidingWindowSize: 10S\nslidingWindowType: time\nslowCallDurationThreshold: \"1\"\nslowCallRateThreshold: 80\nwaitDurationInOpenState: 10s"
- }
- ```
- **Rule Interpretation:**
- - This parameter takes effect for the service instance whose app is region-A, service name is flowControlDemo, and environment is testing.
- - If the number of interface or flow requests exceeds three within 10 seconds and the error rate exceeds 90% or the percentage of slow requests exceeds 80%, the circuit breaker is triggered.
- > **Notices:**
- >
- > The key must be preceded by servicecomb.circuitBreaker. and scene indicates the service name. Ensure that the value is the same as the service scenario name of the traffic tag.
-- #### The Example Configuration For Bulkhead Rule
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.bulkhead.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"maxConcurrentCalls: \"5\"\nmaxWaitDuration: \"10S\"\nname: \"bulkhead\"\n"
- }
- ```
- **Rule Interpretation:**
- - This parameter takes effect for the service instance whose app is region-A, service name is flowControlDemo, and environment is testing.
- - For an interface `/flow`, if the maximum number of concurrent requests exceeds 5 and a new request waits for 10 seconds and resources are not obtained, an exception occurs in the isolation repository.
- > **Notices:**
- >
- > The key must be preceded by servicecomb.bulkhead. and scene indicates the service name. Ensure that the value is the same as the service scenario name of the traffic tag.
-- #### The Example Configuration For Retry Rule
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.retry.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"waitDuration: \"2000\"\nretryStrategy: FixedInterval\nmaxAttempts: 2\nretryOnResponseStatus:\n- 500"
- }
- ```
- **Rule Interpretation:**
- - This parameter takes effect for the service instance whose app is region-A, service name is flowControlDemo, and environment is testing.
- - For an interface `/flow`, when the 500 exception is thrown, the request is retried until the retry succeeds or the maximum number of retry times is reached.
- > **Notices**:
- >
- > The key must be preceded by servicecomb.retry. and scene indicates the service name. Ensure that the value is the same as the service scenario name of the traffic tag.
- **Notices**: For Dubbo retry, the flow control plugin will replace the original ClusterInvoker. The request logic is invoked by the ClusterInvoker implemented by the flow control plugin, and the original ClusterInvoker will become invalid (for example: Default FailoverClusterInvoker for dubbo. If you need to use original ClusterInvoker, you can add the environment variable `-Dflow.control.plugin.useOriginInvoker=true`. However, this method may cause a small performance loss.
-- #### The Example Configuration For Error Injection Rule
- ```json
- {
- "key":"servicecomb.faultInjection.scene",
- "group":"app=region-A&service=flowControlDemo&environment=testing",
- "content":"type: abort\npercentage: 100\nfallbackType: ReturnNull\nforceClosed: false\nerrorCode: 503"
- }
- ```
- **Rule Interpretation:**
- - This parameter takes effect for the service instance whose app is region-A, service name is flowControlDemo, and environment is testing.
- - When the interface /flow is requested, 100% returns null.
- > **Notices**:
- >
- > The key must be preceded by servicecomb.faultInjection. and scene indicates the service name. Ensure that the value is the same as the service scenario name of the traffic tag.
-## Quick Start
-### 1、Compile And Package
-Download the [sermant release package]( and [demo source code](
-Run the following maven command to package the demo application:
-mvn clean package
-### 2、Start Application
-java -javaagent:${agent path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=spring-flow-provider -Dservice.meta.application=region-A -Dservice.meta.environment=testing -jar spring-provider.jar
-### 3、Configure The Rule
-Configure traffic marking and traffic limiting rules by referring to [Configuring Flow Control Rules](#Configuring-Flow-Control-Rule).
-**Traffic Marking:**
- "key": "servicecomb.matchGroup.sceneFlow",
- "group": "app=sc&service=spring-flow-provider&environment=testing",
- "content": "alias: scene\nmatches:\n- apiPath:\n exact: /flow\n headers: {}\n method:\n - POST\n name: flow\n"
-**Traffic Limiting Rule:**
- "key": "servicecomb.rateLimiting.scene",
- "group": "app=region-A&service=spring-flow-provider&environment=testing",
- "content": "limitRefreshPeriod: \"2S\"\nname: flow\nrate: \"4\"\n"
-### 4、Verify Result
-Request `localhost:8003/flow` for multiple times. If `rate limited` is returned when the number of requests exceeds 4 within 2 seconds, flow control is triggered successfully.
-## Others
-If you encounter any problems, refer to the [FAQ document](./
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-# Graceful Online/Offline
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-该文档主要介绍优雅上下线能力以及其使用方法,该功能当前集成在[注册插件](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry) 中, 但功能可独立使用。
-## 功能
-- 刚上线的实例,由于流量过大,该实例在初始化时便被大量流量访问,导致请求阻塞,甚至宕机。例如存在懒加载的场景
-- 实例下线时,因注册发现延迟刷新问题,无法及时告知上游,导致流量丢失或者错误。
-**预热**, 顾名思义,即先用少部分流量对实例访问,后续根据时间推移,逐渐增加增加流量,确保新启动实例能成功过渡。
-## 版本支持
-## 使用说明
-### 开启优雅上下线
-若需要使用优雅上下线能力,首先需开启该能力,相关配置见[配置文件](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/config/config.yaml), 若您已完成Sermant打包,则配置文件路径为`${agent path}/agent/pluginPackge/service-registry/config/config.yaml`
- enableSpring: true # springCloud优雅上下线开关
- startDelayTime: 0 # 优雅上下线启动延迟时间, 单位S
- enableWarmUp: true # 是否开启预热
- warmUpTime: 120 # 预热时间, 单位S
- enableGraceShutdown: true # 是否开启优雅下线
- shutdownWaitTime: 30 # 关闭前相关流量检测的最大等待时间, 单位S. 需开启enabledGraceShutdown才会生效
- enableOfflineNotify: true # 是否开启下线主动通知
- httpServerPort: 16688 # 开启下线主动通知时的httpServer端口
- upstreamAddressMaxSize: 500 # 缓存上游地址的默认大小
- upstreamAddressExpiredTime: 60 # 缓存上游地址的过期时间
-### 使用优雅上下线
-#### 虚机场景
-# windows
-java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar xxx.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar xxx.jar
-- ${path}: 此处路径(path)为实际打包的agent路径,请替换为实际路径
-- sermant-agent-x.x.x: x.x.x请换成实际打包的Sermant版本, 例如1.0.0
-- xxx.jar: 为您的应用包,请根据你的应用包名进行替换
-#### 容器场景
-容器场景可基于`Sermant-Injector`快速启动, 参考[容器化部署](../。
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Deployment
- name: demo-test
- labels:
- app: demo-test
- replicas: 1
- selector:
- app: demo-test
- matchLabels:
- app: demo-test
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: demo-test
- sermant-injection: enabled
- spec:
- containers:
- - name: image
- # 请替换成您的应用镜像
- image: image:1.0.0
- ports:
- - containerPort: 8080
- env:
- - name: "grace_rule_enableSpring"
- value: "true"
- - name: "grace.rule.enableWarmUp"
- value: "true"
- - name: "grace_rule_enableGraceShutdown"
- value: "true"
- - name: "grace.rule.enableOfflineNotify"
- value: "true"
- ports:
- - port: 443
- targetPort: 8443
-## 快速入门
-1. 环境准备
- (1)下载JDK,并配置JDK环境,JDK需在1.8及以上;下载Maven,并配置Maven环境
- (2)下载最新Sermant release包,点击[此处](下载
- (3)下载[Demo 源码](
- (4)编译Demo
- 执行以下命令打包demo
- `mvn clean package`
- (5)下载nacos,并启动
- (6)下载zookeeper,并启动(作为sermant配置中心)
-2. 部署
- 我们将部署一个consumer实例,2个provider实例, 一个data实例。如下:
- `consumer -----------> provider(两实例) -------------> data`
- 其中consumer开启优雅上下线能力,一个provider实例开启预热与优雅下线能力, 另一个provider实例仅开启优雅下线能力。
- (1)启动data
- ```shell
- java -jar nacos-rest-data-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- ```
- (2)启动第一个provider实例(端口8880, **关闭预热功能**)
- ```shell
- # windows
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=false -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dserver.port=8880 -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-provider-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- # mac, linux
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=false -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dserver.port=8880 -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-provider-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- ```
- (3)启动第二个provider实例(端口8890, **开启预热能力**)
- ```shell
- # windows
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dserver.port=8890 -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-provider-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- # mac, linux
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dserver.port=8890 -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-provider-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- ```
- (4)启动consumer
- ```shell
- # windows
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dserver.port=8800 -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-consumer-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- # mac, linux
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dserver.port=8800 -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-consumer-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- ```
-3. 验证预热能力
- 访问接口`localhost:8800/graceHot`, 根据接口返回的ip与port判断预热是否生效。若预热时间段内(默认120s)访问偏向8880,随时间推移流量逐渐平均,则说明预热生效。
-4. 验证优雅下线
- 持续访问接口`localhost:8800/graceDownOpen`, 此时下线其中一个provider实例,观察请求是否出现错误,若未出现错误,则优雅下线能力验证成功。
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-# Graceful Online/Offline
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-The document is used to introduce the usage of graceful online/offline, it is currently integrated in the [Service Registration Plugin](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry), but can be used independently.
-## Functions
-Operations such as restarting, upgrading, and capacity expansion of applications cannot be avoided. During these operations, the following problems may occur:
-- Due to heavy traffic, the instance is accessed by a large amount of traffic during initialization. As a result, requests may be blocked or even broken down. For example, lazy loading.
-- When an instance goes offline, the upstream application cannot be notified in real time due to it's refresh mechanism which need refresh instances at schedule time. As a result, traffic is lost or incorrect.
-To solve the preceding problems, graceful online/offline is developed. To solve the preceding problems, the plug-in provides the **warm up** and **graceful offline** capabilities to protect against the preceding problems.
-**Warm up**, as the name suggests, uses a small amount of traffic to access the instance first, and gradually increases the traffic based on time to ensure that the newly started instance can successfully transition.
-**Graceful offline**, The plugin quickly updates the upstream cache based on the **real-time notification** + **cache update mechanism**. In addition, traffic statistics are collected to ensure that the instances that are about to go offline can process traffic as much as possible, preventing traffic loss to the greatest extent.
-## Support Versions
-Currently, the graceful online/offline capability **supports only SpringCloud applications**. Ensure that the SpringCloud version is `Edgware.SR2` or later.
-Regitry Center Support:Zookeeper、Consul、Naocs、Eureka、Service Center
-**Notice**:The graceful online/offline capability is developed based on the default load balancing capability of SpringCloud. If you have implemented the custom load balancing capability, this capability is no longer applicable.
-## Usage
-### Enabling Graceful Online and Offline
-To use the graceful Online and Offline capability, you need to enable the capability. For details, see the [configuration file](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/config/config.yaml). If you have packed the Sermant or download Release package, the configuration file path is `${agent path}/agent/pluginPackge/service-registry/config/config.yaml`
- enableSpring: true # SpringCloud graceful online/offline switch
- startDelayTime: 0 # Graceful online/offline start delay, unit is seconds
- enableWarmUp: true # Whether to enable warm up
- warmUpTime: 120 # Warm up time unit is seconds
- enableGraceShutdown: true # Whether to enable graceful offline
- shutdownWaitTime: 30 # The maximum waiting time before traffic detection is disabled. Unit: s. This parameter takes effect only after enabledGraceShutdown is enabled.
- enableOfflineNotify: true # Whether to enable proactive offline notification.
- httpServerPort: 16688 # Enable the http server port for proactive offline notification.
- upstreamAddressMaxSize: 500 # Default size of the cache upstream address
- upstreamAddressExpiredTime: 60 # Expiration time of the cached upstream address
-In addition to the preceding configuration file mode, you can also configure environment variables or system parameters. For example, you can set the environment variable `-Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true to enable` for configuration 'enableSpring'.
-### Use Graceful Online and Offline
-#### Virtual Machine Scenario
-Based your OS, start application with agent, in addition configure configuration which to enable graceful online/offline.
-# windows
-java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar xxx.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar xxx.jar
-Description of relevant identifiers:
-- ${path}: path indicates the actual agent path. Please replace it with the actual path.
-- sermant-agent-x.x.x: x.x.x need be replaced with the actual Sermant version, for example, 1.0.0.
-- xxx.jar: is your app package. Please replace it with your app package name.
-#### Container Scenario
-In container scenarios, you can quickly start using the `Sermant-Injector`. For details, see [Container-based Deployment](../
-In addition, you need to modify the [deployment orchestration file](../ by adding environment variables for graceful login and logout. The modified orchestration file is as follows:
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Deployment
- name: demo-test
- labels:
- app: demo-test
- replicas: 1
- selector:
- app: demo-test
- matchLabels:
- app: demo-test
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: demo-test
- sermant-injection: enabled
- spec:
- containers:
- - name: image
- # Please replace it with own image
- image: image:1.0.0
- ports:
- - containerPort: 8080
- env:
- - name: "grace_rule_enableSpring"
- value: "true"
- - name: "grace.rule.enableWarmUp"
- value: "true"
- - name: "grace_rule_enableGraceShutdown"
- value: "true"
- - name: "grace.rule.enableOfflineNotify"
- value: "true"
- ports:
- - port: 443
- targetPort: 8443
-Then start application according to the containerization process .
-## Quick Start
-The following uses a simple demo to demonstrate how to verify graceful online/offline in a VM scenario.
-1. Environment Preparation
- (1)Download the JDK and configure the JDK environment. The JDK version must be 1.8 or later. Download the Maven and configure the Maven environment.
- (2)Download the latest Sermant release package. Click [here]( to download it.
- (3)Download the [Demo Source Code](
- (4)Compile Demo
- Run the following command to package the demo:
- `mvn clean package`
- (5)Download nacos and start
- (6)Download and start the ZooKeeper (the sermant configuration center).
-2. Deploy
- We will deploy one consumer instance, two provider instances, and one data instance, as shown in the following figure:
- `consumer -----------> provider(two instances) -------------> data`
- The graceful online/offline are enabled for the consumer, the warm up and graceful offline are enabled for one provider instance, and only the graceful offline are enabled for the other provider instance.
- (1)Startup data
- ```shell
- java -jar nacos-rest-data-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- ```
- (2)Start the first provider instance (port is 8880, with the **warm up disabled**).
- ```shell
- # windows
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=false -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dgrace.rule.httpServerPort=16688 -Dserver.port=8880 -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-provider-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- # mac, linux
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=false -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dgrace.rule.httpServerPort=16688 -Dserver.port=8880 -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-provider-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- ```
- (3)Start the second provider instance (port is 8890, with the **warm up enabled**).
- ```shell
- # windows
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dgrace.rule.httpServerPort=16689 -Dserver.port=8890 -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-provider-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- # mac, linux
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dgrace.rule.httpServerPort=16689 -Dserver.port=8890 -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-provider-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- ```
- (4)Startup consumer
- ```shell
- # windows
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dgrace.rule.httpServerPort=16690 -Dserver.port=8800 -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-consumer-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- # mac, linux
- java -Dgrace.rule.enableSpring=true -Dgrace.rule.enableWarmUp=true -Dgrace.rule.enableGraceShutdown=true -Dgrace.rule.enableOfflineNotify=true -Dgrace.rule.httpServerPort=16690 -Dserver.port=8800 -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar nacos-rest-consumer-2.2.0.RELEASE.jar
- ```
-3. Verify warm up
- Request the `localhost:8800/graceHot` interface and check whether the preheating takes effect based on the IP address and port number returned by the interface. If the response contains port 8880 in the majority during the warm up period (120s by default), and the traffic is averaged over time, the warm up has taken effect.
-4. Verify graceful offline
- Continuously request the `localhost:8800/graceDownOpen` interface. Make one of the provider instances offline. Check whether occurs error in the request. If no error occurs, the graceful offline verification is successful.
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-# 容器化部署指导手册
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## sermant-injector模块介绍
-sermant-injector是基于Kubernetes准入控制器(Admission Controllers)特性开发而来。准入控制器位于k8s API Server中,能够拦截对API Server的请求,完成身份验证、授权、变更等操作。
-sermant-injector属于变更准入控制器(MutatingAdmissionWebhook), 能够在创建容器资源前对请求进行拦截和修改。sermant-injector部署在k8s后,只需在宿主应用部署的YAML文件中`spec > template > metadata> labels`层级加入`sermant-injection: enabled`即可实现自动挂载sermant-agent。
-### 组成部分
-- `deployment`,部署sermant-injector应用的helm包文件
- - `release`
- - `injector` helm包,支持k8s 1.15版本及以上环境部署
-- `images`
- - `injector` sermant-injector Dockerfile及镜像构建脚本
- - `sermant-agent` sermant-agent Dockerfile及镜像构建脚本
-- `scripts` 包含证书生成脚本等
-- `src` 项目代码
-## 容器化部署流程
-### 运行环境
-[Kubernetes 1.15+](
-[Helm v3](
-### 生成证书
-Kubernetes webhook只能通过HTTPS(SSL/TLS)调用,因此需要为sermant-injector生成ssl key和证书。
-> 注意:脚本中`NAMESPACE`参数必须和`deployment/release`下的`values.yaml`中的``保持一致。其他参数无需修改
-### 构建镜像
-#### sermant-agent镜像
-##### 下载release包
-点击 [here](下载release包。
-mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip
-##### 制作镜像
-修改文件夹 `images/sermant-agent`下`` 脚本中`sermantVersion`,`imageName`和`imageVerison`的值:
-> 1. `sermantVersion`为release包的版本
-> 2. `imageName`为构建的sermant-agent镜像名称
-> 3. `imageVerison`为构建的sermant-agent镜像版本
-#### sermant-injector镜像
-##### sermant-injector打包
-在sermant-injector项目下执行`mvn clean package`命令,在项目目录下生成`sermant-injector.jar`文件
-##### 制作镜像
-修改文件夹 `images/injector`下`` 脚本中`imageName`和`imageVerison`的值:
-> 1. `imageName`为构建的sermant-injector镜像名称
-> 2. `imageVerison`为构建的sermant-injector镜像版本
-### 部署sermant-injector实例
-> 1. ``变量与``中的`NAMESPACE`参数必须保持一致
-> 2. `agent.image.addr`和`injector.image.addr`变量与构建镜像时的镜像地址保持一致
-> 3. `injector.webhook.caBundle`变量为k8s证书,可在k8s节点执行以下命令获取:
-> ```shell
-> kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}'
-> ```
-完成后,执行`helm install`命令在k8s中部署sermant-injector实例:
-helm install sermant-injector ../injector
-### 部署宿主应用
-#### 部署
-在完成上述sermant-injector部署后,用户根据实际应用编写YAML部署K8s Deployment资源,只需在`spec > template > metadata> labels`层级加入`sermant-injection: enabled`即可实现自动挂载sermant-agent。(如后续不希望挂载,删除后重新启动应用即可)
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Deployment
- name: demo-test
- labels:
- app: demo-test
- replicas: 1
- selector:
- app: demo-test
- matchLabels:
- app: demo-test
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: demo-test
- sermant-injection: enabled
- spec:
- containers:
- - name: image
- # 请替换成您的应用镜像
- image: image:1.0.0
- ports:
- - containerPort: 8080
- ports:
- - port: 443
- targetPort: 8443
-#### 验证
-kubectl get po/${pod_name} -o yaml
-1. 查看上述命令输出内容`spec > containers > - env`下是否包含环境变量:name为`JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS`,value为 `-javaagent:/home/sermant-agent/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default`。
-2. 查看上述命令输出内容`spec > containers > initContainers > image` 的值是否为构建sermant-agent镜像时的镜像地址。
-kubectl logs ${pod_name} -n ${namespace}
-3. 查看上述命令输出内容pod日志开头部分是否包含:
-[INFO] Loading sermant agent...
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-# Containerized Deployment Guide
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-In Kubernetes environment, Sermant supports quickly deployment by using **sermant-injector** module to automatically mount sermant-agent package for host application. This document describes the **sermant-injector** module and how to deploy **sermant-injector** and **host application with sermant-agent** in k8s environment.
-## Sermant-injector
-Sermant-injector is based on the **Kubernetes Admission Controllers.** The admission controller is located in the K8s API Server and is able to intercept requests to the API Server to complete operations such as authentication, authorization, and mutation.
-Sermant-injector is a MutatingAdmissionWebhook that can intercept and modify requests before creating container resources. After sermant-injector is deployed on K8s, just add `sermant-injection:Enabled` to the YAML file of the host application deployment configuration at the `spec > Template > metadata> labels` ' then the host application can automatically mount the sermant-agent package.
-### Components
-`sermant-injector` contains:
-- `deployment`, contains helm package file for deploying the sermant-injector application.
- - `release`
- - `injector` contains helm package file for K8S 1.15+.
-- `images`
- - `injector`, contains dockerfile and image build script of **sermant-injector**.
- - `sermant-agent`, contains dockerfile and image build script of **sermant-agent**.
-- `scripts`, contains certificate generation scripts, etc.
-- `src`, contains source code.
-## Containerized Deployment Steps
-### **Runtime Environment**
-[Kubernetes 1.15+](
-[Helm v3](
-### Generate a Certificate for Sermant-injector
-The Kubernetes webhook can only be invoked over HTTPS(SSL/TLS), so the SSL key and certificate need to be generated for the sermant-injector.
-Execute the `` script under `scripts` in any directory of any K8s node.
-> NOTE:The parameter `NAMESPACE` must be set as the same value as `` in `values.yaml` under `deployment/release`. No need to modify other parameters.
-### Build Images
-Before deploying **sermant-injector**, you need to build the **sermant-agent** image and the **sermant-injector** image.
-#### Image of Sermant-agent
-##### Download release package
-Click [here]( to download latest release package `sermant-agent-x.x.x.tar.gz`.
-Or you can get above package by executing the following command in the project.
-mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip
-##### Build Image
-Modify the values of `sermantVersion`, `imageName` and `imageVerison` in the `` under `images/sermant-agent` folder:
-> 1. `sermantVersion` is the version of the release package.
-> 2. `imageName` is the name of the built sermant-agent image.
-> 3. `imageVerison` is the version for the built sermant-agent image.
-Move `` and `Sermant.dockerfile` to the same directory as the release package `sermant-agent-xxx.tar.gz` in one of K8s nodes. Run `` to build the sermant-agent image.
-#### Image of Sermant-injector
-##### Package Sermant-injector
-Execute the `mvn clean package` command to generate the `sermant-injector.jar` file in the directory of sermant-injector project.
-##### Build Image
-Modify the values of `imageName` and `imageVerison` in the `` script under `images/injector` folder:
-> 1. `imageName` is the name of the built image of sermant-injector.
-> 2. `imageVerison` is the version of the built image of sermant-injector.
-Move ``, `` and `Injector.Dockerfile` to the same directory as the package `sermant-injector.jar`. Run `` to create the sermant-injector image.
-### Deploy Workload of Sermant-injector
-Before the host application can be containerized, the workload of sermant-injector needs to be deployed. This project adopts Helm for Kubernetes package management.
-Use Chart template in`injector` under `deploment/release`.
-Modify the template variable in `values.yaml` according to the actual environment:
-> 1. The value of `` must be identical to the `NAMESPACE` in ``
-> 2. The values of `agent.image.addr` and `injector.image.addr` are the same as the image address when the images are built
-> 3. `injector.webhook.caBundle` is the K8s certificate, which can be obtained from the K8s node by executing the following command:
-> ```shell
-> kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}'
-> ```
-Once this is done, execute `helm install` to deploy the sermant-injector workload in K8s:
-helm install sermant-injector ../injector
-Check that the status of the deployed pod of sermant-injector is running.
-At this point, the environment configuration of the host application before deployment is complete.
-### Deploy Host Application
-#### Deployment
-After the deployment of above sermant-injector, developers should write YAML file to deploy K8s Deployment resources according to the actual application. Simply add `sermant-injection: enabled` at the `spec > Template > Metadata > Labels` to automatically mount the sermant-agent. (If you do not want to mount it later, just delete it and restart the application)
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Deployment
- name: demo-test
- labels:
- app: demo-test
- replicas: 1
- selector:
- app: demo-test
- matchLabels:
- app: demo-test
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: demo-test
- sermant-injection: enabled
- spec:
- containers:
- - name: image
- # Please replace it with own image
- image: image:1.0.0
- ports:
- - containerPort: 8080
- ports:
- - port: 443
- targetPort: 8443
-If the pod cannot be created, check that the sermant-injector is deployed correctly and that the sermant-agent image is built correctly.
-#### Verification
-Once the pod is created, execute the following command, where `${pod_name}` is the pod name of host application.
-kubectl get po/${pod_name} -o yaml
-1. Check if the output contains the environment variable whose name is `JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS`and value is `-javaagent:/home/sermant-agent/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=default` in `spec > containers > - env`.
-2. Check if the value of `spec > containers > initContainers > image` is the image address used to build the sermant-agent image.
-Execute the following command, where `${pod_name}` is the pod name of host application and `${namespace}` is the namespace name of deployed host application.
-kubectl logs ${pod_name} -n ${namespace}
-3. Check if the beginning of the pod log in the output of the above command contains:
-[INFO] Loading sermant agent...
-If the above information is correct, the sermant-agent has been successfully mounted into the host application.
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-# 负载均衡
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 功能:
-## 负载均衡策略支持一览
-| 框架类型 | 策略名 | 配置值 / 负载均衡策略 | 版本支持 |
-| --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| dubbo | 随机(dubbo默认) | Random / RANDOM | 2.6.x, 2.7.x |
-| dubbo | 轮询 | RoundRobin / ROUNDROBIN | 2.6.x, 2.7.x |
-| dubbo | 最少活跃 | leastActive / LEASTACTIVE | 2.6.x, 2.7.x |
-| dubbo | 一致性HASH | consistentHash / CONSISTENTHASH | 2.6.x, 2.7.x |
-| dubbo | 最短响应时间 | shortestResponse / SHORTESTRESPONSE | 2.7.7+ |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | 区域权重(ribbon默认) | zoneAvoidance / ZONE_AVOIDANCE | ZONE_AVOIDANCEspring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | 随机 | Random / RANDOM | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | 轮询 | RoundRobin / ROUND_ROBIN | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | 重试 | retry / RETRY | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | 最低并发 | bestAvailable / BEST_AVAILABLE | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | 筛选过滤轮询 | availabilityFiltering / AVAILABILITY_FILTERING | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | 响应时间加权重(Deprecated) | ResponseTimeWeighted / RESPONSE_TIME_WEIGHTED | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | 响应时间加权重 | weightedResponseTime / WEIGHTED_RESPONSE_TIME | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-loadbalancer | 轮询(loadbalancer默认) | RoundRobin / ROUND_ROBIN | spring cloud Hoxton.SR10+, spring cloud 2020.0.x, spring cloud 2021.0.x |
-| spring-cloud-loadbalancer | 随机 | Random / RANDOM | spring cloud Hoxton.SR10+, spring cloud 2020.0.x, spring cloud 2021.0.x |
-## 配置说明
-### 流量标记
-**配置key:** `servicecomb.matchGroup.testLb`
-> 配置键说明:
-> `servicecomb.matchGroup. `:流量标记的固定前缀,所有key均需已此为前缀配置流量标记
-> `testLb`:业务场景名,对应的负载均衡规则需配置相同的业务场景名
-alias: loadbalancer-rule
-- serviceName: zk-rest-provider # 目标服务名
-示例规则说明: `serviceName`为下游服务名,即针对请求微服务`zk-rest-provider`将应用匹配的负载均衡规则;若配置项`serviceName`未配置,则应用于所有微服务。需要注意的是,该配置仅需配置`serviceName`配置项,其他的格式需保持不变。
-> 优先级说明:若同时配置了多个负载均衡规则,插件会优先匹配配置服务名的负载均衡规则,否则采用未配置服务名的匹配的负载均衡规则。
-### 负载均衡规则
-> 配置键说明:
-> `servicecomb.loadbalance. `:负载均衡规则配置的固定前缀,所有key均需已此为前缀配置负载均衡规则
-> `testLb`:业务场景名,需与流量标记的业务场景相同才可生效
-rule: Random
-示例配置项说明: 即配置**随机负载均衡规则**, 配置值见表[负载均衡策略支持一览](#负载均衡策略支持一览)的**配置值**
-> 以上需确认宿主自身应用的框架版本,确定当前支持的负载均衡策略。
-### 发布配置
-Sermant backend提供api的方式发布配置, 使用前需启动backend后台应用,如下为配置发布接口:
-POST /publishConfig
-| 参数 | 是否必填 | 参数类型 | 描述 |
-| ------- | -------- | -------- | ---------------------- |
-| key | √ | String | 配置键 |
-| group | √ | String | 配置组,用于配置订阅 |
-| content | √ | String | 配置文本,即为具体规则 |
-- 自定义标签:默认会订阅标签`public=default`,您也可以通过设置环境变量修改自定义标签,启动参数添加如下参数:`-Dservice.meta.customLabel=public -Dservice.meta.customLabelValue=default`
-- 微服务标签: 默认会订阅标签`app=default&service=${yourServiceName}&environment=`,其中`${yourServiceName}`为微服务的名称,`environment`默认为空。当然同样可以采用环境变量进行变更,启动参数添加如下参数:`-Dservice.meta.application=default -Dservice.meta.environment=${yourEnvironment}`, 分别对应`app`与`envrionment`,而服务名为动态获取。
-- 应用标签:默认会订阅标签`app=default&&environment=`, `environment`默认为空, 环境变量配置方式同**微服务标签**。
-### 版本说明
-- 在spring cloud 2020.0.x之前,spring cloud负载均衡默认使用的核心组件为spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon(宿主应用可通过排除ribbon相关的组件使用spring-cloud-loadbalancer组件),从spring cloud 2020.0.x开始,负载均衡的核心组件为spring-cloud-loadbalancer。
-- 在spring cloud Hoxton.SR10之前,spring-cloud-loadbalancer的负载均衡策略只有轮询(ROUND_ROBIN),所以插件并不支持修改Hoxton. SR10之前的spring-cloud-loadbalancer组件的负载均衡策略,spring cloud Hoxton.SR10之前版本建议使用spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon组件进行负载均衡。
-## 结果验证
-1. 前提条件[已下载Sermant RELEASE包](, [已下载demo源码](,[已下载zookeeper](
-2. 启动zookeeper
-3. 启动backend, 参考[后端模块介绍](../
-4. 编译demo应用
- ```
- mvn clean package
- ```
-5. 发布流量标记
- 调用接口`localhost:8900/publishConfig`, 请求参数如下:
- ```json
- {
- "content": "alias: loadbalancer-rule\nmatches:\n- serviceName: zk-rest-provider",
- "group": {
- "app": "default",
- "environment": "",
- "service": "zk-rest-consumer"
- },
- "key": "servicecomb.matchGroup.testLb"
- }
- ```
-6. 发布匹配的负载均衡规则(以Random为例)
- 调用接口`localhost:8900/publishConfig`, 请求参数如下:
- ```json
- {
- "content": "rule: Random",
- "group": {
- "app": "default",
- "environment": "",
- "service": "zk-rest-consumer"
- },
- "key": "servicecomb.loadbalance.testLb"
- }
- ```
-7. 启动生产者(两个实例)
- ```shell
- java -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -Dserver.port=${port} -jar zk-rest-provider.jar
- ```
- 其中`path`需要替换为Sermant实际打包路径, `port`为生产者端口,这里需要启动两个实例, 请分别配置不同的端口,有利于结果观察
-8. 启动消费者(一个实例即可)
- ```shell
- java -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -Dserver.port=8005 -jar zk-rest-consumer.jar
- ```
-9. 测试
- 上面步骤全部完成后,访问接口`localhost:8005/hello`, 通过返回的端口判断随机负载均衡规则(默认为轮询)是否生效。
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-# Loadbalancer
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document is used to introduce the usage of [loadbalancer](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-loadbalancer)
-## Functions:
-Based on the configuration in the configuration center, the loadbalance rules of the host application can be dynamically modified without intrusion.
-## The Strategy Loadbalacne Support
-| Framework | Strategy | Configuration value/Loadbalance Strategy | version support |
-| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| dubbo | Random (Dubbo default) | Random / RANDOM | 2.6.x, 2.7.x |
-| dubbo | RoundRobin | RoundRobin / ROUNDROBIN | 2.6.x, 2.7.x |
-| dubbo | leastActive | leastActive / LEASTACTIVE | 2.6.x, 2.7.x |
-| dubbo | Consistent hash | consistentHash / CONSISTENTHASH | 2.6.x, 2.7.x |
-| dubbo | Minimum response time | shortestResponse / SHORTESTRESPONSE | 2.7.7+ |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | Area weight (default value) | zoneAvoidance / ZONE_AVOIDANCE | ZONE_AVOIDANCEspring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | Random | Random / RANDOM | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | RoundRobin | RoundRobin / ROUND_ROBIN | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | retry | retry / RETRY | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | bestAvailable | bestAvailable / BEST_AVAILABLE | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | availabilityFiltering | availabilityFiltering / AVAILABILITY_FILTERING | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | Response Time Weighting (Deprecated) | ResponseTimeWeighted / RESPONSE_TIME_WEIGHTED | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon | Response time weighting | weightedResponseTime / WEIGHTED_RESPONSE_TIME | spring cloud Edgware.x, spring cloud Finchley.x, spring cloud Greenwich.x, spring cloud Hoxton.x |
-| spring-cloud-loadbalancer | RoundRobin(default) | RoundRobin / ROUND_ROBIN | spring cloud Hoxton.SR10+, spring cloud 2020.0.x, spring cloud 2021.0.x |
-| spring-cloud-loadbalancer | Random | Random / RANDOM | spring cloud Hoxton.SR10+, spring cloud 2020.0.x, spring cloud 2021.0.x |
-## How to Configure
-Load balancing is dynamically configured based on the configuration center. To use this capability, you need to configure the corresponding load balancing policy in the configuration center. The loadbalance plugin uses **traffic marking + loadbalance rules**. To configure a rule, you **need to configure both of them**. The following describes the two configurations:
-### Traffic Marking
-Traffic marking is used to mark the services that take effect. If the service is empty, the traffic marking is applied to all microservices. The configuration example is as follows:
-**Configuring key:** `servicecomb.matchGroup.testLb`
-> description of key:
-> `servicecomb.matchGroup. `:Fixed prefix of traffic marking. Traffic marking must be configured for all keys.
-> `testLb`:Service scenario name. The corresponding load balancing rule must be configured with the same service scenario name.
-**configure content:**
-alias: loadbalancer-rule
-- serviceName: zk-rest-provider # downstream service name
-Example rule description: serviceName indicates the name of the downstream service, that is, the loadbalance rule to be applied to the requested microservice zk-rest-provider. If the serviceName configuration item is not set, the configuration item applies to all microservices. Note that only the serviceName configuration item needs to be configured in this configuration. Other formats remain unchanged.
-> Priority: If multiple load balancing rules are configured, the plugin preferentially matches the load balancing rule with the service name configured. Otherwise, the plugin uses the load balancing rule with no service name configured.
-### Loadbalance Rule
-Load balancing rules must be configured for applications. Load balancing policies depend on the existing load balancing policies of the host. That is, load balancing policies can be configured only when the host supports the load balancing policies. For details about the supported load balancing policies, see the [The Strategy Loadbalacne Support](#The-Strategy-Loadbalacne-Support).
-**configure key:**`servicecomb.loadbalance.testLb`
-> configuration item description:
-> `servicecomb.loadbalance. `:Fixed prefix configured for the loadbalancer rule. Loadbalancer rules must be configured for all keys.
-> `testLb`:Service scenario name, which takes effect only when it is the same as the service scenario of the traffic flag.
-**configure content:**
-rule: Random
-Example configuration item description: Configure a random load balancing rule. For details about the configuration values, see the [The Strategy Loadbalacne Support](#The-Strategy-Loadbalacne-Support).
-> Check the framework version of the host application and determine the supported load balancing strategy.
-### Publish Loadbalance Rule
-The Sermant Backend provides APIs for releasing configurations. Before using the API, you need to start the backend application. The following describes the configuration publishing interface:
-POST /publishConfig
-**Request Body**
-| Params | Mandatory or not | Param type | Description |
-| ------- | ---------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| key | √ | String | configuration key |
-| group | √ | String | Configuration group, which is used to configure subscriptions |
-| content | √ | String | Configuration text, that is, specific rules |
-In the preceding table, the key and content correspond to the key and content of the traffic tag and load balancing rule. The group refers to the tag of the specified service. The group is configured in the tag pair mode. For example, app=default&environment=development indicates publishing configurations for microservices that subscribe to this tag.
-The loadbalance plugin has three subscription tags by default.:
-- custom tag:By default, the tag `public=defaul`t is subscribed to. You can also modify the customized tag by setting environment variables and add the following parameters to the startup parameter: `-Dservice.meta.customLabel=public -Dservice.meta.customLabelValue=default`
-- microservice tag: By default, the `app=default&service=${yourServiceName}&environment= tag is subscribed. ${yourServiceName}` indicates the microservice name and environment is empty by default. You can also use environment variables to change the startup parameters. Add the following parameters to the startup parameters: `-Dservice.meta.application=default -Dservice.meta.environment=${yourEnvironment}`, corresponds to app and envrionment, and the service name is dynamically obtained.
-- application tag:By default, the tag `app=default&environment=` is subscribed. The environment variable configuration method is the same as that of the microservice tag.
-### Version Notices
-- In versions earlier than spring cloud 20200.0.x, the core component used by spring cloud load balancers is spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon by default. (The host application can use the spring-cloud-loadbalancer component by excluding ribbon-related components.) From spring cloud 20200.0.x, the core component of load balancing is spring-cloud-loadbalancer.
-- In versions earlier than spring cloud Hoxton.SR10, the load balancing policy of spring-cloud-loadbalancer can only be round robin (ROUND_ROBIN). Therefore, the plugin does not support modifying the load balancing policy of spring-cloud-loadbalancer components earlier than Hoxton.SR10. For versions earlier than spring cloud Hoxton.SR10, you are advised to use the spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon component for load balancing.
-## Verify Result
-1. Prerequisites: [sermant has been downloaded](, [the demo source code is downloaded](, and [the ZooKeeper is downloaded](
-2. start zookeeper
-3. start backend, referring to the [backend module introduction](../
-4. compile and package demo application
- ```
- mvn clean package
- ```
-5. publish traffic marking rule
- Invoke the interface `localhost:8900/publishConfig`, request body just follow below:
- ```json
- {
- "content": "alias: loadbalancer-rule\nmatches:\n- serviceName: zk-rest-provider",
- "group": {
- "app": "default",
- "environment": "",
- "service": "zk-rest-consumer"
- },
- "key": "servicecomb.matchGroup.testLb"
- }
- ```
-6. publish loadbalance rule (Random as a example).
- Invoke the interface`localhost:8900/publishConfig`, request body just follow below:
- ```json
- {
- "content": "rule: Random",
- "group": {
- "app": "default",
- "environment": "",
- "service": "zk-rest-consumer"
- },
- "key": "servicecomb.loadbalance.testLb"
- }
- ```
-7. Starting a provider (two instances)
- ```shell
- java -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -Dserver.port=${port} -jar zk-rest-provider.jar
- ```
- Replace `path` with the **actual packaging path** of the Sermant and port with the producer port. In this example, you need to start two instances. Configure different ports for the two instances.
-8. Start a consumer (one instance).
- ```shell
- java -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -Dserver.port=8005 -jar zk-rest-consumer.jar
- ```
-9. testing
- After the preceding steps are complete, access the localhost:8005/hello interface and check whether the random load balancing rule (by default, RoundRobin) takes effect based on the returned port.
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-# monitor
-监控模块依赖于prometheus进行指标收集,prometheus定期调用java agent的httpServer服务,获取插件注册的指标信息,并进行存储展示。
-## 目录说明
-- `config`: 配置文件目录
-- `monitor-service`: 服务器硬件资源和JVM监控采集服务
-## 配置文件内容说明
-monitor.config: # 监控服务配置
- enable-start-service: false # 监控服务启动开关
-## monitor-service插件说明
-- Linux资源监控采集功能需要宿主应用部署在Linux环境。
-- JVM内存监控采集功能需要宿主应用使用OpenJDK或者基于OpenJDK的JDK版本
-- **Linux资源监控采集**:通过执行linux命令获取系统CPU、内存、磁盘IO、网络IO资源使用情况数据,并注册到prometheus的默认注册器。
- #CPU
- cat /proc/stat
- cat /proc/meminfo
- cat /proc/diskstats
- cat /proc/net/dev
- lscpu
- ```
-- **采集内容**
- double cpu_user; // 用户态时间占比
- double cpu_sys; // 系统时间占比
- double cpu_wait; // 等待时间百分占比
- double cpu_idle; // 空闲时间占比
- double cpu_cores; // CPU物理核心数
- 内存使用情况
- double memory_total; // 总内存大小
- double memory_swap; // 对应cat /proc/meminfo指令的SwapCached
- double memory_cached; // 对应cat /proc/meminfo指令的Cached
- double memory_buffer; // 对应cat /proc/meminfo指令的Buffers
- double memory_used; // 已使用的内存大小
- 内存使用情况
- double memory_total; // 总内存大小
- double memory_swap; // 对应cat /proc/meminfo指令的SwapCached
- double memory_cached; // 对应cat /proc/meminfo指令的Cached
- double memory_buffer; // 对应cat /proc/meminfo指令的Buffers
- double memory_used; // 已使用的内存大小
- 磁盘IO
- double disk_readBytesPerSec; // 采集周期内的每秒读字节数
- double disk_writeBytesPerSec; // 采集周期内的每秒写字节数
- double disk_ioSpentPercentage; // 采集周期内,IO花费的时间百分占比
- 网络
- double network_readBytesPerSec; // 采集周期内的每秒读字节数
- double network_writeBytesPerSec; // 采集周期内的每秒写字节数
- double network_readPackagePerSec; // 采集周期内的每秒读包数
- double network_writePackagePerSec; // 采集周期内的每秒写包数
-- **JVM监控采集**:定时从获取JVM的指标情况
- JVM内存
- double heap_memory_init; // 堆内存初始化值
- double heap_memory_max; // 堆内存最大值
- double heap_memory_used // 堆内存已使用
- double heap_memory_committed // 堆内存已提交
- double non_heap_memory_init; // 非堆内存初始化值
- double non_heap_memory_max; // 非堆内存最大值
- double non_heap_memory_used // 非堆内存已使用
- double non_heap_memory_committed // 非堆内存已提交
- double code_cache_init; // 代码缓存区初始化值
- double code_cache_max; // 代码缓存区最大值
- double code_cache_used // 代码缓存区已使用
- double code_cache_committed // 代码缓存区已提交
- double meta_sapce_init; // 元空间初始化值
- double meta_sapce_max; // 元空间最大值
- double meta_sapce_used // 元空间已使用
- double meta_sapce_committed // 元空间已提交
- double compressed_class_space_init; // 压缩类空间初始化值
- double compressed_class_space_max; // 压缩类空间最大值
- double compressed_class_space_used // 压缩类空间已使用
- double compressed_class_space_committed // 压缩类空间已提交
- double eden_init; // eden区内存初始化值
- double eden_max; // eden区内存最大值
- double eden_used // eden区内存已使用
- double eden_committed // eden区内存已提交
- double survivor_init; // survivor区内存初始化值
- double survivor_max; // survivor区内存最大值
- double survivor_used // survivor区内存已使用
- double survivor_committed // survivor区内存已提交
- double old_gen_init; // 老年代内存初始化值
- double old_gen_max; // 老年代内存最大值
- double old_gen_used // 老年代内存已使用
- double old_gen_committed // 老年代内存已提交
- 线程
- double thread_live; // 活动线程
- double thread_peak; // 线程峰值
- double thread_daemon; // 守护线程
- GC
- double new_gen_count; // 年轻代GC次数
- double new_gen_spend; // 年轻代GC耗时
- double old_gen_count; // 老年代GC次数
- double old_gen_spend; // 老年代GC耗时
- JVM其他指标
- double cpu_used; JVM占用CPU情况
- double start_time; JVM已经启动时间,毫秒数
-1、修改sermant-agentcore-config监控配置。修改对外提供服务的IP 端口 以及开关
-monitor.service.address= // 修改为宿主服务IP
-monitor.service.port=12345 // 修改为对外提供服务端口
-monitor.service.isStartMonitor=false // 对外服务开关 -- 开关true时prometheus可以调用服务端口获取指标信息
-monitor.config: # 监控服务配置
- enable-start-service: false # 监控服务启动开关
-3、修改prometheus的配置文件. 在scrape_configs下增加对应的job信息(根据第一步配置的内容)
-4、宿主应用挂载java agent之后即可在prometheus看到对应的指标信息。
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-# 服务注册常见问题
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 报错:No such extension org.apache.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory by name sc
-![No such extension org.apache.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory by name sc](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-1.png)
-1.1 宿主没有带agent启动。因为原生dubbo并不支持往sc注册,所以如果没带agent启动且配置的注册地址的协议为sc时,就会产生以上报错。
-1.2 核心配置文件(${agent_package_path}/agent/config/配置问题。仔细观察启动日志,会发现伴有类似以下的错误:
-- 原因是核心配置文件中,配置中心类型(dynamic.config.dynamic_config_type)的值(需要为KIE/ZOOKEEPER)配置错误,从而导致宿主应用无法加载agent,最后导致No such extension org.apache.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory by name sc的报错。
-1.3 核心配置文件(${agent_package_path}/agent/config/配置问题。仔细观察启动日志,会发现伴有类似以下错误:
-- 原因是核心配置文件中,配置中心地址(dynamic.config.server_address)配置错误或者配置中心没有启动或者网络不通,从而导致宿主应用无法加载agent,最后导致No such extension org.apache.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory by name sc的报错。
-## 报错:/sermant/master/v1/register error
-![register error](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-4.png)
-## 报错:Connection reset
-![Connection reset](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-5.png)
-## 报错:https protocol is not supported
-![https protocol is not supported](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-6.png)
-## 报错:No such extension by name sc
-![No such extension by name sc](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-7.png)
-- 例如dubbo/provider.xml
-- 例如application.yml(或,以application.yml为例
- registry:
- protocol: nacos
- address: sc://
-## 报错:No registry config found or it's not a valid config
-![No registry config found or it's not a valid config](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-8.png)
-## 插件配置中,enableSpringRegister/enableDubboRegister与openMigration之间的关系是什么?
-|true|true|开启spring cloud/dubbo迁移功能|
-|true|false|开启spring cloud/dubbo sc注册|
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-# Service Registration FAQ
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document describes frequently asked questions (FAQs) about using the [service registration plugin](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry).
-## Exception: No Such Extension org.apache.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory by name sc
-As shown in the following figure:
-![No such extension org.apache.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory by name sc](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-1.png)
-The possible causes are as follows:
-1.1 The application is not started with the agent. The native dubbo does not support registration with the SC. Therefore, if the application started without agent and the protocol of the registration address is SC, the preceding error is reported.
-1.2 The core configuration file (${agent_package_path}/agent/config/ is incorrectly configured. Check the startup log carefully and you will find an error similar to the following:
-- The value of the configuration center type (dynamic.config.dynamic_config_type) in the core configuration file is incorrect. As a result, the host application cannot load the agent and the No such extension org.apache.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory by name sc reports an error.
-1.3 The core configuration file (${agent_package_path}/agent/config/ is incorrectly configured. Check the startup log carefully. The error information similar to the following is displayed:
-- The configuration center address (dynamic.config.server_address) is incorrectly configured in the core configuration file, the configuration center is not started, or the network is disconnected. As a result, the host application fails to load the agent, and the No such extension org.apache.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory by name sc reports an error.
-## Exception: /sermant/master/v1/register error
-As shown in the following figure:
-![register error](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-4.png)
-The cause is that the backend is not started or the configured address is incorrect. Start the backend or configure the address correctly. For details about the backend, see the [backend document](../
-Note: This error does not affect the plugin registration process, but related errors may be reported.
-## Exception: Connection reset
-As shown in the following figure:
-![Connection reset](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-5.png)
-Check whether the registration center address (servicecomb.service.address) and protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) in the plugin configuration (${agent_package_path}/agent/pluginPackage/service-registry/config/config.yaml) are correct.
-## Exception: https protocol is not supported
-As shown in the following figure:
-![https protocol is not supported](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-6.png)
-You need to enable ssl (servicecomb.service.sslEnabled) in the plugin configuration (${agent_package_path}/agent/pluginPackage/service-registry/config/config.yaml).
-## Exception: No such extension by name sc
-As shown in the following figure:
-![No such extension by name sc](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-7.png)
-Check the registration configuration of the dubbo application. Check whether protocol exists and is not sc.
-- Example for dubbo/provider.xml
-- For example, application.yml (or The following uses application.yml as an example.
- registry:
- protocol: nacos
- address: sc://
-If protocol exists and is not set to sc, set protocol to sc or delete the protocol configuration.
-## Exception: No registry config found or it's not a valid config
-As shown in the following figure:
-![No registry config found or it's not a valid config](../../binary-docs/registry-faq-8.png)
-For details about how to set the address of the DUBBO registration center, see the description of newly developed DUBBO applications in the [service registration plugin](./ document.
-## What Is The Relationship Between Plugin Configuration, enableSpringRegister/enableDubboRegister, And openMigration?
-The following table describes the relationship between enableSpringRegister/enableDubboRegister and openMigration.
-|true|true|Enabling the Spring Cloud/Dubbo Migration Function|
-|true|false|Enable Spring cloud/Dubbo With SC Registration|
-|false|true|Disabling the Registration Plugin|
-|false|false|Disabling the Registration Plugin|
-[Back to **Service Registration**](./
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-# Service-Registry
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 功能
-服务注册插件提供代码无侵入方式,可让原本注册于Eureka,Nacos,Zookeeper、Consul等主流注册中心的微服务,无侵入地注册到[Service Center](上, 同时支持Dubbo与SpringCloud框架。
-## 使用说明
-### 按需修改[核心配置文件](../../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/
-### 按需修改[插件配置文件](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/config/config.yaml)
- registerType: SERVICE_COMB # 注册中心类型 支持NACOS/SERVICE_COMB
- address: #注册服务地址,service_comb:http://localhost:30100;nacos:
- heartbeatInterval: 15 #服务实例心跳发送间隔(单位:秒)
- openMigration: false #是否开启迁移功能
- enableSpringRegister: false #是否开启spring插件注册能力,spring cloud框架需开启,dubbo框架需关闭
- enableDubboRegister: false #是否开启dubbo插件注册能力,dubbo框架需开启,spring cloud框架需关闭
- sslEnabled: false # 是否开启ssl
-- 对于使用**NACOS**中心,还需要设置NACOS本身的注册中心相关配置,当前只支持springCloud
- username: "" # nacos验证账户
- password: "" # nacos的验证密码
- namespace: "" # 命名空间,nacos配置创建命名空间的id值
- weight: 1 # 服务实例权重值
- clusterName: DEFAULT # 集群名称
- ephemeral: true # 是否是临时节点,true为是,false为否
-- 对于**新开发**的dubbo应用,还需要设置dubbo本身注册中心地址的配置。这个配置项一般在dubbo应用的配置文件中,比如“dubbo/provider.xml”文件中:
- registry:
- address: sc://
-需要强调的是,这个配置项的地址信息**不会使用**,只使用了协议名称sc(即ip地址不重要,只需要**sc://** 开头即可)。
-- **注意**:对于**存量**dubbo应用(即原本已经设置过dubbo本身注册中心地址的应用)**无需**进行这一步。
-## 结果验证
-- 前提条件[正确打包Sermant](../../打包流程)
-- 启动Service Center,下载、使用说明和启动流程详见[官网](
-- 编译[demo应用](
-mvn clean package
-- 启动消费者
-# windows
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-consumer -jar dubbo-consumer.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-consumer -jar dubbo-consumer.jar
-- 启动生产者
-# windows
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-provider -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-provider -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-- 测试
-当启动以上2个应用后,登录[Service Center](后台,查看相关服务实例是否已注册,并且访问应用接口,确认接口是否正常返回,若接口成功返回,则说明注册成功。
-## 配置说明
-**核心配置文件**与**插件配置文件**均支持环境变量、java -D参数配置),如下所示:
-## 更多文档
-- [SpringCloud注册中心迁移](
-- [Dubbo注册中心迁移](
-- [服务注册常见问题](
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-# Service-Registry
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document describes the [service registration plugin](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry) and how to use the plugin.
-## Function
-The service registration plug-in allows microservices that have been registered with popular registration centers, such as Eureka, Nacos, ZooKeeper, and Consul, to be registered with [Service Center]( in a non-intrusive manner. It also supports Dubbo and SpringCloud frameworks.
-## Usage
-### Modify [Core Configuration File](../../../sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-config/config/ On Demand
-The file path is `${agent_package_path}/agent/config/`. Please replace `${agent_package_path}` with the actual package path.
-The configuration items are described as follows:
-#application name
-#service version
-#namespace, just keep default
-#you environment, currently, testing/development/production are supported
-### Modify The [Plugin Configuration File](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/config/config.yaml) On Demand
-The file path is `${agent_package_path}/agent/pluginPackage/service-registry/config/config.yaml`. Please replace `${agent_package_path}` with the actual package path.
-The configuration items are described as follows:
- registerType: SERVICE_COMB # Registration center type, surpport NACOS/SERVICE_COMB
- address: # Registration center address. service_comb:http://localhost:30100;nacos:
- heartbeatInterval: 15 # Interval at which service instance heartbeats are sent (unit: second)
- openMigration: false # Whether to enable the migration function.
- enableSpringRegister: false # Whether to enable the Spring plug-in registration capability. This capability must be enabled for the Spring Cloud framework and disabled for the Dubbo framework.
- enableDubboRegister: false # Whether to enable the dubbo plug-in registration capability. This capability must be enabled for the dubbo framework and disabled for the spring cloud framework.
- sslEnabled: false # Whether to enable SSL.
-- For using **NACOS** registry,also need setting nacos registration center configurations,currently only support springCloud
- username: "" # nacos check username
- password: "" # nacos check password
- namespace: "" # namespace, nacos setting the id of namespace
- weight: 1 # service instance weight
- clusterName: DEFAULT # cluster name
- ephemeral: true # Whether to enable ephemeral endpoint, true for yes,false for no
-1. group of nacos can setting by core config service.meta.application.
-2. nacos configs current only show normal use type, others see [NACOS config file](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/registry-common/src/main/java/com/huawei/registry/config/
-- For **newly developed dubbo applications**, you also need to configure the address of the dubbo registration center. This configuration item is generally in the configuration file of the dubbo application, for example, in the dubbo/provider.xml file.
-Alternatively, in application.yml (or, application.yml is used as an example.
- registry:
- address: sc://
-Note that the address information of **this configuration item is not used**. Only the protocol name sc is used. (That is, the IP address is not important. **You only need to start with sc://**.)
-- **Note**: For **existing dubbo applications**, (Applications which hava already set up it's own registry address) **This step is not required**.
-## Verification
-- Prerequisites: [Sermant is packaged correctly](../../
-- Start the Service Center. For details about how to download, use, and start the Service Center, see the [official website](
-- Compile [demo application](
-mvn clean package
-- Start Consumer
-# windows
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-consumer -jar dubbo-consumer.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-consumer -jar dubbo-consumer.jar
-- Start Provider
-# windows
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-provider -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-provider -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-Note: To facilitate the test, the DUBBO registration function is enabled in -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true mode. If the DUBBO registration function is enabled in other modes, you do not need to add this parameter.
-Replace `${path}` with the Sermant project path, replace x.x.x with the actual Sermant version number, and appName with the application name in the agent startup parameter, which is irrelevant to registration parameters. The directory for running commands must be the JAR package directory of the demo application.
-Refer to the [entry module](../ for the specific meaning of the startup parameters.
-- Test
-After the preceding two applications are started, log in to the [Service Center]( background and check whether related service instances have been registered. Access the application interface http://localhost:28820/hello to check whether the interface returns a normal response. If the interface returns a successful response, the registration is successful.
-## Configuration
-Both the **core configuration file and plugin configuration file** support the configuration of environment variables and java -D parameters, as shown in the following figure.
-The preceding configuration indicates that the value of service.meta.application in the environment variable or -D parameter is preferred as the application name. If the value cannot be found in the environment variable or -D parameter, default is used as the application name.
-## More Documents
-- [SpringCloud Registry Migration](
-- [Dubbo Registry Migration](
-- [Registry Migration FAQ](
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-# Registry Migration - Dubbo
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 功能
-提供代码无侵入方式,基于双注册的模式让线上应用在线上业务不停机的前提下将注册中心快速迁移到[Service Center](的能力。支持注册中心如下:
-| 注册中心 | 是否支持 |
-| --------- | -------- |
-| Nacos | ✅ |
-| Zookeeper | ✅ |
-Dubbo 2.6.x, 2.7.x
-## 使用说明
-### 修改[插件配置文件](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/config/config.yaml)
- openMigration: true #开启迁移功能
- enableDubboRegister: true #开启dubbo插件注册
-### 启动Service Center
-Service Center启动流程详见[官网](
-## 结果验证
-- 说明:此处以原注册中心为Nacos进行举例。
-- 前提条件[正确打包Sermant](../../打包流程)。
-- 启动Service Center,下载、使用说明和启动流程详见[官网](。
-- 启动Nacos,下载、使用说明和启动流程详见[官网](。
-- 编译[demo应用](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/demo-registry/demo-registry-dubbo)。
-mvn clean package
-- 启动双注册消费者
-# windows
-java -Dservicecomb.service.openMigration=true -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-consumer -jar dubbo-consumer.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dservicecomb.service.openMigration=true -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-consumer -jar dubbo-consumer.jar
-注:为了便于测试,这里使用了-Dservicecomb.service.openMigration=true -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true的方式打开了dubbo迁移功能,如果使用了其它的方式打开了dubbo迁移开关,则无需添加该参数。
-- 启动原生产者(注册到Nacos中)
-# windows
-java -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-- 启动新生产者(注册到SC中)
-# windows
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -Dserver.port=48021 -Ddubbo.protocol.port=48821 -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-provider -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -Dserver.port=48021 -Ddubbo.protocol.port=48821 -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-provider -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-注:为了便于测试,这里使用了-Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true的方式打开了dubbo注册开关,如果使用了其它的方式打开了dubbo注册开关,则无需添加该参数;另外为了解决同一台服务器启动2个provider遇到的端口冲突问题,需要增加-Dserver.port=48021 -Ddubbo.protocol.port=48821参数,如果测试时2个provider在不同的服务器,则无需添加该参数。
-- 测试
-当启动以上3个应用后,登录[Service Center](后台和[Nacos](后台,均可查看到consumer和provider应用,并且多次访问应用接口,确认接口是否正常返回,若接口成功返回并可访问2个注册中心的生产者实例,则说明注册并迁移成功。
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-# Registry Migration - Dubbo
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document describes the migration capability of the [service registration plugin](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry) based on the Dubbo framework registration center.
-For details about SpringCloud migration, see [SpringCloud Registration Center Migration](
-## Function
-Provides the capability of quickly migrating the registration center to the [Service Center]( based on the dual-registration mode without interrupting online services business. The following registration centers are supported:
-| Registration Center | Support |
-| --------- | -------- |
-| Nacos | ✅ |
-| Zookeeper | ✅ |
-## Support Versions
-Dubbo 2.6.x, 2.7.x
-**Schematic diagram of migration**
-## Usage
-### Modify [Plugin Configuration File](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/config/config.yaml)
-The file path is `${agent_package_path}/agent/pluginPackage/service-registry/config/config.yaml`. Please replace `${agent_package_path}` with the actual package path.
-Set servicecomb.service.openMigration and servicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister to true as follows:
- openMigration: true #Enable the migration function
- enableDubboRegister: true #Enabling Dubbo plugin registration
-For details, see the [service registration plugin document](./
-**Notices**: If the migration function is enabled, you do not need to change the address of the original registration center. Otherwise, the registration will not be performed at the same time with two registration centers (original registration center + SC).
-### Startup Service Center
-For details about the Service Center startup process, see the [official website](
-## Verification
-- Notice:In this example, the original registration center is Nacos.
-- Prerequisites: [The Sermant is packaged correctly](../../
-- Start Service Center. For details about how to download, use, and start Service Center, see the [official website](
-- Start the Nacos. For details about how to download, use, and start the Nacos, see the [official website](
-- Compile [demo application](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/demo-registry/demo-registry-dubbo)
-mvn clean package
-- Start up dual registration consumer
-# windows
-java -Dservicecomb.service.openMigration=true -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-consumer -jar dubbo-consumer.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dservicecomb.service.openMigration=true -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-consumer -jar dubbo-consumer.jar
-Notices: To facilitate the test, the dubbo migration function is enabled in -Dservicecomb.service.openMigration=true -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true mode. If the dubbo migration function is enabled in other modes, you do not need to add this parameter.
-- Start the original producer (registered with the Nacos).
-# windows
-java -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-- Starting a New Producer (Registering to the SC)
-# windows
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -Dserver.port=48021 -Ddubbo.protocol.port=48821 -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-provider -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-# mac, linux
-java -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true -Dserver.port=48021 -Ddubbo.protocol.port=48821 -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar=appName=dubbo-provider -jar dubbo-provider.jar
-Notice: To facilitate the test, the Dubbo registration function is enabled in -Dservicecomb.service.enableDubboRegister=true mode. If the Dubbo registration function is enabled in other modes, you do not need to add this parameter. In addition, to solve the port conflict problem when two providers are started on the same server, you need to add the -Dserver.port=48021 -Ddubbo.protocol.port=48821 parameter. If the two providers are on different servers, you do not need to add this parameter.
-Please replace `${path}` with the Sermant project path, replace x.x.x with the actual Sermant version number, and appName with the application name in the agent startup parameter, which is irrelevant to the registration parameter. The directory for running the command must be the directory where the JAR package of the demo application is located.
-Startup parameters can referring to the [entry module](../
-- Test
-After the preceding three applications are started, log in to the [Service Center]( background and [Nacos background]( to view the consumer and provider applications. Access the application interface http://localhost:28020/test for multiple times and check whether the interface returns a normal response. If the interface successfully returns a response and the producer instances of the two registration centers can be accessed, indiactes that the registration and migration are successful.
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-# Registry Migration - Spring Cloud
-[简体中文](./ | [English](./
-本文主要介绍[服务注册插件](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry)基于Spring Cloud框架注册中心的迁移能力。
-## 功能
-提供代码无侵入方式,基于双注册的模式让线上应用在线上业务不停机的前提下将注册中心快速迁移到[Service Center](的能力。支持注册中心如下:
-| 注册中心 | 是否支持 |
-| --------- | -------- |
-| Eureka | ✅ |
-| Consul | ✅ |
-| Nacos | ✅ |
-| Zookeeper | ✅ |
-| Spring Cloud Version | Spring Boot Version | Zookeeper Discovery Version | Nacos Discovery Version | Consul Discovery Version | Eureka Client Version |
-| -------------------- | ------------------- | --------------------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| Edgware.x | 1.5.x | 1.x.x, 2.0.x | 1.5.x | 1.x.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x | 1.4.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x |
-| Finchley.x | 2.0.x, 2.1.x | 2.x.x | 1.5.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x | 1.3.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x | 1.4.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x |
-| Hoxton.x | 2.2.x, 2.3.x | 2.x.x, 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 2.x.x, 2020.0.RC1, 2021.1 | 1.3.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x | 1.4.4.RELEASE - 1.4.7.RELEASE, 2.x.x, 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 |
-| 2020.0.x | 2.4.x, 2.5.x | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 2.x.x, 2020.0.RC1, 2021.1 | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 |
-| 2021.0.0 | 2.6.x | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 2.x.x, 2020.0.RC1, 2021.1 | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 |
-## 使用说明
-### 修改[配置文件](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/config/config.yaml)
- openMigration: true #是否开启迁移功能 若进行注册中心迁移,则需将该值设置为true
- enableSpringRegister: true #开启spring注册插件
-### 启动Service Center
-Service Center启动流程详见[官网](
-### 进行双注册迁移模拟
-java -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=appName
-(3)启动成功后,新的provider实例会同时注册到Service Center与原注册中心,且consumer可以成功访问
-(4)关闭旧的provider, 再按照(2)的方式启动新的consumer实例,同样确认新和旧的consumer都可以访问到provider,再停止旧的consumer即可
-> ***提示:***
-> *关闭原注册中心,由于大部分注册中心存在心跳检查机制,实例可能会不断刷错误日志,但不影响应用的正常调用。*
-> *若需要停止此类错误日志,参考节[**注册中心心跳配置下发**](#**注册中心心跳配置下发**)*
-## **注册中心心跳配置下发**
-POST /publishConfig
-| 参数 | 是否必填 | 参数类型 | 描述 | 配置值 |
-| ------- | -------- | -------- | --------- | --------------------------------------- |
-| key | 是 | String | 配置的key | sermant.agent.registry |
-| group | 是 | String | 配置的组 | service=YourServiceName |
-| content | 是 | String | 配置文本 | origin.\_\_registry\_\_.needClose: true |
-> ***注意 :***
-> *该操作为一次性操作,关闭注册中心心跳后,将无法开启,仅当应用实例重启才可恢复。*
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-# Registry Migration - Spring Cloud
-[简体中文](./ | [English](./
-This document describes the migration capability of the [service registration plugin](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry) based on the Spring Cloud framework registration center.
-Dubbo migration referring [Dubbo Registry Migration](
-## Function
-Provides the capability of quickly migrating the registration center to the [Service Center]( based on the dual-registration mode without interrupting online services business. The following registration centers are supported:
-| Registration Center | Supported or Not |
-| ------------------- | ---------------- |
-| Eureka | ✅ |
-| Consul | ✅ |
-| Nacos | ✅ |
-| Zookeeper | ✅ |
-**Support Versions**
-| Spring Cloud Version | Spring Boot Version | Zookeeper Discovery Version | Nacos Discovery Version | Consul Discovery Version | Eureka Client Version |
-| -------------------- | ------------------- | --------------------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| Edgware.x | 1.5.x | 1.x.x, 2.0.x | 1.5.x | 1.x.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x | 1.4.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x |
-| Finchley.x | 2.0.x, 2.1.x | 2.x.x | 1.5.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x | 1.3.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x | 1.4.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x |
-| Hoxton.x | 2.2.x, 2.3.x | 2.x.x, 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 2.x.x, 2020.0.RC1, 2021.1 | 1.3.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x | 1.4.4.RELEASE - 1.4.7.RELEASE, 2.x.x, 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 |
-| 2020.0.x | 2.4.x, 2.5.x | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 2.x.x, 2020.0.RC1, 2021.1 | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 |
-| 2021.0.0 | 2.6.x | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 2.x.x, 2020.0.RC1, 2021.1 | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 | 3.0.0 - 3.1.0 |
-**Schematic diagram of migration**
-## Usage
-#### Modify [Configuration File](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/config/config.yaml)
-For details about the configuration, see the [service registration plugin document](./
-Based on the preceding configuration, **the migration configuration is added and the Spring registration plugin is enabled**. The configuration content is as follows:
- openMigration: true #Specifies whether to enable the migration function. To migrate the registration center, set this parameter to true.
- enableSpringRegister: true #Enabling the spring registration plugin
-If migration target is NACOS, see the [configuration items described](./, modify registration center type (registerType) as NACOS.
-### Startup Service Center
-For details about the Service Center startup process, see the [official website](
-### Registration Migration Simulation
-(1)Start the application without the agent. For example, start separately one instance for provider and consumer, ensure that the application has been registered with the original registration center and can be requested normally.
-(2)Start a new provider, add the following JVM parameters, and start the provider with the agent.
-java -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=appName
-**Replace path with the actual Sermant package path**, x.x.x is the actual Sermant version number, and appName with the agent startup parameter, which is irrelevant to registration parameters.
-(3)After the service is started, the new provider instance will register to the service center and the original registration center both, and the consumer can request provider.
-(4)Stop the old provider and start the new consumer instance in step 2. Ensure that both the old and new consumers can request the provider normally, then stop the old consumer.
-(5)Finally, stop the old register center.
-> ***Notices:***
-> Stop the original register center. Because most of the registry centers have the heartbeat check mechanism, the instance may continuously update error logs, but the application invoking is not affected.
-> To stop such error logs, see [**Delivering Heartbeat Configurations**](#Delivering-Heartbeat-Configurations).
-## Delivering Heartbeat Configurations
-The registration center migration plugin provides the method of disabling the heartbeat mechanism of the original registration center based on the dynamic configuration center to prevent continuous error log output.
-**The [backend service](../ provides the configuration delivery interface for dynamic configuration delivery:**
-POST /publishConfig
-**Request Body**
-| Params | Mandatory Or Not | Param Type | Description | Configuration Value |
-| ------- | ---------------- | ---------- | --------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
-| key | Y | String | configuration key | sermant.agent.registry |
-| group | Y | String | configuration group | service=YourServiceName |
-| content | Y | String | configuration.content | origin.\_\_registry\_\_.needClose: true |
-If you need to disable this function, deliver the configuration by referring to the Configuration Value column in the table.
-> ***Notices :***
-> This operation is a one-off operation. After the registration center heartbeat function is disabled, the heartbeat function cannot be enabled. It can be restored only after the application instance is restarted.
-[Back to **Service Registration**](./
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-# 标签路由
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 功能
-## 使用说明
-- 配置路由规则
-Sermant backend提供api的方式发布配置, 使用前需启动backend后台应用,配置发布接口如下:
-POST /publishConfig
-### 标签路由规则示例及说明如下:
-- precedence: 2 # 优先级,数字越大,优先级越高。
- match: # 请求匹配规则。0..N个,不配置表示匹配。每条匹配规则只允许存在一个attachments/headers/args。
- attachments: # dubbo attachment匹配。如果是http header匹配,需要配置为headers
- id: # 如果配置了多个key,那么所有的key规则都必须和请求匹配
- exact: '1' # 配置策略,等于1,详细配置策略参考配置策略表
- caseInsensitive: false # false:不区分大小写(默认),true:区分大小写。配置为false时,将统一转为大写进行比较
- args: # dubbo参数匹配
- args0: # dubbo接口的第0个参数
- type: .id # 取值类型,dubbo应用特有字段,第0个参数为实体,获取其id的属性值,如果参数类型为int,String等普通类型,则无需填写该值,所有的取值类型见取值类型列表
- exact: '2' # 配置策略,等于2,所有的匹配策略见配置策略列表
- caseInsensitive: false # 是否区分大小写,默认为false,区分大小写
- route: # 路由规则
- - weight: 20 # 权重值
- tags:
- version: 1.0.0 # 实例标记。满足标记条件的实例放到这一组。
- - weight: 80 # 权重值
- tags:
- version: 1.0.1 # 实例标记。满足标记条件的实例放到这一组。
-- precedence: 1
- route:
- - weight: 20
- tags:
- group: red
- - weight: 80
- tags:
- group: green
-### 配置策略列表
-### 取值类型列表
-- 启动标签应用
--Dservice_meta_version=${VERSION} -Dservice_meta_parameters=${PARAMETERS}
-- ${VERSION}需替换为服务注册时的版本号(形如a.b.c的格式,其中a,b,c均为数字,默认为1.0.0),标签应用需要修改为不同于正常应用的版本号。
-- ${PARAMETERS}需替换为服务注册时的自定义标签(形如tag1:value1,tag2:value2),即标签名与标签值以英文冒号分隔,多个标签之间以英文逗号分隔。
-- 一般地,如果用版本号进行路由,则只需配置service_meta_version,如果用自定义标签进行路由,则只需配置service_meta_parameters。
-## 结果验证
-- 前提条件[正确打包Sermant](../../
-- 注册中心使用华为CSE,下载[Local-CSE]( ,解压后按照文档说明进行启动
-- 配置路由规则
-调用接口`localhost:8900/publishConfig`, 请求参数如下:
- "content": "---\n- precedence: 1\n match:\n headers:\n id:\n exact: '1'\n caseInsensitive: false\n route:\n - tags:\n group: gray\n weight: 100\n- precedence: 2\n match:\n headers:\n id:\n exact: '2'\n caseInsensitive: false\n route:\n - tags:\n version: 1.0.1\n weight: 100",
- "group": "app=default&&environment=",
- "key": "servicecomb.routeRule.spring-cloud-router-provider"
-- 编译[demo应用](
-mvn clean package
-- 启动zuul网关
-java -Dservicecomb_service_enableSpringRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar spring-cloud-router-zuul.jar
-- 启动消费者
-java -Dservicecomb_service_enableSpringRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar spring-cloud-router-consumer.jar
-- 启动生产者
-java -Dservicecomb_service_enableSpringRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar spring-cloud-router-provider.jar
-- 启动标签生产者(版本为1.0.1,标签为group:gray)
-java -Dservicecomb_service_enableSpringRegister=true -Dservice_meta_version=1.0.1 -Dservice_meta_parameters=group:gray -Dserver.port=8163 -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar spring-cloud-router-provider.jar
-- 测试
-当启动以上4个应用并正确配置路由规则后,通过http客户端工具访问,可以发现,当请求头为id: 1或者id: 2时,会路由到版本为1.0.1的provider,当不满足以上条件时,会访问到版本为1.0.0的provider
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-# Tag Router
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document is used to introduce the usage of [tag router](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-router)
-Zone Router referring [Zone Router](
-## Function
-In the case of multiple versions and instances of microservices, the routing between services is managed by configuring routing rules to achieve business purposes such as lossless upgrade and application dial test.
-## Usage
-- Configure Routing Rules
-Sermant backend provides api way to publish the configuration, you need to start the backend application before use, the configuration publishing interface is as follows:
-POST /publishConfig
-**Request Body**
-|Params|Mandatory or not|Param type|Description
-|key|√|String|configuration key|
-|group|√|String|Configuration group, which is used to configure subscriptions|
-|content|√|String|Configuration text, that is, specific routing rules|
-The key value needs to be servicecomb.routeRule.${yourServiceName}, ${yourServiceName} is the microservice name of the target application.
-The group needs to be configured to application level, i.e. app=${yourApp}&&environment=${yourEnvironment}, app defaults to default, environment defaults to empty.
-The content is the specific routing rule.
-### Examples of tag routing rules and descriptions are as follows
-- precedence: 2 # Priority, the higher the number, the higher the priority.
- match: # Request match rule. 0..N, not configured to indicate a match. Only one attachments/headers/args are allowed per match rule.
- attachments: # dubbo attachment matches. If it is an http header match, you need to configure it as headers.
- id: # If multiple keys are configured, then all key rules must match the request.
- exact: '1' # Configuration policy, equal to 1, detailed configuration policy refer to the configuration policy table.
- caseInsensitive: false # false: case-insensitive (default), true: case-sensitive. When configured to false, it will be converted to uppercase uniformly for comparison.
- args: # dubbo parameter matches
- args0: # The 0th parameter of the dubbo interface
- type: .id # Take the value type, dubbo application-specific field, the 0th parameter is an entity, get its id property value, if the parameter type is int, String and other common types, it is not necessary to fill in the value, all the value types see the table of value types.
- exact: '2' # Configuration policy, equal to 2, detailed configuration policy refer to the configuration policy table.
- caseInsensitive: false # Whether to be case-sensitive, default is false, case-sensitive.
- route: # Routing Rules
- - weight: 20 # Weight
- tags:
- version: 1.0.0 # Instance tagging. Instances that meet the tagging criteria are placed in this group.
- - weight: 80 # Weight
- tags:
- version: 1.0.1 # Instance tagging. Instances that meet the tagging criteria are placed in this group.
-- precedence: 1
- route:
- - weight: 20
- tags:
- group: red
- - weight: 80
- tags:
- group: green
-**Note: When adding a new configuration, please remove the comment, otherwise it will cause the addition to fail.**
-### Configuration Policy Table
-|Strategy Name|Strategy Value|Matching Rules|
-|Exact Match|exact|The parameter value is equal to the configured value|
-|Regex Match|regex|Parameter values match regex expressions, Since some regex expressions (such as \w and \W, etc.) are case-sensitive, please choose caseInsensitive (case-sensitive or not) carefully when using regex match|
-|Not Equal Match|noEqu|The parameter value is not equal to the configuration value|
-|Not Less Match|noLess|The parameter value is not less than the configured value|
-|Not Greater Match|noGreater|The parameter value is not greater than the configured value|
-|Greater Match|greater|The parameter value is greater than the configured value|
-|Less Match|less|The parameter value is less than the configured value|
-### Value Types Table
-|Type|Fetch Method|Parameter types|
-|Empty/Null|Indicates that the value of the current parameter is obtained directly|Applicable to common parameter types, such as String, int, long, etc.|
-|.name|Denotes the name attribute of the fetch parameter, equivalent to ARG0.getName()|Applicable to object types|
-|.isEnabled()|Denotes the enabled attribute of the fetch parameter, equivalent to ARG0.isEnabled()|Applicable to object types|
-|[0]|Takes the first value of the array, equivalent to ARG0[0]|For arrays of common types, such as String[], int[]|
-|.get(0)|Takes the first value of the list, equivalent to ARG0.get(0)|For list of common types, such as List\, List\|
-|.get("key")|Get the value corresponding to the key, equivalent to ARG0.get("key")|For map of common types, such as Map|
-- Start the tag application
-Add the following parameters as required at the start of the attached agent:
--Dservice_meta_version=${VERSION} -Dservice_meta_parameters=${PARAMETERS}
-The parameters are described as follows:
-- ${VERSION} needs to be replaced with the version number at the time of service registration (The format of a.b.c, where a,b,c are numbers and the default is 1.0.0). The tag application needs to be modified to a different version number than the normal application.
-- ${PARAMETERS} needs to be replaced with the custom tag from the service registration (Such as tag1:value1, tag2:value2). That is, tag keys and tag values are separated by colons, and multiple tags are separated by commas.
-- In general, only service_meta_version needs to be configured if routing by version number, or service_meta_parameters if routing by custom tag.
-## Result Verification
-- Prerequisites [correctly packed Sermant](../../
-- Registration center using Huawei CSE, download [Local-CSE](, unzip and follow the documentation to start.
-- Configuring Routing Rules
-Calling the interface `localhost:8900/publishConfig`, with the following request parameters:
- "content": "---\n- precedence: 1\n match:\n headers:\n id:\n exact: '1'\n caseInsensitive: false\n route:\n - tags:\n group: gray\n weight: 100\n- precedence: 2\n match:\n headers:\n id:\n exact: '2'\n caseInsensitive: false\n route:\n - tags:\n version: 1.0.1\n weight: 100",
- "group": "app=default&&environment=",
- "key": "servicecomb.routeRule.spring-cloud-router-provider"
-- Compile [demo application](
-mvn clean package
-- Start the zuul gateway
-java -Dservicecomb_service_enableSpringRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar spring-cloud-router-zuul.jar
-- Start the consumer
-java -Dservicecomb_service_enableSpringRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar spring-cloud-router-consumer.jar
-- Start the provider
-java -Dservicecomb_service_enableSpringRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar spring-cloud-router-provider.jar
-- Start the provider with tag (version is 1.0.1, tag is group:gray.)
-java -Dservicecomb_service_enableSpringRegister=true -Dservice_meta_version=1.0.1 -Dservice_meta_parameters=group:gray -Dserver.port=8163 -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar spring-cloud-router-provider.jar
-${path} needs to be replaced with the actual Sermant installation path.
-- Testing
-After starting the above 4 applications and configuring the routing rules correctly, when accessing through the http client tool, we can find that when the request header is id: 1 or id: 2, it will be routed to the provider of version 1.0.1, and when the above conditions are not met When the above condition is not met, it will visit the provider with version 1.0.0.
-[Back to README of **Sermant** ](../../
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-# 区域路由
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 功能
-在微服务部署在多个AZ(available zone)的情况下,优先筛选同AZ实例进行调用,同AZ的实例都不可用时,跳到不同AZ。
-## 使用说明
-- 按需修改[插件配置文件](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-router/config/config.yaml)
- # 是否开启dubbo区域路由
- enabled-dubbo-zone-router: false
- # 是否开启spring cloud区域路由(预留配置,暂不支持)
- enabled-spring-zone-router: false
- # 是否开启注册插件(sermant-springboot-registry)区域路由
- enabled-registry-zone-router: false
-- 配置路由生效规则
-Sermant backend提供api的方式发布配置, 使用前需启动backend后台应用,配置发布接口如下:
-POST /publishConfig
-### 生效规则示例及说明如下:
-strategy: all # 生效策略:all(全部生效)/none(全不生效)/white(白名单)/black(黑名单)
-value: # 下游服务名,多个下游用逗号分隔。当生效策略为white时,value为白名单,当生效策略为black时,value为黑名单
-- 启动应用
-- ${zone}需替换为服务注册时的az。
-## 结果验证
-- 前提条件[正确打包Sermant](../../
-- 注册中心使用华为CSE,下载[Local-CSE]( ,解压后按照文档说明进行启动
-- 配置路由生效规则
-调用接口`localhost:8900/publishConfig`, 请求参数如下:
- "content": "strategy: all",
- "group": "app=default&&environment=",
- "key": "sermant.plugin.router"
-- 编译[消费者应用](../../../sermant-integration-tests/dubbo-test/dubbo-2-7-integration-consumer)与[生产者应用](../../../sermant-integration-tests/dubbo-test/dubbo-2-7-integration-provider)
-mvn clean package
-- 启动消费者(zone为sz)
-java -Drouter_plugin_enabled_dubbo_zone_router=true -Dservice_meta_zone=sz -Dservicecomb_service_enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar dubbo-integration-consumer.jar
-- 启动生产者(zone为sz)
-java -Drouter_plugin_enabled_dubbo_zone_router=true -Dservice_meta_zone=sz -Dservicecomb_service_enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar dubbo-integration-provider.jar
-- 启动生产者(zone为gz)
-java -Drouter_plugin_enabled_dubbo_zone_router=true -Dservice_meta_zone=gz -Dservicecomb_service_enableDubboRegister=true -Dserver.port=28022 -Ddubbo.protocol.port=28822 -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar dubbo-integration-provider.jar
-- 测试
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-# Zone Router
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This document is used to introduce the usage of [zone router](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-router).
-Tag Router referring [Tag Router](
-## Function
-In the case that microservices are deployed in multiple AZs (available zone), priority is given to filtering instances of the same AZ for invocation, and jumping to different AZs when all instances of the same AZ are unavailable.
-## Usage
-- Modify The [Plugin Configuration File](../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-router/config/config.yaml) On Demand.
-The file path is: `${agent_package_path}/agent/pluginPackage/service-router/config/config.yaml`. Please replace `${agent_package_path}` with the actual package path.
-The configuration items are described as follows:
- # Whether to enable dubbo zone router
- enabled-dubbo-zone-router: false
- # Whether to enable spring cloud zone router(Reserved configuration, not supported at this time)
- enabled-spring-zone-router: false
- # Whether to enable sermant-springboot-registry zone router
- enabled-registry-zone-router: false
-- Configure routing rules to take effect
-Sermant backend provides api way to publish the configuration, you need to start the backend application before use, the configuration publishing interface is as follows:
-POST /publishConfig
-**Request Body**
-|Params|Mandatory or not|Param type|Description
-|key|√|String|configuration key|
-|group|√|String|Configuration group, which is used to configure subscriptions|
-|content|√|String|Configuration text, that is, specific routing rules|
-The key value needs to be sermant.plugin.router.
-The group needs to be configured to application level, i.e. app=${yourApp}&&environment=${yourEnvironment}, app defaults to default, environment defaults to empty.
-The content is the specific routing effective rule.
-### Examples of tag routing rules and descriptions are as follows:
-strategy: all # Effective Strategy: all(All effective)/none(None effective)/white(White list)/black(black list)
-value: # Downstream service name, with multiple downstreams separated by commas. When the effective policy is white, the value is white list, when the effective policy is black, the value is black list.
-**Note: When adding a new configuration, please remove the comment, otherwise it will cause the addition to fail.**
-- Start the application
-Add the following parameters as required at the start of the attached agent:
-The parameters are described as follows:
-- ${zone} needs to be replaced with the az at the time of service registration。
-## Result Verification
-- Prerequisites [correctly packed Sermant](../../
-- Registration center using Huawei CSE, download [Local-CSE](, unzip and follow the documentation to start.
-- Configuring Routing Effective Rules
-Calling the interface `localhost:8900/publishConfig`, with the following request parameters:
- "content": "strategy: all",
- "group": "app=default&&environment=",
- "key": "sermant.plugin.router"
-- Compile [consumer demo](../../../sermant-integration-tests/dubbo-test/dubbo-2-7-integration-consumer) and [provider-demo](../../../sermant-integration-tests/dubbo-test/dubbo-2-7-integration-provider)
-mvn clean package
-- Start the consumer(zone is sz)
-java -Drouter_plugin_enabled_dubbo_zone_router=true -Dservice_meta_zone=sz -Dservicecomb_service_enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar dubbo-integration-consumer.jar
-- Start the provider(zone is sz)
-java -Drouter_plugin_enabled_dubbo_zone_router=true -Dservice_meta_zone=sz -Dservicecomb_service_enableDubboRegister=true -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar dubbo-integration-provider.jar
-- Start the provider(zone is gz)
-java -Drouter_plugin_enabled_dubbo_zone_router=true -Dservice_meta_zone=gz -Dservicecomb_service_enableDubboRegister=true -Dserver.port=28022 -Ddubbo.protocol.port=28822 -javaagent:${path}\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar dubbo-integration-provider.jar
-${path} needs to be replaced with the actual Sermant installation path.
-- Testing
-After starting the above 3 applications and configuring the routing effective rules correctly, when accessingthrough the http client tool, we can be find that the request is routed to the producer with zone sz. When the producer with zone sz is disabled, the request is routed to the producer with zone gz.
-[Back to README of **Sermant** ](../../
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-# SpringBoot Registry
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-## 功能
-插件的生效基于Url解析, 根据发起客户端调用Url解析下游服务,并根据负载均衡选择优选实例,动态替换Url, 完成服务调用。
-## 版本支持
-注册中心支持: Zookeeper 3.4.x及以上
-- HttpClient: 4.x
-- HttpAsyncClient: 4.1.4
-- OkhttpClient: 2.x, 3.x, 4.x
-- Feign(springcloud-openfeign-core): 2.1.x, 3.0.x
-- RestTemplate(Spring-web): 5.1.x, 5.3.x
-框架支持:SpringBoot 1.5.10.Release及以上
-## 使用说明
-### 配置动态配置中心(可选)
-您需找到配置文件[](, 修改如下配置:
-# 配置中心地址
-# 配置中心类型, 目前支持ZOOKEEPER与KIE
-您可在应用启动时,增加环境变量进行指定,例如:`-Ddynamic.config.serverAddress= -Ddynamic.config.dynamicConfigType=ZOOKEEPER` 便可达到上述配置文件的效果。
-### 配置插件(可选)
-在sermant打包后,您可在路径`${agent path}/agent/pluginPackage/springboot-registry/config/config.yaml`找到该插件的配置文件, 配置如下所示:
- realmName: # 该域名需替换为您的请求地址的域名!
- lbType: RoundRobin # 负载均衡类型, 当前支持轮询(RoundRobin)、随机(Random)、响应时间权重(WeightedResponseTime)、最低并发数(BestAvailable)
- registryAddress: # 注册中心地址(必填)
- instanceCacheExpireTime: 0 # 实例过期时间, 单位秒, 若<=0则永不过期
- instanceRefreshInterval: 0 # 实例刷新时间, 单位秒, 必须小于instanceCacheExpireTime
- refreshTimerInterval: 5 # 实例定时检查间隔, 判断实例是否过期, 若其大于instanceRefreshInterval, 则值设置为instanceRefreshInterval
-如上配置, **请注意务必确保配置`realName`与`registryAddress`填写正确**, 否则插件不会生效!
-除以上用户需要注意的配置外,如下为可选配置, 用户可采用环境变量的方式进行配置
-| 参数名 | 描述 | 默认值 |
-| ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- |
-| connectionTimeoutMs | 连接ZK的超时时间 | 2000ms |
-| readTimeoutMs | 连接ZK的响应超时时间 | 10000ms |
-| retryIntervalMs | 连接ZK的重试间隔 | 3000ms |
-| zkBasePath | ZK作为注册中心时注册的节点路径 | /sermant/services |
-| registryCenterType | 注册中心类型, 目前仅支持Zookeeper | Zookeeper |
-| maxRetry | 当调用发生超时时,最大重试次数 | 3次 |
-| retryWaitMs | 重试等待时间 | 1000ms |
-| enableSocketConnectTimeoutRetry | 是否在发生`SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out`进行重试 | true |
-| enableSocketReadTimeoutRetry | 是否在发生`SocketTimeoutException: read timed out`进行重试 | true |
-| enableTimeoutExRetry | 是否在发生`TimeoutException`进行重试 | true |
-| specificExceptionsForRetry | 额外的重试异常 | 空 |
-| statsCacheExpireTime | 统计指标的缓存时间,单位分钟 | 60Min |
-| instanceStatTimeWindowMs | 指标统计时间窗口, 单位毫秒 | 600000ms |
-### 配置灰度策略(必须)
-- all, 即全量,不区分下游服务名,所有的服务url均代理替换
-- none, 与上相反
-- white, 白名单模式, 指定的服务集合才会代理请求。
-# 灰度策略类型
-strategy: all
-# 白名单服务集合, 仅当strategy配置为white时生效
-value: service-b
-#### **灰度策略下发**
-##### 基于backend下发
-那如何配置下发灰度策略, 这里需要基于backend的下发接口进行配置下发,backend提供如下接口:
-URL `/publishConfig`
-| 配置参数 | 说明 |
-| -------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
-| key | 配置键 |
-| group | 配置的标签组 |
-| content | 配置内容,即具体的规则配置,其格式均为`YAML`格式 |
-> 其中**group**的配置格式为k1=v1, 多个值使用"&"分隔,例如k1=v1&k2=v2, 代表该key绑定的标签组
-其中`yourApplicationName`为您当前的app的``。若您想修改订阅分组, 您可设置如下环境变量进行指定:
-- `-Dservice.meta.application`, 可指定app的标签
-- `-Dservice.meta.environment`, 可指定environment的标签
-##### 基于配置中心
-当然此处您也可以直接基于配置中心客户端直接配置下发, 以zookeeper为例:
-(1)登录zookeeper 客户端
-# windows
-双击 zkCli.cmd
-# linux
-sh -server localhost:2181
-create /app=default&environment= ""
-create /app=default&environment=/sermant.plugin.registry "strategy: all"
-## 快速使用
-### 环境准备
-- JDK1.8及以上
-- Maven
-- 完成下载[demo源码](
-- 完成编译打包sermant
-### 编译打包demo应用
-mvn clean package
-您可得到两个jar包,service-a.jar与service-b.jar, 调用关系为a->b
-### 启动demo应用
-java --javaagent:${agent path}\sermant-agent-1.0.0\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar -Dserver.port=8989 service-a.jar
-java --javaagent:${agent path}\sermant-agent-1.0.0\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar -Dserver.port=9999 service-b.jar
-### 下发灰度策略
-参考使用[配置灰度策略](#配置灰度策略(必须))的灰度策略进行下发, 下发如下配置
- "key":"sermant.plugin.registry",
- "group":"app=default&environment=",
- "content":"strategy: all"
-### 验证
-调用接口`localhost:8989/httpClientGet`, 判断接口是否成功返回, 若成功返回则说明插件已成功生效。
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-# SpringBoot Registry
-[简体中文]( | [English](
-This article describes how to [SpringBoot registry plugin]((../../../sermant-plugins/sermant-springboot-registry)) and how to use it.
-## Ability
-This plugin provides service registration and discovery abilities for pure SpringBoot applications. Users can quickly access the registration center without modifying code. In addition, the plugin also provides the service timeout retry ability, achieving high availability of service invocation.
-The plugin takes effect based on URL resolution. The plugin parses downstream services based on the URL invoking by the client, selects a preferred instance based on load balancer, and dynamically replaces the URL to complete service invoking.
-Currently, URL formats are supported.:
-Just like the URL above, `` indicates the domain name, `serviceName` indicates the downstream service name, and `apiPath` indicates the downstream request interface path.
-## Version Supports
-Reistry Center Support: Zookeeper 3.4.x and above
-Client Supports:
-- HttpClient: 4.x
-- HttpAsyncClient: 4.1.4
-- OkhttpClient: 2.x, 3.x, 4.x
-- Feign(springcloud-openfeign-core): 2.1.x, 3.0.x
-- RestTemplate(Spring-web): 5.1.x, 5.3.x
-Application Framework Supports:SpringBoot 1.5.10.Release and above
-## Usage
-### (Optional) Configuring the Dynamic Configuration Center
-You can configure it based on the configuration file or by using environment variables.
-(1)Configuration based on the configuration file
-You need to find the configuration file [](( and modify the following configuration:
-# Configuration Center Address
-# Configuration Center Type, Currently, support ZOOKEEPER and KIE
-(2)Configuration based on Environment
-You can add environment variables during application startup, for example, `-Ddynamic.config.serverAddress= -Ddynamic.config.dynamicConfigType=ZOOKEEPER`.
-### (Optional) Configuring the Plugin
-After the sermant is packaged, you can find the configuration file of the plugin in `${agent path}/agent/pluginPackage/springboot-registry/config/config.yaml`. The configuration is as follows:
- realmName: # Replace the domain name with the domain name of your request address.
- lbType: RoundRobin # Load balancer type. The options are RoundRobin, Random, WeightedResponseTime, and BestAvailable.
- registryAddress: # Registration Center Address (Mandatory)
- instanceCacheExpireTime: 0 # Instance expiration time, in seconds. If the value is less than or equal to 0, the instance never expires.
- instanceRefreshInterval: 0 # Instance refresh time, in seconds. The value must be less than the value of instanceCacheExpireTime.
- refreshTimerInterval: 5 # Interval for checking whether the instance has expired. If the value is greater than the value of instanceRefreshInterval, the value is set to instanceRefreshInterval.
-Ensure that the values of` realName` and `registryAddress` are correct. Otherwise, the plugin does not take effect.
-In addition to the preceding configurations, the following configurations are optional. You can configure the configurations by using environment variables.
-| Configuration | Desc | Default |
-| ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- |
-| connectionTimeoutMs | Timeout interval for connecting to the ZooKeeper. | 2000ms |
-| readTimeoutMs | Read timeout interval for connecting to the ZooKeeper. | 10000ms |
-| retryIntervalMs | ZooKeeper connection retry interval | 3000ms |
-| zkBasePath | Path of the node registered when the ZooKeeper as the registration center. | /sermant/services |
-| registryCenterType | Registration center type. Currently, only ZooKeeper is supported. | Zookeeper |
-| maxRetry | Maximum number of retries when a call timeout occurs | 3 times |
-| retryWaitMs | Retry Wait Time | 1000ms |
-| enableSocketConnectTimeoutRetry | Whether `SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out` to retry | true |
-| enableSocketReadTimeoutRetry | Whether `SocketTimeoutException: read timed out` to retry | true |
-| enableTimeoutExRetry | Indicates whether to retry when a `TimeoutException` occurs. | true |
-| specificExceptionsForRetry | Extra retry exception | emptyList |
-| statsCacheExpireTime | Indicates the cache duration of statistics indicators, in minutes. | 60Min |
-| instanceStatTimeWindowMs | Indicates the time window for counter statistics, in milliseconds. | 600000ms |
-### (Mandatory) Configuring a Gray Policy
-To make the plugin take effect, you need to configure a gray policy for the plugin.
-The gray policy is used to determine whether a request needs to be proxyed based on the specified service name and replace the URL. Currently, the gray policy includes the following three types:
-- all,all service URLs are replaced by proxy, regardless of downstream service names.
-- none, contrary to the above
-- white, In trustlist mode, the specified service collection proxy requests.
-The configuration format is as follows:
-# Gray Policy Type
-strategy: all
-# Trustlist service set. This parameter is valid only when strategy is set to white
-value: service-b
-#### **Gray Policy Delivery**
-##### Backend-Based Delivery
-How to configure and deliver a gray policy? You need to configure and deliver the gray policy based on the delivery interface of the backend. The backend provides the following interfaces:
-URL `/publishConfig`
-The request parameters are as follows::
-| Configurations | Desc |
-| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| key | Config key |
-| group | Config Group |
-| content | Configuration content, that is, the specific rule configuration, is in `YAML` format. |
-> The format of group is k1=v1, and multiple values are separated by ampersands (&). For example, k1=v1&k2=v2, indicating the label group bound to the key.
-The default scenario plugin subscribes the groups `app=default&environment=`和`service=yourApplicationName&app=default&environment=`
-`yourApplicationName` is the `` of your current app. To modify a subscription group, you can set the following environment variables:
-- `-Dservice.meta.application`, Specifies the tag of an app.
-- `-Dservice.meta.environment`, Specifies the label of the environment.
-The preceding figure shows the configuration process. The configuration process is complete after the service is started with the sermant message.
-##### Based On The Configuration Center
-You can also directly deliver configurations based on the configuration center client. The following uses ZooKeeper as an example.
-(1)Login the ZooKeeper Client.
-# windows
-double click zkCli.cmd
-# linux
-sh -server localhost:2181
-(2)Create Group Path
-create /app=default&environment= ""
-(3)Create configuration node named `sermant.plugin.registry`
-create /app=default&environment=/sermant.plugin.registry "strategy: all"
-## Quick Use
-The following uses the demo as an example to describe how to use the plugin ability.
-### Environment Preparation
-- JDK1.8 and above
-- Maven
-- Downloaded [demo souce code](
-- package sermant
-### Package Demo
-Run the following command to pack the package:
-mvn clean package
-You can get two JAR packages, service-a.jar and service-b.jar, and the calling relationship is a->b.
-### Start the Demo Application.
-Run the following command to start application a:
-java --javaagent:${agent path}\sermant-agent-1.0.0\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar -Dserver.port=8989 service-a.jar
-Run the following command to start application b:
-java --javaagent:${agent path}\sermant-agent-1.0.0\agent\sermant-agent.jar=appName=default -jar -Dserver.port=9999 service-b.jar
-### Delivering a Gray Policy
-[Deliver the gray policy](#(Mandatory) Configuring-a-Gray-Policy) by referring to. Deliver the following configurations:
- "key":"sermant.plugin.registry",
- "group":"app=default&environment=",
- "content":"strategy: all"
-All downstream service requests will handled by plugin.
-### Validation
-Invoke the` localhost:8989/httpClientGet` interface to check whether the interface is successfully returned. If yes, the plugin has taken effect.
-[[Back to README of **Sermant** ](../../]
diff --git a/docs/user-guide/template/ b/docs/user-guide/template/
deleted file mode 100644
index 83ab3d37b4..0000000000
--- a/docs/user-guide/template/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# plugin name
-[定位 是什么]: todo
-[功能 做什么]: todo
-[使用方式 怎么做]: todo
diff --git a/sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/subscribe/ b/sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/subscribe/
index 9992eac7a8..1e4a710d62 100644
--- a/sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/subscribe/
+++ b/sermant-agentcore/sermant-agentcore-core/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/core/plugin/subscribe/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
* 配置订阅
@@ -32,7 +33,9 @@
* @since 2022-04-13
public abstract class AbstractGroupConfigSubscriber implements ConfigSubscriber {
- private final DynamicConfigService dynamicConfigService;
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger();
+ private DynamicConfigService dynamicConfigService;
* 订阅的插件名称
@@ -56,7 +59,13 @@ protected AbstractGroupConfigSubscriber(DynamicConfigService dynamicConfigServic
protected AbstractGroupConfigSubscriber(DynamicConfigService dynamicConfigService, String pluginName) {
if (dynamicConfigService == null) {
- this.dynamicConfigService = ServiceManager.getService(DynamicConfigService.class);
+ try {
+ this.dynamicConfigService = ServiceManager.getService(DynamicConfigService.class);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ LOGGER.severe("dynamicConfigService is not enabled!");
+ this.dynamicConfigService = null;
+ }
} else {
this.dynamicConfigService = dynamicConfigService;
@@ -65,6 +74,10 @@ protected AbstractGroupConfigSubscriber(DynamicConfigService dynamicConfigServic
public boolean subscribe() {
+ if (dynamicConfigService == null) {
+ LOGGER.severe("dynamicConfigService is null, fail to subscribe!");
+ return false;
+ }
if (!isReady()) {
LoggerFactory.getLogger().warning("The group subscriber is not ready, may be service name is null");
return false;
diff --git a/sermant-injector/src/test/resources/test.json b/sermant-injector/src/test/resources/test.json
index f274436404..1682919751 100644
--- a/sermant-injector/src/test/resources/test.json
+++ b/sermant-injector/src/test/resources/test.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"kind": "AdmissionReview",
"apiVersion": "",
"request": {
- "uid": "57d4d575-4a5d-444a-8b21-b325d3d11b45",
+ "uid": "c57327fb-27c5-4d26-bc49-4732569f3c1d",
"kind": {
"group": "",
"version": "v1",
@@ -23,26 +23,26 @@
"version": "v1",
"resource": "pods"
- "namespace": "mesh",
+ "namespace": "default",
"operation": "CREATE",
"userInfo": {
- "username": "foo",
- "uid": "f8b49463-63cd-434e-865d-1a2f8679ccec",
+ "username": "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:replicaset-controller",
+ "uid": "584907d5-656e-4d6f-969c-90569b29b56e",
"groups": [
- "system:bar",
- "system:foo",
- "system:bar"
+ "system:serviceaccounts",
+ "system:serviceaccounts:kube-system",
+ "system:authenticated"
"object": {
"kind": "Pod",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
- "generateName": "bar-test-f8b49463-",
+ "generateName": "testapp-7c8756758c-",
"creationTimestamp": null,
"labels": {
- "app": "bar-test",
- "pod-template-hash": "f8b49463",
+ "app": "testapp",
+ "pod-template-hash": "7c8756758c",
"sermant-injection": "enabled"
"annotations": {
@@ -54,79 +54,171 @@
"apiVersion": "apps/v1",
"kind": "ReplicaSet",
- "name": "bar-test-f8b49463",
- "uid": "4a28cea0-2a40-4e22-95a5-f61d2a5878bd",
+ "name": "testapp-7c8756758c",
+ "uid": "aa70b547-02ac-4d23-ae49-0305aad0c7a2",
"controller": true,
"blockOwnerDeletion": true
+ ],
+ "managedFields": [
+ {
+ "manager": "kube-controller-manager",
+ "operation": "Update",
+ "apiVersion": "v1",
+ "time": "2022-12-22T12:28:22Z",
+ "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
+ "fieldsV1": {
+ "f:metadata": {
+ "f:generateName": {},
+ "f:labels": {
+ ".": {},
+ "f:app": {},
+ "": {},
+ "": {},
+ "f:pod-template-hash": {},
+ "f:sermant-injection": {}
+ },
+ "f:ownerReferences": {
+ ".": {},
+ "k:{\"uid\":\"aa70b547-02ac-4d23-ae49-0305aad0c7a2\"}": {
+ ".": {},
+ "f:apiVersion": {},
+ "f:blockOwnerDeletion": {},
+ "f:controller": {},
+ "f:kind": {},
+ "f:name": {},
+ "f:uid": {}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "f:spec": {
+ "f:containers": {
+ "k:{\"name\":\"testapp\"}": {
+ ".": {},
+ "f:env": {
+ ".": {},
+ "k:{\"name\":\"az\"}": {
+ ".": {},
+ "f:name": {},
+ "f:value": {}
+ },
+ "k:{\"name\":\"dubbo.registry.address\"}": {
+ ".": {},
+ "f:name": {},
+ "f:value": {}
+ },
+ "k:{\"name\":\"sermant_springboot_registry_lb_registryAddress\"}": {
+ ".": {},
+ "f:name": {},
+ "f:value": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "f:image": {},
+ "f:imagePullPolicy": {},
+ "f:name": {},
+ "f:ports": {
+ ".": {},
+ "k:{\"containerPort\":8104,\"protocol\":\"TCP\"}": {
+ ".": {},
+ "f:containerPort": {},
+ "f:protocol": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "f:resources": {},
+ "f:terminationMessagePath": {},
+ "f:terminationMessagePolicy": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "f:dnsPolicy": {},
+ "f:enableServiceLinks": {},
+ "f:imagePullSecrets": {
+ ".": {},
+ "k:{\"name\":\"foo-secret\"}": {
+ ".": {},
+ "f:name": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "f:restartPolicy": {},
+ "f:schedulerName": {},
+ "f:securityContext": {},
+ "f:terminationGracePeriodSeconds": {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
"spec": {
"volumes": [
- "name": "foo",
- "secret": {
- "secretName": "bar"
+ "name": "kube-api-access-sd2sx",
+ "projected": {
+ "sources": [
+ {
+ "serviceAccountToken": {
+ "expirationSeconds": 3607,
+ "path": "token"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "configMap": {
+ "name": "kube-root-ca.crt",
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "key": "ca.crt",
+ "path": "ca.crt"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "downwardAPI": {
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "path": "namespace",
+ "fieldRef": {
+ "apiVersion": "v1",
+ "fieldPath": "metadata.namespace"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
"containers": [
- "name": "foo-test",
- "image": "bar-test:1.0.1",
+ "name": "testapp",
+ "image": "",
"ports": [
- "containerPort": 100,
- "protocol": "TCP"
- },
- {
- "containerPort": 101,
- "protocol": "TCP"
- },
- {
- "containerPort": 102,
+ "containerPort": 8104,
"protocol": "TCP"
"env": [
- "value": "true"
- },
- {
- "value": "false"
- },
- {
- "value": "false"
+ "name": "dubbo.registry.address",
+ "value": "zookeeper://"
- "value": "false"
+ "name": "az",
+ "value": "sz"
- "value": "false"
+ "name": "sermant_springboot_registry_lb_registryAddress",
+ "value": ""
"resources": {},
"volumeMounts": [
- "name": "bar",
+ "name": "kube-api-access-sd2sx",
"readOnly": true,
- "mountPath": "foo"
+ "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/"
- "lifecycle": {
- "preStop": {
- "exec": {
- "command": [
- "echo \"1111111111111111111111111111\""
- ]
- }
- }
- },
"terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
"terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
@@ -135,31 +227,44 @@
"restartPolicy": "Always",
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
- "serviceAccountName": "foo",
- "serviceAccount": "bar",
+ "serviceAccountName": "default",
+ "serviceAccount": "default",
"securityContext": {},
"imagePullSecrets": [
- "name": "foo"
+ "name": "foo-secret"
- "schedulerName": "bar",
+ "schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
"tolerations": [
- "key": "bar",
+ "key": "",
"operator": "Exists",
"effect": "NoExecute",
"tolerationSeconds": 300
- "key": "foo",
+ "key": "",
"operator": "Exists",
"effect": "NoExecute",
"tolerationSeconds": 300
"priority": 0,
- "enableServiceLinks": true
+ "dnsConfig": {
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "single-request-reopen",
+ "value": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "timeout",
+ "value": "2"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "enableServiceLinks": true,
+ "preemptionPolicy": "PreemptLowerPriority"
"status": {}
diff --git a/sermant-plugins/sermant-flowcontrol/flowcontrol-common/src/main/java/com/huawei/flowcontrol/common/init/ b/sermant-plugins/sermant-flowcontrol/flowcontrol-common/src/main/java/com/huawei/flowcontrol/common/init/
index 74183d4df4..917daa73dd 100644
--- a/sermant-plugins/sermant-flowcontrol/flowcontrol-common/src/main/java/com/huawei/flowcontrol/common/init/
+++ b/sermant-plugins/sermant-flowcontrol/flowcontrol-common/src/main/java/com/huawei/flowcontrol/common/init/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
import com.huawei.flowcontrol.common.entity.FlowControlServiceMeta;
import com.huawei.flowcontrol.common.factory.FlowControlThreadFactory;
+import com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.common.LoggerFactory;
import com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.operation.OperationManager;
import com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.operation.initializer.DynamicConfigServiceInitializer;
import com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.plugin.config.PluginConfigManager;
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
* 流控插件 公共能力 统一初始化入口
@@ -44,8 +46,10 @@
* @since 2022-01-25
public class FlowControlInitServiceImpl implements PluginService {
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger();
private final ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1, 0,
- TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<>(), new FlowControlThreadFactory("FLOW_CONTROL_INIT_THREAD"));
+ TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<>(), new FlowControlThreadFactory("FLOW_CONTROL_INIT_THREAD"));
private final FlowControlLifeCycle flowControlLifeCycle = new FlowControlLifeCycle();
@@ -70,16 +74,22 @@ static class FlowControlLifeCycle implements Runnable {
public void run() {
+ DynamicConfigService dynamicConfigService = getDynamicConfigService();
+ if (dynamicConfigService == null) {
+ LOGGER.severe("dynamicConfigService is null, fail to init FlowControlLifeCycle!");
+ return;
+ }
ConfigSubscriber configSubscriber;
final FlowControlConfig pluginConfig = PluginConfigManager.getPluginConfig(FlowControlConfig.class);
if (pluginConfig.isUseCseRule()) {
// 适配cse, 开始适配cse的专用配置监听器
configSubscriber = new CseGroupConfigSubscriber(FlowControlServiceMeta.getInstance().getServiceName(),
- new RuleDynamicConfigListener(), getDynamicConfigService(), "FlowControl");
+ new RuleDynamicConfigListener(), dynamicConfigService, "FlowControl");
} else {
configSubscriber = new DefaultGroupConfigSubscriber(
- new RuleDynamicConfigListener(), getDynamicConfigService(),
+ new RuleDynamicConfigListener(), dynamicConfigService,
@@ -89,13 +99,19 @@ private DynamicConfigService getDynamicConfigService() {
final FlowControlConfig pluginConfig = PluginConfigManager.getPluginConfig(FlowControlConfig.class);
DynamicConfigService dynamicConfigService;
- // 根据使用需求选择是否使用自身配置中心
- if (pluginConfig.isUseAgentConfigCenter()) {
- dynamicConfigService = ServiceManager.getService(DynamicConfigService.class);
- } else {
- dynamicConfigService = OperationManager.getOperation(DynamicConfigServiceInitializer.class)
- .initKieDynamicConfigService(pluginConfig.getConfigKieAddress(), pluginConfig.getProject());
+ try {
+ // 根据使用需求选择是否使用自身配置中心
+ if (pluginConfig.isUseAgentConfigCenter()) {
+ dynamicConfigService = ServiceManager.getService(DynamicConfigService.class);
+ } else {
+ dynamicConfigService = OperationManager.getOperation(DynamicConfigServiceInitializer.class)
+ .initKieDynamicConfigService(pluginConfig.getConfigKieAddress(), pluginConfig.getProject());
+ }
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ LOGGER.severe("dynamicConfigService is not enabled!");
+ dynamicConfigService = null;
return dynamicConfigService;
diff --git a/sermant-plugins/sermant-router/router-config-service/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/router/config/handler/ b/sermant-plugins/sermant-router/router-config-service/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/router/config/handler/
index 66ecd6cbcb..ce1afdd921 100644
--- a/sermant-plugins/sermant-router/router-config-service/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/router/config/handler/
+++ b/sermant-plugins/sermant-router/router-config-service/src/main/java/com/huaweicloud/sermant/router/config/handler/
@@ -81,14 +81,10 @@ public boolean shouldHandle(String key) {
private Map getRouteRuleMap(DynamicConfigEvent event) {
String content = event.getContent();
- Map>> load = yaml.load(content);
- if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(load)) {
+ Map routeRuleMap = yaml.load(content);
+ if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(routeRuleMap)) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
- Map> servicecomb = load.get(RouterConstant.ROUTER_CONFIG_SERVICECOMB_KEY);
- if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(servicecomb)) {
- return Collections.emptyMap();
- }
- return servicecomb.get(RouterConstant.ROUTER_CONFIG_ROUTE_RULE_KEY);
+ return routeRuleMap;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/spring-cloud-registry-plugin/src/main/java/com/huawei/registry/auto/sc/ b/sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/spring-cloud-registry-plugin/src/main/java/com/huawei/registry/auto/sc/
index abd3f85d91..b4b6ca7bcb 100644
--- a/sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/spring-cloud-registry-plugin/src/main/java/com/huawei/registry/auto/sc/
+++ b/sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/spring-cloud-registry-plugin/src/main/java/com/huawei/registry/auto/sc/
@@ -50,12 +50,22 @@ public void register(ServiceCombRegistration registration) {
- getRegisterCenterService().register(new FixedResult());
+ RegisterCenterService registerService = getRegisterCenterService();
+ if (registerService == null) {
+ LOGGER.severe("registerCenterService is null, fail to register!");
+ return;
+ }
+ registerService.register(new FixedResult());
public void deregister(ServiceCombRegistration registration) {
- getRegisterCenterService().unRegister();
+ RegisterCenterService registerService = getRegisterCenterService();
+ if (registerService == null) {
+ LOGGER.severe("registerCenterService is null, fail to unRegister!");
+ return;
+ }
+ registerService.unRegister();
@@ -65,7 +75,12 @@ public void close() {
public void setStatus(ServiceCombRegistration registration, String status) {
- getRegisterCenterService().updateInstanceStatus(status);
+ RegisterCenterService registerService = getRegisterCenterService();
+ if (registerService == null) {
+ LOGGER.severe("registerCenterService is null, fail to update instance status!");
+ return;
+ }
+ registerService.updateInstanceStatus(status);
@@ -75,7 +90,11 @@ public String getStatus(ServiceCombRegistration registration) {
private RegisterCenterService getRegisterCenterService() {
if (registerCenterService == null) {
- registerCenterService = PluginServiceManager.getPluginService(RegisterCenterService.class);
+ try {
+ registerCenterService = PluginServiceManager.getPluginService(RegisterCenterService.class);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ LOGGER.severe("registerCenterService is not enabled!");
+ }
return registerCenterService;
diff --git a/sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/spring-cloud-registry-plugin/src/main/java/com/huawei/registry/inject/grace/ b/sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/spring-cloud-registry-plugin/src/main/java/com/huawei/registry/inject/grace/
index 1dea673c71..a83861b0dc 100644
--- a/sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/spring-cloud-registry-plugin/src/main/java/com/huawei/registry/inject/grace/
+++ b/sermant-plugins/sermant-service-registry/spring-cloud-registry-plugin/src/main/java/com/huawei/registry/inject/grace/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
import com.huawei.registry.config.GraceConfig;
+import com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.common.LoggerFactory;
import com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.plugin.config.PluginConfigManager;
import com.huaweicloud.sermant.core.plugin.service.PluginServiceManager;
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@
import org.springframework.context.event.EventListener;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
* spring关闭时间监听器
@@ -34,13 +37,20 @@
public class ContextClosedEventListener {
- private final GraceService graceService;
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger();
+ private GraceService graceService;
* 构造方法
public ContextClosedEventListener() {
- graceService = PluginServiceManager.getPluginService(GraceService.class);
+ try {
+ graceService = PluginServiceManager.getPluginService(GraceService.class);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
+ LOGGER.severe("graceService is not enabled");
+ graceService = null;
+ }
@@ -48,7 +58,7 @@ public ContextClosedEventListener() {
@EventListener(value = ContextClosedEvent.class)
public void listener() {
- if (!isEnableGraceDown()) {
+ if (!isEnableGraceDown() || graceService == null) {