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A Proxyless Service Mesh Solution Based on JavaAgent
-[简体中文](README.md) | [English](README-en.md)
-[![CI/IT Tests](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=develop)](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/actions?query=workflow:CI:push%20branch:develop)
-## What is Sermant?
-**Sermant** (also known as Java-mesh) is a proxyless service mesh based on Java bytecode enhancement technology. It utilizes Java bytecode enhancement to provide service governance capabilities to applications, addressing service governance issues in large-scale microservices architectures.
-Sermant's vision also includes building a plugin development ecosystem to assist developers in more easily creating service governance functionalities without interfering with the application's source code. The Sermant architecture is depicted as follows.
-As described above, Sermant's JavaAgent has two layers of functions.
-- Framework core layer. The core layer provides Sermant's basic framework capability, in order to ease the plugin development. The function of this layer includes heart beat, data transmit, dynamic configuration, etc.
-- Plugin service layer. The plugin provides actual governance service for the application. The developer can either develop simple plugin by directly leveraging framework core service, or can develop complex plugin by developing plugin's own complex service-governance function.
-Sermant's JavaAgent widely adopts class isolation technology in order to eliminate the class load conflicts between framework code, plugin code, and application code.
-A microservice architecture using Sermant has the following three components, which is depicted in the following diagram.
-- Sermant JavaAgent: dynamically instrument the application for the service governance capability.
-- Sermant Backend: provide the connection and the pre-processing service for the JavaAgents' all uploaded-data.
-- Dynamic configuration center: Providing the instructions by dynamically update the config to the listening JavaAgent. Dynamic configuration center is not directly provided by Sermant project. The projects currently support servicecomb-kie, etc.
-## Quick Start
-Below is a simple demo that guides new users to use Sermant in just 4 steps.
-### Preparation
-- [Download](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/releases/download/v1.4.0/sermant-1.4.0.tar.gz) Sermant Release package (The current version recommended is 1.4.0)
-- [Download](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant-examples/releases/download/v1.4.0/sermant-examples-flowcontrol-demo-1.4.0.tar.gz) Demo binary product compression package
-- [Download](https://zookeeper.apache.org/releases#download) and start zookeeper
-### Obtain Demo binary products
-Decompress the demo binary product compression package to obtain the spring-provider.jar.
-### Modify the Sermant configuration
-Modify the `agent.service.heartbeat.enable` and `agent.service.gateway.enable` configuration in the `${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/config/config.properties` file to be true, which is to open the heartbeat service and the gateway service of Sermant, as shown below:
-> Note: path is the path where the Sermant package is downloaded
-### Start Backend
-Execute the following command in the `${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/server/sermant` directory:
-java -jar sermant-backend-x.x.x.jar
-> Note: path is the path where the Sermant package is downloaded
-### Start Demo application
-Execute the following command in the directory where the spring-provider.jar file is located:
-# linux mac
-java -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar -jar spring-provider.jar
-# windows
-java -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar -jar spring-provider.jar
-> Note: path is the path where the Sermant package is downloaded
-### Verification
-Check running status of Sermant. In this example, open the browser and navigate to the URL `http://localhost:8900`.
-## More Documents to Follow
-Please refer to the [Sermant Document](https://sermant.io/en/document/)
-## License
-Sermant adopts [Apache 2.0 License.](/LICENSE)
-## How to Contribute
-Please read [Contribute Guide](https://sermant.io/en/document/CONTRIBUTING.html) to refer how to join the contribution.
-## Declaration
-- [Apache/Servicecomb-java-chassis](https://github.com/apache/servicecomb-java-chassis): Sermant refer the service governance algorithm from Apache Servicecomb project.
-- [Apache/Servicecomb-kie](https://github.com/apache/servicecomb-kie): Sermant uses servicecomb-kie as the default dynamic configuration center.
-- [Apache/SkyWalking](https://skywalking.apache.org/): The plugin architecture in this project is refered to Apache Skywalking. Part of the framework code in Sermant is built based on Apache Skywalking project as well.
-- [Alibaba/Sentinel](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel): Sermant's flow-control plugin is built based on Alibaba Sentinel project.
-## Contact Us
-* [Gitter](https://gitter.im/SermantUsers/community): Sermant's chat room for community messaging, collaboration and discovery.
-* WeChat Group: Please apply for Sermant Xiao Er as a friend first, and will pull you into the group after passing, please note the company + position when applying, thank you.
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+[简体中文](README-zh.md) | [English](README.md)
+[![CNCF Landscape](https://img.shields.io/badge/CNCF%20Landscape-5699C6)](https://landscape.cncf.io/?item=orchestration-management--service-mesh--sermant)
+[![CI/IT Tests](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=develop)](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/actions?query=workflow:CI:push%20branch:develop)
+## Sermant
+- 框架核心层。核心层提供Sermant的基本框架功能,以简化插件开发。该层的功能包括心跳、数据传输、动态配置等。
+- 插件服务层。插件为宿主应用提供实际的治理服务。开发者可以直接利用框架核心服务开发简单插件,也可以开发插件自身的复杂服务治理功能来开发复杂插件。
+- Sermant JavaAgent:动态地为宿主应用程序提供服务治理能力。
+- Sermant Backend:为JavaAgent的上传数据提供连接和预处理服务。
+- Dynamic configuration center:通过动态更新监听的JavaAgent的配置来提供指令。Sermant项目不直接提供动态配置中心。这些项目目前支持servicecomb-kie等。
+## 快速开始
+### 准备工作
+- [下载](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/releases/download/v1.4.0/sermant-1.4.0.tar.gz) Sermant Release包(当前版本推荐1.4.0)
+- [下载](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant-examples/releases/download/v1.4.0/sermant-examples-flowcontrol-demo-1.4.0.tar.gz) Demo二进制产物压缩包
+- [下载](https://zookeeper.apache.org/releases#download) 并启动zookeeper
+### 获取Demo二进制产物
+### 修改Sermant配置
+> 说明:path为Sermant包下载所在路径
+### 启动Sermant Backend
+java -jar sermant-backend-x.x.x.jar
+> 说明:path为Sermant包下载所在路径
+### 启动Demo应用
+# linux mac
+java -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar -jar spring-provider.jar
+# windows
+java -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar -jar spring-provider.jar
+> 说明:path为Sermant包下载所在路径
+### 验证
+## License
+Sermant 采用 [Apache 2.0 License.](/LICENSE)
+## 贡献指南
+请阅读 [贡献指南](https://sermant.io/zh/document/CONTRIBUTING.html) 以了解如何贡献项目。
+## 更多文档
+[Sermant官网](https://sermant.io) | [RoadMap](RoadMap.md) | [Membership](community-membership.md)
+## 联系我们
+* [邮件列表](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sermant)
+* [Slack](https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C06VDFQUA7N) | [Join](https://slack.cncf.io/)
+* 微信交流群:请先申请Sermant小二为好友,通过后会拉您进群,申请时请备注公司+职务。
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+A Proxyless Service Mesh Solution Based on JavaAgent
-[简体中文](README.md) | [English](README-en.md)
+[简体中文](README-zh.md) | [English](README.md)
+[![CNCF Landscape](https://img.shields.io/badge/CNCF%20Landscape-5699C6)](https://landscape.cncf.io/?item=orchestration-management--service-mesh--sermant)
[![CI/IT Tests](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=develop)](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/actions?query=workflow:CI:push%20branch:develop)
-## Sermant
+## What is Sermant?
+**Sermant** (also known as Java-mesh) is a proxyless service mesh based on Java bytecode enhancement technology. It utilizes Java bytecode enhancement to provide service governance capabilities to applications, addressing service governance issues in large-scale microservices architectures.
+Sermant's vision also includes building a plugin development ecosystem to assist developers in more easily creating service governance functionalities without interfering with the application's source code. The Sermant architecture is depicted as follows.
+As described above, Sermant's JavaAgent has two layers of functions.
-- 框架核心层。核心层提供Sermant的基本框架功能,以简化插件开发。该层的功能包括心跳、数据传输、动态配置等。
-- 插件服务层。插件为宿主应用提供实际的治理服务。开发者可以直接利用框架核心服务开发简单插件,也可以开发插件自身的复杂服务治理功能来开发复杂插件。
+- Framework core layer. The core layer provides Sermant's basic framework capability, in order to ease the plugin development. The function of this layer includes heart beat, data transmit, dynamic configuration, etc.
+- Plugin service layer. The plugin provides actual governance service for the application. The developer can either develop simple plugin by directly leveraging framework core service, or can develop complex plugin by developing plugin's own complex service-governance function.
+Sermant's JavaAgent widely adopts class isolation technology in order to eliminate the class load conflicts between framework code, plugin code, and application code.
+A microservice architecture using Sermant has the following three components, which is depicted in the following diagram.
-- Sermant JavaAgent:动态地为宿主应用程序提供服务治理能力。
-- Sermant Backend:为JavaAgent的上传数据提供连接和预处理服务。
-- Dynamic configuration center:通过动态更新监听的JavaAgent的配置来提供指令。Sermant项目不直接提供动态配置中心。这些项目目前支持servicecomb-kie等。
+- Sermant JavaAgent: dynamically instrument the application for the service governance capability.
+- Sermant Backend: provide the connection and the pre-processing service for the JavaAgents' all uploaded-data.
+- Dynamic configuration center: Providing the instructions by dynamically update the config to the listening JavaAgent. Dynamic configuration center is not directly provided by Sermant project. The projects currently support servicecomb-kie, etc.
-## 快速开始
+## Quick Start
+Below is a simple demo that guides new users to use Sermant in just 4 steps.
-### 准备工作
+### Preparation
-- [下载](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/releases/download/v1.4.0/sermant-1.4.0.tar.gz) Sermant Release包(当前版本推荐1.4.0)
-- [下载](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant-examples/releases/download/v1.4.0/sermant-examples-flowcontrol-demo-1.4.0.tar.gz) Demo二进制产物压缩包
-- [下载](https://zookeeper.apache.org/releases#download) 并启动zookeeper
+- [Download](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant/releases/download/v1.4.0/sermant-1.4.0.tar.gz) Sermant Release package (The current version recommended is 1.4.0)
+- [Download](https://github.com/huaweicloud/Sermant-examples/releases/download/v1.4.0/sermant-examples-flowcontrol-demo-1.4.0.tar.gz) Demo binary product compression package
+- [Download](https://zookeeper.apache.org/releases#download) and start zookeeper
-### 获取Demo二进制产物
+### Obtain Demo binary products
-### 修改Sermant配置
+Decompress the demo binary product compression package to obtain the spring-provider.jar.
+### Modify the Sermant configuration
+Modify the `agent.service.heartbeat.enable` and `agent.service.gateway.enable` configuration in the `${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/config/config.properties` file to be true, which is to open the heartbeat service and the gateway service of Sermant, as shown below:
+> Note: path is the path where the Sermant package is downloaded
-> 说明:path为Sermant包下载所在路径
-### 启动backend
+### Start Sermant Backend
+Execute the following command in the `${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/server/sermant` directory:
java -jar sermant-backend-x.x.x.jar
-> 说明:path为Sermant包下载所在路径
+> Note: path is the path where the Sermant package is downloaded
-### 启动Demo应用
+### Start Demo application
+Execute the following command in the directory where the spring-provider.jar file is located:
# linux mac
@@ -84,37 +84,31 @@ java -javaagent:${path}/sermant-agent-x.x.x/agent/sermant-agent.jar -jar spring-
java -javaagent:${path}\sermant-agent-x.x.x\agent\sermant-agent.jar -jar spring-provider.jar
-> 说明:path为Sermant包下载所在路径
+> Note: path is the path where the Sermant package is downloaded
-### 验证
+### Verification
+Check running status of Sermant. In this example, open the browser and navigate to the URL `http://localhost:8900`.
-## 更多文档
-请参阅 [Sermant文档](https://sermant.io/zh/document/)
## License
-Sermant 采用 [Apache 2.0 License.](/LICENSE)
+Sermant adopts [Apache 2.0 License.](/LICENSE)
+## How to Contribute
-## 贡献指南
+Please read [Contribute Guide](https://sermant.io/en/document/CONTRIBUTING.html) to refer how to join the contribution.
+## More Documents to Follow
-## 声明
+[Sermant website](https://sermant.io) | [RoadMap](RoadMap.md) | [Membership](community-membership.md)
-- [Apache/Servicecomb-java-chassis](https://github.com/apache/servicecomb-java-chassis):Sermant引用了Apache Servicecomb项目中的服务治理算法。
-- [Apache/Servicecomb-kie](https://github.com/apache/servicecomb-kie): Sermant使用servicecomb-kie作为默认的动态配置中心。
-- [Apache/SkyWalking](https://skywalking.apache.org/): 本项目中的插件架构参考了Apache Skywalking。Sermant中的部分框架代码是基于Apache Skywalking项目构建的。
-- [Alibaba/Sentinel](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel): Sermant的流量控制插件是基于阿里巴巴Sentinel项目构建的。
+## Contact Us
-## 联系我们
+* [Mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sermant)
+* [Slack](https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C06VDFQUA7N) | [Join](https://slack.cncf.io/)
+* WeChat Group: Please apply for Sermant Xiao Er as a friend first, and we will pull you into the group.
-* [Gitter](https://gitter.im/SermantUsers/community):Sermant社区的聊天室。
-* 微信交流群:请先申请Sermant小二为好友,通过后会拉您进群,申请时请备注公司+职务,谢谢。
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+# RoadMap
+**v2.2.0 (2024.12)**
+- [ ] Supports xDS protocol for specific plugins
+- [ ] Compatible with OpenTelemetry
+**v2.1.0 (2024.09)**
+- [ ] Supports xDS protocol for routing and load balancing
+- [ ] Supports adaptive expansion for sermant injector
+- [ ] Compatible with monitor system
+**v2.0.0 (2024.06)**
+- [ ] Supports xDS protocol for service discovery
+- [ ] Supports dynamic configuration dashboard in Backend
+- [ ] Optimize startup time of Sermant Agent
+**v1.4.0 (2024.03)**
+- [x] Supports database write operation prohibition
+- [x] Supports Dubbo3 for router plugin
+**v1.3.1 (2024.01)**
+- [x] Bug fix
+**v1.3.0 (2023.12)**
+- [x] Supports message queue consumption prohibition
+- [x] Supports repeated installation of plugins
+- [x] Supports querying information of classes/methods that have been intercepted
+**v1.2.1 (2023.11)**
+- [x] Bug fix
+**v1.2.0 (2023.09)**
+- [x] Supports transparent transmission of traffic tag
+- [x] Supports Nacos for dynamic configuration of Sermant
+- [x] Supports dynamic installation and uninstallation of Sermant Agent and plugins
+**v1.1.0 (2023.06)**
+- [x] Supports system rule strategy and load adaptive capability for flow control plugin
+- [x] Supports service visibility
+- [x] Supports event reporting capability to enhance observability for Sermant
+- [x] Supports unified rule model for router plugin
+- [x] Supports outlier instance removal