The AccessBase
, AccessStorage
and AccessPath
types formalize
memory access in SIL. Given an address-typed SIL value, it is possible
to reliably identify the storage location of the accessed
memory. AccessStorage
identifies an accessed storage
location. AccessPath
contains both a storage location and the
"access path" within that memory object. The relevant API details are
documented in MemAccessUtils.h
SIL preserves the language semantics of formal variable access in the
form of access markers. begin_access
identifies the address of the
formal access and end_access
delimits the scope of the access. At
the language level, a formal access is an access to a local variable
or class property. For details, see
SE-0176: Enforce Exclusive Access to Memory
Access markers are preserved in SIL to:
verify exclusivity enforcement
optimize exclusivity checks following other transforms, such as converting dynamic checks into static checks
simplify and strengthen general analyses of memory access. For example,
begin_access [read] %address
indicates that the accessed address is immutable for the duration of its access scope
Computing AccessStorage
and AccessPath
for any given SIL address
involves a use-def traversal to determine the origin of the
address. It may traverse operations on values of type address,
Builtin.RawPointer, box, and reference. The logic that
formalizes which SIL operations may be involved in the def-use chain
is encapsulated with the AccessUseDefChainVisitor
. The traversal can
be customized by implementing this visitor. Customization is not
expected to change the meaning of AccessStorage or
AccessPath. Rather, it is intended for additional pass-specific
book-keeping or for higher-level convenience APIs that operate on the
use-def chain bypassing AccessStorage completely.
Access def-use chains are divided by four points: the object "root", the access "base", the outer-most "access" scope, and the "address" of a memory operation. For example:
struct S {
var field: Int64
class C {
var prop: S
%root = alloc_ref $C
%base = ref_element_addr %root : $C, #C.prop
%access = begin_access [read] [static] %base : $*S
%address = struct_element_addr %access : $*S, #.field
%value = load [trivial] %address : $*Int64
end_access %access : $*S
%root = alloc_box $S
%base = project_box %root : ${ var S }
%access = begin_access [read] [static] %base : $*S
%address = struct_element_addr %access : $*S, #.field
%value = load [trivial] %address : $*Int64
end_access %access : $*S
The first part of the def-use chain computes the formal access base
from the root of the object (e.g. alloc_ref -> ref_element_addr
alloc_box -> project_box
). The reference root might be a locally
allocated object, a function argument, a function result, or a
reference loaded from storage. There is no enforcement on the type of
operation that can produce a reference; however, only reference types, Builtin.BridgeObject types, and box types are allowed in this part of the
def-use chain. The reference root is the greatest common ancestor in
the def-use graph that can identify an object by a single SILValue. If
the root is an alloc_ref
, then it is uniquely identified. The
def-use chain from the root to the base may contain reference casts
) and phis.
This example has an identifiable def-use chain from %root
to %base
class A {
var prop0: Int64
class B : A {
%root = alloc_ref $B
cond_br _, bb1, bb2
%a1 = upcast %root : $B to $A
br bb3(%a1 : $A)
%a2 = upcast %root : $B to $A
br bb3(%a2 : $A)
bb3(%a : $A):
%bridge = ref_to_bridge_object %a : $A, %bits : $Builtin.Word
%ref = bridge_object_to_ref %bridge : $Builtin.BridgeObject to $A
%base = ref_element_addr %ref : $A, #A.prop0
Each object property and its tail storage is considered a separate
formal access base. The reference root is only one component of an
location. AccessStorage also identifies the class
property being accessed within that object.
A reference root may be borrowed, so the use-def path from the base to the root may cross a borrow scope. This means that uses of one base may not be replaced with a different base even if it has the same AccessStorage because they may not be contained within the same borrow scope. However, this is the only part of the access path that may be borrowed. Address uses with the same base can be substituted without checking the borrow scope.
The access base is the address or Builtin.RawPointer type SILValue
produced by an instruction that directly identifies the kind of
storage being accessed without further use-def traversal. Common
access bases are alloc_stack
, global_addr
, project_box
, and function arguments (see
The access base is the same as the "root" SILValue for all storage kinds except global and reference storage. Reference storage includes class, tail and box storage. Global storage has no root. For reference storage the root is the SILValue that identifies object, described as the "reference root" above.
"Box" storage is uniquely identified by an alloc_box
instruction. Therefore, we consider the alloc_box
to be the base of
the access. Box storage does not apply to all box types or box
projections, which may instead originate from arguments or indirect
enums for example.
An access scope, identified by a begin_access
marker, may only occur
on the def-use path between the access base and any address
projections. The def-use path from the root to the base cannot cross
an access scope. Likewise, the def-use between an access projection
and the memory operation cannot cross an access scope.
Typically, the base is the address-type source operand of a
. However, the path from the access base to the
may include storage casts (see
). It may involve address an pointer
types, and may traverse phis. For some kinds of storage, the base may
itself even be a non-address pointer. For phis that cannot be uniquely
resolved, the base may even be a box type.
This example has an identifiable def-use chain from %base
to %access
%base = alloc_box $Int { var Int }
%boxadr = project_box %base : ${ var Int }
%p0 = address_to_pointer %boxadr : $*Int to $Builtin.RawPointer
cond_br _, bb1, bb2
%p1 = copy_value %p0 : $Builtin.RawPointer
br bb3(%p1 : $Builtin.RawPointer)
br bb3(%p0 : $Builtin.RawPointer)
bb3(%ptr : $Builtin.RawPointer):
%adr = pointer_to_address %ptr : $Builtin.RawPointer to $*Int
%access = begin_access [read] [static] %adr : $*Int
Note that address-type phis are illegal (full enforcement
pending). This is important for simplicity and efficiency, but also
allows for a class of storage optimizations, such as bitfields, in
which address storage is always uniquely determined. Currently, if a
(non-address) phi on the access path from base
to access
does not
have a common base, then it is considered an invalid access (the
AccessStorage object is not valid). SIL verification ensures that a
formal access always has valid AccessStorage (WIP). In other words,
the source of a begin_access
marker must be a single, non-phi
base. In the future, for further simplicity, we may also disallow
pointer phis unless they have a common base.
Not all SIL memory access is part of a formal access, but the
and AccessPath
abstractions are universally
applicable. Non-formal access still has an access base, even though
the use-def search does not begin at a begin_access
marker. For
non-formal access, SIL verification is not as strict. An invalid
access is allowed, but handled conservatively. This is safe as long as
those non-formal accesses can never alias with class and global
storage. Class and global access must always be guarded by formal
access markers--at least until static markers are stripped from SIL.
Nested access occurs when an access base is a function argument. The
caller always checks @inout
arguments for exclusivity (an access
marker must exist in the caller). However, the argument itself is a
variable with its own formal access. Conflicts may occur in the callee
which were not evident in the caller. In this example, a conflict
occurs in hasNestedAccess
but not in its caller:
func takesTwoInouts(_ : inout Int, _ : inout Int) -> () {}
func hasNestedAccess(_ x : inout Int) -> () {
takesTwoInouts(&x, &x)
var x = 0
Produces these access markers:
sil @takesTwoInouts : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int, @inout Int) -> ()
sil @hasNestedAccess : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*Int):
%innerAccess = begin_access [modify] %0 : $*Int
%conflicting = begin_access [modify] %0 : $*Int
%f = function_ref @takesTwoInouts
apply %f(%innerAccess, %conflicting)
: $@convention(thin) (@inout Int, @inout Int) -> ()
end_access %conflicting : $*Int
end_access %innerAccess : $*Int
%var = alloc_stack $Int
%outerAccess = begin_access [modify] %var : $*Int
%f = function_ref @hasNestedAccess
apply %f(%outerAccess) : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int) -> () {
end_access %outerAccess : $*Int
Nested accesses become part if the def-use chain after inlining. Here,
both %innerAccess
and %conflicting
are nested within
%var = alloc_stack $Int
%outerAccess = begin_access [modify] %var : $*Int
%innerAccess = begin_access [modify] %outerAccess : $*Int
%conflicting = begin_access [modify] %outerAccess : $*Int
%f = function_ref @takesTwoInouts
apply %f(%innerAccess, %conflicting)
: $@convention(thin) (@inout Int, @inout Int) -> ()
end_access %conflicting : $*Int
end_access %innerAccess : $*Int
end_access %outerAccess : $*Int
For most purposes, the inner access scopes are irrelevant. When we ask
for the "accessed storage" for %innerAccess
, we get an
value of "Stack" kind with base %var = alloc_stack
. If instead of finding the original accessed storage, we
want to identify the enclosing formal access scope, we need to use a
different API that supports the special Nested
storage kind. This is
typically only used for exclusivity diagnostics though.
TODO: Nested static accesses that result from inlining could potentially be removed, as long as DiagnoseStaticExclusivity has already run.
On the def-use chain between the outermost formal access scope within the current function and a memory operation, access projections identify subobjects laid out within the formally accessed variable. The sequence of access projections between the base and the memory address correspond to an access path.
For example, there is no formal access for struct fields. Instead,
they are addressed using a struct_element_addr
within the access
%access = begin_access [read] [static] %base : $*S
%memaddr = struct_element_addr %access : $*S, #.field
%value = load [trivial] %memaddr : $*Int64
end_access %access : $*S
Note that is is possible to have a nested access scope on the address of a struct field, which may show up as an access of struct_element_addr after inlining. The rule is that access projections cannot occur outside of the outermost access scope within the function.
Access projections are address projections--they take an address at
operand zero and produce a single address result. Other
straightforward access projections include tuple_element_addr
, and tail_addr
(an aligned form of index_addr
Enum payload extraction (unchecked_take_enum_data_addr
) is also an
access projection, but it has no effect on the access path.
Indirect enum payload extraction is a special two-instruction form of
address projection (load : ${ var } -> project_box
). For simplicity,
and to avoid the appearance of box types on the access path, this
should eventually be encapsulated in a single SIL instruction.
For example, the following complex def-use chain from %base
actually has an empty access path:
%boxadr = unchecked_take_enum_data_addr %base : $*Enum<T>,!enumelt
%box = load [take] %boxadr : $*<τ_0_0> { var Int } <T>
%valadr = project_box %box : $<τ_0_0> { var Int } <T>, 0
%load = load [trivial] %valadr : $*Int
Storage casts may also occur within an access. This typically results
from accessors, which perform address-to-pointer
conversion. Pointer-to-address conversion performs a type cast, and
could lead to different subobject types corresponding to the same base
and access path. Access paths still uniquely identify a memory
location because it is illegal to cast memory to non-layout-compatible
types on same execution path (without an intervening bind_memory
Address-type phis are prohibited, but because pointer and box types may be on the def-use chain, phis may also occur on an access path. A phi is only a valid part of an access path if it has no affect on the path components. This means that pointer casting and unboxing may occur on distinct phi paths, but index offsets and subobject projections may not. These rules are currently enforced to a limited extent, so it's possible for invalid access path to occur under certain conditions.
For example, the following is a valid def-use access chain, with an
access base defined in bb0
, a memory operation in bb3
and an
and struct_element_addr
on the access path:
class A {}
struct S {
var field0: Int64
var field1: Int64
%base = ref_tail_addr %ref : $A, $S
%idxproj = index_addr %tail : $*S, %idx : $Builtin.Word
%p0 = address_to_pointer %idxproj : $*S to $Builtin.RawPointer
cond_br _, bb1, bb2
%pcopy = copy_value %p0 : $Builtin.RawPointer
%adr1 = pointer_to_address [strict] %pcopy : $Builtin.RawPointer to $*S
%p1 = address_to_pointer %adr1 : $*S to $Builtin.RawPointer
br bb3(%p1 : $Builtin.RawPointer)
br bb3(%p0 : $Builtin.RawPointer)
bb3(%p3 : $Builtin.RawPointer):
%adr3 = pointer_to_address [strict] %p3 : $Builtin.RawPointer to $*S
%field = struct_element_addr %adr3 : $*S, $S.field0
load %field : $*Int64
identifies an accessed storage location, be it a
box, stack location, class property, global variable, or argument. It
is implemented as a value object that requires no compile-time memory
allocation and can be used as the hash key for that location. Extra
bits are also available for information specific to a particular
optimization pass. Its API provides the kind of location being
accessed and information about the location's uniqueness or whether it
is distinct from other storage.
Two uniquely identified storage locations may only alias if their AccessStorage objects are identical.
records the "root" SILValue of the access. The root is
the same as the access base for all storage kinds except global and
class storage. For class properties, the storage root is the reference
root of the object, not the base of the property. Multiple
projections may exist for the same property. Global
variable storage is always uniquely identified, but it is impossible
to find all uses from the def-use chain alone. Multiple global_addr
instructions may reference the same variable. To find all global uses,
the client must independently find all global variable references
within the function. Clients that need to know which SILValue base was
discovered during use-def traversal in all cases can make use of
or AccessPathWithBase
extends AccessStorage
to include the path components
that determine the address of a subobject within the access base. The
access path is a string of index offsets and subobject projection
struct S {
var field0: Int64
var field1: Int64
%eltadr = struct_element_addr %access : $*S, #.field1
Path: (#1)
class A {}
%tail = ref_tail_addr %ref : $A, $S
%one = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
%elt = index_addr %tail : $*S, %one : $Builtin.Word
%field = struct_element_addr %elt : $*S, $S.field0
Path: (@1, #0)
Note that a projection from a reference type to the object's property or tail storage is not part of the access path because it is already identified by the storage location.
Offset indices are all folded into a single index at the head of the path (a missing offset implies offset zero). Offsets that are not static constants are still valid but are labeled "@Unknown". Indexing within a subobject is an ill-formed access, but is handled conservatively since this rule cannot be fully enforced.
For example, the following is an invalid access path, which just happens to point to field1:
%field0 = struct_element_addr %base : $*S, #field0
%field1 = index_addr %elt : $*Int64, %one : $Builtin.Word
The following APIs determine whether an access path contains another or may overlap with another.
AccessPath::contains(AccessPath subPath)
AccessPath::mayOverlap(AccessPath otherPath)
These are extremely light-weight APIs that, in the worst case, require a trivial linked list traversal with single pointer comparison for the length of subPath or otherPath.
Subobjects are both contained with and overlap with their parent storage. An unknown offset does not contain any known offsets but overlaps with all offsets.
For any accessed storage location and base, it must also be possible to reliably identify all uses of that storage location within the function for a particular access base. If the storage is uniquely identified, then that also implies that all uses of that storage within the function have been discovered. In other words, there are no aliases to the same storage that aren't covered by this use set.
The AccessPath::collectUses()
API does this. It is possible to ask
for only the uses contained by the current path, or for all
potentially overlapping uses. It is guaranteed to return a complete
use set unless the client specifies a limit on the number of uses.
As passes begin to adopt AccessPath::collectUses(), I expect it to become a visitor pattern that allows the pass to perform custom book-keeping for certain types of uses.
The AccessPathVerification
pass runs at key points in the pipeline
to ensure that all address uses are identified and have consistent
access paths. This pass ensures that the implementations of AccessPath
is internally consistent for all SIL patterns. Enforcing the validity
of the SIL itself, such as which operations are allowed on an access
def-use chain, is handled within the SIL verifier instead.