This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
This CHANGELOG follows the format listed at Our CHANGELOG Guidelines . Which is based on Keep A Changelog
- update tests to favor Pester instead of Ruby (@derekgroh)
- update metrics-windows-network.ps1 -Interface argument handling to work with Interfaces names that contain underscores
- Add new -ListInterfaces option to metrics-windows-network.ps1 to get a list of valid Network Addresses
- Add new ability to metrics-windows-network.psi to output metrics for all Interfaces if no Interface is specified.
3.0.0 - 2019-03-04
- updated yard dependency to
~> 0.9.11
per: (@majormoses) - updated rubocop dependency to
~> 0.51.0
per: (@majormoses)
- drop EOL rubies
< 2.3
(@majormoses) - bump
dependency from~> 1.2
to~> 4.0
you can read the changelog entries for 4.0, 3.0, and 2.0 (@majormoses) - moved all powershell scripts directly into the bin directory, you will need to update your check definition paths to reflect. This change is required to create an asset that works with sensu-go.
- update
dependency (@majormoses) - appeased the cops (@majormoses)
2.9.1 - 2019-02-17
- check-windows-disk.rb: use the full path for CSV file path due to a bug in
2.9.0 - 2018-08-24
- updated check:
now using CIM instead of WMI for large performance gain (@csabo) - updated check:
now using CIM instead of WMI for large performance gain (@csabo) - updated check:
now using CIM instead of WMI for large performance gain (@csabo) - updated check:
now using CIM instead of WMI for large performance gain (@csabo) - updated check:
now using CIM instead of WMI for large performance gain (@csabo) - updated check:
now using CIM instead of WMI for large performance gain (@csabo) - updated check:
now using CIM instead of WMI for large performance gain (@csabo) - updated check:
now using CIM instead of WMI for large performance gain (@csabo)
-, added troubleshooting section with fix for corrupt performance counters issue #35 (@csabo)
2.8.1 - 2018-07-19
- metric-windows-cpu-load.ps1: report the correct metric value for interrupts (@makaveli0129)
- metric-windows-disk.ps1: fix typo that prevented disk queue length to be reported properly (@makaveli0129)
2.8.0 - 2018-05-10
- check-windows-directory.ps1, added plugin to check if a directory exist (@patricewhite).
2.7.0 - 2018-05-09
- check-windows-event-log.ps1, added plugin to check for pattern and returns the number criticals and warnings that match that pattern (@patricewhite)
2.6.0 - 2018-05-09
- check-windows-log.ps1, added plugin to check for pattern in log file (@patricewhite).
-, changed to include new plugin (@patricewhite).
2.5.0 - 2018-05-02
- powershell_helper.rb, added helper to wrap around Powershell directory (@makaveli0129).
-, changed to include calls for powershell_helper.rb (@makaveli0129).
2.4.1 - 2018-04-18
- check-windows-http.ps1: fixed typo (@stevebanik-ndsc)
2.4.0 - 2017-12-08
- minimal
(@majormoses) - badges for
2.3.0 - 2017-11-12
- new check:
(@absolutejam) - new check
(@absolutejam) - new check
(@absolutejam) - new check
(@absolutejam) - new check
(@absolutejam) - new check:
(@absolutejam) - documentation
2.2.1 - 2017-09-25
- update changelog guidelines location (@majormoses)
: allow service names to have spaces in them (@bodgit)
2.2.0 - 2017-09-08
- added multi language support to all the powershell scripts (@Seji64)
- powershell/metric-windows-network.ps1: handle interfaces with spaces in their name (@Seji64)
- Calculate correct Unix Timestamp (@Seji64)
: added standard sensu header (@Seji64)- added option to enable fdqn in metric path (@Seji64)
new metric script for disk IO stats (@Seji64)powershell/metric-windows-system.ps1
new metric script for system related stats (@Seji64)
2.1.0 - 2017-08-26
: which basically allows checking how much pagefile (aka swap) is in use. (@hulkk)
2.0.0 - 2017-06-27
- missing diffs on 1.0 release (@majormoses)
- Dependency on Powersehell version 3.0 or above for powershell checks. (@simonsteur)
- Updated
with new requirements. (@simonsteur)
1.0.0 2017-06-26
- fix PR template with correct spelling of Compatibility. The big reason to make this a 1.x is to allow an upcoming breaking change and protecting users from it.
0.1.0 2017-06-2017
- Check-Windows-disk.rb added CSV formatting for WMIC.
- Windows CPU Load Check written using only Powershell under bin/powershell. (@ajeba99)
- Windows Disk Usage Check written using only Powershell under bin/powershell.
- Windows Disk Writeable written using only Powershell under bin/powershell (@shoekstra)
- Windows Process Check written using only Powershell under bin/powershell.
- Windows RAM Check written using only Powershell under bin/powershell.
- Windows Service Check written using only Powershell under bin/powershell.
- Windows CPU Load Metric written using only Powershell under bin/powershell.
- Windows Disk Usage Metric written using only Powershell under bin/powershell.
- Windows RAM Metric written using only Powershell under bin/powershell.
- Windows Network Metric written using only Powershell under bin/powershell.
- Windows Uptime Metric written using only Powershell under bin/powershell.
- Add support for ignoring disk checks by disk label (via a regular expression) (@manul7)
- Add check-windows-processor-queue-length (@andyroyle)
- Add testing on Ruby 2.3 and 2.4.1 (@eheydrick)
- Corrected grammer issues and clarified comments in all existing Ruby-based Windows Check and Metric files.
- Moved existing Ruby-based Windows Check and Metric files to bin/ruby.
- Changed file naming to the singular instead of the difference in plurality between 'check' and 'metrics'.
- Updated
- Fixed numerous grammar issues in file.
- Support for Ruby < 2 (@eheydrick)
0.0.10 - 2016-02-16
- Check-Windows-disk.rb removed system volumes from list
0.0.9 - 2016-02-05
- New certs
0.0.8 - 2015-12-10
- Metric-Windows-disk-usage.rb incorrect variable
0.0.7 - 2015-11-19
- Metric-Windows-network.rb: remove characters that break graphite metrics
0.0.6 - 2015-08-04
- Updated check-Windows-process to use native WMI hooks
- Bump rubocop
- Change binstubs to only be created for ruby files
0.0.5 - 2015-07-14
- Updated Sensu-plugin gem to 1.2.0
0.0.4 - 2015-07-05
- Windows Uptime Metrics
- Windows RAM Metrics
- Windows Network Metrics
- Removed IIS check / metrics plugins and moved them to their own sensu iis plugin repository
- Pulled
0.0.2 - 2015-06-03
- Added binstubs
- Removed cruft from /lib
- Initial release