This repo contains documentation of the themes and engine npm package generation process. These packages are used by the following products:
- ExtAngular
- ExtReact
- ExtWebComponents
Step 1 - Acquire the latest version/branch of the SDK from
NOTE: this readme will refer to this folder as {sdkroot}
NOTE: If you wish a watermark to appear in the code, aquire a version of the SDK with the watermark.
TODO: need direction on how to acquire this: the trial download does not seem to have the watermark
This initial version of themes-and-engine.js requires modifications to legacy slicing source code in the SDK and must be run locally, by the developers / maintainers.
- cd to {sdkroot}/classic/theme-base/sass/etc/mixins
- edit: slicer.scss
edit this function: (see 2 comments) //comment out this line //add this line
@function sliceit($cls, $kind, $path, $extension) {
$url: theme-background-image($path, $extension, true);
@if $url != none {
$op: $kind + ':' + $url;
$slice: add-slice($cls, $op);
//comment out this line
//@return $url;
//add this line
@return 'images/magnify.png';
- cd to {sdkroot}/classic/theme-base/sass/etc/mixins
- edit: slicer.scss
edit this mixin: (see 2 comments) //comment out this line //add this line
@mixin x-slicer($cls) {
$cls: quote($cls);
$slices: map_get($slicer-map, $cls);
@if $slices != '' {
// We don't need to use the $prefix for x-cmd-slicer and doing so would make it
// difficult for Cmd to know what class to add...
/*<if slicer>*/
.x-cmd-slicer.#{$prefix}#{$cls}:before {
display: none;
// We need to override content when slicing:
//comment out this line
//content: "x-slicer:#{$slices}" !important;
//add this line
content: "" !important;
/*</if slicer>*/
// add a comment line to ensure the end directive gets its own line
/* */
- With Sencha Cmd, generate a universal app (both classic and modern toolkits) with the latest release of the SDK (the one above that was just edited), for example:
sencha -sdk {sdkroot} generate app reference-app ./reference-app
- this command will create an 'ext' folder in the ./reference-app folder
- you can use this 'ext' folder created by this command for the next step
- copy all premium package folders to ./reference-app/ext/packages
in ./modern folder of themes-and-engine
- replace ./modern/ext with new SDK version ('ext' folder from above)
in ./classic folder of themes-and-engine
- replace ./classic/ext with new SDK version ('ext' folder from above)
- in ./template folder of themes-and-engine
- replace version property in package.json.tpl
- run: npm install
- run: npm run allmodern
- run: npm run allclassic
When completed, the ./packages folder will have these 2 npm packages:
- ext-classic-runtime
- ext-modern-runtime
- run: ./packages/ext-modern-runtime/npm publish
- run: ./packages/ext-classic-runtime/npm publish
- run: ./packages/ext-modern-runtime/npm link
- run: ./packages/ext-classic-runtime/npm link
- Angular must be tested with this version of Angular CLI
to install this version of Angular CLI, use this command:
- npm i @angular/[email protected]
there is a 'tests' folder in this repo
- with an Angular CLI ExtAngularClassic project
- test of a Pivot Grid
- test of all classic themes
- aria
- classic
- crisp
- crisp-touch
- graphite
- gray
- neptune
- neptune-touch
- triton