- #47 Update permission imports
- #46 Compatibility with core#2584 (SampleType to DX)
- #44 Compatibility with core#2567 (AnalysisCategory to DX)
- #42 Compatibility with core#2471 (Department to DX)
- #39 Add storage settings for auto-store/recover of primary sample
- #38 Remove Script (Python) for guards in favour of guard_handler
- #37 Migrate Sample/Container Reference Fields to new Widget
- #36 Remove code headers from Script (Python)
- Version 2.3.0 -> 2.4.0
- Version 2.2.0 -> 2.3.0
- #34 Fix non-lab users can access to storage
- #32 Fixed catalogs in page templates
- #30 Compatibility with Senaite catalog migration
- #28 Added upgrade step event subscriber
- #27 Integrate dispatch workflow from senaite.core
- #26 Disallow to modify portal content when stored/booked out samples
- #25 Remove booked out samples from container
- #23 Allow storage container to be booked out
- #22 Allow to move containers
- #21 Allow storage contents to be deactivated
- #20 Added uninstall profile
- #19 Improved storage listing and structuring with positions
- Added full hierarchy filter in containers listings
- #15 Fixed imports to senaite.app.listing
- Do not display Containers and SampleContainers in navbar by default
- Compatibility with senaite.lims 2.x
- #14 Refactor folderitem for storage listings to get full object from brain
- #11 Changed Base Catalog Tool
- #8 Make primary sample to follow partitions on store/recover
- First version of senaite.storage