0.7.0 (2023-05-11)
- ConsoleLogger for logging to stdout (41ceaed)
0.6.4 (2023-05-03)
- Possible supports handles case in which k==n (7be7176)
0.6.3 (2023-05-03)
- Remove extra assignment from maybeminimize! (275eb92)
0.6.2 (2023-05-01)
- PGO swapping did not set non support to 0 (144b9dd)
0.6.1 (2023-05-01)
- Iteration count starts at 1 instead of 0 (f84df60)
0.6.0 (2023-05-01)
- Post-iteration hook applied after first iter (450c5e7)
- Logger to store data in a vector (27b07c2)
0.5.2 (2023-04-17)
- Correct output type of simplex projection (912cefe)
- Use round down when doing bigfloat to float (d070043)
0.5.1 (2023-04-17)
- force exact numeric sum - simplex projection (97a5703)
0.5.0 (2023-04-12)
- Compute best swap across all supports (e69aa73)
- Compute the possible supports per iteration (ea58b66)
- Get current support <= length kmax (d72824f)
- Implement the inner loop of PGO (4dc8c25)
- Implemented the PGO type and one iteration (7a68378)
- PGOOptFunction type enabling inner loop opt (ede217f)
- Remove bounds checking on possiblesupports (67cf58e)
- Use native column-major rather than adjoints (c20c745)
0.4.0 (2023-04-04)
- repeat without diag function (295ddfd)
0.3.0 (2023-04-04)
- vector helper functions (ad7f787)
0.2.0 (2023-01-06)
- step size function (a6c6abe)
0.1.0 (2022-10-31)
- Gradient Descent, Proj Grad Desc, Halpern (b37a0c3)