This is a command line tool that provides almost any of the bndlib functions directly from the command line. It was part of bnd from the first day, which was end around the year 2k, so the number of functions is very large and there is some historic remains left. That said, it can be extremely useful. It fully supports the workspace model. It can be used to build the workspace model without the help of Gradle or, shudder, ant.
Additionally, it provides lots of functions:
- Diagnostics
- Jar processing, diffing, flattening, adding sources, searching, extraction & printing
- Full workspace building including testing, compiling, launching, etc.
- Baselining
- Project/workspace info
- Maven dependencies updates
- Dependency graphs
- Very extensive reporting functions
- Eclipse functions
- nexus signing, up- and downloading
- Jar wrapping
- OSGi repository indexing
- Interacting with the remote agent in an OSGi framework
- Setup verification, especially communications that use the bnd settings
- Version bumping
- ...
The list of functions is:
action - Execute an action on a repo, or if no name is give, list
the actions
add - Add a workspace, or a project or a plugin to the workspace
baseline - Compare a newer bundle to a baselined bundle and provide
versioning advice
bash - Generate autocompletion file for bash
bnd - The swiss army tool for OSGi
bootstrap -
bsn2url -
build - Build a project. This will create the jars defined in the
bnd.bnd and sub-builders.
buildtool -
buildx - Build project, is deprecated but here for backward
bump - Bumps the version of a project
changes -
classpath - Show the classpath with all the current -buildpath and
optional -testpath dependencies
classtoresource - Convert class names to resource paths from stdin to stdout
clean - Clean a project or workspace
collect - Extract a set of resources from a set of JARs given a set
of prefixes. All prefixes in any of the given input jars
are added to the output jar
com - Commands to verify the bnd communications setup
compile - Compile a project or the workspace
convert - Converter to different formats
copy -
create - Create jar, used to support backward compatible java jar
debug - Show a lot of info about the project you're in
defaults -
deliverables - Show all deliverables from this workspace. with their
current version and path.
dependencies - Show the used workspace dependencies
diff - Diff jars
digest - Digests a number of files
do - Execute a file based on its extension. Supported
extensions are: bnd (build), bndrun (run), and jar (print)
eclipse - Eclipse
ees - Show the Execution Environments of a JAR
enroute - OSGi enRoute commands to maintain bnd workspaces (create
workspace, add project, etc)
export -
exportreport - Generate and export reports of a workspace, a project or
of a jar.
extract - Extract files from a JAR file, equivalent jar command
x[vf] (syntax supported)
find -
flatten - Flatten a bundle by expanding all entries on the
generate - Generate source code
graph - Commands to inspect a dependency graph of a set of bundles
grep - Grep the manifest of bundles/jar files.
index - Index bundles from the local file system
info - Show key project variables
junit - Test a project with plain JUnit
jvms -
macro - Show macro value
maven - Maven bundle command
mbr - Maintain Maven Bnd Repository GAV files
nexus -
package - Package a bnd or bndrun file into a single jar that
executes with java -jar <>.jar
packagetoresource - Convert package names to resource paths from stdin to
plugins -
print - Printout the JAR
profile - Profile management. A profile is a JAR that only contains
packages and capabilities
project - Execute a Project action, or if no parms given, show
information about the project
properties - Show the project or the workspace properties
release - Release this project
remote -
remove - Remove a project or a plugin from the workspace
repo - Manage the repositories
resolve -
run - Run a project in the OSGi launcher
runtests - Run OSGi tests and create report
schema - Highly specialized function to create an overview of
package deltas in ees
select - Helps finding information in a set of JARs by filtering on
manifest data and printing out selected information.
settings - Set bnd global variables
shell - Start an interactive shell
source - Merge a binary jar with its sources. It is possible to
specify source path
sync -
syntax - Access the internal bnd database of keywords and options
test - Test a project according to an OSGi test
type - List files int a JAR file, equivalent jar command t[vf]
(syntax supported)
verify - Verify jars
version - Show version information about bnd
view - View a resource from a JAR file.
wrap - Wrap a jar
xmlrepodiff - Shows the differences between two XML resource
xref - Show a cross references for all classes in a set of jars.
The tool is extremely useful in many cases but it is not very polished.
For Mac users, it can be installed with brew.
The current URL is
It can also be installed with jpm or you can download it and run it from the command line when you have a suitable Java VM installed:
curl -o bnd.jar
jar -jar bnd.jar