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API Endpoints

jimwang6012 edited this page Mar 19, 2022 · 28 revisions

API Endpoint Summary

TODO: Write short description incl. base URL, firebase auth etc.


Route Description Path Parameter Request Header Request Payload Response Payload
GET /api/users Get the currently signed in User N/A firebase token N/A 202 Found if success, with {_id: string, first_name: string, last_name: string } or 404 Not Found if user not found
POST /api/users Create/register one user with Firebase and store in db N/A firebase token { first_name: string, last_name: string } 201 Created if success, with { _id: string, first_name: string, last_name: string } or 400 Bad Request


Route Description Path Parameter Request Header Request Payload Response Payload
GET /api/persons/ Get all Persons associated with an authenticated User, can filter with the term param N/A Firebase token { term: string } 200 OK if success, with response2
401 UNAUTHORIZED If User not authenticated
GET /api/persons/:id Get one Person associated with an authenticated User Person's ID Firebase token N/A 200 OK if success, with response
401 UNAUTHORIZED If User not authenticated
404 NOT FOUND If Person with this ID not found
POST /api/persons Create one Person and associate it with the given User N/A Firebase token request 201 CREATED if successful, with response
400 Bad Request If Person could not be created
409 Conflict If Person could not be stored in the User
PUT /api/persons/:id Update one Person associated with an authenticated User Person's ID Firebase token request 204 NO CONTENT if successful, 401 UNAUTHORIZED if user is not logged in or does not exist in the database, 404 NOT FOUND if the Person does not belong to this User or does not exist in the database
DELETE /api/persons/:id Deletes one Person associated with an authenticated User Person's ID Firebase token N/A 200 OK if successful, 401 UNAUTHORIZED if a user is not logged in or does not exist in the database, 409 CONFLICT if there is some inconsistency in the database so User could not be updated or Encounters could not be deleted, 404 NOT FOUND if this Person is not associated with the logged-in User


Route Description Path Parameter Request Header Request Payload Response Payload
GET /api/encounters Get all Encounters associated with an authenticated User, can filter with the term param N/A Firebase token { term: string } 200 OK if success, with
GET /api/encounters/:id Get one Encounter associated with an authenticated User Encounter ID Firebase token N/A 200 OK if success, with response
401 UNAUTHORIZED If User not authenticated
404 NOT FOUND If Encounter with this ID not found
POST /api/encounters Create one Encounter and associate it with the given User N/A Firebase token request 201 CREATED if successful, with response
403 Forbidden If Encounter could not be created
409 Conflict If Encounter could not be stored in the User
PUT /api/encounters/:id --- --- --- --- ---
DELETE /api/ecounters/:id Deletes one Encounter associated with an authenticated User Encounter's ID Firebase token N/A 200 OK if successful, 401 UNAUTHORIZED if a user is not logged in or does not exist in the database, 409 CONFLICT if there is some inconsistency in the database so User or Persons could not be updated, 404 NOT FOUND if this Person is not associated with the logged-in User

GET /encounters

GET /encounters/:id

POST /encounters

PUT /encounters/:id

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