In this step, you change the PirateName
and the BadgesController
classes to
get the list of names and appellations from a JSON file.
Keywords: HTTP Request, Dependency Injection
In the same directory as piratenames.dart
, create a JSON-encoded file named
with the following content:
{ "names": [ "Anne", "Bette", "Cate", "Dawn",
"Elise", "Faye", "Ginger", "Harriot",
"Izzy", "Jane", "Kaye", "Liz",
"Maria", "Nell", "Olive", "Pat",
"Queenie", "Rae", "Sal", "Tam",
"Uma", "Violet", "Wilma", "Xana",
"Yvonne", "Zelda",
"Abe", "Billy", "Caleb", "Davie",
"Eb", "Frank", "Gabe", "House",
"Icarus", "Jack", "Kurt", "Larry",
"Mike", "Nolan", "Oliver", "Pat",
"Quib", "Roy", "Sal", "Tom",
"Ube", "Val", "Walt", "Xavier",
"Yvan", "Zeb"],
"appellations": [ "Awesome", "Black", "Captain", "Damned",
"Even", "Fighter", "Great", "Hearty",
"Irate", "Jackal", "King", "Lord",
"Mighty", "Noble", "Old", "Powerful",
"Quick", "Red", "Stalwart", "Tank",
"Ultimate", "Vicious", "Wily", "aXe",
"Young", "Zealot",
"Angry", "Brave", "Crazy", "Damned",
"Eager", "Fool", "Greedy", "Hated",
"Idiot", "Jinxed", "Kind", "Lame",
"Maimed", "Naked", "Old", "Pale",
"Queasy", "Rat", "Sandy", "Tired",
"Ugly", "Vile", "Weak", "Xeric",
"Yellow", "Zesty"]}
Add this import to the list of imports in piratebadge.dart
import 'dart:async' show Future;
Ignore the 'Unused import' warning from the Editor. You'll soon be using the import.
In BadgesController
class, replace the names
and appelations
lists with
these static, empty lists:
class BadgesController {
// ...
static List<String> names = [];
static List<String> appellations = [];
// ...
In BadgesController
, add a private Http _http
field, and add a constructor
to initialize _http
class BadgesController {
// ...
final Http _http;
// ...
The Http
service facilitates communication with the remote HTTP servers.
You don't need to do anything to ngBootstrap()
to use the Http
since an instance of it is automatically injected by Angular.
Now add a private _loadData()
method to BadgesController
class BadgesController {
// ...
Future _loadData() {
return _http.get('piratenames.json').then((HttpResponse response) {
names =['names'];
appellations =['appellations'];
// ...
Here are some things to note about _loadData
- The
method is used to make Http GET requests. - The code uses a Future to perform the GET asynchronously. A Future is a way to get a value in the future. For JavaScript developers: Futures are similar to Promises.
- The callback function for
executes when the Future completes successfully, and the pirate names and appelations are read from the response data.
Add a dataLoaded
field to BadgesController
and set it to false
class BadgesController {
// ...
bool dataLoaded = false;
// ...
Replace the code you have for the BadgesController
constructor with the
class BadgesController {
// ...
bool dataLoaded = false;
BadgesController(this._http) {
.then((_) => dataLoaded = true)
.catchError((error) {
print('Could not read data from the JSON file: $error');
// ...
When _loadData()
successfully reads the JSON content, dataLoaded
. If the Future returned by _loadData()
completes with an error,
handles the error. Chaining then()
and catchError()
getting the value of Future is a common pattern in Dart asynchronous
programming and can be thought as the rough equivalent of a synchronous
try-catch block.
Change the input and the button so that they are disabled by default, and enable them only when the JSON data is loaded:
<div class="widgets">
<input type="text" id="inputName" maxlength="15" ng-model=""
<button ng-click="ctrl.generateName()"
ng-disabled="!ctrl.dataLoaded || ctrl.inputIsNotEmpty">
If the expression in ng-disabled
is truthy, then special attribute
"disabled" is set on the element. When ctrl.dataLoaded
is false, the input
and button elements are disabled.
Check your code against the files in 6-piratebadge_json.