ssh to EC2 instance using key [substitute proper DNS name]
ssh -i foo.pem [email protected]
Quick checklist
ssh in
change hostname (see below)
restart Oracle (if necessary) (see below)
sudo su oracle
check tns listener (see below)
sudo change user
sudo su oracle
sudo su ubuntu
Oracle shell
log in as root
sqlplus / as sysdba
log in as user
sqlplus user/pwd
Oracle tns listener status. (Should not show no services running. Check 'hostname')
lsnrctl status
machine hostname
change machine hostname (using info from ifconfig)
sudo hostname ip-10-83-115-117
restart oracle (rather than directly invoke /etc/init.d/oracledb script) Need to restart after changing hostname.
sudo service oracledb restart
Oracle jdbc url
You can find the SID/SERVICE name in your tnsnames.ora file
schema is case sensitive
Drop/reload .sql file
sudo su oracle
cd ~
scp -i ~/.ssh/foo.pem nuge_cre.sql [email protected]:/home/ubuntu/nuge_cre.sql
sqlplus / as sysdba
sqlplus <%=revelytix-aws-oracle-db.user%>/<%=revelytix-aws-oracle-db.pwd%>
select count(table_name) from user_tables;