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@glemaitre glemaitre released this 09 Oct 13:39
· 19 commits to 0.3.X since this release

What's new in version 0.3.0


  • Pytest is used instead of nosetests. :issue:321 by Joan Massich_.


  • Added a User Guide and extended some examples. :issue:295 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in :func:utils.check_ratio such that an error is raised when
    the number of samples required is negative. :issue:312 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • Fixed a bug in :class:under_sampling.NearMiss version 3. The
    indices returned were wrong. :issue:312 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • Fixed bug for :class:ensemble.BalanceCascade and :class:combine.SMOTEENN
    and :class:SMOTETomek. :issue:295 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.`

  • Fixed bug for check_ratio to be able to pass arguments when ratio is a
    callable. :issue:307 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.`

New features

  • Turn off steps in :class:pipeline.Pipeline using the None
    object. By Christos Aridas_.

  • Add a fetching function :func:datasets.fetch_datasets in order to get some
    imbalanced datasets useful for benchmarking. :issue:249 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.


  • All samplers accepts sparse matrices with defaulting on CSR type. :issue:316 by
    Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • :func:datasets.make_imbalance take a ratio similarly to other samplers. It
    supports multiclass. :issue:312 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • All the unit tests have been factorized and a :func:utils.check_estimators
    has been derived from scikit-learn. By Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • Script for automatic build of conda packages and uploading. :issue:242 by
    Guillaume Lemaitre_

  • Remove seaborn dependence and improve the examples. :issue:264 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • adapt all classes to multi-class resampling. :issue:290 by Guillaume Lemaitre_

API changes summary

  • __init__ has been removed from the :class:base.SamplerMixin to
    create a real mixin class. :issue:242 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • creation of a module :mod:exceptions to handle consistant raising of
    errors. :issue:242 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • creation of a module utils.validation to make checking of
    recurrent patterns. :issue:242 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • move the under-sampling methods in prototype_selection and
    prototype_generation submodule to make a clearer dinstinction. :issue:277 by
    Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • change ratio such that it can adapt to multiple class problems. :issue:290 by
    Guillaume Lemaitre_.


  • Deprecation of the use of min_c_ in :func:datasets.make_imbalance. :issue:312 by
    Guillaume Lemaitre_

  • Deprecation of the use of float in :func:datasets.make_imbalance for the
    ratio parameter. :issue:290 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.

  • deprecate the use of float as ratio in favor of dictionary, string, or
    callable. :issue:290 by Guillaume Lemaitre_.