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213 lines (137 loc) · 6.92 KB

Contributing to vector

If you are planning to develop vector, or want to use the latest commit of vector on your local machine, you might want to install it from the source. This installation is not recommended for users who want to use the stable version of vector. The steps below describe the installation process of vector's latest commit. This page also describes how to test vector's codebase and build vector's documentation.

Note: Scikit-HEP's developer information is a general and much more detailed collection of documentation available for developing Scikit-HEP packages. This developer guide is specific to vector.

Installing vector

We recommend using a virtual environment to install vector. This would isolate the library from your global Python environment, which would be beneficial for reproducing bugs, and the overall development of vector. The first step would be to clone vector -

git clone

and then we can change the current working directory and enter vector -

cd vector

Creating a virtual environment

A virtual environment can be set up and activated using venv in both UNIX and Windows systems.


python3 -m venv .env
. .env/bin/activate


python -m venv .env


The developer installation of vector comes with several options -

  • awkward: installs awkward along with vector
  • test: the test dependencies
  • test-extras: extra dependencies to run tests on a specific Python version and Operating System
  • docs: extra dependencies to build and develop vector's documentation
  • dev: installs the awkward option + the test option + numba

These options can be used with pip with the editable (-e) mode of installation in the following way -

pip install -e .[dev,test]

For example, if you want to install the docs dependencies along with the dependencies included above, use -

pip install -e .[dev,test,docs]

Furthermore, vector can also be installed using conda. This installation also requires using a virtual environment -

conda env create
conda activate vector
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge  # Optional

Adding vector for notebooks

vector can be added to the notebooks using the following commands -

python -m ipykernel install --user --name vector

Activating pre-commit

vector uses a set of pre-commit hooks and the pre-commit bot to format, type-check, and prettify the codebase. The hooks can be installed locally using -

pre-commit install

This would run the checks every time a commit is created locally. The checks will only run on the files modified by that commit, but the checks can be triggered for all the files using -

pre-commit run --all-files

If you would like to skip the failing checks and push the code for further discussion, use the --no-verify option with git commit.

Testing vector

vector is tested using pytest and pytest-doctestplus. pytest is responsible for testing the code, whose configuration is available in pyproject.toml.pytest-doctestplus is responsible for testing the examples available in every docstring, which prevents them from going stale. Additionally, vector also uses pytest-cov to calculate the coverage of these unit tests.

Running tests locally

The tests can be executed using the test and test-extras dependencies of vector in the following way -

python -m pytest

To skip the notebook tests, use --ignore=tests/

Running tests with coverage locally

The coverage value can be obtained while running the tests using pytest-cov in the following way -

python -m pytest --cov=vector tests/

Running doctests

The doctests can be executed using the test dependencies of vector in the following way -

python -m pytest --doctest-plus src/vector/

or, one can run the doctests along with the unit tests in the following way -

python -m pytest --doctest-plus .

A much more detailed guide on testing with pytest for Scikit-HEP packages is available here.

Running notebook tests

The Notebook tests can be executed individually in the following way -

pytest tests/

Documenting vector

vector's documentation is mainly written in the form of docstrings and reStructurredText. The docstrings include the description, arguments, examples, return values, and attributes of a class or a function, and the .rst files enable us to render this documentation on vector's documentation website.

vector primarily uses Sphinx for rendering documentation on its website. The configuration file ( for sphinx can be found here. The documentation is deployed on here.

Ideally, with the addition of every new feature to vector, documentation should be added using comments, docstrings, and .rst files.

Building documentation locally

The documentation is located in the docs folder of the main repository. This documentation can be generated using the docs dependencies of vector in the following way -

cd docs/
make clean
make html

The commands executed above will clean any existing documentation build and create a new build under the docs/_build folder. You can view this build in any browser by opening the index.html file.


vector supports running various critical commands using nox to make them less intimidating for new developers. All of these commands (or sessions in the language of nox) - lint, tests, notebooks, doctests, docs, and build - are defined in

nox can be installed via pip using -

pip install nox

The default sessions (lint, tests, and doctests) can be executed using -


Running pre-commit with nox

The pre-commit hooks can be run with nox in the following way -

nox -s lint

Running tests with nox

Tests can be run with nox in the following way -

nox -s tests

Notebooks can be tested with nox in the following way -

nox -s notebooks

Building documentation with nox

Docs can be built with nox in the following way -

nox -s docs

Use the following command if you want to deploy the docs on localhost -

nox -s docs -- serve