This repository contains a minimal version of the meson-based systemd build environment and the required source files to build a standalone version of the excellent systemd efi stub - that is, without actually building the entire systemd source tree. In less than two seconds!
To get more information about the systemd efi stub itself, check out its official documentation.
I experiment with the systemd efi stub quite a lot and found it quite impractical to build the entire systemd suite just to get down to the ~90K EFI stub executable. Especially because of all the additional dependencies, amount of configuration and compilation time that is required for building systemd. And since I have not found a clean way to disable all other components in the upstream configuration, I just went ahead and stripped out everything that appeared to be unrelated to the precious EFI stub build process and prepared it for redistribution.
The systemd source code files used in this repository were imported from the upstream systemd repository .
The last import was performed with the following version:
2021-10-08 - v249 - commit #20966
All source code files required for building the systemd efi stub have been moved to a single source directory (/src). This includes: (src/boot/efi/*), (src/fundamental*) and (src/version/*) from the original systemd tree. systemd-boot has also been removed.
A recent GNU/Linux system of a supported CPU architecture (e.g. i386, amd64, arm64, ...) is required.
The build process depends on:
- GCC (LLVM's linker is incompatible!)
- meson
- ninja-build
- python3
- pkgconfig
- build-essential
- meson
- ninja-build
- gnu-efi
- python3
- pkg-config
In the repository directory, run the following commands:
make install
The Makefile serves as a tiny wrapper for the meson and ninja build process.
The latter make install command copies the final EFI stub (and the ELF file it was generated from (for debugging / inspection)) to the (/install) subdirectory:
install/linuxx64.elf.stub (Only for debugging / inspection)
install/linuxx64.efi.stub (For unified kernel images)
make clean
The make clean command deletes both the (/build) and (/install) directories and allows you to cleanly rebuild the stub from scratch again.
To the best of my knowledge, all systemd source files used in this repository are licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL2.1), which is included in the LICENSE.LGPL2.1 file.
All changes made by me, if even considered copyrightable, are hereby also published under the aforementioned terms.
This repository is in no way affiliated with the systemd project.
Alexander Schreiber (schreiberstein) - 2021