This is an overview of all the configuration options available:
# config/packages/scheb_2fa.yaml
# Trusted device feature
enabled: false # If the trusted device feature should be enabled
manager: acme.custom_trusted_device_manager # Use a custom trusted device manager
lifetime: 5184000 # Lifetime of the trusted device token
extend_lifetime: false # Automatically extend lifetime of the trusted cookie on re-login
key: null # Encryption key for JWT token, must be at least 32 characters. If not set the
# application's kernel.secret is used.
cookie_name: trusted_device # Name of the trusted device cookie
cookie_secure: false # true|false|auto Set the 'Secure' (HTTPS Only) flag on the trusted device cookie
cookie_same_site: "lax" # The same-site option of the cookie, can be "lax", "strict" or null
cookie_domain: "" # Domain to use when setting the cookie, fallback to the request domain if not set
cookie_path: "/" # Path to use when setting the cookie
# Backup codes feature
enabled: false # If the backup code feature should be enabled
manager: acme.custom_backup_code_manager # Use a custom backup code manager
# Email authentication config
enabled: true # If email authentication should be enabled, default false
mailer: acme.custom_mailer_service # Use alternative service to send the authentication code
code_generator: acme.custom_code_generator_service # Use alternative service to generate authentication code
sender_email: [email protected] # Sender email address
sender_name: John Doe # Sender name
digits: 4 # Number of digits in authentication code
template: security/2fa_form.html.twig # Template used to render the authentication form
form_renderer: acme.custom_form_renderer # Use a custom form renderer service
# Google Authenticator config
enabled: true # If Google Authenticator should be enabled, default false
server_name: Server Name # Server name used in QR code
issuer: Issuer Name # Issuer name used in QR code
digits: 6 # Number of digits in authentication code
window: 1 # [DEPRECATED since v6.11, will be removed in v7] Use "leeway", if possible
# Behavior depends on the version of Spomky-Labs/otphp used:
# - Until v10: How many codes before/after the current one would be accepted
# - From v11: Acceptable time drift in seconds
leeway: 0 # Acceptable time drift in seconds, requires Spomky-Labs/otphp v11 to be used
# Must be less or equal than 30 seconds
# If configured, takes precedence over the "window" option
template: security/2fa_form.html.twig # Template used to render the authentication form
form_renderer: acme.custom_form_renderer # Use a custom form renderer service
# TOTP authentication config
enabled: true # If TOTP authentication should be enabled, default false
server_name: Server Name # Server name used in QR code
issuer: Issuer Name # Issuer name used in QR code
window: 1 # [DEPRECATED since v6.11, will be removed in v7] Use "leeway", if possible
# Behavior depends on the version of Spomky-Labs/otphp used:
# - Until v10: How many codes before/after the current one would be accepted
# - From v11: Acceptable time drift in seconds
leeway: 0 # Acceptable time drift in seconds, requires Spomky-Labs/otphp v11 to be used
# Must be less or equal than the TOTP code's period
# If configured, takes precedence over the "window" option
parameters: # Additional parameters added in the QR code
image: 'https://my-service/img/logo.png'
template: security/2fa_form.html.twig # Template used to render the authentication form
form_renderer: acme.custom_form_renderer # Use a custom form renderer service
# The service which is used to persist data in the user object. By default Doctrine is used. If your entity is
# managed by something else (e.g. an API), you have to implement a custom persister.
# Must implement Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Model\PersisterInterface
persister: acme.custom_persister
# If your Doctrine user object is managed by a model manager, which is not the default one, you have to
# set this option. Name of entity manager or null, which uses the default one.
model_manager_name: ~
# The security token classes, which trigger two-factor authentication.
# By default the bundle only reacts to Symfony's username+password authentication. If you want to enable
# two-factor authentication for other authentication methods, add their security token classes.
- Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken
- Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authenticator\Token\PostAuthenticationToken
# A list of IP addresses or netmasks, which will not trigger two-factor authentication.
# Supports IPv4, IPv6 and IP subnet masks.
- # One IPv4
- # IPv4 subnet
- 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 # One IPv6
- 2001:db8:abcd:0012::0/64 # IPv6 subnet
# If you want to have your own implementation to retrieve the whitelisted IPs.
# The configuration option "ip_whitelist" becomes meaningless in that case.
# Must implement Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\IpWhitelist\IpWhitelistProviderInterface
ip_whitelist_provider: acme.custom_ip_whitelist_provider
# If you want to exchange/extend the TwoFactorToken class, which is used by the bundle, you can have a factory
# service providing your own implementation.
# Must implement Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Authentication\Token\TwoFactorTokenFactoryInterface
two_factor_token_factory: acme.custom_two_factor_token_factory
# If you need custom conditions when to perform two-factor authentication.
# Must implement Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\Condition\TwoFactorConditionInterface
two_factor_condition: acme.custom_two_factor_condition
# config/packages/security.yaml
# ...
auth_form_path: /2fa # Path or route name of the two-factor form
check_path: /2fa_check # Path or route name of the two-factor code check
post_only: true # If the check_path should accept the code only as a POST request
default_target_path: / # Where to redirect by default after successful authentication
always_use_default_target_path: false # If it should always redirect to default_target_path
auth_code_parameter_name: _auth_code # Name of the parameter for the two-factor authentication code
# (supports symfony/property-access notation for nested values)
trusted_parameter_name: _trusted # Name of the parameter for the trusted device option
# (supports symfony/property-access notation for nested values)
remember_me_sets_trusted: false # If remember-me option should also set the trusted device cookie
multi_factor: false # If ALL active two-factor methods need to be fulfilled
# (multi-factor authentication)
success_handler: acme.custom_success_handler # Use a custom success handler instead of the default one
failure_handler: acme.custom_failure_handler # Use a custom failure handler instead of the default one
# Use a custom authentication required handler instead of the default one
# This can be used to modify the default behavior of the bundle, which is always redirecting to the
# two-factor authentication form, when two-factor authentication is required.
authentication_required_handler: acme.custom_auth_reqired_handler
# Some two-factor providers need to be "prepared", usually a code is generated and sent to the user. Per
# default, this happens when the two-factor form is shown. But you may want to execute preparation
# earlier in the user's journey.
prepare_on_login: false # If the two-factor provider should be prepared right after login
prepare_on_access_denied: false # The the two-factor provider should be prepared when the user has to
# to complete two-factor authentication to view a page. This would
# prepare right before redirecting to the two-factor form.
enable_csrf: true # If CSRF protection should be enabled on the two-factor auth form
csrf_parameter: _csrf_token # The default CSRF parameter name
# (supports symfony/property-access notation for nested values)
csrf_token_id: two_factor # The default CSRF token id, for generating the token value, it is
# advised to use a different id per firewall
# If you have multiple user providers registered, Symfony's security extension requires you to configure
# a user provider. You're forced to configure this node, although it doesn't have any effect on the
# TwoFactorBundle. So set this to any of your user providers, it doesn't matter which one.
provider: any_user_provider
For detailed information on the authentication methods see the individual documentation: