Apex supports the notion of hooks, which allow you to execute shell commands throughout a function's lifecycle. For example you may use these hooks to run tests or linting before a deploy, or to transpile source code using Babel, CoffeeScript, or similar.
Hooks may be specified in project.json or function.json. Hooks are executed in the function's directory, not the project's directory. If a hook exits > 0 then Apex will halt and display the error.
Internally Apex uses these hooks to implement out-of-the-box support for Golang and other compiled languages.
run before a function zip is built (use this to compile binaries or transform source)deploy
run before a function is deployed (useful for testing, linting)clean
run after a function is deployed (useful for cleaning up build artifacts)
Here's the hooks used internally for Golang support.
"hooks": {
"build": "GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o main main.go",
"clean": "rm -f main"