diff --git a/.Rprofile b/.Rprofile
index 3b1f9dd1..66c7a7cc 100644
--- a/.Rprofile
+++ b/.Rprofile
@@ -1 +1,46 @@
options(repos = c("https://cran.microsoft.com/snapshot/2020-05-01"))
+# source("renv/activate.R")
+# 'https://repo.jamovi.org'
+# "/Users/serdarbalciold/Library/R/3.6/library"
+# "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/library"
+.libPaths(new = "~/histopathRprojects/ClinicoPathLibrary")
+# source(
+# "renv/activate.R"
+# "~/histopathRprojects/ClinicoPath/renv/activate.R"
+# # here::here("renv/activate.R")
+# )
+# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2096473/r-determine-if-a-script-is-running-in-windows-or-linux
+# https://conjugateprior.org/2015/06/identifying-the-os-from-r/
+# if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
+# if (!requireNamespace('jmvtools')) install.packages('jmvtools', repos=c('https://repo.jamovi.org', 'https://cran.r-project.org'))
+# library("jmvtools")
+# jmvtools::check("C://Program Files//jamovi//bin")
+# .libPaths(new = "C:\\ClinicoPathLibrary")
+# Sys.setenv(TZ = "Europe/Istanbul")
+# }
+.First <- function(){
+ cat("\nWelcome to ClinicoPath", date(), "\n")
+.Last <- function(){
+ cat("\nGoodbye at ", date(), "\n")
index 97096d23..38f6c5c2 100644
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Type: Package
Package: ClinicoPath
Title: Analysis for Clinicopathological Research
-Date: 2020-06-05
+Date: 2020-06-09
person(given = "Serdar",
family = "Balci",
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ Suggests:
+ ndphillips/FFTrees,
+ easystats/report,
+ spgarbet/tangram,
+ cran/rmngb
Encoding: UTF-8
diff --git a/R/jjbarstats.b.R b/R/jjbarstats.b.R
index 96161e01..da2d50c5 100644
--- a/R/jjbarstats.b.R
+++ b/R/jjbarstats.b.R
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
This tool will help you generate Bar Charts.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
+ This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations ggbarstats and grouped_ggbarstats.
Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
diff --git a/R/jjbetweenstats.b.R b/R/jjbetweenstats.b.R
index 67c301c7..f6686b53 100644
--- a/R/jjbetweenstats.b.R
+++ b/R/jjbetweenstats.b.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#' @title jjbetweenstats
+#' @title Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups
diff --git a/R/jjbetweenstats.h.R b/R/jjbetweenstats.h.R
index 884161a8..f2028b99 100644
--- a/R/jjbetweenstats.h.R
+++ b/R/jjbetweenstats.h.R
@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ jjbetweenstatsOptions <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "ordinal",
- "nominal"),
+ "continuous"),
- "factor"))
+ "numeric"))
private$..group <- jmvcore::OptionVariable$new(
@@ -191,7 +190,6 @@ jjbetweenstats <- function(
`if`( ! missing(group), group, NULL),
`if`( ! missing(grvar), grvar, NULL))
- for (v in dep) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
for (v in group) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
for (v in grvar) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
diff --git a/R/jjcorrmat.b.R b/R/jjcorrmat.b.R
index 3eb1ddad..9fcf8c7a 100644
--- a/R/jjcorrmat.b.R
+++ b/R/jjcorrmat.b.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#' @title jjcorrmat
+#' @title Correlation Matrix
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ jjcorrmatClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
.run = function() {
# Initial Message ----
- if ( is.null(self$options$dep) ) {
+ if ( length(self$options$dep) <= 1 ) {
# TODO ----
todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
+ "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
This tool will help you generate Bar Charts.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
+ This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations ggcorrmat and grouped_ggcorrmat.
Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ jjcorrmatClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
# the plot function ----
# Error messages ----
- if ( is.null(self$options$dep) )
+ if ( length(self$options$dep) <= 1 )
if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ jjcorrmatClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
+ # define main arguments ----
myvars <- jmvcore::constructFormula(terms = self$options$dep)
@@ -123,97 +124,90 @@ jjcorrmatClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
-# ,
-# .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
-# # the plot function ----
-# # Error messages ----
-# if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$grvar))
-# return()
-# if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
-# stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
-# # Prepare Data ----
-# mydata <- self$data
-# # direction, paired ----
-# direction <- self$options$direction
-# if (direction == "repeated") {
-# paired <- TRUE
-# } else if (direction == "independent") {
-# paired <- FALSE
-# }
-# # Exclude NA ----
-# excl <- self$options$excl
-# if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
-# dep <- self$options$dep
-# dep <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = dep)
-# # grouped_ggcorrmat
-# # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggcorrmat.html
-# if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
-# grvar <- self$options$grvar
-# plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggcorrmat(
-# data,
-# cor.vars = NULL,
-# cor.vars.names = NULL,
-# grouping.var,
-# title.prefix = NULL,
-# output = "plot",
-# ...,
-# plotgrid.args = list(),
-# title.text = NULL,
-# title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
-# caption.text = NULL,
-# caption.args = list(size = 10),
-# sub.text = NULL,
-# sub.args = list(size = 12)
-# )
-# }
-# # Print Plot ----
-# print(plot2)
-# }
+ ,
+ .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
+ # the plot function ----
+ # Error messages ----
+ if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$grvar))
+ return()
+ if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
+ stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
+ # Prepare Data ----
+ mydata <- self$data
+ # direction, paired ----
+ direction <- self$options$direction
+ if (direction == "repeated") {
+ paired <- TRUE
+ } else if (direction == "independent") {
+ paired <- FALSE
+ }
+ # Exclude NA ----
+ excl <- self$options$excl
+ if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
+ # define main arguments ----
+ myvars <- jmvcore::constructFormula(terms = self$options$dep)
+ myvars <- jmvcore::decomposeFormula(formula = myvars)
+ myvars <- unlist(myvars)
+ # grouped_ggcorrmat ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggcorrmat.html
+ if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
+ grvar <- self$options$grvar
+ plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggcorrmat(
+ data = mydata,
+ cor.vars = myvars,
+ cor.vars.names = NULL,
+ grouping.var = !!grvar,
+ title.prefix = NULL,
+ output = "plot",
+ plotgrid.args = list(),
+ title.text = NULL,
+ title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
+ caption.text = NULL,
+ caption.args = list(size = 10),
+ sub.text = NULL,
+ sub.args = list(size = 12)
+ )
+ }
+ # Print Plot ----
+ print(plot2)
+ }
diff --git a/R/jjcorrmat.h.R b/R/jjcorrmat.h.R
index 5c5457e8..aa4eaff2 100644
--- a/R/jjcorrmat.h.R
+++ b/R/jjcorrmat.h.R
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ jjcorrmatResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
inherit = jmvcore::Group,
active = list(
todo = function() private$.items[["todo"]],
+ plot2 = function() private$.items[["plot2"]],
plot = function() private$.items[["plot"]]),
private = list(),
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ jjcorrmatResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="jjcorrmat",
+ title="Correlation Matrix",
@@ -84,10 +85,23 @@ jjcorrmatResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
+ self$add(jmvcore::Image$new(
+ options=options,
+ name="plot2",
+ title="Chart",
+ width=800,
+ height=600,
+ renderFun=".plot2",
+ requiresData=TRUE,
+ clearWith=list(
+ "dep",
+ "grvar",
+ "direction"),
+ visible="(grvar)"))
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`",
+ title="Chart",
@@ -117,7 +131,7 @@ jjcorrmatBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
requiresMissings = FALSE)
-#' jjcorrmat
+#' Correlation Matrix
#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
#' ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
@@ -135,6 +149,7 @@ jjcorrmatBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
#' @return A results object containing:
#' \tabular{llllll}{
#' \code{results$todo} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab a html \cr
+#' \code{results$plot2} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
#' \code{results$plot} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
#' }
diff --git a/R/jjdotplotstats.b.R b/R/jjdotplotstats.b.R
index af66e344..01c1abf2 100644
--- a/R/jjdotplotstats.b.R
+++ b/R/jjdotplotstats.b.R
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-#' @title jjdotplotstats
+#' @title Dot Chart
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
@@ -11,178 +9,6 @@
jjdotplotstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
inherit = jjdotplotstatsBase,
- private = list(
- .run = function() {
- # Initial Message ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep) ||
- is.null(self$options$group)) {
- # TODO ----
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
- This tool will help you generate Bar Plots.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
- Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
- )
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
- return()
- } else {
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
You have selected to use a barplot to compare a categorical variable with another.
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- }
- }
- ,
- .plot = function(image, ...) {
- # the plot function ----
- # Error messages ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep) ||
- is.null(self$options$group))
- return()
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- # Prepare Data ----
- direction <- self$options$direction
- # distribution <-
- # jmvcore::constructFormula(terms = self$options$distribution)
- # pairw <- self$options$pairw
- mydata <- self$data
- # Exclude NA ----
- excl <- self$options$excl
- if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
- mydep <- mydata[[self$options$dep]]
- mygroup <- mydata[[self$options$group]]
- if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
- mygrvar <- mydata[[self$options$grvar]]
- }
- # ggdotplotstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggdotplotstats.html
- ggdotplotstats(
- data,
- x,
- y,
- xlab = NULL,
- ylab = NULL,
- title = NULL,
- subtitle = NULL,
- caption = NULL,
- type = "parametric",
- test.value = 0,
- bf.prior = 0.707,
- bf.message = TRUE,
- effsize.type = "g",
- conf.level = 0.95,
- nboot = 100,
- k = 2,
- results.subtitle = TRUE,
- point.args = list(color = "black", size = 3, shape = 16),
- test.k = 0,
- test.value.line = FALSE,
- test.value.line.args = list(size = 1),
- test.value.label.args = list(size = 3),
- centrality.parameter = "mean",
- centrality.k = 2,
- centrality.line.args = list(color = "blue", size = 1),
- centrality.label.args = list(color = "blue", size = 3),
- ggplot.component = NULL,
- ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
- ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
- output = "plot",
- messages = TRUE,
- ...
- )
- # grouped_ggdotplotstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggdotplotstats.html
- grouped_ggdotplotstats(
- data,
- x,
- y,
- grouping.var,
- title.prefix = NULL,
- output = "plot",
- ...,
- plotgrid.args = list(),
- title.text = NULL,
- title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
- caption.text = NULL,
- caption.args = list(size = 10),
- sub.text = NULL,
- sub.args = list(size = 12)
- )
- # Print Plot ----
- print(plot)
- }
- )
-#' @title Bar Charts
-#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
-#' @import jmvcore
-jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "jjbarstatsClass",
- inherit = jjbarstatsBase,
private = list(
.run = function() {
@@ -193,11 +19,11 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
# TODO ----
todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
+ "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
This tool will help you generate Bar Charts.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
+ This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations for ggdotplotstats and grouped_ggdotplotstats.
Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
@@ -211,7 +37,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
# TODO ----
todo <- glue::glue(
- "
You have selected to use a barplot to compare a categorical variable with another.
+ "
You have selected to use a Dot Plot to compare continious variables by groups.
@@ -222,7 +48,6 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
.plot = function(image, ...) {
# the plot function ----
@@ -269,10 +94,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
- # mydep <- mydata[[self$options$dep]]
- # mygroup <- mydata[[self$options$group]]
+ # define main arguments ----
dep <- self$options$dep
@@ -284,51 +106,44 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
- # ggbarstats ----
- # bar charts for categorical data
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggbarstats.html
+ # ggdotplotstats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggdotplotstats.html
plot <-
- ggstatsplot::ggbarstats(
+ ggstatsplot::ggdotplotstats(
data = mydata,
- main = !!dep,
- condition = !!group,
- paired = paired,
- counts = NULL,
- ratio = NULL,
- results.subtitle = TRUE,
- sample.size.label = TRUE,
- label = "percentage",
- perc.k = 0,
- label.args = list(alpha = 1, fill = "white"),
- bf.message = TRUE,
- sampling.plan = "indepMulti",
- fixed.margin = "rows",
- prior.concentration = 1,
+ x = !!dep,
+ y = !!group,
+ xlab = NULL,
+ ylab = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
+ type = "parametric",
+ test.value = 0,
+ bf.prior = 0.707,
+ bf.message = TRUE,
+ effsize.type = "g",
conf.level = 0.95,
nboot = 100,
- legend.title = NULL,
- xlab = NULL,
- ylab = NULL,
k = 2,
- proportion.test = TRUE,
+ results.subtitle = TRUE,
+ point.args = list(color = "black", size = 3, shape = 16),
+ test.k = 0,
+ test.value.line = FALSE,
+ test.value.line.args = list(size = 1),
+ test.value.label.args = list(size = 3),
+ centrality.parameter = "mean",
+ centrality.k = 2,
+ centrality.line.args = list(color = "blue", size = 1),
+ centrality.label.args = list(color = "blue", size = 3),
+ ggplot.component = NULL,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
- package = "RColorBrewer",
- palette = "Dark2",
- ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
- messages = TRUE,
- x = NULL,
- y = NULL
+ messages = TRUE
@@ -340,7 +155,9 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- , .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
+ ,
+ .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
# the plot function ----
# Error messages ----
@@ -377,6 +194,8 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
+ # define main arguments ----
dep <- self$options$dep
@@ -390,28 +209,21 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- # grouped_ggbarstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggbarstats.html
+ # grouped_ggdotplotstats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggdotplotstats.html
if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
grvar <- self$options$grvar
- plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats(
+ plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggdotplotstats(
data = mydata,
- main = !!dep,
- condition = !!group,
+ x = !!dep,
+ y = !!group,
grouping.var = !!grvar,
- paired = paired,
- counts = NULL,
title.prefix = NULL,
output = "plot",
- x = NULL,
- y = NULL,
plotgrid.args = list(),
title.text = NULL,
title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
@@ -421,6 +233,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
sub.args = list(size = 12)
# Print Plot ----
diff --git a/R/jjdotplotstats.h.R b/R/jjdotplotstats.h.R
index eac2b9b9..1c7c7d55 100644
--- a/R/jjdotplotstats.h.R
+++ b/R/jjdotplotstats.h.R
@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ jjdotplotstatsOptions <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "ordinal",
- "nominal"),
+ "continuous"),
- "factor"))
+ "numeric"))
private$..group <- jmvcore::OptionVariable$new(
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ jjdotplotstatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="jjdotplotstats",
+ title="Dot Chart",
@@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ jjdotplotstatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`",
+ title="`Dot Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`",
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ jjdotplotstatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`",
+ title="`Dot Chart ${group} - {dep}`",
@@ -147,10 +146,10 @@ jjdotplotstatsBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
requiresMissings = FALSE)
-#' jjdotplotstats
+#' Dot Chart
-#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
-#' ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggdotplotstats and
+#' ggstatsplot::grouped_ggdotplotstats to generate Dot Charts.'
#' @examples
@@ -192,7 +191,6 @@ jjdotplotstats <- function(
`if`( ! missing(group), group, NULL),
`if`( ! missing(grvar), grvar, NULL))
- for (v in dep) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
for (v in group) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
for (v in grvar) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
diff --git a/R/jjhistostats.b.R b/R/jjhistostats.b.R
index 75d938f1..991103a9 100644
--- a/R/jjhistostats.b.R
+++ b/R/jjhistostats.b.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#' @title jjhistostats
+#' @title Histogram
@@ -13,188 +13,10 @@ jjhistostatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
inherit = jjhistostatsBase,
private = list(
.run = function() {
# Initial Message ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep) ||
- is.null(self$options$group)) {
- # TODO ----
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
- This tool will help you generate Bar Plots.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
- Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
- )
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
- return()
- } else {
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
You have selected to use a barplot to compare a categorical variable with another.
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- }
- }
- ,
- .plot = function(image, ...) {
- # the plot function ----
- # Error messages ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep) ||
- is.null(self$options$group))
- return()
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- # Prepare Data ----
- direction <- self$options$direction
- # distribution <-
- # jmvcore::constructFormula(terms = self$options$distribution)
- # pairw <- self$options$pairw
- mydata <- self$data
- # Exclude NA ----
- excl <- self$options$excl
- if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
- mydep <- mydata[[self$options$dep]]
- mygroup <- mydata[[self$options$group]]
- if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
- mygrvar <- mydata[[self$options$grvar]]
- }
- # gghistostats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/gghistostats.html
- gghistostats(
- data,
- x,
- binwidth = NULL,
- bar.measure = "count",
- xlab = NULL,
- title = NULL,
- subtitle = NULL,
- caption = NULL,
- type = "parametric",
- test.value = 0,
- bf.prior = 0.707,
- bf.message = TRUE,
- effsize.type = "g",
- conf.level = 0.95,
- nboot = 100,
- k = 2L,
- ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
- ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
- bar.fill = "grey50",
- results.subtitle = TRUE,
- test.k = 0,
- test.value.line = FALSE,
- test.value.line.args = list(size = 1),
- test.value.label.args = list(size = 3),
- centrality.parameter = "mean",
- centrality.k = 2,
- centrality.line.args = list(size = 1, color = "blue"),
- centrality.label.args = list(color = "blue", size = 3),
- normal.curve = FALSE,
- normal.curve.args = list(size = 3),
- ggplot.component = NULL,
- output = "plot",
- messages = TRUE,
- ...
- )
- # grouped_gghistostats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_gghistostats.html
- grouped_gghistostats(
- data,
- x,
- grouping.var,
- binwidth = NULL,
- title.prefix = NULL,
- output = "plot",
- ...,
- plotgrid.args = list(),
- title.text = NULL,
- title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
- caption.text = NULL,
- caption.args = list(size = 10),
- sub.text = NULL,
- sub.args = list(size = 12)
- )
- # Print Plot ----
- print(plot)
- }
- )
-#' @title Bar Charts
-#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
-#' @import jmvcore
-jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "jjbarstatsClass",
- inherit = jjbarstatsBase,
- private = list(
- .run = function() {
- # Initial Message ----
- if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$group)) {
+ if ( is.null(self$options$dep) ) {
# TODO ----
@@ -203,7 +25,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
This tool will help you generate Bar Charts.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
+ This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations gghistostats and grouped_gghistostats.
Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
@@ -217,7 +39,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
# TODO ----
todo <- glue::glue(
- "
You have selected to use a barplot to compare a categorical variable with another.
+ "
You have selected to make a histogram.
@@ -234,7 +56,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
# the plot function ----
# Error messages ----
- if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$group))
+ if ( is.null(self$options$dep) )
if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
@@ -282,62 +104,58 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
dep <- self$options$dep
- group <- self$options$group
+ # group <- self$options$group
dep <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = dep)
- group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
+ # group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
- # ggbarstats ----
- # bar charts for categorical data
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggbarstats.html
+ # gghistostats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/gghistostats.html
plot <-
- ggstatsplot::ggbarstats(
+ ggstatsplot::gghistostats(
data = mydata,
- main = !!dep,
- condition = !!group,
- paired = paired,
- counts = NULL,
- ratio = NULL,
- results.subtitle = TRUE,
- sample.size.label = TRUE,
- label = "percentage",
- perc.k = 0,
- label.args = list(alpha = 1, fill = "white"),
- bf.message = TRUE,
- sampling.plan = "indepMulti",
- fixed.margin = "rows",
- prior.concentration = 1,
+ x = !!dep,
+ binwidth = NULL,
+ bar.measure = "count",
+ xlab = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
+ type = "parametric",
+ test.value = 0,
+ bf.prior = 0.707,
+ bf.message = TRUE,
+ effsize.type = "g",
conf.level = 0.95,
nboot = 100,
- legend.title = NULL,
- xlab = NULL,
- ylab = NULL,
- k = 2,
- proportion.test = TRUE,
+ k = 2L,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
- package = "RColorBrewer",
- palette = "Dark2",
+ bar.fill = "grey50",
+ results.subtitle = TRUE,
+ test.k = 0,
+ test.value.line = FALSE,
+ test.value.line.args = list(size = 1),
+ test.value.label.args = list(size = 3),
+ centrality.parameter = "mean",
+ centrality.k = 2,
+ centrality.line.args = list(size = 1, color = "blue"),
+ centrality.label.args = list(color = "blue", size = 3),
+ normal.curve = FALSE,
+ normal.curve.args = list(size = 3),
ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
- messages = TRUE,
- x = NULL,
- y = NULL
+ messages = TRUE
# Print Plot ----
@@ -350,7 +168,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
# the plot function ----
# Error messages ----
- if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$group) || is.null(self$options$grvar))
+ if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$grvar))
if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
@@ -386,38 +204,32 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
dep <- self$options$dep
- group <- self$options$group
+ # group <- self$options$group
dep <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = dep)
- group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
+ # group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
- # grouped_ggbarstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggbarstats.html
+ # grouped_gghistostats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_gghistostats.html
if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
grvar <- self$options$grvar
- plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats(
+ plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_gghistostats(
data = mydata,
- main = !!dep,
- condition = !!group,
+ x = !!dep,
grouping.var = !!grvar,
- paired = paired,
- counts = NULL,
+ binwidth = NULL,
title.prefix = NULL,
output = "plot",
- x = NULL,
- y = NULL,
plotgrid.args = list(),
title.text = NULL,
title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
@@ -427,6 +239,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
sub.args = list(size = 12)
# Print Plot ----
diff --git a/R/jjhistostats.h.R b/R/jjhistostats.h.R
index 62eeb496..3cd8a56f 100644
--- a/R/jjhistostats.h.R
+++ b/R/jjhistostats.h.R
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ jjhistostatsOptions <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function(
dep = NULL,
- group = NULL,
grvar = NULL,
direction = "independent",
excl = TRUE, ...) {
@@ -22,18 +21,9 @@ jjhistostatsOptions <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "ordinal",
- "nominal"),
- permitted=list(
- "factor"))
- private$..group <- jmvcore::OptionVariable$new(
- "group",
- group,
- suggested=list(
- "ordinal",
- "nominal"),
+ "continuous"),
- "factor"))
+ "numeric"))
private$..grvar <- jmvcore::OptionVariable$new(
@@ -55,20 +45,17 @@ jjhistostatsOptions <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- self$.addOption(private$..group)
active = list(
dep = function() private$..dep$value,
- group = function() private$..group$value,
grvar = function() private$..grvar$value,
direction = function() private$..direction$value,
excl = function() private$..excl$value),
private = list(
..dep = NA,
- ..group = NA,
..grvar = NA,
..direction = NA,
..excl = NA)
@@ -86,7 +73,7 @@ jjhistostatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="jjhistostats",
+ title="Histogram",
@@ -102,7 +89,7 @@ jjhistostatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`",
+ title="`Histogram ${dep} by {grvar}`",
@@ -116,7 +103,7 @@ jjhistostatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`",
+ title="`Histogram ${dep}`",
@@ -147,10 +134,10 @@ jjhistostatsBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
requiresMissings = FALSE)
-#' jjhistostats
+#' Histogram
-#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
-#' ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::gghistostats and
+#' ggstatsplot::grouped_gghistostats to generate Bar Charts.'
#' @examples
@@ -159,7 +146,6 @@ jjhistostatsBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
#' @param data The data as a data frame.
#' @param dep .
-#' @param group .
#' @param grvar .
#' @param direction select measurement type (repeated or independent)
#' @param excl .
@@ -174,7 +160,6 @@ jjhistostatsBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
jjhistostats <- function(
- group,
direction = "independent",
excl = TRUE) {
@@ -183,22 +168,17 @@ jjhistostats <- function(
stop('jjhistostats requires jmvcore to be installed (restart may be required)')
if ( ! missing(dep)) dep <- jmvcore::resolveQuo(jmvcore::enquo(dep))
- if ( ! missing(group)) group <- jmvcore::resolveQuo(jmvcore::enquo(group))
if ( ! missing(grvar)) grvar <- jmvcore::resolveQuo(jmvcore::enquo(grvar))
if (missing(data))
data <- jmvcore::marshalData(
`if`( ! missing(dep), dep, NULL),
- `if`( ! missing(group), group, NULL),
`if`( ! missing(grvar), grvar, NULL))
- for (v in dep) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
- for (v in group) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
for (v in grvar) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
options <- jjhistostatsOptions$new(
dep = dep,
- group = group,
grvar = grvar,
direction = direction,
excl = excl)
diff --git a/R/jjpiestats.b.R b/R/jjpiestats.b.R
index 05564b09..55d614c5 100644
--- a/R/jjpiestats.b.R
+++ b/R/jjpiestats.b.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#' @title jjpiestats
+#' @title Pie Charts
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@ jjpiestatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
inherit = jjpiestatsBase,
private = list(
- .run = function() {
+ .run = function() {
# Initial Message ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep) ) {
+ if ( is.null(self$options$dep) ) {
# TODO ----
todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
+ "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
- This tool will help you generate Bar Plots.
+ This tool will help you generate Pie Charts.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
+ This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations ggpiestats and grouped_ggpiestats.
Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ jjpiestatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
} else {
+ # TODO ----
todo <- glue::glue(
- "
You have selected to use a Pie Chart to compare a categorical variable with another.
+ "
You have selected to use Pie Charts.
@@ -47,65 +48,84 @@ jjpiestatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- ,
+ # the plot1 function ----
- .plot = function(image, ...) {
- # the plot function ----
- # Error messages ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep))
- return()
+ ,
+ .plot1 = function(image, ...) {
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
+ # Error messages ----
+ if ( is.null(self$options$dep) )
+ return()
- # Prepare Data ----
+ if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
+ stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- # direction <- self$options$direction
- # distribution <-
- # jmvcore::constructFormula(terms = self$options$distribution)
+ # Prepare Data ----
- # pairw <- self$options$pairw
+ # direction, paired ----
- mydata <- self$data
+ direction <- self$options$direction
+ if (direction == "repeated") {
- # Exclude NA ----
+ paired <- TRUE
- excl <- self$options$excl
+ } else if (direction == "independent") {
- if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
+ paired <- FALSE
+ }
- mydep <- mydata[[self$options$dep]]
- if ( !is.null(self$options$group) ) {
- mygroup <- mydata[[self$options$group]]
- }
+ # distribution <-
+ # jmvcore::constructFormula(terms = self$options$distribution)
- if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
- mygrvar <- mydata[[self$options$grvar]]
- }
+ # pairw <- self$options$pairw
- # plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
- # dp = mydep)
+ mydata <- self$data
- # ggpiestats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggpiestats.html
- # one variable ----
+ # Exclude NA ----
+ excl <- self$options$excl
+ if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
- plotData <- data.frame(dp = mydep)
- plot <- ggstatsplot::ggpiestats(
- data = plotData,
- main = dp,
+ # mydep <- mydata[[self$options$dep]]
+ # mygroup <- mydata[[self$options$group]]
+ dep <- self$options$dep
+ # group <- self$options$group
+ dep <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = dep)
+ # group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
+ # ggpiestats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggpiestats.html
+ plot1 <-
+ ggstatsplot::ggpiestats(
+ data = mydata,
+ main = !!dep,
condition = NULL,
counts = NULL,
ratio = NULL,
@@ -135,140 +155,26 @@ jjpiestatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
messages = TRUE,
x = NULL,
y = NULL
- )
- # two variable ----
- if ( !is.null(self$options$group) ) {
- plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
- dp = mydep)
- plot <- ggstatsplot::ggpiestats(
- data = plotData,
- main = dp,
- condition = gr
- )
- }
- # grouped_ggpiestats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggpiestats.html
- if ( !is.null(self$options$group) && !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
- plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
- dp = mydep,
- grvar = mygrvar )
- plot <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggpiestats(
- data = plotData,
- main = dp,
- condition = gr,
- counts = NULL,
- grouping.var = mygrvar,
- title.prefix = NULL,
- output = "plot",
- x = NULL,
- y = NULL,
- plotgrid.args = list(),
- title.text = NULL,
- title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
- caption.text = NULL,
- caption.args = list(size = 10),
- sub.text = NULL,
- sub.args = list(size = 12)
- )
- # Print Plot ----
- print(plot)
- }
- )
-#' @title Bar Charts
-#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
-#' @import jmvcore
-jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "jjbarstatsClass",
- inherit = jjbarstatsBase,
- private = list(
- .run = function() {
- # Initial Message ----
- if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$group)) {
- # TODO ----
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
- This tool will help you generate Bar Charts.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
- Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
- )
+ )
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
- return()
- } else {
+ # Print Plot1 ----
- # TODO ----
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
You have selected to use a barplot to compare a categorical variable with another.
+ print(plot1)
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
+ }
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- }
- }
+ # the plot2 function ----
+ , .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
- ,
- .plot = function(image, ...) {
- # the plot function ----
# Error messages ----
- if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$group))
+ if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$group) )
if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
@@ -324,25 +230,18 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
- # ggbarstats ----
- # bar charts for categorical data
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggbarstats.html
+ # ggpiestats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggpiestats.html
- plot <-
- ggstatsplot::ggbarstats(
+ plot2 <-
+ ggstatsplot::ggpiestats(
data = mydata,
main = !!dep,
condition = !!group,
- paired = paired,
counts = NULL,
ratio = NULL,
+ paired = FALSE,
results.subtitle = TRUE,
- sample.size.label = TRUE,
label = "percentage",
perc.k = 0,
label.args = list(alpha = 1, fill = "white"),
@@ -356,8 +255,6 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
conf.level = 0.95,
nboot = 100,
legend.title = NULL,
- xlab = NULL,
- ylab = NULL,
k = 2,
proportion.test = TRUE,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
@@ -372,19 +269,22 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- # Print Plot ----
- print(plot)
+ # Print Plot2 ----
+ print(plot2)
- , .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
- # the plot function ----
+ # the plot3 function ----
+ , .plot3 = function(image, ...) {
# Error messages ----
- if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$group) || is.null(self$options$grvar))
+ if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$grvar) )
if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
@@ -417,37 +317,35 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
dep <- self$options$dep
- group <- self$options$group
+ # group <- self$options$group
dep <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = dep)
- group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
+ # group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
- # grouped_ggbarstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggbarstats.html
+ # grouped_ggpiestats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggpiestats.html
if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
- grvar <- self$options$grvar
- plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats(
- data = mydata,
- main = !!dep,
- condition = !!group,
- grouping.var = !!grvar,
+ grvar <- self$options$grvar
- paired = paired,
+ grvar <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = grvar)
+ plot3 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggpiestats(
+ data = mydata,
+ main = !!dep,
+ condition = NULL,
counts = NULL,
+ grouping.var = !!grvar,
title.prefix = NULL,
output = "plot",
x = NULL,
@@ -460,19 +358,103 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
sub.text = NULL,
sub.args = list(size = 12)
+ # Print Plot3 ----
+ print(plot3)
+ }
+# the plot4 function ----
+ , .plot4 = function(image, ...) {
+ # Error messages ----
+ if ( is.null(self$options$dep) || is.null(self$options$group) ||is.null(self$options$grvar) )
+ return()
+ if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
+ stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
+ # Prepare Data ----
+ mydata <- self$data
+ # direction, paired ----
+ direction <- self$options$direction
+ if (direction == "repeated") {
+ paired <- TRUE
+ } else if (direction == "independent") {
+ paired <- FALSE
- # Print Plot ----
+ # Exclude NA ----
- print(plot2)
+ excl <- self$options$excl
- }
+ if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
+ dep <- self$options$dep
+ group <- self$options$group
+ dep <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = dep)
+ group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
+ # grouped_ggpiestats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggpiestats.html
+ if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
+ grvar <- self$options$grvar
+ grvar <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = grvar)
+ plot4 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggpiestats(
+ data = mydata,
+ main = !!dep,
+ condition = !!group,
+ counts = NULL,
+ grouping.var = !!grvar,
+ title.prefix = NULL,
+ output = "plot",
+ x = NULL,
+ y = NULL,
+ plotgrid.args = list(),
+ title.text = NULL,
+ title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
+ caption.text = NULL,
+ caption.args = list(size = 10),
+ sub.text = NULL,
+ sub.args = list(size = 12)
+ )
+ }
+ # Print Plot4 ----
+ print(plot4)
+ }
diff --git a/R/jjpiestats.h.R b/R/jjpiestats.h.R
index a4dfa154..59e9b10b 100644
--- a/R/jjpiestats.h.R
+++ b/R/jjpiestats.h.R
@@ -78,8 +78,10 @@ jjpiestatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
inherit = jmvcore::Group,
active = list(
todo = function() private$.items[["todo"]],
+ plot4 = function() private$.items[["plot4"]],
+ plot3 = function() private$.items[["plot3"]],
plot2 = function() private$.items[["plot2"]],
- plot = function() private$.items[["plot"]]),
+ plot1 = function() private$.items[["plot1"]]),
private = list(),
initialize=function(options) {
@@ -99,10 +101,38 @@ jjpiestatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
+ self$add(jmvcore::Image$new(
+ options=options,
+ name="plot4",
+ title="`Pie Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`",
+ width=800,
+ height=600,
+ renderFun=".plot4",
+ requiresData=TRUE,
+ clearWith=list(
+ "dep",
+ "group",
+ "grvar",
+ "direction"),
+ visible="(grvar)"))
+ self$add(jmvcore::Image$new(
+ options=options,
+ name="plot3",
+ title="`Pie Chart ${dep} by {grvar}`",
+ width=800,
+ height=600,
+ renderFun=".plot3",
+ requiresData=TRUE,
+ clearWith=list(
+ "dep",
+ "group",
+ "grvar",
+ "direction"),
+ visible="(grvar)"))
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`",
+ title="`Pie Chart ${group} - {dep}`",
@@ -112,20 +142,21 @@ jjpiestatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- visible="(grvar)"))
+ visible="(group)"))
- name="plot",
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`",
+ name="plot1",
+ title="`Pie Chart ${dep}`",
- renderFun=".plot",
+ renderFun=".plot1",
- "direction")))}))
+ "direction"),
+ visible="(dep)"))}))
jjpiestatsBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
@@ -149,8 +180,8 @@ jjpiestatsBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
#' Pie Charts
-#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
-#' ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggpiestats and
+#' ggstatsplot::grouped_ggpiestats to generate Bar Charts.'
#' @examples
@@ -166,8 +197,10 @@ jjpiestatsBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
#' @return A results object containing:
#' \tabular{llllll}{
#' \code{results$todo} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab a html \cr
+#' \code{results$plot4} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
+#' \code{results$plot3} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
#' \code{results$plot2} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
-#' \code{results$plot} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
+#' \code{results$plot1} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
#' }
#' @export
diff --git a/R/jjscatterstats.b.R b/R/jjscatterstats.b.R
index e72eb336..7a62590e 100644
--- a/R/jjscatterstats.b.R
+++ b/R/jjscatterstats.b.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#' @title jjscatterstats
+#' @title Scatter Plot
@@ -14,191 +14,6 @@ jjscatterstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
inherit = jjscatterstatsBase,
private = list(
- .run = function() {
- # Initial Message ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep) ||
- is.null(self$options$group)) {
- # TODO ----
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
- This tool will help you generate Bar Plots.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
- Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
- )
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
- return()
- } else {
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
You have selected to use a barplot to compare a categorical variable with another.
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- }
- }
- ,
- .plot = function(image, ...) {
- # the plot function ----
- # Error messages ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep) ||
- is.null(self$options$group))
- return()
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- # Prepare Data ----
- direction <- self$options$direction
- # distribution <-
- # jmvcore::constructFormula(terms = self$options$distribution)
- # pairw <- self$options$pairw
- mydata <- self$data
- # Exclude NA ----
- excl <- self$options$excl
- if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
- mydep <- mydata[[self$options$dep]]
- mygroup <- mydata[[self$options$group]]
- if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
- mygrvar <- mydata[[self$options$grvar]]
- }
- # ggscatterstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggscatterstats.html
- ggscatterstats(
- data,
- x,
- y,
- type = "parametric",
- conf.level = 0.95,
- bf.prior = 0.707,
- bf.message = TRUE,
- label.var = NULL,
- label.expression = NULL,
- point.label.args = list(size = 3),
- formula = y ~ x,
- smooth.line.args = list(size = 1.5, color = "blue"),
- method = "lm",
- method.args = list(),
- point.args = list(size = 3, alpha = 0.4),
- point.width.jitter = 0,
- point.height.jitter = 0,
- marginal = TRUE,
- marginal.type = "histogram",
- margins = "both",
- marginal.size = 5,
- xfill = "#009E73",
- yfill = "#D55E00",
- xparams = list(fill = xfill),
- yparams = list(fill = yfill),
- centrality.parameter = "none",
- centrality.label.args = list(size = 3),
- vline.args = list(color = xfill, size = 1, linetype = "dashed"),
- hline.args = list(color = yfill, size = 1, linetype = "dashed"),
- results.subtitle = TRUE,
- xlab = NULL,
- ylab = NULL,
- title = NULL,
- subtitle = NULL,
- caption = NULL,
- nboot = 100,
- beta = 0.1,
- k = 2,
- ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
- ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
- ggplot.component = NULL,
- output = "plot",
- messages = TRUE,
- ...
- )
- # grouped_ggscatterstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggscatterstats.html
- grouped_ggscatterstats(
- data,
- x,
- y,
- grouping.var,
- label.var = NULL,
- label.expression = NULL,
- title.prefix = NULL,
- output = "plot",
- ...,
- plotgrid.args = list(),
- title.text = NULL,
- title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
- caption.text = NULL,
- caption.args = list(size = 10),
- sub.text = NULL,
- sub.args = list(size = 12)
- )
- # Print Plot ----
- print(plot)
- }
- )
-#' @title Bar Charts
-#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
-#' @import jmvcore
-jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "jjbarstatsClass",
- inherit = jjbarstatsBase,
- private = list(
.run = function() {
# Initial Message ----
@@ -207,11 +22,11 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
# TODO ----
todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
+ "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
- This tool will help you generate Bar Charts.
+ This tool will help you generate Scatter Plot.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
+ This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations ggscatterstats and grouped_ggscatterstats.
Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
@@ -298,54 +113,59 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
- # ggbarstats ----
- # bar charts for categorical data
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggbarstats.html
+ # ggscatterstats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggscatterstats.html
plot <-
- ggstatsplot::ggbarstats(
+ ggstatsplot::ggscatterstats(
data = mydata,
- main = !!dep,
- condition = !!group,
- paired = paired,
- counts = NULL,
- ratio = NULL,
- results.subtitle = TRUE,
- sample.size.label = TRUE,
- label = "percentage",
- perc.k = 0,
- label.args = list(alpha = 1, fill = "white"),
+ x = !!dep,
+ y = !!group,
+ type = "parametric",
+ conf.level = 0.95,
+ bf.prior = 0.707,
bf.message = TRUE,
- sampling.plan = "indepMulti",
- fixed.margin = "rows",
- prior.concentration = 1,
+ label.var = NULL,
+ label.expression = NULL,
+ point.label.args = list(size = 3),
+ formula = y ~ x,
+ smooth.line.args = list(size = 1.5, color = "blue"),
+ method = "lm",
+ method.args = list(),
+ point.args = list(size = 3, alpha = 0.4),
+ point.width.jitter = 0,
+ point.height.jitter = 0,
+ marginal = TRUE,
+ marginal.type = "histogram",
+ margins = "both",
+ marginal.size = 5,
+ xfill = "#009E73",
+ yfill = "#D55E00",
+ # xparams = list(fill = xfill),
+ # yparams = list(fill = yfill),
+ centrality.parameter = "none",
+ centrality.label.args = list(size = 3),
+ vline.args = list(color = xfill, size = 1, linetype = "dashed"),
+ hline.args = list(color = yfill, size = 1, linetype = "dashed"),
+ results.subtitle = TRUE,
+ xlab = NULL,
+ ylab = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
- conf.level = 0.95,
- nboot = 100,
- legend.title = NULL,
- xlab = NULL,
- ylab = NULL,
- k = 2,
- proportion.test = TRUE,
+ beta = 0.1,
+ k = 2L,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
- package = "RColorBrewer",
- palette = "Dark2",
ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
- messages = TRUE,
- x = NULL,
- y = NULL
+ messages = TRUE
# Print Plot ----
@@ -354,7 +174,8 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- , .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
+ ,
+ .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
# the plot function ----
# Error messages ----
@@ -404,28 +225,24 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- # grouped_ggbarstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggbarstats.html
+ # grouped_ggscatterstats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggscatterstats.html
if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
grvar <- self$options$grvar
- plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats(
+ plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggscatterstats(
data = mydata,
- main = !!dep,
- condition = !!group,
+ x = !!dep,
+ y = !!group,
grouping.var = !!grvar,
- paired = paired,
- counts = NULL,
+ label.var = NULL,
+ label.expression = NULL,
title.prefix = NULL,
output = "plot",
- x = NULL,
- y = NULL,
plotgrid.args = list(),
title.text = NULL,
title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
@@ -434,19 +251,12 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
sub.text = NULL,
sub.args = list(size = 12)
# Print Plot ----
diff --git a/R/jjscatterstats.h.R b/R/jjscatterstats.h.R
index d3db05f6..149ce3f3 100644
--- a/R/jjscatterstats.h.R
+++ b/R/jjscatterstats.h.R
@@ -22,18 +22,16 @@ jjscatterstatsOptions <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "ordinal",
- "nominal"),
+ "continuous"),
- "factor"))
+ "numeric"))
private$..group <- jmvcore::OptionVariable$new(
- "ordinal",
- "nominal"),
+ "continuous"),
- "factor"))
+ "numeric"))
private$..grvar <- jmvcore::OptionVariable$new(
@@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ jjscatterstatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="jjscatterstats",
+ title="Scatter Plot",
@@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ jjscatterstatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`",
+ title="`Scatter Plot ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`",
@@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ jjscatterstatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`",
+ title="`Scatter Plot ${group} - {dep}`",
@@ -147,10 +145,10 @@ jjscatterstatsBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
requiresMissings = FALSE)
-#' jjscatterstats
+#' Scatter Plot
-#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
-#' ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggscatterstats and
+#' ggstatsplot::grouped_ggscatterstats to generate Bar Charts.'
#' @examples
@@ -192,8 +190,6 @@ jjscatterstats <- function(
`if`( ! missing(group), group, NULL),
`if`( ! missing(grvar), grvar, NULL))
- for (v in dep) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
- for (v in group) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
for (v in grvar) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
options <- jjscatterstatsOptions$new(
diff --git a/R/jjwithinstats.b.R b/R/jjwithinstats.b.R
index de939c11..4e296168 100644
--- a/R/jjwithinstats.b.R
+++ b/R/jjwithinstats.b.R
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-#' @title jjwithinstats
+#' @title Violin Plots to Compare Within Group
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
@@ -13,202 +11,6 @@ jjwithinstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
inherit = jjwithinstatsBase,
private = list(
- .run = function() {
- # Initial Message ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep) ||
- is.null(self$options$group)) {
- # TODO ----
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
- This tool will help you generate Bar Plots.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
- Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
- )
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
- return()
- } else {
- todo <- glue::glue(
- "
You have selected to use a barplot to compare a categorical variable with another.
- self$results$todo$setContent(todo)
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- }
- }
- ,
- .plot = function(image, ...) {
- # the plot function ----
- # Error messages ----
- if (is.null(self$options$dep) ||
- is.null(self$options$group))
- return()
- if (nrow(self$data) == 0)
- stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- # Prepare Data ----
- direction <- self$options$direction
- # distribution <-
- # jmvcore::constructFormula(terms = self$options$distribution)
- # pairw <- self$options$pairw
- mydata <- self$data
- # Exclude NA ----
- excl <- self$options$excl
- if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
- mydep <- mydata[[self$options$dep]]
- mygroup <- mydata[[self$options$group]]
- if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
- mygrvar <- mydata[[self$options$grvar]]
- }
- # ggwithinstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggwithinstats.html
- ggwithinstats(
- data,
- x,
- y,
- type = "parametric",
- pairwise.comparisons = FALSE,
- pairwise.display = "significant",
- p.adjust.method = "holm",
- effsize.type = "unbiased",
- partial = TRUE,
- bf.prior = 0.707,
- bf.message = TRUE,
- sphericity.correction = TRUE,
- results.subtitle = TRUE,
- xlab = NULL,
- ylab = NULL,
- caption = NULL,
- title = NULL,
- subtitle = NULL,
- sample.size.label = TRUE,
- k = 2,
- conf.level = 0.95,
- nboot = 100,
- tr = 0.1,
- mean.plotting = TRUE,
- mean.ci = FALSE,
- mean.point.args = list(size = 5, color = "darkred"),
- mean.label.args = list(size = 3),
- point.path = TRUE,
- point.path.args = list(alpha = 0.5, linetype = "dashed"),
- mean.path = TRUE,
- mean.path.args = list(color = "red", size = 1, alpha = 0.5),
- notch = FALSE,
- notchwidth = 0.5,
- outlier.tagging = FALSE,
- outlier.label = NULL,
- outlier.coef = 1.5,
- outlier.label.args = list(),
- outlier.point.args = list(),
- violin.args = list(width = 0.5, alpha = 0.2),
- ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
- ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
- package = "RColorBrewer",
- palette = "Dark2",
- ggplot.component = NULL,
- output = "plot",
- messages = TRUE,
- ...
- )
- # grouped_ggwithinstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggwithinstats.html
- grouped_ggwithinstats(
- data,
- x,
- y,
- grouping.var,
- outlier.label = NULL,
- title.prefix = NULL,
- output = "plot",
- ...,
- plotgrid.args = list(),
- title.text = NULL,
- title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
- caption.text = NULL,
- caption.args = list(size = 10),
- sub.text = NULL,
- sub.args = list(size = 12)
- )
- # Print Plot ----
- print(plot)
- }
- )
-#' @title Bar Charts
-#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
-#' @import jmvcore
-jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "jjbarstatsClass",
- inherit = jjbarstatsBase,
- private = list(
.run = function() {
# Initial Message ----
@@ -217,11 +19,11 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
# TODO ----
todo <- glue::glue(
- "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
+ "
Welcome to ClinicoPath
This tool will help you generate Bar Charts.
- This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations here and here.
+ This function uses ggplot2 and ggstatsplot packages. See documentations ggwithinstats and grouped_ggwithinstats.
Please cite jamovi and the packages as given below.
@@ -235,7 +37,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
# TODO ----
todo <- glue::glue(
- "
You have selected to use a barplot to compare a categorical variable with another.
+ "
You have selected to use a Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups.
@@ -308,54 +110,63 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
- # ggbarstats ----
- # bar charts for categorical data
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggbarstats.html
+ # ggwithinstats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/ggwithinstats.html
plot <-
- ggstatsplot::ggbarstats(
+ ggstatsplot::ggwithinstats(
data = mydata,
- main = !!dep,
- condition = !!group,
- paired = paired,
- counts = NULL,
- ratio = NULL,
- results.subtitle = TRUE,
- sample.size.label = TRUE,
- label = "percentage",
- perc.k = 0,
- label.args = list(alpha = 1, fill = "white"),
+ x = !!group,
+ y = !!dep,
+ type = "parametric",
+ pairwise.comparisons = FALSE,
+ pairwise.display = "significant",
+ p.adjust.method = "holm",
+ effsize.type = "unbiased",
+ partial = TRUE,
+ bf.prior = 0.707,
bf.message = TRUE,
- sampling.plan = "indepMulti",
- fixed.margin = "rows",
- prior.concentration = 1,
+ sphericity.correction = TRUE,
+ results.subtitle = TRUE,
+ xlab = NULL,
+ ylab = NULL,
+ caption = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
- caption = NULL,
+ sample.size.label = TRUE,
+ k = 2,
conf.level = 0.95,
nboot = 100,
- legend.title = NULL,
- xlab = NULL,
- ylab = NULL,
- k = 2,
- proportion.test = TRUE,
+ tr = 0.1,
+ mean.plotting = TRUE,
+ mean.ci = FALSE,
+ mean.point.args = list(size = 5, color = "darkred"),
+ mean.label.args = list(size = 3),
+ point.path = TRUE,
+ point.path.args = list(alpha = 0.5, linetype = "dashed"),
+ mean.path = TRUE,
+ mean.path.args = list(color = "red", size = 1, alpha = 0.5),
+ notch = FALSE,
+ notchwidth = 0.5,
+ outlier.tagging = FALSE,
+ outlier.label = NULL,
+ outlier.coef = 1.5,
+ outlier.label.args = list(),
+ outlier.point.args = list(),
+ violin.args = list(width = 0.5, alpha = 0.2),
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
package = "RColorBrewer",
palette = "Dark2",
ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
- messages = TRUE,
- x = NULL,
- y = NULL
+ messages = TRUE
# Print Plot ----
@@ -364,7 +175,9 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- , .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
+ ,
+ .plot2 = function(image, ...) {
# the plot function ----
# Error messages ----
@@ -414,28 +227,22 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- # grouped_ggbarstats ----
- # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggbarstats.html
+ # grouped_ggwithinstats ----
+ # https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/reference/grouped_ggwithinstats.html
if ( !is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
grvar <- self$options$grvar
- plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats(
+ plot2 <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggwithinstats(
data = mydata,
- main = !!dep,
- condition = !!group,
+ x = !!group,
+ y = !!dep,
grouping.var = !!grvar,
- paired = paired,
- counts = NULL,
+ outlier.label = NULL,
title.prefix = NULL,
output = "plot",
- x = NULL,
- y = NULL,
plotgrid.args = list(),
title.text = NULL,
title.args = list(size = 16, fontface = "bold"),
@@ -445,6 +252,7 @@ jjbarstatsClass <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
sub.args = list(size = 12)
# Print Plot ----
diff --git a/R/jjwithinstats.h.R b/R/jjwithinstats.h.R
index 11ce9035..aca79d24 100644
--- a/R/jjwithinstats.h.R
+++ b/R/jjwithinstats.h.R
@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ jjwithinstatsOptions <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- "ordinal",
- "nominal"),
+ "continuous"),
- "factor"))
+ "numeric"))
private$..group <- jmvcore::OptionVariable$new(
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ jjwithinstatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="Violin Plots",
+ title="Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups",
@@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ jjwithinstatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`",
+ title="`Violin Plot ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`",
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ jjwithinstatsResults <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`",
+ title="`Violin Plot ${group} - {dep}`",
@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ jjwithinstatsBase <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
requiresMissings = FALSE)
-#' Violin Plots
+#' Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups
#' 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
#' ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
@@ -192,7 +191,6 @@ jjwithinstats <- function(
`if`( ! missing(group), group, NULL),
`if`( ! missing(grvar), grvar, NULL))
- for (v in dep) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
for (v in group) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
for (v in grvar) if (v %in% names(data)) data[[v]] <- as.factor(data[[v]])
diff --git a/R/statsplot2.b.R b/R/statsplot2.b.R
index e76cba89..c09d3919 100644
--- a/R/statsplot2.b.R
+++ b/R/statsplot2.b.R
@@ -19,36 +19,6 @@ statsplot2Class <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore'))
StatStratum <- ggalluvial::StatStratum
- # # Error Message ----
- #
- # if (nrow(self$data) == 0) stop("Data contains no (complete) rows")
- #
- # if ( (is.null(self$options$vars) || is.null(self$options$facs)) && is.null(self$options$target) ) {
- # # ToDo Message ----
- # todo <- "
- #
Welcome to ClinicoPath
- #
- # This tool will help you form an Alluvial Plots.
- # "
- # html <- self$results$todo
- # html$setContent(todo)
- #
- # } else {
- # todo <- ""
- # html <- self$results$todo
- # html$setContent(todo)
- #
- #
- #
- # }
# If no variable selected Initial Message ----
if (is.null(self$options$dep) ||
is.null(self$options$group)) {
@@ -77,6 +47,8 @@ statsplot2Class <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore'))
stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
+ # prepare main arguments ----
# mydata <- self$data
mydep <- self$data[[self$options$dep]]
@@ -93,25 +65,9 @@ statsplot2Class <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore'))
direction <- jmvcore::composeTerm(direction)
- # klass <- print(list(
- # "mydep" = c(typeof(mydep), class(mydep)),
- # "mydep2" = c(
- # inherits(mydep, "factor"),
- # inherits(mydep, "character"),
- # inherits(mydep, "integer"),
- # inherits(mydep, "numeric"),
- # inherits(mydep, contin)
- # ),
- # "mygroup" = c(typeof(mygroup), class(mygroup)),
- # "a" = c(distribution, direction)
- # ))
- #
- #
- # self$results$text1$setContent(klass)
- # independent ----
+ # independent ----
if (direction == "independent") {
# independent, factor, continuous ----
@@ -153,12 +109,16 @@ statsplot2Class <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore'))
# independent, continuous, factor ----
} else if (inherits(mygroup, contin) &&
inherits(mydep, "factor")) {
-stat_exp <- glue::glue("Please switch the variables to generate a plot.")
+stat_exp <- glue::glue("
You have selected to use a barplot to compare a categorical variable with another.
- # repeated ----
+ # repeated ----
} else if (direction == "repeated") {
# repeated, factor, continuous ----
- if (inherits(mygroup, "factor") &&
+ if (inherits(mygroup, "factor") &&
inherits(mydep, contin)) {
# ggwithinstats violin plots for comparisons within groups/conditions
# stat_exp <-
@@ -229,15 +189,18 @@ stat_exp <- glue::glue("Please switch the variables to generate a plot.")
stop('Data contains no (complete) rows')
- # Prepare Data ----
+ # direction ----
direction <- self$options$direction
+ # distribution
distribution <-
jmvcore::constructFormula(terms = self$options$distribution)
- # pairw <- self$options$pairw
+ # read data ----
mydata <- self$data
@@ -249,22 +212,36 @@ stat_exp <- glue::glue("Please switch the variables to generate a plot.")
if (excl) {mydata <- jmvcore::naOmit(mydata)}
+ # define main arguments
- mydep <- mydata[[self$options$dep]]
- mygroup <- mydata[[self$options$group]]
- if ( ! is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
- mygrvar <- mydata[[self$options$grvar]]
- }
+ # mydep <- mydata[[self$options$dep]]
+ # mygroup <- mydata[[self$options$group]]
+ dep <- self$options$dep
+ group <- self$options$group
+ dep <- jmvcore::composeTerms(listOfComponents = dep)
+ group <- jmvcore::composeTerm(components = group)
- contin <- c("integer", "numeric", "double")
- categ <- c("factor")
+ # if ( ! is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
+ # mygrvar <- mydata[[self$options$grvar]]
+ # }
+ if ( ! is.null(self$options$grvar) ) {
+ grvar <- self$options$grvar
+ }
+ # define variable types ----
+ contin <- c("integer", "numeric", "double")
+ categ <- c("factor")
# independent ----
@@ -274,13 +251,13 @@ stat_exp <- glue::glue("Please switch the variables to generate a plot.")
if (inherits(mygroup, "factor") && inherits(mydep, contin)) {
# ggbetweenstats violin plots for comparisons between groups/conditions
- plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
- dp = jmvcore::toNumeric(mydep))
+ # plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
+ # dp = jmvcore::toNumeric(mydep))
plot <- ggstatsplot::ggbetweenstats(
- data = plotData,
- x = gr,
- y = dp,
+ data = mydata,
+ x = !!group,
+ y = !!dep,
type = distribution
@@ -290,14 +267,16 @@ stat_exp <- glue::glue("Please switch the variables to generate a plot.")
inherits(mydep, contin)) {
# ggscatterstats scatterplots for correlations between two variables
- plotData <-
- data.frame(gr = jmvcore::toNumeric(mygroup),
- dp = jmvcore::toNumeric(mydep))
+ # plotData <-
+ # data.frame(gr = jmvcore::toNumeric(mygroup),
+ # dp = jmvcore::toNumeric(mydep))
+ plot <- ggstatsplot::ggscatterstats(
+ data = mydata,
+ x = !!group,
+ y = !!dep,
+ type = distribution)
- plot <- ggstatsplot::ggscatterstats(data = plotData,
- x = gr,
- y = dp,
- type = distribution)
# independent, factor, factor ----
@@ -305,19 +284,24 @@ stat_exp <- glue::glue("Please switch the variables to generate a plot.")
inherits(mydep, "factor")) {
# ggbarstats bar charts for categorical data
- plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
- dp = mydep)
+ # plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
+ # dp = mydep)
- plot <- ggstatsplot::ggbarstats(data = plotData,
- main = dp,
- condition = gr)
+ plot <- ggstatsplot::ggbarstats(
+ data = mydata,
+ main = !!dep,
+ condition = !!group)
# independent, continuous, factor ----
} else if (inherits(mygroup, contin) &&
inherits(mydep, "factor")) {
- plot <- "Not Available"
+ plot <- ggstatsplot::ggdotplotstats(
+ data = mydata,
+ x = !!dep,
+ y = !!group)
@@ -332,14 +316,14 @@ stat_exp <- glue::glue("Please switch the variables to generate a plot.")
inherits(mydep, contin)) {
# ggwithinstats violin plots for comparisons within groups/conditions
- plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
- dp = jmvcore::toNumeric(mydep))
+ # plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
+ # dp = jmvcore::toNumeric(mydep))
plot <- ggstatsplot::ggwithinstats(
- data = plotData,
- x = gr,
- y = dp,
+ data = mydata,
+ x = !!group,
+ y = !!dep,
type = distribution,
pairwise.comparisons = TRUE
# pairwise.comparisons = pairw
@@ -532,16 +516,16 @@ stat_exp <- glue::glue("Please switch the variables to generate a plot.")
- plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
- dp = jmvcore::toNumeric(mydep),
- grvar = mygrvar )
+ # plotData <- data.frame(gr = mygroup,
+ # dp = jmvcore::toNumeric(mydep),
+ # grvar = mygrvar )
plot <- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbetweenstats(
- data = plotData,
- x = gr,
- y = dp,
- grouping.var = grvar,
+ data = mydata,
+ x = !!group,
+ y = !!dep,
+ grouping.var = !!grvar,
pairwise.comparisons = TRUE,
# pairwise.comparisons = pairw,
p.adjust.method = "bonferroni"
diff --git a/R/statsplot2.h.R b/R/statsplot2.h.R
index c5bf74f8..d6ef0559 100644
--- a/R/statsplot2.h.R
+++ b/R/statsplot2.h.R
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ statsplot2Results <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="Graphs and Plots",
+ title="Variable Type Based Graphs and Plots",
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ statsplot2Results <- if (requireNamespace('jmvcore')) R6::R6Class(
- title="GGStatsPlot",
+ title="Variable Type Based Graphs and Plots",
diff --git a/codemeta.json b/codemeta.json
index bf6a7ab7..1c7c05ed 100644
--- a/codemeta.json
+++ b/codemeta.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"issueTracker": "\n https://github.com/sbalci/ClinicoPathJamoviModule/issues/",
"license": "https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0",
- "version": "",
+ "version": "",
"programmingLanguage": {
"@type": "ComputerLanguage",
"name": "R",
@@ -645,6 +645,6 @@
- "fileSize": "296.931KB",
+ "fileSize": "296.835KB",
"readme": "https://github.com/sbalci/ClinicoPathJamoviModule/blob/master/README.md"
diff --git a/data/histopathology.omv b/data/histopathology.omv
index 3f153eaa..141767ab 100644
Binary files a/data/histopathology.omv and b/data/histopathology.omv differ
diff --git a/inst/extdata/histopathology.omv b/inst/extdata/histopathology.omv
index 7460cd2d..141767ab 100644
Binary files a/inst/extdata/histopathology.omv and b/inst/extdata/histopathology.omv differ
diff --git a/jamovi/0000.yaml b/jamovi/0000.yaml
index 99053db7..7fcc5cf5 100644
--- a/jamovi/0000.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/0000.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
title: Common Analysis for Clinicopathological Research
name: ClinicoPath
jms: '1.0'
- Serdar Balci
maintainer: Serdar Balci
-date: '2020-06-05'
+date: '2020-06-09'
type: R
description: >-
ClinicoPath help researchers to generate natural language summaries of their
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ analyses:
- title: Graphs and Plots
name: statsplot2
ns: ClinicoPath
- menuGroup: ClinicoPath
- menuSubgroup: Comparisons
+ menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
+ menuSubgroup: Variable Type Based Graphs and Plots
menuTitle: Graphs and Plots
description: Function for Generating Plots and Graphs Based on Variable Types.
- title: Survival Analysis
@@ -191,36 +191,36 @@ analyses:
description: |
'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
- - title: jjcorrmat
+ - title: Correlation Matrix
name: jjcorrmat
ns: ClinicoPath
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
menuSubgroup: Continious vs Continious
- menuTitle: jjcorrmat
+ menuTitle: Correlation Matrix
menuSubtitle: Correlation Matrix
description: |
'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
- - title: jjdotplotstats
+ - title: Dot Chart
name: jjdotplotstats
ns: ClinicoPath
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
- menuSubgroup: Violin
- menuTitle: jjdotplotstats
- menuSubtitle: 'ggstatsplot::jjdotplotstats'
+ menuSubgroup: Categorical vs Numeric
+ menuTitle: Dot Chart
+ menuSubtitle: Dot Chart
description: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
- - title: jjhistostats
+ 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggdotplotstats and
+ ggstatsplot::grouped_ggdotplotstats to generate Dot Charts.'
+ - title: Histogram
name: jjhistostats
ns: ClinicoPath
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
- menuSubgroup: Violin
- menuTitle: jjhistostats
- menuSubtitle: 'ggstatsplot::jjhistostats'
+ menuSubgroup: Continious
+ menuTitle: Histogram
+ menuSubtitle: Histogram
description: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::gghistostats and
+ ggstatsplot::grouped_gghistostats to generate Bar Charts.'
- title: Pie Charts
name: jjpiestats
ns: ClinicoPath
@@ -229,24 +229,24 @@ analyses:
menuTitle: Pie Charts
menuSubtitle: Pie Charts
description: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
- - title: jjscatterstats
+ 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggpiestats and
+ ggstatsplot::grouped_ggpiestats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ - title: Scatter Plot
name: jjscatterstats
ns: ClinicoPath
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
- menuSubgroup: Violin
- menuTitle: jjscatterstats
- menuSubtitle: 'ggstatsplot::jjscatterstats'
+ menuSubgroup: Continious vs Continious
+ menuTitle: Scatter Plot
+ menuSubtitle: Scatter Plot
description: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
- - title: Violin Plots
+ 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggscatterstats and
+ ggstatsplot::grouped_ggscatterstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ - title: Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups
name: jjwithinstats
ns: ClinicoPath
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
menuSubgroup: Categorical vs Numeric
- menuTitle: Violin Plots
+ menuTitle: Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups
menuSubtitle: 'ggstatsplot::jjwithinstats'
description: |
'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
diff --git a/jamovi/jjbetweenstats.a.yaml b/jamovi/jjbetweenstats.a.yaml
index 4cfaa600..bbddcdf3 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjbetweenstats.a.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjbetweenstats.a.yaml
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ jas: '1.2'
- main: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ # main: |
+ # 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbetweenstats and
+ # ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbetweenstats to generate Violin Plots.'
dontrun: true
usage: |
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ options:
- name: dep
title: Dependent Variable
type: Variable
- suggested: [ ordinal, nominal ]
- permitted: [ factor ]
+ suggested: [ continuous ]
+ permitted: [ numeric ]
- name: group
title: Grouping Variable
diff --git a/jamovi/jjcorrmat.a.yaml b/jamovi/jjcorrmat.a.yaml
index 7ead02d1..8dd310cf 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjcorrmat.a.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjcorrmat.a.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: jjcorrmat
-title: jjcorrmat
+title: Correlation Matrix
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
menuSubgroup: Continious vs Continious
menuSubtitle: Correlation Matrix
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ jas: '1.2'
- main: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ # main: |
+ # 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggcorrmat and
+ # ggstatsplot::grouped_ggcorrmat to generate Correlation Matrix.'
dontrun: true
usage: |
diff --git a/jamovi/jjcorrmat.r.yaml b/jamovi/jjcorrmat.r.yaml
index c3a6d9c9..db1c8831 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjcorrmat.r.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjcorrmat.r.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: jjcorrmat
-title: jjcorrmat
+title: Correlation Matrix
jrs: '1.1'
@@ -14,21 +14,21 @@ items:
- grvar
- direction
- # - name: plot2
- # title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
- # type: Image
- # width: 800
- # height: 600
- # renderFun: .plot2
- # requiresData: true
- # clearWith:
- # - dep
- # - grvar
- # - direction
- # visible: (grvar)
+ - name: plot2
+ title: Chart
+ type: Image
+ width: 800
+ height: 600
+ renderFun: .plot2
+ requiresData: true
+ clearWith:
+ - dep
+ - grvar
+ - direction
+ visible: (grvar)
- name: plot
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`'
+ title: Chart
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
diff --git a/jamovi/jjcorrmat.u.yaml b/jamovi/jjcorrmat.u.yaml
index a3b4a1be..b7586845 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjcorrmat.u.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjcorrmat.u.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-title: jjcorrmat
+title: Correlation Matrix
name: jjcorrmat
jus: '3.0'
stage: 0
diff --git a/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.a.yaml b/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.a.yaml
index a927d00a..9c1d57e5 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.a.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.a.yaml
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
name: jjdotplotstats
-title: jjdotplotstats
+title: Dot Chart
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
-menuSubgroup: Violin
-menuSubtitle: ggstatsplot::jjdotplotstats
+menuSubgroup: Categorical vs Numeric
+menuSubtitle: Dot Chart
version: '1.0.0'
jas: '1.2'
- main: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ # main: |
+ # 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggdotplotstats and
+ # ggstatsplot::grouped_ggdotplotstats to generate Dot Charts.'
dontrun: true
usage: |
@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ options:
- name: dep
title: Dependent Variable
type: Variable
- suggested: [ ordinal, nominal ]
- permitted: [ factor ]
+ suggested: [ continuous ]
+ permitted: [ numeric ]
- name: group
title: Grouping Variable
diff --git a/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.r.yaml b/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.r.yaml
index 85fde0ff..91f1301d 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.r.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.r.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: jjdotplotstats
-title: jjdotplotstats
+title: Dot Chart
jrs: '1.1'
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ items:
- name: plot2
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
+ title: '`Dot Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ items:
visible: (grvar)
- name: plot
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`'
+ title: '`Dot Chart ${group} - {dep}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
diff --git a/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.u.yaml b/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.u.yaml
index e0cec078..46d7525b 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.u.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjdotplotstats.u.yaml
@@ -1,29 +1,11 @@
-title: jjdotplotstats
+title: Dot Chart
name: jjdotplotstats
jus: '3.0'
stage: 0
-compilerMode: tame
+compilerMode: aggressive
- type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: true
- stretchFactor: 1
- children:
- - type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: Dependent Variable
- children:
- - type: VariablesListBox
- name: dep
- maxItemCount: 1
- isTarget: true
- - type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: Grouping Variable
- children:
- - type: VariablesListBox
- name: group
- maxItemCount: 1
- isTarget: true
- - type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: true
+ persistentItems: false
stretchFactor: 1
- type: TargetLayoutBox
@@ -40,12 +22,8 @@ children:
name: group
maxItemCount: 1
isTarget: true
- - type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: false
- stretchFactor: 1
- children:
- type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: 'Split by:'
+ label: 'Split by: (Optional)'
- type: VariablesListBox
name: grvar
diff --git a/jamovi/jjhistostats.a.yaml b/jamovi/jjhistostats.a.yaml
index 9ac6faf8..6dbf989a 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjhistostats.a.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjhistostats.a.yaml
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
name: jjhistostats
-title: jjhistostats
+title: Histogram
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
-menuSubgroup: Violin
-menuSubtitle: ggstatsplot::jjhistostats
+menuSubgroup: Continious
+menuSubtitle: Histogram
version: '1.0.0'
jas: '1.2'
- main: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ # main: |
+ # 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::gghistostats and
+ # ggstatsplot::grouped_gghistostats to generate Histogram.'
dontrun: true
usage: |
@@ -29,14 +29,8 @@ options:
- name: dep
title: Dependent Variable
type: Variable
- suggested: [ ordinal, nominal ]
- permitted: [ factor ]
- - name: group
- title: Grouping Variable
- type: Variable
- suggested: [ ordinal, nominal ]
- permitted: [ factor ]
+ suggested: [ continuous ]
+ permitted: [ numeric ]
- name: grvar
title: 'Split by: (Optional)'
diff --git a/jamovi/jjhistostats.r.yaml b/jamovi/jjhistostats.r.yaml
index 3c0ff47d..d0fe2c78 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjhistostats.r.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjhistostats.r.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: jjhistostats
-title: jjhistostats
+title: Histogram
jrs: '1.1'
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ items:
- name: plot2
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
+ title: '`Histogram ${dep} by {grvar}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ items:
visible: (grvar)
- name: plot
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`'
+ title: '`Histogram ${dep}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
diff --git a/jamovi/jjhistostats.u.yaml b/jamovi/jjhistostats.u.yaml
index 0222c6d5..3b0d2425 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjhistostats.u.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjhistostats.u.yaml
@@ -1,29 +1,11 @@
-title: jjhistostats
+title: Histogram
name: jjhistostats
jus: '3.0'
stage: 0
-compilerMode: tame
+compilerMode: aggressive
- type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: true
- stretchFactor: 1
- children:
- - type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: Dependent Variable
- children:
- - type: VariablesListBox
- name: dep
- maxItemCount: 1
- isTarget: true
- - type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: Grouping Variable
- children:
- - type: VariablesListBox
- name: group
- maxItemCount: 1
- isTarget: true
- - type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: true
+ persistentItems: false
stretchFactor: 1
- type: TargetLayoutBox
@@ -34,18 +16,7 @@ children:
maxItemCount: 1
isTarget: true
- type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: Grouping Variable
- children:
- - type: VariablesListBox
- name: group
- maxItemCount: 1
- isTarget: true
- - type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: false
- stretchFactor: 1
- children:
- - type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: 'Split by:'
+ label: 'Split by: (Optional)'
- type: VariablesListBox
name: grvar
diff --git a/jamovi/jjpiestats.a.yaml b/jamovi/jjpiestats.a.yaml
index 46f2267a..9b353264 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjpiestats.a.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjpiestats.a.yaml
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ jas: '1.2'
- main: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ # main: |
+ # 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggpiestats and
+ # ggstatsplot::grouped_ggpiestats to generate Pie Charts.'
dontrun: true
usage: |
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ options:
permitted: [ factor ]
- name: group
- title: Grouping Variable
+ title: 'Grouping Variable: (Optional)'
type: Variable
suggested: [ ordinal, nominal ]
permitted: [ factor ]
diff --git a/jamovi/jjpiestats.r.yaml b/jamovi/jjpiestats.r.yaml
index 4acb2f73..53ccfa28 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjpiestats.r.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjpiestats.r.yaml
@@ -17,9 +17,40 @@ items:
+ - name: plot4
+ title: '`Pie Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
+ type: Image
+ width: 800
+ height: 600
+ renderFun: .plot4
+ requiresData: true
+ clearWith:
+ - dep
+ - group
+ - grvar
+ - direction
+ visible: (grvar)
+ # visible: (dep && group && grvar)
+ - name: plot3
+ title: '`Pie Chart ${dep} by {grvar}`'
+ type: Image
+ width: 800
+ height: 600
+ renderFun: .plot3
+ requiresData: true
+ clearWith:
+ - dep
+ - group
+ - grvar
+ - direction
+ visible: (grvar)
- name: plot2
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
+ title: '`Pie Chart ${group} - {dep}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
@@ -30,20 +61,25 @@ items:
- group
- grvar
- direction
- visible: (grvar)
+ visible: (group)
+ # visible: (dep && group)
- - name: plot
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`'
+ - name: plot1
+ title: '`Pie Chart ${dep}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
- renderFun: .plot
+ renderFun: .plot1
requiresData: true
- dep
- group
- grvar
- direction
+ visible: (dep)
- ggplot2
diff --git a/jamovi/jjpiestats.u.yaml b/jamovi/jjpiestats.u.yaml
index becc2be5..ed302f06 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjpiestats.u.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjpiestats.u.yaml
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ title: Pie Charts
name: jjpiestats
jus: '3.0'
stage: 0
-compilerMode: tame
+compilerMode: aggressive
- type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: true
+ persistentItems: false
stretchFactor: 1
- type: TargetLayoutBox
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ children:
maxItemCount: 1
isTarget: true
- type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: Grouping Variable
+ label: 'Grouping Variable: (Optional)'
- type: VariablesListBox
name: group
maxItemCount: 1
isTarget: true
- type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: 'Split by:'
+ label: 'Split by: (Optional)'
- type: VariablesListBox
name: grvar
diff --git a/jamovi/jjscatterstats.a.yaml b/jamovi/jjscatterstats.a.yaml
index 284df2d9..751acd1a 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjscatterstats.a.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjscatterstats.a.yaml
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
name: jjscatterstats
-title: jjscatterstats
+title: Scatter Plot
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
-menuSubgroup: Violin
-menuSubtitle: ggstatsplot::jjscatterstats
+menuSubgroup: Continious vs Continious
+menuSubtitle: Scatter Plot
version: '1.0.0'
jas: '1.2'
- main: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ # main: |
+ # 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggscatterstats and
+ # ggstatsplot::grouped_ggscatterstats to generate Scatter Plot.'
dontrun: true
usage: |
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ options:
- name: dep
title: Dependent Variable
type: Variable
- suggested: [ ordinal, nominal ]
- permitted: [ factor ]
+ suggested: [ continuous ]
+ permitted: [ numeric ]
- name: group
title: Grouping Variable
type: Variable
- suggested: [ ordinal, nominal ]
- permitted: [ factor ]
+ suggested: [ continuous ]
+ permitted: [ numeric ]
- name: grvar
title: 'Split by: (Optional)'
diff --git a/jamovi/jjscatterstats.r.yaml b/jamovi/jjscatterstats.r.yaml
index 41d08110..79b8cf4e 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjscatterstats.r.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjscatterstats.r.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: jjscatterstats
-title: jjscatterstats
+title: Scatter Plot
jrs: '1.1'
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ items:
- name: plot2
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
+ title: '`Scatter Plot ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ items:
visible: (grvar)
- name: plot
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`'
+ title: '`Scatter Plot ${group} - {dep}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
diff --git a/jamovi/jjscatterstats.u.yaml b/jamovi/jjscatterstats.u.yaml
index c80add6d..a443a66e 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjscatterstats.u.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjscatterstats.u.yaml
@@ -1,29 +1,11 @@
-title: jjscatterstats
+title: Scatter Plot
name: jjscatterstats
jus: '3.0'
stage: 0
-compilerMode: tame
+compilerMode: aggressive
- type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: true
- stretchFactor: 1
- children:
- - type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: Dependent Variable
- children:
- - type: VariablesListBox
- name: dep
- maxItemCount: 1
- isTarget: true
- - type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: Grouping Variable
- children:
- - type: VariablesListBox
- name: group
- maxItemCount: 1
- isTarget: true
- - type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: true
+ persistentItems: false
stretchFactor: 1
- type: TargetLayoutBox
@@ -40,12 +22,8 @@ children:
name: group
maxItemCount: 1
isTarget: true
- - type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: false
- stretchFactor: 1
- children:
- type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: 'Split by:'
+ label: 'Split by: (Optional)'
- type: VariablesListBox
name: grvar
diff --git a/jamovi/jjwithinstats.a.yaml b/jamovi/jjwithinstats.a.yaml
index 042197f7..354b9c1e 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjwithinstats.a.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjwithinstats.a.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: jjwithinstats
-title: Violin Plots
+title: Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups
menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
menuSubgroup: Categorical vs Numeric
menuSubtitle: ggstatsplot::jjwithinstats
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ jas: '1.2'
- main: |
- 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
- ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+ # main: |
+ # 'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggwithinstats and
+ # ggstatsplot::grouped_ggwithinstats to generate Violin Plots.'
dontrun: true
usage: |
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ options:
- name: dep
title: Dependent Variable
type: Variable
- suggested: [ ordinal, nominal ]
- permitted: [ factor ]
+ suggested: [ continuous ]
+ permitted: [ numeric ]
- name: group
title: Grouping Variable
diff --git a/jamovi/jjwithinstats.r.yaml b/jamovi/jjwithinstats.r.yaml
index 7f3996f0..2c8f88e2 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjwithinstats.r.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjwithinstats.r.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: jjwithinstats
-title: Violin Plots
+title: Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups
jrs: '1.1'
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ items:
- name: plot2
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
+ title: '`Violin Plot ${group} - {dep} by {grvar}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ items:
visible: (grvar)
- name: plot
- title: '`Bar Chart ${group} - {dep}`'
+ title: '`Violin Plot ${group} - {dep}`'
type: Image
width: 800
height: 600
diff --git a/jamovi/jjwithinstats.u.yaml b/jamovi/jjwithinstats.u.yaml
index 2e4bb052..32e450e3 100644
--- a/jamovi/jjwithinstats.u.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/jjwithinstats.u.yaml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-title: jjwithinstats
-name: ViolinPlots
+title: Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups
+name: jjwithinstats
jus: '3.0'
stage: 0
-compilerMode: tame
+compilerMode: aggressive
- type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: true
+ persistentItems: false
stretchFactor: 1
- type: TargetLayoutBox
@@ -22,17 +22,8 @@ children:
name: group
maxItemCount: 1
isTarget: true
- - type: LayoutBox
- margin: large
- children:
- - type: CheckBox
- name: excl
- - type: VariableSupplier
- persistentItems: false
- stretchFactor: 1
- children:
- type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: 'Split by:'
+ label: 'Split by: (Optional)'
- type: VariablesListBox
name: grvar
@@ -43,3 +34,8 @@ children:
- type: ComboBox
name: direction
+ - type: LayoutBox
+ margin: large
+ children:
+ - type: CheckBox
+ name: excl
diff --git a/jamovi/statsplot2.a.yaml b/jamovi/statsplot2.a.yaml
index 947c546b..0c1da536 100644
--- a/jamovi/statsplot2.a.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/statsplot2.a.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
name: statsplot2
title: Graphs and Plots
-menuGroup: ClinicoPath
-menuSubgroup: Comparisons
+menuGroup: JJStatsPlot
+menuSubgroup: Variable Type Based Graphs and Plots
version: '1.0.0'
jas: '1.2'
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ options:
- name: grvar
- title: 'Split by:'
+ title: 'Split by: (Optional)'
type: Variable
diff --git a/jamovi/statsplot2.r.yaml b/jamovi/statsplot2.r.yaml
index 07b01248..055b2f49 100644
--- a/jamovi/statsplot2.r.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/statsplot2.r.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: statsplot2
-title: Graphs and Plots
+title: Variable Type Based Graphs and Plots
jrs: '1.1'
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ items:
# title: Stats Expression Formula
# type: Preformatted
- - title: GGStatsPlot
+ - title: Variable Type Based Graphs and Plots
name: plot
type: Image
width: 800
diff --git a/jamovi/statsplot2.u.yaml b/jamovi/statsplot2.u.yaml
index 1d64e5ab..4ae0c060 100644
--- a/jamovi/statsplot2.u.yaml
+++ b/jamovi/statsplot2.u.yaml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ children:
maxItemCount: 1
isTarget: true
- type: TargetLayoutBox
- label: 'Split by:'
+ label: 'Split by: (Optional)'
- type: VariablesListBox
name: grvar
diff --git a/man/jjbarstatsClass.Rd b/man/jjbarstatsClass.Rd
index a4419bb2..39766adc 100644
--- a/man/jjbarstatsClass.Rd
+++ b/man/jjbarstatsClass.Rd
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/jjbarstats.b.R, R/jjdotplotstats.b.R,
-% R/jjhistostats.b.R, R/jjpiestats.b.R, R/jjscatterstats.b.R,
-% R/jjwithinstats.b.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/jjbarstats.b.R
\title{Bar Charts}
@@ -9,326 +7,6 @@
Bar Charts
Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-Bar Charts
-\section{Super classes}{
-\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjbarstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase}} -> \code{jjbarstatsClass}
-\subsection{Public methods}{
-\item \href{#method-clone}{\code{jjbarstatsClass$clone()}}
-\out{Inherited methods
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImage}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImage()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImages}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImages()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createPlotObject}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createPlotObject()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.load}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.load()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.render}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.render()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.save}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.save()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.savePart}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.savePart()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setCheckpoint}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setCheckpoint()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setParent}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setParent()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetHeaderSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetHeaderSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setResourcesPathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setResourcesPathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setStatePathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setStatePathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-addAddon}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$addAddon()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asProtoBuf}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asProtoBuf()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-check}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$check()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-init}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$init()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-optionsChangedHandler}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$optionsChangedHandler()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-postInit}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$postInit()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-print}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$print()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-readDataset}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$readDataset()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-run}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$run()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-serialize}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$serialize()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setError}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setError()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setStatus}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setStatus()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../ClinicoPath/html/jjbarstatsBase.html#method-initialize}{\code{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase$initialize()}}\out{}
-\out{ }
-\subsection{Method \code{clone()}}{
-The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
-\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{jjbarstatsClass$clone(deep = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
-\item{\code{deep}}{Whether to make a deep clone.}
-\section{Super classes}{
-\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjbarstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase}} -> \code{jjbarstatsClass}
-\subsection{Public methods}{
-\item \href{#method-clone}{\code{jjbarstatsClass$clone()}}
-\out{Inherited methods
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImage}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImage()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImages}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImages()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createPlotObject}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createPlotObject()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.load}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.load()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.render}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.render()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.save}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.save()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.savePart}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.savePart()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setCheckpoint}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setCheckpoint()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setParent}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setParent()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetHeaderSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetHeaderSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setResourcesPathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setResourcesPathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setStatePathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setStatePathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-addAddon}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$addAddon()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asProtoBuf}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asProtoBuf()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-check}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$check()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-init}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$init()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-optionsChangedHandler}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$optionsChangedHandler()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-postInit}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$postInit()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-print}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$print()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-readDataset}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$readDataset()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-run}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$run()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-serialize}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$serialize()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setError}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setError()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setStatus}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setStatus()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../ClinicoPath/html/jjbarstatsBase.html#method-initialize}{\code{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase$initialize()}}\out{}
-\out{ }
-\subsection{Method \code{clone()}}{
-The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
-\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{jjbarstatsClass$clone(deep = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
-\item{\code{deep}}{Whether to make a deep clone.}
-\section{Super classes}{
-\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjbarstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase}} -> \code{jjbarstatsClass}
-\subsection{Public methods}{
-\item \href{#method-clone}{\code{jjbarstatsClass$clone()}}
-\out{Inherited methods
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImage}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImage()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImages}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImages()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createPlotObject}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createPlotObject()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.load}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.load()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.render}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.render()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.save}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.save()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.savePart}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.savePart()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setCheckpoint}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setCheckpoint()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setParent}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setParent()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetHeaderSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetHeaderSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setResourcesPathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setResourcesPathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setStatePathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setStatePathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-addAddon}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$addAddon()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asProtoBuf}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asProtoBuf()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-check}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$check()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-init}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$init()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-optionsChangedHandler}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$optionsChangedHandler()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-postInit}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$postInit()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-print}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$print()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-readDataset}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$readDataset()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-run}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$run()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-serialize}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$serialize()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setError}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setError()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setStatus}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setStatus()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../ClinicoPath/html/jjbarstatsBase.html#method-initialize}{\code{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase$initialize()}}\out{}
-\out{ }
-\subsection{Method \code{clone()}}{
-The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
-\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{jjbarstatsClass$clone(deep = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
-\item{\code{deep}}{Whether to make a deep clone.}
-\section{Super classes}{
-\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjbarstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase}} -> \code{jjbarstatsClass}
-\subsection{Public methods}{
-\item \href{#method-clone}{\code{jjbarstatsClass$clone()}}
-\out{Inherited methods
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImage}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImage()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImages}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImages()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createPlotObject}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createPlotObject()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.load}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.load()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.render}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.render()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.save}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.save()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.savePart}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.savePart()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setCheckpoint}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setCheckpoint()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setParent}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setParent()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetHeaderSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetHeaderSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setResourcesPathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setResourcesPathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setStatePathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setStatePathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-addAddon}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$addAddon()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asProtoBuf}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asProtoBuf()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-check}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$check()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-init}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$init()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-optionsChangedHandler}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$optionsChangedHandler()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-postInit}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$postInit()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-print}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$print()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-readDataset}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$readDataset()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-run}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$run()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-serialize}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$serialize()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setError}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setError()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setStatus}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setStatus()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../ClinicoPath/html/jjbarstatsBase.html#method-initialize}{\code{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase$initialize()}}\out{}
-\out{ }
-\subsection{Method \code{clone()}}{
-The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
-\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{jjbarstatsClass$clone(deep = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
-\item{\code{deep}}{Whether to make a deep clone.}
-\section{Super classes}{
-\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjbarstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase}} -> \code{jjbarstatsClass}
-\subsection{Public methods}{
-\item \href{#method-clone}{\code{jjbarstatsClass$clone()}}
-\out{Inherited methods
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImage}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImage()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createImages}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createImages()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.createPlotObject}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.createPlotObject()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.load}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.load()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.render}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.render()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.save}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.save()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.savePart}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.savePart()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setCheckpoint}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setCheckpoint()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setParent}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setParent()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetHeaderSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetHeaderSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setReadDatasetSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setReadDatasetSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setResourcesPathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setResourcesPathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-.setStatePathSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$.setStatePathSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-addAddon}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$addAddon()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asProtoBuf}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asProtoBuf()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-asSource}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$asSource()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-check}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$check()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-init}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$init()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-optionsChangedHandler}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$optionsChangedHandler()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-postInit}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$postInit()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-print}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$print()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-readDataset}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$readDataset()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-run}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$run()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-serialize}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$serialize()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setError}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setError()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../jmvcore/html/Analysis.html#method-setStatus}{\code{jmvcore::Analysis$setStatus()}}\out{}
-\item \out{}\href{../../ClinicoPath/html/jjbarstatsBase.html#method-initialize}{\code{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase$initialize()}}\out{}
-\out{ }
-\subsection{Method \code{clone()}}{
-The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
-\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{jjbarstatsClass$clone(deep = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
-\item{\code{deep}}{Whether to make a deep clone.}
\section{Super classes}{
\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjbarstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjbarstatsBase}} -> \code{jjbarstatsClass}
diff --git a/man/jjbetweenstatsClass.Rd b/man/jjbetweenstatsClass.Rd
index 787d1994..7cd6b747 100644
--- a/man/jjbetweenstatsClass.Rd
+++ b/man/jjbetweenstatsClass.Rd
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjbetweenstats.b.R
+\title{Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups}
+Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups
+Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups
\section{Super classes}{
\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjbetweenstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjbetweenstatsBase}} -> \code{jjbetweenstatsClass}
diff --git a/man/jjcorrmat.Rd b/man/jjcorrmat.Rd
index 2ef5b284..4d1b8a4a 100644
--- a/man/jjcorrmat.Rd
+++ b/man/jjcorrmat.Rd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjcorrmat.h.R
+\title{Correlation Matrix}
jjcorrmat(data, dep, grvar, direction = "independent", excl = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/jjcorrmatClass.Rd b/man/jjcorrmatClass.Rd
index 03e1d2d1..941457c1 100644
--- a/man/jjcorrmatClass.Rd
+++ b/man/jjcorrmatClass.Rd
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjcorrmat.b.R
+\title{Correlation Matrix}
+Correlation Matrix
+Correlation Matrix
\section{Super classes}{
\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjcorrmatBase]{ClinicoPath::jjcorrmatBase}} -> \code{jjcorrmatClass}
diff --git a/man/jjdotplotstats.Rd b/man/jjdotplotstats.Rd
index fd880056..0a0e2aa6 100644
--- a/man/jjdotplotstats.Rd
+++ b/man/jjdotplotstats.Rd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjdotplotstats.h.R
+\title{Dot Chart}
jjdotplotstats(data, dep, group, grvar, direction = "independent", excl = TRUE)
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ A results object containing:
-'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
-ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggdotplotstats and
+ggstatsplot::grouped_ggdotplotstats to generate Dot Charts.'
diff --git a/man/jjdotplotstatsClass.Rd b/man/jjdotplotstatsClass.Rd
index 9cc07258..09e6cb96 100644
--- a/man/jjdotplotstatsClass.Rd
+++ b/man/jjdotplotstatsClass.Rd
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjdotplotstats.b.R
+\title{Dot Chart}
+Dot Chart
+Dot Chart
\section{Super classes}{
\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjdotplotstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjdotplotstatsBase}} -> \code{jjdotplotstatsClass}
diff --git a/man/jjhistostats.Rd b/man/jjhistostats.Rd
index 4bfbaa9c..cfd68511 100644
--- a/man/jjhistostats.Rd
+++ b/man/jjhistostats.Rd
@@ -2,17 +2,15 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjhistostats.h.R
-jjhistostats(data, dep, group, grvar, direction = "independent", excl = TRUE)
+jjhistostats(data, dep, grvar, direction = "independent", excl = TRUE)
\item{data}{The data as a data frame.}
\item{direction}{select measurement type (repeated or independent)}
@@ -28,8 +26,8 @@ A results object containing:
-'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
-ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::gghistostats and
+ggstatsplot::grouped_gghistostats to generate Bar Charts.'
diff --git a/man/jjhistostatsClass.Rd b/man/jjhistostatsClass.Rd
index 5dc2567f..c0efcc9a 100644
--- a/man/jjhistostatsClass.Rd
+++ b/man/jjhistostatsClass.Rd
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjhistostats.b.R
\section{Super classes}{
\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjhistostatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjhistostatsBase}} -> \code{jjhistostatsClass}
diff --git a/man/jjpiestats.Rd b/man/jjpiestats.Rd
index 00e25baf..f10ef57a 100644
--- a/man/jjpiestats.Rd
+++ b/man/jjpiestats.Rd
@@ -23,13 +23,14 @@ jjpiestats(data, dep, group, grvar, direction = "independent", excl = TRUE)
A results object containing:
\code{results$todo} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab a html \cr
+\code{results$plot3} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
\code{results$plot2} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
-\code{results$plot} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
+\code{results$plot1} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab an image \cr
-'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
-ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggpiestats and
+ggstatsplot::grouped_ggpiestats to generate Bar Charts.'
diff --git a/man/jjpiestatsClass.Rd b/man/jjpiestatsClass.Rd
index da03165b..05b556f2 100644
--- a/man/jjpiestatsClass.Rd
+++ b/man/jjpiestatsClass.Rd
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjpiestats.b.R
+\title{Pie Charts}
+Pie Charts
+Pie Charts
\section{Super classes}{
\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjpiestatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjpiestatsBase}} -> \code{jjpiestatsClass}
diff --git a/man/jjscatterstats.Rd b/man/jjscatterstats.Rd
index 1846f199..f56781f4 100644
--- a/man/jjscatterstats.Rd
+++ b/man/jjscatterstats.Rd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjscatterstats.h.R
+\title{Scatter Plot}
jjscatterstats(data, dep, group, grvar, direction = "independent", excl = TRUE)
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ A results object containing:
-'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats and
-ggstatsplot::grouped_ggbarstats to generate Bar Charts.'
+'Wrapper Function for ggstatsplot::ggscatterstats and
+ggstatsplot::grouped_ggscatterstats to generate Bar Charts.'
diff --git a/man/jjscatterstatsClass.Rd b/man/jjscatterstatsClass.Rd
index 4e2e89f0..7774a843 100644
--- a/man/jjscatterstatsClass.Rd
+++ b/man/jjscatterstatsClass.Rd
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjscatterstats.b.R
+\title{Scatter Plot}
+Scatter Plot
+Scatter Plot
\section{Super classes}{
\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjscatterstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjscatterstatsBase}} -> \code{jjscatterstatsClass}
diff --git a/man/jjwithinstats.Rd b/man/jjwithinstats.Rd
index 88c20338..42b2554e 100644
--- a/man/jjwithinstats.Rd
+++ b/man/jjwithinstats.Rd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjwithinstats.h.R
-\title{Violin Plots}
+\title{Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups}
jjwithinstats(data, dep, group, grvar, direction = "independent", excl = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/jjwithinstatsClass.Rd b/man/jjwithinstatsClass.Rd
index 48604b33..824a4abc 100644
--- a/man/jjwithinstatsClass.Rd
+++ b/man/jjwithinstatsClass.Rd
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/jjwithinstats.b.R
+\title{Violin Plots to Compare Within Group}
+Violin Plots to Compare Within Group
+Violin Plots to Compare Within Group
\section{Super classes}{
\code{\link[jmvcore:Analysis]{jmvcore::Analysis}} -> \code{\link[ClinicoPath:jjwithinstatsBase]{ClinicoPath::jjwithinstatsBase}} -> \code{jjwithinstatsClass}
diff --git a/tododata/todo.Rmd b/tododata/todo.Rmd
index ce28a842..e8126a72 100644
--- a/tododata/todo.Rmd
+++ b/tododata/todo.Rmd
@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ Remotes:
## ndphillips/FFTrees
+ ndphillips/FFTrees,
+ easystats/report,
+ spgarbet/tangram,
+ cran/rmngb
@@ -1037,6 +1041,8 @@ system(command = gitCommand, intern = TRUE)
readyfunctions <- c(
+ "data",
+ "-package"
# "^utils-pipe"
# Descriptives
@@ -1048,7 +1054,6 @@ readyfunctions <- c(
# Comparisons
- "^statsplot2",
# "^pairchi2",
# "^correlation",
@@ -1057,7 +1062,18 @@ readyfunctions <- c(
# "^competingsurvival",
+# JJ Functions
+ "statsplot2",
+ "^jjbarstats",
+ "^jjbetweenstats",
+ "^jjcorrmat",
+ "^jjdotplotstats",
+ "^jjhistostats",
+ "^jjpiestats",
+ "^jjscatterstats",
+ "^jjwithinstats",
# Agreement
# "^icccoeff",
@@ -1119,11 +1135,22 @@ file.copy(from = files_data,
readyfunctions <- c(
- "statsplot2",
+ "^data",
-# Functions
- "^jjbarstats",
- "^jjbetweenstats"
+# JJ Functions
+ "statsplot2",
+ "^jjbarstats\\.",
+ "^jjbetweenstats",
+ "^jjcorrmat",
+ "^jjdotplotstats",
+ "^jjhistostats",
+ "^jjpiestats",
+ "^jjscatterstats",
+ "^jjwithinstats"
+# jjbarstats2.b.R