diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 83569aa7c0..a307c25d05 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
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diff --git a/info/guide/guide-TOC.md b/info/guide/guide-TOC.md
index 4e4a4586b7..a7932210ec 100644
--- a/info/guide/guide-TOC.md
+++ b/info/guide/guide-TOC.md
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ I [Preface](#c0)
* [3.1.2 Code blocks in the source file should be separated by one blank line](#r3.1.2)
* [3.1.3 Import statements order](#r3.1.3)
* [3.1.4 Order of declaration parts of class-like code structures](#r3.1.4)
+ * [3.1.5 Order of declaration of top-level code structures](#r3.1.5)
* [3.2 Braces](#c3.2)
* [3.2.1 Using braces in conditional statements and loop blocks](#r3.2.1)
* [3.2.2 Opening braces are placed at the end of the line in *non-empty* blocks and block structures](#r3.2.2)
diff --git a/info/guide/guide-chapter-3.md b/info/guide/guide-chapter-3.md
index ce781fe92a..9167ff0ab3 100644
--- a/info/guide/guide-chapter-3.md
+++ b/info/guide/guide-chapter-3.md
@@ -78,6 +78,53 @@ If the classes are meant to be used externally, and are not referenced inside th
All variants of a `(private) val` logger should be placed at the beginning of the class (`(private) val log`, `LOG`, `logger`, etc.).
+#### 3.1.5 Order of declaration of top-level code structures
+Kotlin allows several top-level declaration types: classes, objects, interfaces, properties and functions.
+When declaring more than one class or zero classes (e.g. only functions), as per rule [2.2.1](#r2.2.1), you should document the whole file in the header KDoc.
+When declaring top-level structures, keep the following order:
+1. Top-level constants and properties (following same order as properties inside a class: `const val`,`val`, `lateinit var`, `var`)
+2. Interfaces, classes and objects (grouped by their visibility modifiers)
+3. Extension functions
+4. Other functions
+Extension functions shouldn't have receivers declared in the same file according to [rule 6.2.3](#r6.2.3)
+Valid example:
+package org.cqfn.diktat.example
+const val CONSTANT = 42
+val topLevelProperty = "String constant"
+interface IExample
+class Example : IExample
+private class Internal
+fun Other.asExample(): Example { /* ... */ }
+private fun Other.asInternal(): Internal { /* ... */ }
+fun doStuff() { /* ... */ }
+kotlin scripts (.kts) allow arbitrary code to be placed on the top level. When writing kotlin scripts, you should first declare all properties, classes
+and functions. Only then you should execute functions on top level. It is still recommended wrapping logic inside functions and avoid using top-level statements
+for function calls or wrapping blocks of code in top-level scope functions like `run`.
+/* class declarations */
+/* function declarations */
+run {
+ // call functions here
### 3.2 Braces
This section describes the general rules of using braces in your code.