This is a role for installing phoronix under windows.
- KVM or similar
- Ansible (2.8+?)
- Compatible version of winrm for ansible
- winphoronix_shutdown: set to true to shut down at the end
- winphoronix_sysprep: set to true to run sysprep /generalize
- virtio
- xen
# Create and go into directory
mkdir MSEdge.Win10
cd MSEdge.Win10
# Download from
# Unzip
unzip ../
# Unpack
mv "MSEdge - Win10.ova" MSEdge-Win10.tar
tar xaf MSEdge-Win10.tar
# Convert to QCOW2
qemu-img convert "MSEdge - Win10-disk001.vmdk" -O qcow2 -S 4k -c MSEdge-Win10-disk001.qcow2
# Start under KVM with port redirection
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -smp cpus=2 -m 2048M -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::5985-:5985,hostfwd=tcp::8022-:22 MSEdge-Win10-disk001.qcow2
- ansible
- python3-winrm
- Log in using default credential IEUser / Passw0rd!
- Click on network connection
- Click on "network and internet settings"
- Click on "change connection properties"
- Select "private" not "public"
msedge-win10 ansible_user=IEUser ansible_password='Passw0rd!' ansible_connection=winrm ansible_winrm_tranport=basic ansible_host= ansible_port=5985