A sample Go program to connect two machines using devp2p. A p2p protocol is defined which sends and receives a message between connected peers.
Program supports 2 optional arguments:
--port: This is used for changing default 30301 port to some other port, where the server listens.
--connect-to: This is used for connecting to a server for communicating. If this is not given, server runs forever and keeps accepting connection requests otherwise server stops after sending and receiving message from connected peer.
How to build:
- go build
How to start peer-1:
Get printed enode url, to be used for connecting with second peer. Replace '[::]' after @ with ip of the machine, which is reachable from second peer.
How to start peer-2:
- ./devp2p-sample --connect-to [copied-enode-url-with-ip]
This can be run on same or different machine. For running on same machine, both the servers needs to run on different ports.