diff --git a/test/lift.js b/test/lift.js
index 9cb36d9e..01f8bf69 100644
--- a/test/lift.js
+++ b/test/lift.js
@@ -7,44 +7,39 @@ var errorEq = require('./utils').errorEq;
 var S = require('..');
-describe('lift2', function() {
+describe('lift', function() {
-  it('is a ternary function', function() {
-    eq(typeof S.lift2, 'function');
-    eq(S.lift2.length, 3);
+  it('is a binary function', function() {
+    eq(typeof S.lift, 'function');
+    eq(S.lift.length, 2);
   it('type checks its arguments', function() {
-    throws(function() { S.lift2('wrong'); },
+    throws(function() { S.lift('wrong'); },
                    'Invalid value\n' +
                    '\n' +
-                   'lift2 :: (Apply a, Apply b, Apply c) => Function -> a -> b -> c\n' +
-                   '                                        ^^^^^^^^\n' +
-                   '                                           1\n' +
+                   'lift :: (Functor a, Functor b) => Function -> a -> b\n' +
+                   '                                  ^^^^^^^^\n' +
+                   '                                     1\n' +
                    '\n' +
                    '1)  "wrong" :: String\n' +
                    '\n' +
                    'The value at position 1 is not a member of ‘Function’.\n'));
-  it('lifts a function into the context of Applys', function() {
-    //  positive :: Number -> Boolean
-    var positive = function(n) { return n > 0; };
+  it('lifts a function into the context of Functors', function() {
+    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), S.Just(3)), S.Just(6));
+    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), S.Nothing), S.Nothing);
-    eq(S.lift2(S.add, S.Just(3), S.Just(3)), S.Just(6));
-    eq(S.lift2(S.add, S.Nothing, S.Just(3)), S.Nothing);
+    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), S.Left(3)), S.Left(3));
+    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), S.Right(3)), S.Right(6));
-    eq(S.lift2(S.add, S.Right(3), S.Left(4)), S.Left(4));
-    eq(S.lift2(S.add, S.Right(3), S.Right(4)), S.Right(7));
+    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), [1, 2, 3]), [2, 4, 6]);
+    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), []), []);
-    eq(S.lift2(S.add, [1, 2], [10, 20]), [11, 21, 12, 22]);
-    eq(S.lift2(S.add, [], [1, 2]), []);
-    eq(S.lift2(S.and, S.even, positive)(42), true);
-    eq(S.lift2(S.and, S.even, positive)(43), false);
-    eq(S.lift2(S.and, S.even, positive)(-42), false);
-    eq(S.lift2(S.and, S.even, positive)(-43), false);
+    eq(S.lift(S.not, S.even)(42), false);
+    eq(S.lift(S.not, S.even)(43), true);
diff --git a/test/lift2.js b/test/lift2.js
index 01f8bf69..9cb36d9e 100644
--- a/test/lift2.js
+++ b/test/lift2.js
@@ -7,39 +7,44 @@ var errorEq = require('./utils').errorEq;
 var S = require('..');
-describe('lift', function() {
+describe('lift2', function() {
-  it('is a binary function', function() {
-    eq(typeof S.lift, 'function');
-    eq(S.lift.length, 2);
+  it('is a ternary function', function() {
+    eq(typeof S.lift2, 'function');
+    eq(S.lift2.length, 3);
   it('type checks its arguments', function() {
-    throws(function() { S.lift('wrong'); },
+    throws(function() { S.lift2('wrong'); },
                    'Invalid value\n' +
                    '\n' +
-                   'lift :: (Functor a, Functor b) => Function -> a -> b\n' +
-                   '                                  ^^^^^^^^\n' +
-                   '                                     1\n' +
+                   'lift2 :: (Apply a, Apply b, Apply c) => Function -> a -> b -> c\n' +
+                   '                                        ^^^^^^^^\n' +
+                   '                                           1\n' +
                    '\n' +
                    '1)  "wrong" :: String\n' +
                    '\n' +
                    'The value at position 1 is not a member of ‘Function’.\n'));
-  it('lifts a function into the context of Functors', function() {
-    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), S.Just(3)), S.Just(6));
-    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), S.Nothing), S.Nothing);
+  it('lifts a function into the context of Applys', function() {
+    //  positive :: Number -> Boolean
+    var positive = function(n) { return n > 0; };
-    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), S.Left(3)), S.Left(3));
-    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), S.Right(3)), S.Right(6));
+    eq(S.lift2(S.add, S.Just(3), S.Just(3)), S.Just(6));
+    eq(S.lift2(S.add, S.Nothing, S.Just(3)), S.Nothing);
-    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), [1, 2, 3]), [2, 4, 6]);
-    eq(S.lift(S.mult(2), []), []);
+    eq(S.lift2(S.add, S.Right(3), S.Left(4)), S.Left(4));
+    eq(S.lift2(S.add, S.Right(3), S.Right(4)), S.Right(7));
-    eq(S.lift(S.not, S.even)(42), false);
-    eq(S.lift(S.not, S.even)(43), true);
+    eq(S.lift2(S.add, [1, 2], [10, 20]), [11, 21, 12, 22]);
+    eq(S.lift2(S.add, [], [1, 2]), []);
+    eq(S.lift2(S.and, S.even, positive)(42), true);
+    eq(S.lift2(S.and, S.even, positive)(43), false);
+    eq(S.lift2(S.and, S.even, positive)(-42), false);
+    eq(S.lift2(S.and, S.even, positive)(-43), false);
diff --git a/test/unfolr.js b/test/unfoldr.js
similarity index 100%
rename from test/unfolr.js
rename to test/unfoldr.js