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Xena client, updates to immutable state

State is updated by creating a new state value, and passing that new value to the view layer via a selector.

Refer to this diagram for the following discussion.

state flow

The selector and view functions can be expensive to compute. For that reason we want to cache what values we can, and recompute only the things we need, or can afford, to recompute.

We do this by memoization: remembering the previous input, and previous result of the selector or view. If the current input is the same as the previous input, we can return the previous result without recomputing.

This works because 1) the selector is composed of smaller selectors, each of which caches only the subset of the state that affects it, 2) the view is composed of smaller view components, each of which caches the subset of the state that affects it, and 3) we create new state values by reusing values of the previous state.

Composing memoized selectors

Suppose our initial state looks like this

var state0 = {
	user: {first: "Kathy", last: "Smith"},
	post: {headline: "Ouch", date: "11/12/2016"}

Our view will render this in two components, one for 'user' and one for 'post'. Each view requires that the state be transformed with a selector. At the top, we will have an Application component that runs the selector and renders subcomponents

var Application = React.createClass({
	mixins: [deepPureRenderMixin],
	render() {
		var selectedState = selector(this.props.state);
		return (
				<User name={} />
				<Post header={selectedState.header} />

The selector will create an object in the following shape.

var selectedState0 = {
	name: "Kathy Smith",
	header: "Ouch: 11/12/2016"

On the next action, we will generate the next state by modifying the 'user' element.

var state1 = _.assocIn(state0, ['user', 'last'], 'Jones');

This gives us a new state. Changed references are in bold.

var state1 = {
	user: {first: "Kathy", last: "Jones"},
	post: {headline: "Ouch", date: "11/12/2016"}

This again gets passed to the selector, and the view components. We don't want to recompute the value for selectedState0.header, and we don't want to re-render the Post component. Instead, we want the selector to only recompute name, and we want Application to only re-render User.

So, we decompose the selector into caching sub-selectors. createSelector creates a memoized selector function. The last parameter is a pure function to be memoized. The leading parameters are functions that return the inputs to the memoized function. (In practice we would never memoize functions this trivial, because it's faster and simpler to recompute them. Pretend that they are terribly expensive.)

var nameSelector = createSelector(
	state => state.user,
	user => `${user.first} ${user.last}`);

var headerSelector = createSelector(
	state =>,
	post => `${post.headline}: ${}`);

var selector = state => ({
	name: nameSelector(state),
	header: headerSelector(state)

Now, when we call selector(state1), we get the following structure. Changed references are in bold.

var selectedState1 = {
	name: "Kathy Jones",
	header: "Ouch: 11/12/2016"

selector has called nameSelector, which returned a new value. It has called headerSelector, which has returned a cached value, because is the same as

Composing components

The selected state is now passed to the subcomponents of Application.

return (
		<User name={} />
		<Post header={selectedState.header} />

The props for User, {name: "Kathy Jones"}, has changed. This causes User to re-render. On the other hand, the props for Post, {header: "Ouch: 11/12/2016"} has not changed. It will not re-render.

Note that if we had not used subcomponents, and had instead rendered name and header directly in Application, this optimization would not happen. Application would alway re-render everything, because its props will change on every state change.

Similarly, if Application had called a subcomponent that rendered both name and header, we would not be able to just re-render name, or just re-render header. We decompose into subcomponents when we want to be able to independently avoid re-render of parts of the component.

Reusing values of the previous state

We could achieve these optimizations, avoiding selector recompute, and avoiding view recompute, by doing a deep copy of the state structure. But that would be ineffecient for two reasons: the copy itself is expensive, and the time to deep compare it is expensive.

Suppose we have a deep-copy algorithm clone. We could create state1 as follows.

var state1 = clone(state0);
state1.user.last = "Jones";

This gives us a new state structure, changed references in bold:

var state1 = {
	user: {first: "Kathy", last: "Jones"},
	post: {headline: "Ouch", date: "11/12/2016"}

Everything has changed (except references to strings, since js strings are already immutable), because clone created all new objects. We can pass this to the selector and it will still avoid recomputing header, but it will have to do a deep-compare of in order to determine that the value is unchanged.

In contrast, by using _.assocIn() above, the selector can simply test for reference equality, === Review the bold portions of state1, above.

In a large state structure, this comparsion is much, much faster. Additionally, _.assocIn() and the other ehmutable methods do not have to do a deep copy like clone(). They instead do a path copy, which is much faster: typically order log(N) vs. order N, for a tree with N nodes.

Handling collections

This all works fine when your state is json objects with fixed keys. What about arrays, or dictionaries (objects with variable keys)?


There are several possible strategies here. React deals with this by requring a unique key property on lists of elements. Here we use the position in a list as the key property, uniquely identifying each <li> so React can effectively test equality of the passed props.

	render() {
		return (
				{, i) => <li key={i}>{text}</li>)}

If the order of posts can change, a different key would be more appropriate: perhaps a uuid, or a database primary key for the post.


For selectors we instead model collections as dictionaries, and use the dictionary selector constuctor createFmapSelector. These selectors will execute a function per key in the dictionary, caching the key names and results.

For example, our application state looks a bit like the following,

	columns: {
		columnA: {...},
		columnB: {...},
		columnC: {...}
	columnOrder: ['columnC', 'columnA', 'columnB'],
	data: {
		columnA: {...}.
		columnB: {...}.
		columnC: {...}.

except we use uuids instead of names 'columnA', 'columnB', etc.

We then create a memoized 'index' calculation over all column data, like so:

var indexSelector = createFmapSelector(
		state => _.fmap(state.columns,
			(column, key) => [
				_.getIn(column, ['fieldType']),[key]]),
		args => widgets.index(...args));

Implementation details


React lets you finely control when a component should be re-rendered, via the shouldComponentUpdate() component method: you provide an implementation that is passed the new state and props, and returns true if the component should re-render.

If your components are pure, meaning they are entirely a function of state and props, you can simply do a deep equality check of state and props. For this purpose we use the deepPureRenderMixin on our components.


Similarly, the Reselect library which provides createSelector allows setting the comparsion function. We set this to a deep equal.

Deep vs. shallow compare

React comes with a pureRenderMixin which does a shallow compare: only checking for reference equality of the keys of the object. Similarly, Reselect by default does a shallow compare. Both libs will claim that this is for performance reasons: that a deep equal is expensive.

In practice, the difference is tiny, and doing a shallow compare is much less robust: one mistake causes a huge degradation of performance. In contrast, a missed reference in a deep equal check typically costs a few microseconds, as one extra layer in the state tree is inspected.

The main cost of a deep equal is in the case of inequality. On reference inequality, a deep equal will recurse to the next level of the tree. If your state tree is very deep, this could become problematic. In most UIs, the state tree is unlikely be more than four or five nodes in height. The time to check this is barely measureable.

In cases where it matters (as verified by a profiler), it's easy to provide a custom comparator to React or Reselect. We've never needed to do this.

More notes on immutability

Immutable helpers like ehmutable work fine until your data structures are too long, or too deep. We do have large arrays in our application, but they are not arrays that we modify: we never need to append an element to an array of 10k elements. ehmutable would work poorly if we did.

If the data is large in length or height, a hash trie based library like immutable.js is more appropriate.

Javascript ES6 provides a number of methods for creating new objects, and it's tempting to leverage them for creating new state. However, these methods are less aggressive about preserving reference equality. Here we compare ES6 object spread, and ehmutable assocIn(), when making a change to a structure that ultimately doesn't change its value:

~/ucsc-xena-client> babel-node
> var _u = require('./js/underscore_ext')
'use strict'
> var x = {a: 1, b: 2}
'use strict'
> ({...x, b: 2} === x)
> _u.assoc(x, 'b', 2) === x

This behavior of ehmutable is recursive:

> var x = {a: {b: {c: 7, d: 8}}}
'use strict'
> _u.assocIn(x, ['a', 'b', 'd'], 8) === x

This lets us avoid writing ad hoc code to test for conditions like "the data from the server hasn't changed". We can always update state with new data, and count on ehmutable to preserve reference if the underlying value is unchanged.