diff --git a/packages/plasma-ui/package.json b/packages/plasma-ui/package.json
index aec1cd4a24..0445329f8d 100644
--- a/packages/plasma-ui/package.json
+++ b/packages/plasma-ui/package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "@salutejs/plasma-ui",
"version": "1.228.0",
- "description": "Salute Design System",
+ "description": "Salute Design System.",
"main": "index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
"types": "index.d.ts",
diff --git a/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Badge/BadgeBase.component-test.tsx b/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Badge/BadgeBase.component-test.tsx
deleted file mode 120000
index e0af633a95..0000000000
--- a/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Badge/BadgeBase.component-test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Badge/BadgeBase.component-test.tsx b/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Badge/BadgeBase.component-test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99ff5fdd82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Badge/BadgeBase.component-test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* eslint-disable */
+import React from 'react';
+import { IconEye } from '@salutejs/plasma-icons';
+import { mount, CypressTestDecorator, getComponent, PadMe, SpaceMe } from '@salutejs/plasma-cy-utils';
+const Icon = () => ;
+describe('plasma-core: Badge', () => {
+ const Badge = getComponent('Badge');
+ it('simple', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('with Icon', () => {
+ mount(
+ } />
+ } />
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('_sizes', () => {
+ mount(
+ } />
+ } />
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('_circled', () => {
+ mount(
+ circled :
+ simple :
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
diff --git a/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Slider/Slider.component-test.tsx b/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Slider/Slider.component-test.tsx
deleted file mode 120000
index 4c9a39bbd8..0000000000
--- a/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Slider/Slider.component-test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Slider/Slider.component-test.tsx b/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Slider/Slider.component-test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..807c083b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/plasma-ui/src/components/Slider/Slider.component-test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import { mount, CypressTestDecorator, getComponent, PadMe, Portal } from '@salutejs/plasma-cy-utils';
+const noop = () => {};
+const dragAndDrop = (chainableSelector: Cypress.Chainable, coord: { clientX: number; clientY: number }) => {
+ chainableSelector.trigger('mousedown').trigger('mousemove', coord).trigger('mouseup');
+describe('plasma-core: Slider', () => {
+ const Slider = getComponent('Slider');
+ const Badge = getComponent('Badge');
+ const sliderThumbSelector = 'div > div + div > div';
+ it('default', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('default: focus', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector).focus();
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('with portal', () => {
+ const PORTAL_ROOT_ID = 'portal-root';
+ mount(
+ <>
+ >
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('_disabled', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector).focus();
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('double', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('drag and drop with single', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ dragAndDrop(cy.root(), { clientX: 350, clientY: 15 });
+ cy.root().click(270, 15);
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('drag and drop without onChange', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ dragAndDrop(cy.root().get('div > div + div').first(), { clientX: 50, clientY: 15 });
+ cy.root().click(350, 15);
+ cy.root().click(350, 45);
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('drag and drop with double', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ dragAndDrop(cy.root().get('div > div + div').first(), { clientX: 50, clientY: 15 });
+ dragAndDrop(cy.root().get('div > div + div').last(), { clientX: 450, clientY: 15 });
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ describe('Keyboard support', () => {
+ const props = {
+ max: 100,
+ min: 0,
+ };
+ const ariaValueNow = 'aria-valuenow';
+ const ariaValueMax = 'aria-valuemax';
+ const ariaValueMin = 'aria-valuemin';
+ const defaultSliderValue = 20;
+ function StubComponent({ value = defaultSliderValue }: { value?: number | number[] }) {
+ const [state, setState] = useState(value);
+ const onChangeCommittedHandle = (values) => {
+ setState(values);
+ };
+ return ;
+ }
+ it('increase value by ArrowRight, ArrowUp', () => {
+ const countRepeat = 2;
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector)
+ .focus()
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue)
+ .type('{rightArrow}'.repeat(countRepeat))
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue + countRepeat)
+ .type('{upArrow}'.repeat(countRepeat))
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue + countRepeat * 2);
+ });
+ it('decrease value by ArrowLeft, ArrowDown', () => {
+ const countRepeat = 2;
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector)
+ .focus()
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue)
+ .type('{leftArrow}'.repeat(countRepeat))
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue - countRepeat)
+ .type('{downArrow}'.repeat(countRepeat))
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue - countRepeat * 2);
+ });
+ it('change value by Home, End', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector)
+ .focus()
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue)
+ .type('{end}')
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, props.max)
+ .type('{home}')
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, props.min);
+ });
+ it('processing multiple steps by PageUp, PageDown', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ const multipleSteps = props.max * 0.1;
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector)
+ .focus()
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue)
+ .type('{pageUp}')
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue + multipleSteps)
+ .type('{pageDown}')
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, defaultSliderValue);
+ });
+ it('Double slider', () => {
+ mount(
+ ,
+ );
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector)
+ .first()
+ .focus()
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, 25)
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueMin, props.min)
+ .type('{end}')
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueMax, 75)
+ .type('{home}')
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, props.min)
+ .type('{rightArrow}'.repeat(10));
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector)
+ .last()
+ .focus()
+ .type('{end}')
+ .should('have.attr', ariaValueMax, props.max)
+ .type('{home}')
+ .invoke('attr', ariaValueNow)
+ .then((state) => {
+ // INFO: Проверяем, что максимальное значение первого слайдера ограничено текущем значением второго
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector).first().should('have.attr', ariaValueMax, state);
+ });
+ // INFO: Проверяем, что минимальное значение второго слайдера ограничено текущем значением первого
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector)
+ .last()
+ .focus()
+ .invoke('attr', ariaValueMin)
+ .then((state) => {
+ cy.get(sliderThumbSelector).first().should('have.attr', ariaValueNow, state);
+ });
+ cy.matchImageSnapshot();
+ });
+ });