#For Pixelmon 8.0.2 - Minecraft 1.12.2 - Sponge API 7.2.0#
What is it:
PixelCenter is a sidemod/server-plugin I made during the time sidemod downloads were down to replace the sidemod Safeplace.
Add nodes which players will teleport to when: They die or Their whole team has fainted. (WARNING: Remember to set a default node)
Choose if players have to be within a certain range of the node to set it or if it should just choose the nearest node, wherever it might be.
Hook up a command-block to the Pixelmon Healers and use /pixelcenter set @p to simulate the system in the original pokemon games.
/pixelcenter add to add the position you're standing on to the node list.
/pixelcenter remove to remove the nearest node (euclidean distance).
/pixelcenter list to list all node coordinates.
/pixelcenter tp to teleport to the set node or the default node.
/pixelcenter set to set your respawn point to the nearest node (within range set in .conf, euclidian distance).
/pixelcenter default to set nearest node to the default respawn point.
Permission Nodes: (REC = Recommended group)
pixelcenter.command.add //REC: ADMIN
pixelcenter.command.remove //REC: ADMIN
pixelcenter.command.list //REC: Your choice.
pixelcenter.command.set //REC: USER
pixelcenter.command.tp //REC: Your choice
pixelcenter.command.default //REC: ADMIN