Validate property syntax to ensure it doesn't start with an upper-case character (no-leading-uppercase-api-name)
It's a best practice to start a public property name with a lowercase character. If a public property name starts with an uppercase character, to reference it in a template you must use a special syntax. Convert the leading uppercase character to lowercase and prefix it with a hyphen (-
). For example, to reference the Upper
public property in a template, use the -upper
Example of incorrect code:
import { api } from 'lwc';
class Foo {
Foo = true;
class Foo {
Foo() {}
class Foo {
get Foo() {
return this._foo;
set Foo(value) {
this._foo = value;
Example of correct code:
import { api } from 'lwc';
class Foo {
class Foo {
get foo() {
return this._foo;
set foo(value) {
this._foo = value;
class Foo {
foo() {}