- A micro Javascript library for validating and creating Finnish social security numbers
- Lightweight, 3.5kB (1.5kB gzipped)
- No dependencies
npm install finnish-ssn
bower install finnish-ssn
From unpkg.com
<script src="https://unpkg.com/finnish-ssn/dist/finnish-ssn.min.js"></script>
import FinnishSSN from "../finnish-ssn"
const isValid = FinnishSSN.validate('010101-100X');
// Yields true
Oldskool Web: Writes FinnishSSN into global namespace.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/finnish-ssn/finnish-ssn.min.js"></script>
// This is valid SSN
var isValid = FinnishSSN.validate('290296-7808');
// Yields true
Validate an SSN
// This is valid SSN
console.log('valid ssn returns ' + FinnishSSN.validate('290296-7808'));
// 'valid ssn returns true'
// This is invalid SSN
console.log('invalid ssn returns ' + FinnishSSN.validate('010198-1000'));
// 'invalid ssn returns false'
Parse SSN
// This is valid SSN
var parsedSsn = FinnishSSN.parse('290296-7808');
// This is invalid SSN
valid: true,
sex: 'female',
ageInYears: 19,
dateOfBirth: Thu Feb 29 1996 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (EET)
Create an SSN for person that is 20 years old.
console.log('SSN for person that is 20 years old ' + FinnishSSN.createWithAge(20));
// SSN for person that is 20 years old 010195-XXXX
- Validates parameter given SSN. Returns true if SSN is valid, otherwise false
- Parses parameter given SSN. Returns object
{valid: boolean, sex: "male|female", ageInYears: Number, dateOfBirth: Date }
valid: false,
sex: null,
ageInYears: null,
dateOfBirth: null
valid: true,
sex: 'male',
ageInYears: 15,
dateOfBirth: Tue Feb 29 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (EET)
valid: true,
sex: 'female',
ageInYears: 15,
dateOfBirth: Mon Feb 28 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (EET)
- Creates a valid SSN using the given age (Integer). Generates randomly male and female SSN'n.
# Build a distributable, minified UMD library compatible with browsers and Node
npm run dist
# Run tests
npm run test
# Run tests in watch-mode
npm run test:watch
- Sources ported from ES5 --> ES6
- Distributed js is transpiled to ES5 for backwards compatibility
- API should still be backwards compatible with
. Bumping minor-version to be on the safe side.
- Clean semicolons, removed lodash
- Initial release
- FlowType
- Use a better js doc tool