Install webpack globally npm install -g webpack
webpack ./app.js bundle.js create webpack config file webpack.config.js
use webpack command
Watch mode cli-> webpack --watch config->watch: true
file protocol is not feasible need to use http protocol
webpack has its own server -> webpack-dev-server
execute webpack-dev-server by adding it in package.json scripts section-> "start": "webpack-dev-server"
to activate hot load webpack reload the browser then the app inside an iframe if http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server http://localhost:8080 actual app executing, missing auto reload webpack-dev-server --inline defaulting to index.html we have to put http://localhost:8080/index.html(without status bar)
.require ///common js syntax
change in config file need to restart the webpack server
loaders linting and es6 conversion
resolve is for processing file without extensions
webpack process all files with .js by default
preloaders run before the loaders
webpack replacement for grunt and gulp
webpack -p will minimize the code-> bundle.js npm install strip-loader --save-dev to strip out certain code
webpack --config webpack-production.config.js -p for production package
http-server can be used to run the production package