Additional configurations are stored in
, and can be overridden and extended by environment variables, command line parameters, or external sources. -
See node-config for more info.
Name | Description |
"port" | Server Port |
"tls" | Use tls encryption |
"ssl" | Paths to ssl cert and key files |
"corsOrigins" | List origins allowed by CORS Policy |
"publicUrl" | Base-url for front-end |
"redis" | Redis params |
"mongodb" | MongoDB params |
"mongoose" | Mongoose params |
"apiDocs" | Render rest api documentation |
"logger" | Winston transport ('json', 'database') |
"mailFrom" | Email ID |
"mailer" | Nodemailer configuration (except username and password) |
"oAuth2" | Passport OAuth2 credentials |
"aws" | AWS credentials |
module.exports = {
port: 3000,
publicUrl: 'https://localhost',
logger: ['database'],
for more info.