Minishell is a simple imitation of the bash command line interface. Developed as part of the 42 Istanbul coding school, this project aims to recreate the basic functionality of a Unix shell and offer a customized terminal experience supporting various commands.
To clone this project onto your local machine, follow these steps:
git clone
cd minishell
The necessary libraries and tools for Minishell to operate:
- Clang compiler
- Make
- readline library
- Installation
To compile and run the project, use the following commands:
Minishell supports the following features:
- Command history and display prompts
- Search and launch the appropriate executable based on the PATH variable or through relative/absolute paths
- Manage environment variables and the exit status of the most recently executed foreground command
- Shortcut keys (ctrl-C, ctrl-D, ctrl-)
- Basic redirections, heredoc and pipes
- Proper handling of text and environment variables with single and double quotes
- Built-in commands: echo, cd, pwd, export, unset, env, exit
When Minishell is run, it displays a command prompt waiting for a new command from the user. Users can enter commands and execute them by pressing ENTER. Use the exit command to terminate the program.
If you would like to contribute to the project:
- Fork the project and make improvements in your own branch.
- Commit your changes and create a pull request.
- Describe your pull request in detail.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.