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199 lines (148 loc) · 5.21 KB

File metadata and controls

199 lines (148 loc) · 5.21 KB


Download artifacts from a Nexus artifact repository. Publish artifacts to a Nexus artifact repository. Only works with Mac and Linux


Nexus does really well with binary files. The idea is a repository can build and publish artifacts and other repositories can pull down those artifacts and extract them. Built files don't need to be committed to git, which take up most of the space in git repositories.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-nexus-artifact --save-dev

or add the following to your package.json file:

  "devDependencies": {
    "grunt-nexus-artifact": "0.3.3"

Once the plugin has been installed, enabled it inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Nexus Fetch Task

Run this task with the grunt nexus:target:fetch command.


nexus: {
  client: {
    url: '',
    repository: 'jslibraries',
    fetch: [
      { id: '', path: 'public/lib/jquery' }

In grunt, options cascade. If all of your artifacts come from the same nexus server, you can do the following:

nexus: {
  options: {
    url: ''
  client: {
    options: {
      repository: 'jslibraries'
    fetch: [
      { id: '', path: 'public/lib/jquery' }
  build: {
    options: {
      repository: 'jstools'
    fetch: [
      { id: '', path: 'tools/closure' }


There are a number of options available.


Type: String

This defines the url of your nexus repository. This should be the base URL plus port. Ex: http://your-nexus-repository:8080


Type: String

This defines the name of the repository. Since this task uses the REST API, the repository is not inferred


Type: String

This is an optional parameter that will be the nexus username - may not be needed for fetches


Type: String

This is an optional parameter that will be the nexus password - may not be needed for fetches


Type: Array{Object}

This defines an array of nexus artifacts to be retrieved from nexus. Each artifact has config options:


Type: String

This defines the group_id of the artifact. Ex:


Type: String

This defines the name of the artifact. Ex: jquery


Type: String

Available extentions are tgz, zip and jar This defines the extension of the artifact. Ex: tgz


Type: String

This defines the version of the artifact. Ex: 1.8.0


Type: String

This is a shorthand for group_id, name, ext and version. This defines the id string of the artifact in the following format: {group_id}:{name}:{ext}:{version}


Type: String

This defines the path where the artifact will be extracted to. Ex: public/lib/jquery

Nexus publish task

The publish flag will run the publish config to push artifacts up to nexus. It uses grunt-contrib-compress so the file configuration will be the same. Run this task with the grunt nexus:target:publish command.


nexus: {
  options: {
    url: '',
    repository: 'jslibraries'
  client: {
    files: [
      { src: ['builds/**/*'] }
    options: {
      curl: false,
      publish: [{
          id: 'com.mycompany.js:built-artifact:tgz',
          version: 'my-version', 
          path: 'dist/',
          username: 'admin',
          password: 'admin123'

In this example the id config is used, but the version is dropped. It can be specified in the id config or specified in the version config. This makes it easier to set the version dynamically.


The options listed here are new or repurposed for publish


Type String

This defines the temporary path for the compressed artifact.


Type Array

This parameter comes from grunt-contrib-compress. You can read about it at There are some differences from the config on grunt-contrib-compress. First of all, ext is used from the artifact, so it doesn't need to be specified. mode is currently not supported. It will auto-configure based on the extension.


Type Boolean Default false

This parameter gives the option to use curl to upload - some people have issues with uploading using Node streams (not sure why)

Release History

  • 2013-08-08 v0.2.0 Added support for publishing artifacts

Contributed by Nicholas Boll of Rally Software