This branch is being updated to 1.0 via julia 0.7. Most of the work has been done, there's just a bunch of little deprecations to work through.
Done by Rigel Zifkin and Joseph McGowan as part of our undergraduate thesis.
julia -p <number of sims to run at once/cores to use> MultiThread.jl <Parameter File> <Number of times to save data>
Parameters are input as either single numbers, or a triplet defining a range. In both cases, the parameter must be surrounded by square brackets '[]'. Ranges are given as [<min value>, <max value>, <step size>].
All parameters in the following list must be defined, and no others are available:
- Energy - The total energy of the laser pulse in Joules.
- Tfwhm - The full-width half-maximum pulse duration in seconds.
- lambda - The central wavelength of the pulse in meters.
- Pin - Pressure in bar at fiber entrance.
- Pout - Pressure in bar at fiber exit; set equal to Pin for static pressure.
- Chirp - Chirp value of pulse in femtoseconds^2.
- fiberD - Diameter of optical fiber in meters.
- dz - The spatial step of the simulation in seconds.
- zmax - The simulation length (i.e. the length of the fiber) in meters.
- Nt - Number of points in data grid.
- tmax - The max time in seconds before/after the central peak of the pulse to simulate; defines max values for spatial and Fourier space. View params.yaml for an example.
We've provided some Python code for analyzing the data sets produced from multiple simulations;
these are locaded in the Analysis
As is, the easiest way to import and use it all is to include the following in a script:
from plot import *
with a single directory containing one subfolder for each simulation run. The following loads the entire data set:
fibs = fs.load(<path/to/data>)
This will load in the data set, and for each one, load in or compute some useful metrics:
- pwidth - Full-width half-maximum of pulse in femtoseconds.
- bwidth - Full-width tenth-maximum of pulse spectrum in nm.
- l_edge - Leftmost edge used to calculate bwidth in nm
- r_edge - Rightmost edge used to calculate bwidth in nm
- rho_max - Maximum plasma density during simulation in ions/cubic milimeter.
- power - Ratio of final power to initial power.
The parameters will also be loaded in, and for ease of use, converted to typically used orders of magnitude.
Translate Main LoopTranslate "PPT.m"Turn chunks of main loop into functions- Optimize (This will never be crossed out)
TestUse plan fft/ifft to speed up all the transformsMulti-Thread drifting- Fix analysis scripts
Original code adapted from simulation code used in:
P. Béjot, B. E. Schmidt, J. Kasparian, J.-P. Wolf, and F. Legaré, “Mechanism of hollow-core-fiber infrared-supercontinuum compression with bulk material,” Physical Review A, vol. 81, no. 6, Jun. 2010.
If you use our code, we ask that you cite:
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