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Canary Deployments with Istio

Install Istio

Download latest release:

curl -L | sh -

Add the istioctl client to your PATH:

cd istio-0.7.1
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

Install Istio services without enabling mutual TLS authentication:

kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/istio.yaml

Set Istio automatic sidecar injection

Generate certs:

./install/kubernetes/ \
    --service istio-sidecar-injector \
    --namespace istio-system \
    --secret sidecar-injector-certs

Install the sidecar injection configmap:

kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/istio-sidecar-injector-configmap-release.yaml

Set the caBundle in the webhook install YAML that the Kubernetes api-server uses to invoke the webhook:

cat install/kubernetes/istio-sidecar-injector.yaml | \
     ./install/kubernetes/ > \

Install the sidecar injector webhook:

kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/istio-sidecar-injector-with-ca-bundle.yaml

Create the test namespace:

kubectl create namespace test

Label the test namespace with istio-injection=enabled:

kubectl label namespace test istio-injection=enabled

Run GA and Canary Deployments

Apply the podinfo ga and canary deployments and service:

kubectl -n test apply -f ./deploy/istio-v1alpha3/ga-dep.yaml,./deploy/istio-v1alpha3/canary-dep.yaml,./deploy/istio-v1alpha3/svc.yaml

Apply the istio destination rule, virtual service and gateway:

kubectl -n test apply -f ./deploy/istio-v1alpha3/istio-destination-rule.yaml
kubectl -n test apply -f ./deploy/istio-v1alpha3/istio-virtual-service.yaml
kubectl -n test apply -f ./deploy/istio-v1alpha3/istio-gateway.yaml

Create a loadtest pod for testing:

kubectl -n test run -i --rm --tty loadtest --image=stefanprodan/loadtest --restart=Never -- sh

Start the load test:

hey -n 1000000 -c 2 -q 5 http://podinfo.test:9898/version

Initial state

All traffic is routed to the GA deployment:

kind: VirtualService
  name: podinfo
  namespace: test
  - podinfo
  - mesh
  - podinfo-gateway
  - route:
    - destination:
        name: podinfo.test
        subset: canary
      weight: 0
    - destination:
        name: podinfo.test
        subset: ga
      weight: 100


Canary warm-up

Route 10% of the traffic to the canary deployment:

  - route:
    - destination:
        name: podinfo.test
        subset: canary
      weight: 10
    - destination:
        name: podinfo.test
        subset: ga
      weight: 90


Canary promotion

Increase the canary traffic to 60%:

  - route:
    - destination:
        name: podinfo.test
        subset: canary
      weight: 60
    - destination:
        name: podinfo.test
        subset: ga
      weight: 40


Full promotion, 100% of the traffic to the canary:

  - route:
    - destination:
        name: podinfo.test
        subset: canary
      weight: 100
    - destination:
        name: podinfo.test
        subset: ga
      weight: 0


Measure requests latency for each deployment:


Observe the traffic shift with Scope:


Applying GitOps


Prerequisites for automating Istio canary deployments:

  • create a cluster config Git repo that contains the desire state of your cluster
  • keep the GA and Canary deployment definitions in Git
  • keep the Istio destination rule, virtual service and gateway definitions in Git
  • any changes to the above resources are performed via git commit instead of kubectl apply

Assuming that the GA is version 0.1.0 and the Canary is at 0.2.0, you would probably want to automate the deployment of patches for 0.1.x and 0.2.x.

Using Weave Cloud you can define a GitOps pipeline that will continuously monitor for new patches and will apply them on both GA and Canary deployments using Weave Flux filters:

  • 0.1.* for GA
  • 0.2.* for Canary

Let's assume you've found a performance issue on the Canary by monitoring the request latency graph, for some reason the Canary is responding slower than the GA.

CD GitOps pipeline steps:

  • An engineer fixes the latency issue and cuts a new release by tagging the master branch as 0.2.1
  • GitHub notifies GCP Container Builder that a new tag has been committed
  • GCP Container Builder builds the Docker image, tags it as 0.2.1 and pushes it to Google Container Registry
  • Weave Flux detects the new tag on GCR and updates the Canary deployment definition
  • Weave Flux commits the Canary deployment definition to GitHub in the cluster repo
  • Weave Flux triggers a rolling update of the Canary deployment
  • Weave Cloud sends a Slack notification that the 0.2.1 patch has been released

Once the Canary is fixed you can keep increasing the traffic shift from GA by modifying the weight setting and committing the changes in Git. Weave Cloud will detect that the cluster state is out of sync with desired state described in git and will apply the changes.

If you notice that the Canary doesn't behave well under load you can revert the changes in Git and Weave Flux will undo the weight settings by applying the desired state from Git on the cluster.

Keep iterating on the Canary code until the SLA is on a par with the GA release.