% 関連書目
- Region based memory management in Cyclone
- Safe manual memory management in Cyclone
- Typeclasses: making ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc
- Macros that work together
- Traits: composable units of behavior
- Alias burying - 似たようなことをしようとしましたがやめました。
- External uniqueness is unique enough
- Uniqueness and Reference Immutability for Safe Parallelism
- Region Based Memory Management
- Singularity: rethinking the software stack
- Language support for fast and reliable message passing in singularity OS
- Scheduling multithreaded computations by work stealing
- Thread scheduling for multiprogramming multiprocessors
- The data locality of work stealing
- Dynamic circular work stealing deque - ChaseとLevのdeque
- Work-first and help-first scheduling policies for async-finish task parallelism - 完全正格(fully-strict)なワークスティーリング(work stealing)より一般的
- A Java fork/join calamity - Javaの fork/joinライブラリについての評価。特にワークスティーリングの非正格な計算への応用。
- Scheduling techniques for concurrent systems
- Contention aware scheduling
- Balanced work stealing for time-sharing multicores
- Three layer cake for shared-memory programming
- Non-blocking steal-half work queues
- Reagents: expressing and composing fine-grained concurrency
- Algorithms for scalable synchronization of shared-memory multiprocessors
- Epoc-based reclamation.
- Crash-only software
- Composing High-Performance Memory Allocators
- Reconsidering Custom Memory Allocation
- GPU Programming in Rust: Implementing High Level Abstractions in a Systems Level Language。 Eric Holkによる初期のGPU研究。
- Parallel closures: a new twist on an old
- 正確にはRustについてではないが、nmatsakisによるもの(訳注: nmatsakisはmozillaのデベロッパ)
- Patina: A Formalization of the Rust Programming Language。 Eric Reedによる初期の型システムのサブセットの形式化
- Experience Report: Developing the Servo Web Browser Engine using Rust。 Lars Bergstromによるもの
- Implementing a Generic Radix Trie in Rust。 Michael Sproulの学部論文
- Reenix: Implementing a Unix-Like Operating System in Rust。 Alex Lightの学部論文。
- [Evaluation of performance and productivity metrics of potential programming languages in the HPC environment] (http://octarineparrot.com/assets/mrfloya-thesis-ba.pdf)。 Florian Wilkensの卒業論文。 C、 Go Rustを比較する
- Nom, a byte oriented, streaming, zero copy, parser combinators library in Rust。 Geoffroy CouprieによるVLCのための研究
- Graph-Based Higher-Order Intermediate Representation。 Rustに似た言語、Impalaで実装された実験的中間表現
- Code Refinement of Stencil Codes。 Impalaを使った別の論文
- Parallelization in Rust with fork-join and friends。 Linus Farnstrandの修士論文
- Session Types for Rust。 Philip Munksgaardの修士論文。Servoのための研究。
- Ownership is Theft: Experiences Building an Embedded OS in Rust - Amit Levy, et. al.