Stubble is a tool for node.js
to help aid in your unit testing. Stubble allows you
to require your source files in such a way that you can stub out any requirements you
choose to.
npm install stubble
Let's say you have a simple server script, server.js
var http = require('http');
server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.end('Hello World!');
server.listen(3000, '');
module.exports = server;
Obviously, this could be tricky to have written in a TDD fashion, as simply requiring
this script in your test would not work well. Stubble
to the rescue! First, create
a new Stubble
instance with a hash of any modules you want Stubble to intercept.
Assuming you are writing your tests in Jasmine
, your spec might start by looking something
like this:
var Stubble = require('stubble'),
req = {},
res = {
end: jasmine.createSpy('res.end')
server = {
listen: jasmine.createSpy('server.listen')
httpMock = {
createServer: jasmine.createSpy('http.createServer').andReturn(server)
stub = new Stubble({http: httpMock});
Now that you have your Stubble
instance, you can use this to require your
module and make assertions against it.
var returned = stub.require(__dirname+'/server');
describe('server', function() {
it('creates a server', function() {
it('calls res.end', function() {
http.createServer.mostRecentCall.args[0](req, res);
expect(res.end).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Hello World!');
it('starts the server', function() {
expect(server.listen).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3000, '');
it('exports the server', function() {
You can even make specific assertions about the require
calls that were made.
To run tests against this module, simply install all dependencies and run the package test script:
npm install -d # Only needs to be run once
npm test